2003/10/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:10460 Activity:nil 50%like:11536 |
10/3 Roy mauled by Tiger (Siegfried and Roy): http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/10/03/state0030EDT0231.DTL \_ finally, some small measure of justice for the animals. \_ how mean. \_ mean? you're talking about what they do to the animals, right? taking wild creatures that belong far far away from people and making them dance around on stage for the audience's delight every night and then into a tiny cage until the next show until they're too old to move and die? *that* is mean. getting your throat ripped out by such a creature is the risk he chose. the tiger ripping out his throat is simple natural justice. i'll bet you think its cool to see the animals at ringling brother's, too, huh? |
2003/10/4-5 [Health] UID:10461 Activity:nil |
10/3 So I'm a big time radio personality making $500 million on my current contract and I buy drugs from my maid instead of doctor shopping until I get the one that will prescribe what I want? My idiotic white trash mother in law manages to get all the drugs she can stand (or pass out on) through doctors, I think Rush could, too. \_ A. You don't know the facts of the case. So you have no idea on what is going on. B. It's obvious you are white trash. \_ BWAHAHHAHAHA!!! If you brought hitler into this you'd have a perfecta!! I read the stuff on the smoking gun which is more than you have. I love (B). That just fucking kills me. I'm totally fucking rolling! Thanks for making my day. You rock! |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:10462 Activity:nil |
10/3 Conservatives: read your hero's speech: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/10/20031003-4.html Can you honestly respect that? He talks as if his audience is a bunch of children. The guy is just bizarre. \_ I agree that his public speaking is insultingly stupid. Just remember: Bush is inarticulate, but he is not stupid -- he deliberately plays to the dumber segment of the public's desire not to feel inadequate. Welcome to anti-intellectualism in today's America. \_ you think he's smart enough to have a strategy like that? i think that appearances aren't deceiving in this case. it's easier for him to just act like himself than act like a smart person playing dumb, even if the net effect is about the same. \_ I don't believe he is capable of actually being intellectual, at least he's never demonstrated any high-level abilities. But he does have a kind of instinctive cunning, and people skills. \_ I'm not sure he can really help it. How does a child talk to other children? Anyway, I think he's more stupid than bizarre. \_ "There is no air raids on Air Force One" this guy went to fucking Harvard? Sheeet. \_ No, he went to Yale, get it right. Harvard >>> Yale. For many reasons. \_ and harvard. for MBA at least. note that Dean, Kerry, and Liebermann also went to Yale. \_ But they're all leftist heros so that's good! \_ Dean and Kerry going to Yale doesn't invalidate the fact that Harvard >>> Yale. And who the fuck cares about Liebermann anyway? \_ Yeah, he's just some Jew, right? Albeit, a Jew with about the same poll numbers as Dean and twice Kerry, but a Jew just the same. \_ He has politically outmaneuvered the Dems and other detractors repeatedly. If he wasn't so effective you would not be having such a hissy fit. He's ethical (for a politician), has a vision and principles. He understands he's not an intellectual. He has leadership qualities, is not an egomaniac like Clinton / Gore, and is comfotable enough to delegate to people more capable to him. His foreign policy has been impecabble, too bad he's such a lib demestically. We have had massive increases in government spending - isn't this what you want??? You libs should be full of glee with the increases in gov't. \_ Unfortunately, this is too true. His domestic policy sucks. His very first act was to raise *every* budget in the entire federal government by 4%, minimum. Some went higher. We should be slashing stupid wasteful governmeny budgets, not fluffing them more. And his open border policy is sheer insanity. I voted for him as a lesser-devil issue. When soccer moms start getting killed on the highways by illegals with valid driver's licenses then maybe they'll clue in. \_ why do you like him then? also it's more than not being intellec- tual. It's like he has trouble speaking and keeping basic trains of thought. \_ you need to be both incredibly naive and/or incredibly selfish to consider bush' entire gamut of foreign policy decisions as anything but knee-jerk, near-sited and destructive. as for his domestic policy, there isn't any money to even really talk about increased government. unless of course you mean national security and the military. you should hang out by union square in nyc sometime and watch the national debt grow. \_ he's already increased federal government. how much bigger should it get? you want socialism or communism? i'll bet you're a socialist but you're also opposed to all the Big Brother stuff that comes with a big gov'nt. \_ Right, because we all know that people can be easily classified in a mere handful of big economic theories. Grow up and realize that it's possible to want huge sweeping competent and efficient government programs _and_ decent privacy rights/civil liberties. \_ Huge, sweeping, competent, efficient, non-Big Brother government? You can want that, sure. I can want to win the powerball super lottery every month also. Our wants have nothing to do with the way the world really is, but I do admire your lust for paradox. Big, efficient, competent government. I'm guessing you're in school and never had a job at a place with more than 2 dozen people. \_ Oh yeah? Give an example of an efficient govt. program. (IRS doesn't count) \_ http://www.nist.gov i know several people who work at NIST and i think the taxpayer definitely gets his/her money's worth there. btw, i didn't read the rest of the thread, just saw your question and answered it. \_ You think NIST is big? It's a penny ante dinky little half baked government funded hangout for nerds with slide rules. I'm glad to hear they're really efficient nerds. |
2003/10/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:10463 Activity:nil |
10/3 For the truely lazy geeks: http://daimaoh.kir.jp/ho/menssom.htm \_ Truly lazy geeks don't read random links from japan that don't include a reason why we should read them. |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:10464 Activity:nil |
10/3 Greasy Canadians exempt from border controls: http://csua.org/u/4m6 \_ i know a canadian who got banned from crossing the border for being a dick to the border guards. yes, he's a dumbass. \_ Only the greasy ones? Is there a standard for greasiness? Maybe we should set up a government commission to study the issue? |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:10465 Activity:low |
10/3 bios-ain't-done-till-linux-won't-run http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/developer/0,39020387,39116902,00.htm \_ Time to adopt OpenBIOS \_ time for osX \_ what was the line from starwars: "The tighter they grasp, the more of them will slip through their fingers.." ? \_ Welcome to reality. That was a movie, this is life. \_ Get over it. Compaq SmartStart bios for Proliant servers has been WinNT-based forever now. If that's not enough, for once I'd suggest a big 'hooray' for the ChiCom electronics industry as a balancing factor. Combine (http://tinyurl.com/ppo7 - propaganda) with Red Flag Linux and you may realize that 1 billion screaming Chinese aren't going to be voluntarily shoehorned into having their pirate DVD PC game stations running Windows 2010. -John [formatd was here even though John should be able to self-f] \_ John apologizes, John was on way-too-wide xterm. John promises introspection and betterment in future. Please forgive John. And apparently URL is dead too--was meant to refer to Dragon CPU. future. Please forgive John. \_ fuck you, John. Number of Communist Party member in China is roughly around 100k. Consider we got 1.3+ billion people, it is so fucking unfair to label us that way. Years of Berkeley, you haven't learn how to seperate regime and the nation and its people. you white imperalist. Yes, you are. Based upon your logic, you are responsible for Iraq and Afghan, especially consider the regime is elected by people \_ Pardon me, but what the fuck are you talking about? Dragon CPU development is Chinese government sponsored, and the domestic electronics industry there is "strongly motivated" by various govt. trade bodies to compete with US commercial entities. Red Flag Linux is openly sponsored by the Chinese post office and other (government) organizations. Chinese government is, well, communist, or at least they say so. But if that pisses you off, I strongly apologize and take back my assertion that the Chinese (1 billion of them, and please _do_ point out where I said they're all commies) are smart enough to use technical alternatives to what M$ wants them to buy. And I should add that after years of Berkeley, I have a very solid understanding of politics, sociology and economics, and in contrast to you, a GRASP OF HOW TO WRITE A PROPER ENGLISH SENTENCE, YOU BLITHERING FUCKWIT. Eat a turd and wither, ChiCom troll. -John \_ um, I think you've been trolled, John. No one on the motd really writes English as badly as the above poster claims to. \_ law of averages. Idiots do exist. like you \_ yeah and uhm yeah so take that and that and that and you're a big bad white cracker racist and china isnt communist and john is evil whitey imperialist racist and cant format and has big bad whitey xterm format problem in afghan and iraq and Hey, did anyone see future. Please forgive John. my bag? I think I left it on the boat! |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:10466 Activity:nil |
10/3 Does anyone have a good link to a discussion of the pros & cons of giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants? I didn't hear about it until a couple of days ago, and it seems rather far- fetched, but someone must have presented some good reason or it wouldn't have happened, right? \_ RANT! GROWL! MESSICANS! GRRR!!!!! DAVIS!!!!! ARNOLD!!!! \_ pro: they're driving anyway and we need slave labor \_ That's it?!?!? If they're too broke to pay for insurance, what's the point of giving the license that will let them get insurance? And if they *do* get driver's licenses, what prevents the INS from tracking them and deporting them if they are illegal immigrants? \_ The INS? Nothing. You forgot about the importance of slave labor. \_ the INS bit is easy, you don't let the INS use the DL database. Other pros: if you make laws so that people stopped without a DL get checked in the INS system and deported, while poeple with DLs just get a speeding ticket, suddenly there are going to be a lot less unliscensed, uninsured drivers out there. \_ Like that would happen. They already don't deport illegals who have "established connections to the community". They just let em walk. Almost no one gets deported. There's never been a serious effort to stop the influx or kick out those who are found when anyone bothers looking. This is a load of bullshit. con: they shouldn't even be here, they're going to use it to vote, it can be used to elevate an illegal to the same level of concern in the government's eyes as tax paying citizens. \_ DL alone is not a valid enough id to register to vote. \_ Motor Voter! Howdy! That's all it takes. Fact. I'm a citizen voting every election for 15+ years and I've never showed anyone any real proof of anything to vote. \_ Anything which adds drivers to the road is bad. I don't care who they are. More drivers means more idiots on the roads and more pollution. We should raise the driving age to 18 to balance things out. \_ Under 18 drivers aren't a significant percentage of drivers out there. Furthermore, even if we increase age limit to 18, they're still going to be inexperienced drivers on the road. Yeah, they will be more mature, but still not confident on the road. \_ let's change the minimum driving age to 80, video tape it, sell the tapes, and use the revenue to pay for good public transit in california. this will also save money on health care for the elderly. \_ public transit can never entirely replace private transit. it cant *never* be that flexible due to it's very nature. \_ try visiting tokyo sometime. \_ the rest of the world isn't built like tokyo. try visiting *any* large American city. Actually, try visiting just small city, town, village, or farm in the US. Hint: this is a bigger place than tokyo and Not really. Ever seen Tokyo? -John _/ frankly who the hell wants to live like the japanese do? I'm a man, not a sardine. \_ what's really amazing is that i got three serious replies from my "let the elderly kill eachother on the roads" troll. \_ not really. that part was ignored but you can give yourself a few troll points if you like. its not like anyone keeps track or cares. |
2003/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:10467 Activity:nil |
10/3 I'm a linux person, and my work is requiring me to learn Solaris, which I have very little experience with. Any good books that you guys can recommend or courses offered in Bay Area? I need to learn Solaris 2.6 and 9, with emphasis on 9. Thanks. \_ planning skills are easily transferable. hardware references can be found online. I'd suggest picking up O'Reilly Essential System Administration. Lots of translation tables between "the Linux Way", "The Solaris Way", and so on.. BSD's, AIX, HP even. It's all the same beast. Also, there's plenty of solaris fu on wall. throw out a question sometime. \_ They're all the same for the most part. Are you just being a low level admin or they want you to run a veritas clustered database on multiple E10Ks? |
2003/10/4-5 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:10468 Activity:kinda low |
10/4 Interesting research regarding world petroleum supplies http://news.independent.co.uk/world/environment/story.jsp?story=449053 Whoever comes up with the best viable alternative to fossil fuels is going to be a gazillionaire, though I'm really curious (and a little wary) of what the "end of oil" might do to capitalism in general. \_ I'll read your link later but you understand various 'experts' have been predicting the "end of oil in the next 10 years" for at least 30 years now, right? As oil becomes harder to find and get out of the ground, it becomes more expensive and more money will be put into developing and subsidising other sources of energy (which *all* have their own problems) and life will go on. \_ Maybe you should read the link before you say anything - its about new estimates of the oil supply being far smaller than thought. If the oil starts running out in 2010, as they predict, the economic effects could be catastrophic. \_ That's what I'm saying. "Experts" have been saying exactly that since the early 70's. What's so different about this set of experts? Anyway, what I said still stands: if oil starts getting harder to pump in 2010, other energy sources will look more viable, tech advances and government subsidies will lower rates to economically viable ranges for the consumer and businesses and we'll go on. It doesn't matter what kind of power plant provides energy for your wall socket and hardly matters what powers your car. Changing cars to another fuel source will be the hardest part but it's not impossible or even close. Anyway, we'll just be swapping the problems oil causes for other problems from the replacement energy source. \_ I don't think we'll need to pave a sun-rich country to prove worldwide dominance \_ No, you'd just poison the rest of the planet with toxic sludge to produce all those solar panels. *EVERY* source of energy we currently have has problems. Solar isn't some magical clean source of free power. \_ Yes, they predicted that oil production would peak in 2010. Turned out that it peaked in like 2001 and has been going down since. Maybe it's just a local maxima, but add to that the new since. Maybe it's just a local minima, but add to that the new demand from China where people are starting to buy cars, and I am going to invest in China/oil/gas related stocks like IVAN. Instead of worrying about things I can't control, I am going to profit from it. This is kind of like the Economist repeatedly predicting the burst of the tech bubble in 1998 and 1999. They sucked at the timing, but eventually it did happen, and no, I don't think the world is ready for the oil supply drying up. There sucked at the timing, but eventually it did happen, and no, I don't think the world is ready for it. They will be a worldwide depression. will be a worldwide depression. \_ Uhhh, timing is everything moron. Everybody knew that the tech bubble would burst, like everyone knows that petrol supplies will dry up. The important question is when. \_ Easier said than done. I would rather be like Warren Buffet getting out of tech early even though it may mean giving up gains one may attain if one can time perfectly. Perfect timing is usually luck. Same principles apply to oil. \_ A. There's no such thing as "perfect timing." B. Timing is something that can be learned. If that wasn't the case, then all traders would trade equally good/bad over time. This is not the case. There are certain individuals who have winning strategies. Do they always time correctly? No. But they win often enough to know how to play the averages effectively. \_ A. In investing, I prefer the Warren Buffet / Peter Lynch way. I find myself very good and its potentially severe consequences, I would rather not leave it up to "traders" and "timers". mean giving up gains one may attain if one can time perfectly. Perfect timing is usually luck. Same principles apply to oil. at "trading" with hold times averaging around 1-month durations, but it takes a lot of work and time. B. In dealing with future oil shortage problems and its potentially severe consequences, I would rather not leave it up to "traders" and "timers". and its potentially severe consequences, I would rather not leave it up to "traders" and "timers". |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:10469 Activity:nil |
104/ http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/local/6929308.htm Because we know Americans aren't willing to do this sort of work, we _need_ illegals or nothing would ever get done. \_ definitely. I agree. - someone who thinks Rush is being unfairly mischaracterized. |
2003/10/4-5 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:10470 Activity:nil |
10/4 Heh, turns out those Arnie Hitler quotes were made up by his ex-business partner who was trying to sell a book. Time for lots of apologies all around on that one. I don't expect to see any from anyone in the media even after above the fold giant headlines. Maybe it'll be a page 9 blurb to correct their misunderstanding. \_ Even less reported was when Arnie broke up a neo-nazi gathering when he was 16 years old. \_ aren't these people legally culpable? also, is it legal to print a front page story claiming someone is a Nazi and then putting a tiny "correction" buried in the next issue? \_ There are some things in life a lawsuit can't correct. The election will be long over and any damage done long before they get to court. Anyway, I doubt he'd win anyway. We have a very free press in this country. \_ url? \_ Page 9 of the entertainment section of the LA Times this morning. |
2003/10/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10471 Activity:nil |
10/4 I love motdlogic. If someone suggested here that a bass guitar player would make an excellent software engineer without any training, you'd laugh him off the forum. But a bad action movie actor to run the the world's fifth largest economy? That's a-ok! \_ Yeah, I've reconsidered and now Arnie is my last-place choice for replacement. A guy who knows nothing, won't debate, and doesn't even have any record of leadership (being an actor is about following directions), not got my vote. \_ You forgot the number one rule: anyone the press hates *that* much has to be doing *something* right. \_ yeah, like Saddam, or Hitler \_ Welcome to democracy. \_ he's also ahead in the polls in the most populous state in the U.S. i don't see why you're blameing the motd. he's probably less popular on the motd than in california at large. \_ So should we only vote for economists or politicians? I'd be fine with only voting for economists. But since when do economists run for public office? \_ This is contrary to what was intended when this country was founded. The idea was that serving in public office was a duty, like jury duty, not a career. They never intended for career politicians to exist. Term limits were an attempt to resurrect the concept but the term limit laws didn't go far enough. Right idea, though. \_ Obviously you know nothing about government. Term limits are an exceedingly bad idea, and it is what got us into this mess. The government is the largest entity you have to deal with, and people need time to learn the ropes. If term limits were implemented in the federal level the House would be a non-functional body. There needs to be, and should be career politicians. If you don't like it then maybe we should hand over government to you and you can try to deal with the daily headaches of governing. \_ The House is already a non-functioning body. WTF are you talking about? It's *you* who doesn't know how the government works. You think it was really cool to have a doddering vet of the War of 1812 in there for a few centuries like Strom? Get your two or three terms and get the hell out. It should be like jury duty, not a place to suck off the public teat and drink in the power for life. Shit, I even think Strom was kind of funny at times and here and there he did do some good things, but 60+ years in office? Fuck that. \_ Though if anything, term limits as currently implemented have just made special interests more powerful, because newly elected candidates are that much more beholden to the money that got them into office. We need serious, hardcore campaign finance laws for term limits to be effective, but the courts seem dead set against that. Also, things are a lot different than they were in 1792. \_ I agree term limits alone aren't enough. I had this very same conversation over dinner tonight. However, I don't agree that things are different from 1792. People are still people, power still corrupts and absolute etc etc etc. Some things never change. Like old crusty career politicians. \_ Yeah, but the country is something like 200 times as large population wise as it was in 1792. You don't think that General Motors needs the same corporate structure as the mom and pop grocery down the street do you? Our government is large and complicated enough to require career politicians. Note that I have change my position on this after watching what has happend to California since we instituted term limits. -AML \_ Career politicians don't run the country. The beaurocrats do. That's why you end up with so many fucked up laws. The people voting on them already don't don't what they're voting on or what effect the bills might have so how is being in office for a few decades good for the rest of us? courts seem dead set against that. |
2003/10/4-6 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:10472 Activity:moderate |
10/4 RCS question: I've checked out (with a lock) revision 1.4 of a file which has a revision 1.9. I want to check it in as revision 1.10 and unlock it. I thought this would work: ci -r1.4 -u1.10 test-contact.html but I get an error "ci: warning: redefinition of revision number" and revision 1.4 is still locked. I know RCS by default makes a new branch when you save changes to an old revision, but I want to keep the tree structure linear. Any pointers as to what I'm doing wrong? general question: how to check in a file and set the revision to the next main "trunk?" branch. \_ How about: $ mv test-contact.html test-contact.sav $ co -l test-contact.html $ mv test-contact.sav test-contact.html $ ci test-contact.html \_ not quite what I was looking for. I'd like a \_ ok, but that's not quite what I was looking for. I'd like a method that uses the ci and co or RCS commands? Thanks.. \_ A much simpler question: What's the best way to make a new revision 1.10 that hass the contents of rev 1.4. In other words "how to jump a previons revision to the top"? \_ co -l file; co -u1.4 file; ci file \_ Aah. Excellent! You rock. you saved the day -op \_ A general way that works with cvs too: method that uses the ci and co or RCS commands? Thanks.. words "how to jump a previons revision to the top"? \_ Aah. Excellent! You rock. you saved the day -op co -p1.4 file > file; ci file |
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