2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10408 Activity:high |
10/1 Oh gawd. Check http://latimes.com for an Arnold expose on his treatment of women. I still might vote for him, though, as bad as it is. \_ Don't be a hater. \_ *laugh* If it was ok for Bill Clinton, if it was ok for the entire Kennedy clan, then I say it's ok for Arnold! \_ Wow. You have no idea what 'consent' means, do you? I pity your SO. \_ Reading problem? Don't they teach basic reading comprehension to freshmen anymore? \_ For Clinton, it was consensual. For Arnold, that's sexual harassment. \_ Monica worked for him. It's called "sexual harassment" when it's your boss's dick you're sucking or his cigar going into your vagina. I noticed you ignored the entire Kennedy clan's many decades of rape and murder. What about that? Were those rapes consentual? \_ What a bullshit rationalization. \_ Go look up "sarcasm". \_ The funny thing is this was on wall a month ago. It was reported in a UK paper back in August. See: http://tinyurl.com/kj1n And no new information in the Times. Why is the Times reporting it now? \_ "The Times did not learn of any of the six women from Schwarzenegger's rivals in the recall race. And none of the women approached the newspaper on her own. Reporters contacted them in the course of a seven-week examination of Schwarzenegger's behavior toward women on and off the movie set." \_ So they didn't report or even refer to the UK paper's story until the week before the election? Because they wanted in-depth info? They didn't add any details to the UK story. The timing is just a bit suspicious. \_ My impression was that the LA Times reporters re-interviewed the people from the UK story, and uncovered new examples of Arnold's bad behavior. As for the timing, you could say they were trying to get as many examples as they could before the election. \_ Which means they planned to release it shortly before the election, and hence timed it for most political clout. They could have easily issued a preliminary story and then had a big followup. \_ That wouldn't be politically expedient. \_ Which means they planned to release it shortly before the election, and hence timed it for most political clout. They could have easily issued a preliminary story and then had a big followup. |
2003/10/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:10409 Activity:nil |
10/1 some dead threads cleaned near the end. no it's not censorship if no one has posted to it in 12+ hours. |
2003/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:10410 Activity:nil |
10/1 Under XP, the status bar at the bottom of my IE keeps disappearing on its own. How can I stop it from doing this? \_ just a guess, but try opening a folder, selecting View | Status Bar, then doing Tools | Folder Options | Apply to all folders. \_right click the mouse on the task bar and select properties to change it. \_ OP said status bar, not task bar. |
2003/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:10411 Activity:nil |
10/1 In Perl, what does "\%hash" mean? \_ delayed evaluation of $hash in some eval code probably \_ Perl Reference? http://www.uic.edu/depts/accc/seminars/perliii/references.html |
2003/10/2 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10412 Activity:nil 83%like:10426 |
10/1 WMD FOUND! http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34881 Take that, you liberals! \_ how many different times have they claimed simaller things? What about that strange boat that was uspopsed to be floating in the gulf FILLED with WMDs? What about all those WMDs that that turned out to be fertelizer? \_ Judging by the other stories on the site, this paper's not the most credible thing around. Let's see what the story looks like when reported by a more respected source. \_ Saying "$60 million in chemical weapons" is stupid. Joe Sixpack is supposed to go "OOH SIXTY MILLION THAT'S A LOT", but how much is that? A pint of sarin? Is there a "commodity market" where we can convert this into real information instead of bullshit money numbers? This reminds me of the news stories about drug seizures with absolutely ridiculous dollar values in them. --aaron \_ Isn't that what about 20 mp3's are worth according to the RIAA lawsuites? \_ top headline on http://worldnetdaily.com "'Baby Samuel' speaks before Senate panel Remarkable photo showed boy's hand reaching from womb during surgery " \_ You've got to love their book promotion: "Who really killed JFK?" \_ We can do without leftists posting from known crap sites pretending to be something else. "Take that, you liberals!"? WTF conservative would *ever* say something so infantile? The insult is not that you'd do such a lame job pretending to be a conservative but that you see as us being that stupid. If we were as stupid as you would like to think we'd have Darwin'd out decades ago. Go post your own pro-lefty trolls. You'll note no conservative replies attempting to defend this nonsense. You're just masturbating the other leftists. --real conservative \_ This is the funniest post all week. Thank you! \_ uh, yeah thanks, whatever, I'm also the anonymous motd comic \_ You have obviously not spent much time on the Free Republic website. But hey, you gotta admit that it was a good troll. \_ I visited and rejected free republic. They're mostly not conservatives, which is a philosophy, but haters no different than the spewage on the motd from the leftists here. --rc |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10413 Activity:nil |
10/1 President Bush supports medical liability reform. SHOULDN'T YOU??? link:www.csua.org/u/4l9 \_ Snore. troll troll troll. boring. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:10414 Activity:nil |
10/1 http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_822534.html \_ I heard a story about this on NPR. The picture is better. \_ lol. The Russian text says: "A magazine about how money's made" Now, -thats- funny. _/ |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:10415 Activity:kinda low |
10/1 I got a stupid question. There are more than 40 states in USA suffering budget crisis. Why California governor is the only one get recalled? \_ An aside here: Did you know $87 billion would cover the deficits of all 50 states combined? \_ it's an order of magnitude problem. \_ California's economy is an order of magnitude, if not more, larger than many of those States. Further, California's economy was concentrated on high-tech sector. Granted, Davis is not nearly as effective as, let say, Pete Wilson. But using budget crisis as the ground for recall when the budget crisis arises due to severe lack of capital gains and sales taxes than lavishing state spending? --OP, not a Davis fan. \_ From 1993-94 to 2000-01 spending increased from $47.3 billion to $80.1 billion. As a percentage of budget, CA's deficit is among the 6 worst (with OR, NV, TX, AL, and WI). What say you? --dim \_ the business week article 2 weeks ago said that CA spending between the same period you quoted increases on average 1% per year. Now I am *REALLY* confused. -kngharv \_ http://www.bailard.com/CA%20muni%20market%20piece_2003.pdf \_ how about revenue drop? can anyone give me a lead on where i can find info like that? \_ From $75.7 billion to $65.8 billion. I've seen other, but similar numbers like $66.6 billion. http://www.nctimes.net/news/2003/20030309/52655.html \_ you are ignoring the rising costs and population in CA since 1994. \_ Rising population should mean rising revenues, unless you mean there are more freeloaders now. In fact, revenues have almost doubled and yet we are still outspending them. \_ That was the case in 2000 when there was a surplus. But now it turned into rising unemployment benefits. \_ Higher energy price is part of the reason. \_ heck, gasoline was $1.20 in 1993. \_ And under $1.00 in 2001. Your point? \_ those 5 other states are not recalling their govenors. \_ Other governors don't have the power crisis (for good or bad) hanging over their head. Also, there is no politician who is as uncharismatic as Davis; he really has no friends, so he's easy to kick while he's down. \_ I would think the power "crisis" should be hanging over the head of Pete Wilson and the Bush appointed FERC. \_ I'm sure you would think that. \_ Yawn. He's not being recalled because we're in debt. He's being recalled for being a criminal, for selling out the state in such a huge way to special interests, for selling his signature, for telling the Big Lie one too many times, and for being so cynical \_ Is this some homosexual code word? \_ no it makes other politicians look good by comparison. This is so old. It's been discussed over and over. Please stop the really lame loaded questions with the pre-loaded assumptions. \_ How is he "a criminal"? I don't like Davis either, but don't get ahead of yourself here, chippy. \_ When there's quid pro quo cash for his political support and it's so blatant (Davis opposes measure, business reps show up and write $100k check, Davis signs bill next day) then it's criminal. Keep up with the news. Chippy, indeed. \_ Funny. When Wilson did this it was called free speech. \_ And when Bush gets whopping donations from oil lobbies, no one bats an eye. \_ And give government contracts to his friend companies to rebuild iraq. What is company did Cheney work for as CEO? How is that company doing? \_ He has not been arrested or charged with any crime. Calling him a criminal just makes you look stupid. \_ And BC lied in a federal court. And several in the Kennedy family have raped or killed someone. So what? Powerful people never go to jail or get charged. You're very naive if that's your standard. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10416 Activity:nil |
10/1 Let's say Davis gets recalled and some republican, presumabley Arnie, gets elected. Then some democrates get together and decide to have a recall in a couple months. they succeed, beating arnie with some wildly popular democrat celebrity. This pisses off the republicans, who then stage another recall and take over with an even more amazing republican celebrity, etc. etc. etc. when does it stop? doesn't anyone see this as a bad direction to go in, even if you hate davis and happen to like one of the potential replacements? In civilised states removing the governor from office ins something only the state legislature can do. \_ It stops when Arnold takes over because the people won't do another recall. It simply won't pass. Arnold doesn't have a lengthy and well documented record of crimes against the people of this state. \_ yeah except for molesting all those women. And violating his immigration. \_ urlP \_ you can't violate immigration laws in CA. we don't have any. and he's a kennedy now so what he did to those women fits right in with the rest of his family. \_ wow, you just figured this out? \_ it dopesn't stop. we're doomed. \_ when the democrats grow up, it'll stop \_ From this comment, it sounds like it's not just the Demos that need to grow up. \_ You make it sound like its easy to get a recall election ceritifed. \_ And it is. \_ Which is why it's only happened once but it's been tried dozens of times. At least pretend to know something. \_ Dozens of times? Cite, please. \_ The sky is blue. Go read a fucking newspaper. It's been mentioned in dozens of articles. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10417 Activity:kinda low |
10/1 Iraq: What Went Wrong http://www.nybooks.com/articles/16650 \_ need help here. don't speak english. What are the units, or number of men in a: regiment ~4000 brigade ~6000 division ~20000 \_ These are all for the US Army. Each military has a different structure. \_ thanks. this means, according to Clark, we didn't have that many people fighting in Iraq when the war started. \_ WOW. that was a good article. If he wrote even half of that, rather than being all written by speechwriters/assistants, he's one heckuva candidate \_ his opinion on Iraq war is highly regarded. although personally i can't make a good connection between a good general and a good president. \_ general and president are both administrative jobs. sure beats failed oil company executive, AWOL texas air national guardsman/draft dodger, and playboy millionaire. \_ sorry, but no. they're bother leadership roles. if we needed administrative types we would've voted Gore in. \_ we DID vote gore in. GWB somehow stole the election! \_ OMG! WTF! LOL! \_ Coming from the guy who lobbed 100+s millions in tomahawks and destroye, apart from bridges, hospitals, water plants etc. a few tanks. This against the Christian Serbs who rescued downed allied pilots in WWII. What a joke. |
2003/10/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:10418 Activity:nil |
10/1 Oh man. Just go look at the Drudge Report right now. \_ Standard hatchet job on a right wing figure. If he was a leftist hollywood actor, it'd be a paragraph in the entertainment section. It's just business as usual. Move along. Nothing new to see here. \_ If he was a holywood actor his fame would revolve around ranting about those evil drug addled liburhals. \_ I don't see what you are talking about... \_ Some big full page thing about Rush and drugs. As per usual Drudge there wasn't a complete story, just bits. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:10419 Activity:nil |
10/1 Does anyone have any good urls to why Davis sucks? Democratic URLs are a plus. -reg'd dem. \_ what's the free east bay rag that has "savage love" in it? Check their website, the recent issue has an article that talks a bit about my "favorite" example of Davis's incomptetance/criminality (the oracle bribe). The funny thing is that although Davis is the worst govenor we have had in my lifetime, and is everything bad that people *think* is bad about republicans vis-a-vis big business. There is *nothing* that is known about him now that wasn't known before the last election when he was elected. \_ Simon was just a weak candidate and even so came close. \_ Yep. Simon was worse than weak. He outright lied in his attacks against Davis. Any halfway decent candidate would've beaten Davis. Blame the Repubs for that one. \_ From FTCR, more a consumer rights website, but still good stuff: http://www.ftcr.org/insurance/pr/pr003676.php3 http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/utilities/nw/nw002082.php3 Oh man, there are too many to list here. Just type "Davis" in the searchbar. \_ Is this a troll or are you serious? What state have you been living in for the last few years? The sky is still blue. \_ yes, this is serious. i see people bash davis mostly on car tax, electricity, and recently, drivers licenses for illaliens... i am looking more for the lies and big business links. \_ go see Davis and Oracle. Davis and the prison unions. Davis and the teacher's union. Davis and (insert special interest here). Anyway, you don't think the issues you came up with are more than enough? Are you a masochist? How much more abuse would you like to see inflicted on the citizens of this once great state? |
2003/10/2-4 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:10420 Activity:moderate |
10/2 Time for laptop opinions again--I'm looking for something lightweight and solid that will let me run FreeBSD and VMware/WinXP nicely. I don't need a CD drive. Main conditions are trackpoint rather than trackpad, and weight less than 4 lbs/2kg. I'm considering an IBM X31; only problem is that it's "only" got a 1.4 PIV. Any opinions on similar laptops from personal experience would be greatly appreciated. -John \_ I'm using Virtual PC 5.x. Works way better than the crap VMware is pushing. I don't know of any decent laptops that still use the old style thumb breakers. \_ Side note: on the video card comments from a while ago...I'm currently playing Halo on my laptop (Radeon 7500M chipset). I have to turn off many of the features (and it's not a DX9 chipset) but it plays great. Mostly I'm missing the eye candy (which look great on my Radeon 9800 at work). \_ GFX card doesn't have to be stellar--I have a good home machine for games. Virtual PC is nice, agreed, but it does not run on top of FreeBSD. -John \_ Why make your life so complicated? Get a Macintosh. You'll get access to the majority of dekstop applications that the majority of users care about and you still will maintain full compatibility with unix apps which, using tools like fink, are trivial to install on OS X. \_ Because it costs about $1000 more for similar hardware? \_ Apple's low-end hardware is pretty competitively priced, but none of it is under 4 pounds. -tom \_ Nonsense. Please show me a Powerbook comparable laptop priced at $1000. or iBook class laptop sold for $300. \_ Only if your benchmark is crap that Dell mostly makes or similar. \_ Couple things: 1. IBM X-series, as far as I know, never equipped with P4 CPU. I think it has something to do with how much heat p4 dissipated. X-series went from P3M straight to Pentium-M. 2. There is a Pentium-M version of X31. I am not sure can it support booting from an external, USB CD writer or not. 3. Dell has something that is similiar in spec. I vaguely remember it is called X300. Pentium M/12.1" screen. Dell is lighter 1.7kg vs IBM's 2.2 kg. The down side, if you call it, is that Dell doesn't have dedicated video memory. 4. Personally, I prefer IBM's build quality and its keyboard. \_ why do you like the keyboard? I hate the ibm keyboard. I am still not used to the the left control key. \_ personal choice. "Personally I[he] prefer[s] ..." Having said that, IBM recently moved the notebook production from Taiwan to the mainland China. Not that I have anything against China, but I heard their first couple batchs was not up to the par (common issue when one moved its manufacturing facilities). So, when you are hunting for bargain, becareful. email me if you have more questions. -kngharv |
2003/10/2-4 [Transportation/Car] UID:10421 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 Why is the waterpump usually changed the same time as the timing belt? Isn't it a pretty reliable part? \_ The belt needs to be removed to change the pump. So if the pump fails then you get your timing belt changed whether you need to or not. It's a matter of convenience and will save you money. Have the nearby seals changed, too. It costs almost nothing and if one leaks on your new belt it will cause it to slip. --dim \_ how much for the seals? \_ Less than $100 parts+labor \_ Because it's hard to get to it. You don't want to pay the labor twice. But I guess you know that already, and yes, I wish they just build the part such that it last for 16 years. \_ fyi, my water pump was messing up, this jammed up my timing belt, I had to replace both parts again, this time from a good mechanic \_ by the way I called the guy up and he said the aftermarket belt is $100 cheaper, but don't last as long. Any reason why OEM belt would last longer? \_ Boy, he's riding you for a good one. How can aftermarket timing belts be $100 cheaper when the OEM belt costs about $20? \_ Depends on the car. What car do you have, op? \_ pony up. the timing belt is very important. you're supposed to only be changing it only every 60K-90K miles. who knows how crappy the non-OEM belt is (and whether it was > $100 cheaper for them to buy); and your mechanic is actually warning you \_ pony up. the belt is very important. you're supposed to only be changing it every 60K-90K miles. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10422 Activity:nil |
10/2 "During the production of the 1991 mega-blockbuster Terminator 2: Judgment Day, a producer on that film recallfortyish female crew member, who was wearing a silk blouse. Arnold went up to the woman, put his hands inside her blouse, and proceeded to pull her breasts out of her bra. Another observer says, "I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This woman's nipples were exposed, and here's Arnold and a few of his clones laughing. I went after the woman, who had run to the shelter of a nearby trailer. She was hysterical but refused to press charges for fear of losing her job. It was disgusting." Arnold the Barbarian: Premiere Magazine March 2001 \_ confirmed by Arnold, he's behaved badly.. voting for McClintock \_ confirmed by Arnold where? url-p \_ that he was a bad boy, but he doesn't identify specific occurrences \_ Right... So saying this story is confirmed by Arnold is a ... tad misleading. Don't you think? \_ It's all over the news. Check yahoo news. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10423 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 Anybody want to waste your vote? That poll below gave me an idea. You can write in a candidates name. I'm tempted to write in "!psb". I wonder if they'll tally those. -psb #1 fan \_ Pffft! You're not the real psb #1 Fan. His *real* #1 Fan would never suggest a write in for !psb. His Greatness, the psb, would be governor of this small state if he chose to. --psb #1 Fan \_ let's all write in "John Smith" \_ John Galt. \_ Who is John Galt? \_ "Jedi" \_ since this is a circus, how about Dumbo? \_ How about Krusty? |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10424 Activity:high |
10/2 So Arnie groped women. So what? Clinton also groped women and used a cigar on Lewinsky. I'm still voting for Arnold. \_ for me the "so what" is that the same ultra-conservative republican power brokers that were willing to go to any lengths to bring down Clinton over this not only don't care, but are 100% behind him. why doesn't that seem to bother anyone? \_ Will. To. Power. \_ Please name these nameless ultra conservative power brokers. \_ See, most people have this notion of "consent", and they think it's important. Without "consent" it's called "assault". Tune in tomorrow when we discuss what a "lie" is and why it's bad when used to start a "war". \_ They don't call it assault in france, italy, japan, etc. It's just normal there. \_ Why are they speaking out only now? I mean, they never filed charges or spoke out (even anonymously) until now. Just because he's running for gov, it's only now important the truth be revealed? I guess being violated by only a big-shot actor is not enough to demand justice. \_ How long did it take for Flowers or Jones to come forward? \_ A few weeks. \_ I hope someday a woman you love has a long talk with you about what it can be like to come forward with this type of allegation. That is if you know any women. --aaron \_ My wife was grabbed on campus. She went straight to the cops and somehow isn't permanently psychologically damaged for life. She doesn't walk around calling herself a victim or go to therapy 5 times a week. Weird, huh? \_ Several of the women came out anonymously, according to the LA Times article, so it's not like we know who they are. All I'm wondering is what the motivation is. It isn't solely because of what happened to them. \_ Stop pretending to be dense about it. You can't imagine why a woman who felt taken advantage of by Arnold might feel he isn't fit to be governor? How she might consider paying the pain of coming forward due to the prospect of him being elected? --aaron \_ *laugh* Do you feel their pain, aaron? \_ Have you ever actually talked with a real girl? People are a lot more complicated than sheep, even the blow up kind that you're probably more familiar with. Especially in regard to trauma where the victim is often more socially stigmatized than the criminal. -sax \_ Any reason you talk to traumatized girls, sax? Are you looking for a cheap lay on the rebound, or are you just that kind of sensitive new age guy? \_ Which still begs the question of why they came out. You're saying they value politics more than their personal pain. \_ Stop Trolling. \_ It's a valid point. Calling it a troll doesn't magically make it go away. What you simple mindedly call a troll is the very thing being debated, fool. \_ Paula Jones charged that there wasn't consent. While defending himself from the lawsuit, Clinton lied about Lewinsky and tried to get her to lie about it. That's a bit worse. \_ technically, a bj isn't sexual intercourse, so he sort of told a half-truth instead. \_ Don't get all lawyerly on us. You're now comparing a bj of an intern that worked for BC to some random and nameless women who, days before we vote, suddenly start claiming he touched them. Gee, what a shocker. \_ did you miss the part below where this is old news? It's only sudden news in the American media. \_ Let's put the woman issues aside for now. Do you want someone spends $100k on car washes annually, $4k on haircut, etc to manage your state's budget? If he's elected, I wouldn't be surprised if he authorizes a hummer for every elected officials. \_ 1) you're stupid, there's a difference between what he does with his own money, and our money . . . just like there is a difference between how he runs his businesses and his personal life. \_ TBD. 2) if he authorizes hummers, then I'm running for office (for either kind). \_ Does it bother you that BC held up airport traffic so he could get a haircut? \_ You know this never happened right? \_ I know for a fact it did, thanks. History isn't so easily rewritten. \_ it didn't cost us $87b. \_ good way to divert the topic and ignore the point. well no, not really actually since you're busted doing it. \_ i fear the candidate who wants to make money being Governor so he can do the things you describe \_ Arnold has lots of money and he is doing that already. What I fear is not Arnold but his *advisors*. You see, Arnold is not going to run California. He is just a puppet. "When your muscles feel like they are about to explode, when you are sure that you can't do another rep, you stop- Only if you want to come in second place." -Arnold Schwarzenegger. \_ Uhm, no. I don't. \_ gropes or not, you have to admire him. -ax |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10425 Activity:very high |
10/2 Let's see, in the last week we've had: The Plame Affair Rush gets fired from ESPN for being a racist Rush gets exposed as a pill popper Arnold admits being a groper and harasser of women Kay says WMD will not be found in Iraq Iraqis riot outside police station claiming bribes required to apply Yay for right wing meltdown week! \_ Neo-cons are just trying to make republicans look bad temporarily so people will either keep Davis or put in Bustamante. That way they can still blame the mess in California on the Democrats when Bush runs for re-election. Just a theory. ;) \_ You read alt.conspiracy every day too, huh? \_ Nope, just naturally paranoid. \_ - Claims of Rush being a racist are absurd--the comment was on the media. The criticisms of Rush's comment have been racist. \_ "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well." -Rush Limbaugh racism 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination prejudice 2 a (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge \_ The second part of the quote: "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team." --- Anyone that knows football knows that this is blatantly wrong. McNabb has been incredible on the field. This is Rush showing his bias against black QB's, and then not understanding why everyone else was saying he was so good, and therefore attributing the media accolades to media racism. -nivra \_ whether Rush is right or not on his opinion is irrelevant. The question is whether his statements are racist or not. Rush's statements never implied that McNabb is bad because he is black. he was talking about the media. In fact, Rush thinks McNabb is good, but not as good as he is portrayed by the media \_ His statement belies the fact that he has a lower opinion of McNabb's worth than the media. His attribution of this difference due to race belies the fact that he thinks about race himself, and believes that the media does as well. This is racial prejudice. -nivra \_ Wow, that's a cool way to flip everything on it's head! Rhetoric 100 with Jameson? \_ Rush's opinion: McNabb = +3 Media Perception: McNabb = +6 Rush's goal: explain the +3 difference between reality and perception. Rush thinks McNabb is good, but not +6 good. \_ That's double-plus good, brother. \_ Ignoring the point, but nice attempt at creating a false reply with a witty literary reference. \_ Agreed. The charge of racism lies in how he chose to explain the extra +3. The fact that his knee-jerk reaction was media "race" bias, combined with the other factors I mentioned below, such as his implicit support of people who have outright expressed racism, such as Lott (albeit when he let his guard down), point to the fact that he is most _likely_ racist. Not definitely, just likely. -nivra \_ If being knee-jerk about accusations of racism makes one racist, then just look to your left to find all the racism you can stand. \_ let's face it. We all have prejudices of some sort. all of us, white, yellow, black. I guess the Right thinks that the Left only thinks the Right is racist. In reality, we all have prejudiced views one way or another. The Left is as guilty as the Right in these things. \_ I can read the dictionary, moron. His comment is that the media is making a bigger deal of the QB than they should because of his race (that is, the press want to present a good example of a black QB). That is a criticism that the media is racist. \_ Analogous statement: "Colin Powell only got appointed because he was black." \_ Your analogy would be better if Colin Powell was an elected official --aaron \_ fixed. \_ except it's still wrong. \_ And before Rush stuck his stupid head into this, nobody had mentioned race at all. McNabb was judged on his acheivements as an *individual*. Only after the dumbass made his "commentary" was McNabb being judged as a *representative of the black race.* *Rush* is the one obsessed with race, not the sports media. Clearly you are NOT a football fan or a follower of the sport. \_ He's not saying that and you know. He was commenting on the press making the guy into a better athlete than he is *because the press* wants to see a black QB doing well. Anything else is from your own head. \_ I'm a different poster from the above. I agree that his comments are more directed towards the media overhyping black quarterbacks than a statement on McNabb being not good because he is black. \_ But the media isn't overhyping black quarterbacks. \_ But they are. \_ ... which is why he's racist. \_ You have terrible logic. The media isn't overhyping black quarterbacks. This implies that Rush thinks that McNabb is not as good as he really is. This does not imply at all that he thinks that McNabb is not good because he's black. Rush may have thought that. But he certainly didn't say that or even imply it. -not generally someone to defend Rush \_ Mm, I think it's pretty clear that Rush is suggesting there's some sort of affirmative-action effect going on for the black person. \_ That doesn't make him racist. I know that affirmative action Logically, you are correct. _/exists. I know that some You cannot conclude that minorities got into Berkeley Rush must be a racist from because of their race. I mean his statement. However, this is a fact. I know this taking into account: fact. Therefore, I'm racist? 1) He was wrong about the I know. This is different presumed media bias. because Rush was wrong about the 2) His reasoning that affirmative action, but it still identified race as the doesn't make him racist. Maybe most likely reason for he thinks that McNabb isn't his assumed media that good (maybe because he's overestimation. racist, or maybe because he doesn't 3) His history record of like the Eagles, who knows). And conservativeness, and then he thinks that the media has support of conservatives a bias towards blacks. He puts who have been blatantly these 2 ideas together. That's not racist. enough to conclude that he's racist. One can conclude it is \_ I agree. -- not white likely that he iss a racist \_ me too., or at the minimum, has \_ You go through such logical racial prejudices. -nivra contortions to defend this idiotic \_ are you saying that windbag, and then you wonder why conservatives are black people think white folks racist? are out to get them. \_ reread, then see Lott, \_ Please see the definitions Trent & Dixiecrats -op of racism and prejudice again. \_ see new upcoming thread \_ dude, this is hard to \_ format. how do you do 2: discriminatory or abusive it? behavior towards members of another race. overwrite-mode _/ I don't see Rush being a racist based on -nivra the definition of racist. exists. I know that some minorities got into Berkeley because of their race. I mean this is a fact. I know this fact. Therefore, I'm racist? I know. This is different because Rush was wrong about the \_ he's controvserial because he has opinions that not everyone shares, only about 25 million people listen to his radio show every day. affirmative action, but it still doesn't make him racist. Maybe he thinks that McNabb isn't that good (maybe because he's racist, or maybe because he doesn't like the Eagles, who knows). And then he thinks that the media has a bias towards blacks. He puts these 2 ideas together. That's not \_ The statement is actually more clearly described as "racially insensitive". However, some of the secondary definitions of "racist" cover racially insensitive remarks. \_ "racially insensitive" is a meaningless phrase. it means whatever a self-created victim wants it to mean. enough to conclude that he's racist. \_ I agree. \_ Thanks, so your answer is "zero, but I read what some other guys think!" \_ I agree. -- not white \_ me too. \_ You go through such logical contortions to defend this idiotic windbag, and then you wonder why black people think white folks are out to get them. \_ Please see the definitions of racism and prejudice again. \_ \_ dude, this is hard to \_ Please see the definitions format. how do you do of racism and prejudice again. \_ What part of "independently confirmed" do you not understand? \_ You know what an "allegation" is? It's what the National Enquirer reports after paying off someone's maid. it? \_ 2: discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race. I don't see Rush being a racist based on the definition of racist. \_ irrelevant whether or not it is true that the media is overhyping black quarterbacks. it is just an opinion. he was hired by ESPN to be controversial and not a typical sports commentator patsy. \_ The reason he's "controversial" is because he's bigoted. \_ what about all those people and sports writers trying to promote the "Great White Hope" \_ I'm a Tom voter. I still think doing a hit job a few days before the vote is incerdibly transparent. \_ Rush *IS* a racist. Period. He is also a homophobe. His show is filled with hateful comments, with hints of truth in them. A hint of truth != a pound of objective reality. \_ He may be a racist, but the statement he is being criticized for was not racist. \_ The statement is actually more clearly described as "racially insensitive". However, some of the secondary definitions of "racist" cover racially insensitive remarks. \_ Curious, how many hours have you listened to his show? \_ http://www.fair.org/articles/limbaugh-color.html - Rush story about pills is in the National Enquirer. Please, if you're going to discount conservative sources, discount tabloids too at least. \_ Which took 7 weeks and only got printed a week from the election? You really believe the LA Times isn't grinding an axe and this is good journalism?? - The Arnold story is old--it's troubling, but so is the holding back of the story until the week before the election. \_ Idiot. Even Fox is covering this: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,98871,00.html \_ "The New York Daily News, without identifying its source, reported Thursday that Limbaugh was being investigated by the Palm Beach County (search) state attorney's office. The newspaper said it had independently confirmed the allegations, which were first reported by the supermarket tabloid the National Enquirer." Source is still the National Enquirer. \_ What part of "independently confirmed" do you not understand? - The Arnold story is old--it's troubling, but so is the holding back of the story until the week before the election. \_ Tell that to all the women he humiliated and who didn't pursue charges for fear of losing their job. "What could you do? He was the highest-paid actor in the world. I was a peon," [one victim] said. "The only thing you could do is stay away from him." \_ Wah! A week before an election I've got no sympathy. If they were so concerned we should've heard about it 2 months ago (or more). But that wouldn't have been politically useful. \_ Actually, we did hear about his behavior. Anyway Arnie admitted it. But if you already thought Arnie is the sort of person you want to see be the governor, I doubt this information would change your mind. Arnie has too much subconscious goodwill from being a movie star. \_ It was in a UK newspaper shortly after he announced his candidacy. The LA Times just sat on it to release it 1 week before the election. \_ You could also say that the LA Times had spent the last seven weeks collecting as many cases as they could, so Arnold couldn't just dismiss it as an isolated incident. The reporters wanted to show a lifetime pattern of behavior. Irrespective of the political edge to it, doesn't it change voters opinions of Arnold, especially for the women voters? \_ Then why was there no new information in the LA Times story? It had the same info as the UK story. \_ The general idea is the same, but the specific examples are either reconfirmed through re- interviews, or entirely new. - In Kuwait, WMD smugglers were caught trafficking $60M of chemical weapons OUT of Iraq. \_ Which has about as much credibility as the Enquirer story, so shut the hell up. - (I haven't heard the Iraqi police story) |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10426 Activity:nil 83%like:10412 |
10/1 WND FOUND! http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34881 Take that, you liberals! \_ how many different times have they claimed simaller things? What about that strange boat that was uspopsed to be floating in the gulf FILLED with WMDs? What about all those WMDs that that turned out to be fertelizer? \_ Judging by the other stories on the site, this paper's not the most credible thing around. Let's see what the story looks like when reported by a more respected source. \_ Saying "$60 million in chemical weapons" is stupid. Joe Sixpack is supposed to go "OOH SIXTY MILLION THAT'S A LOT", but how much is that? A pint of sarin? Is there a "commodity market" where we can convert this into real information instead of bullshit money numbers? This reminds me of the news stories about drug seizures with absolutely ridiculous dollar values in them. --aaron \_ Isn't that what about 20 mp3's are worth according to the RIAA lawsuites? \_ top headline on http://worldnetdaily.com "'Baby Samuel' speaks before Senate panel Remarkable photo showed boy's hand reaching from womb during surgery " \_ You've got to love their book promotion: "Who really killed JFK?" \_ We can do without leftists posting from known crap sites pretending to be something else. "Take that, you liberals!"? WTF conservative would *ever* say something so infantile? The insult is not that you'd do such a lame job pretending to be a conservative but that you see as us being that stupid. If we were as stupid as you would like to think we'd have Darwin'd out decades ago. Go post your own pro-lefty trolls. You'll note no conservative replies attempting to defend this nonsense. You're just masturbating the other leftists. --real conservative \_ This is the funniest post all week. Thank you! \_ uh, yeah thanks, whatever, I'm also the anonymous motd comic \_ You have obviously not spent much time on the Free Republic website. But hey, you gotta admit that it was a good troll. \_ I visited and rejected free republic. They're mostly not conservatives, which is a philosophy, but haters no different than the spewage on the motd from the leftists here. --rc \_ And there's no spewage from right wingers here? Are you blind or just willfully ignorant? \_ I said nothing of the sort. Don't put words in my mouth. Read what I said and stop making false assumptions. Or just learn to read. |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10427 Activity:moderate |
10/2 Hey, everyone who was calling Bustamante and Davis "oily" should check this out: http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/politics/6913655.htm \_ He's spending his own money. The twist is he just wants to get it back afterwards. This is a "rich person's advantage" more than a loophole. Post again when you want to have laws that eliminate the advantage that people with money have. \_ Guess you didn't see the part about the law he was violating? \_ Do you understand what "loophole" means? Irrespective of the implicit bias that goes along with the reporter saying it was one. \_ Mmm mmm, and dodging the spirit of a law through a loophole is ethical how? Oh wait, I get it, this is part of that whole "Republicans can do no wrong, Democrats can do no right thing." \_ First of all, "loophole" means it wasn't illegal. Second, it's the reporter's, the Berkeley attorney's, and your opinion that the spirit of the law is being broken. I don't have the same opinion. \_ Right, because you're a republican, see above. \_ Actually, I'm a Democrat. I think the article is weak, and you need to throw something that sticks. Like Arnold sexually assaulting women or Wilson's CIA wife being outed or Rush making a stupid statement as an NFL commentator. \_ Wrong. Loopholes are following the word of the law while avoiding the intent of the law. If Bustamante were rich, he could "loan" himself millions and then the casinos could cover them after the election. \_ ^Wrong^Right. Otherwise the rest of what you said is accurate. \_ Yeah, I was smoking one of my 4 joints. \_ Did you at least share with the anecdotal cop? \_ ``Wealthy candidates can loan their campaigns more than $100,000, then have special interests repay their loans. Proposition 34 closes this loophole,'' That's what the ballot initative said. That's what voters voted for. But I guess your opinion is that Arnold is not acting in a contrary fashion to what is described above. -nivra \_ The only problem is, why does the reporter call it a loophole then? It would certainly have more impact if the headline said, "Arnold violates campaign finance law ..." \_ Perhaps he (or his editor) feels that's better left for the court to decide. The lawyer quoted states clearly that he believes it's against the "letter and spirit of the law", and thus is suing. --scotsman \_ Did no one read the damn article? Because the FPPC ruled ~1 yr ago that personal loans received by the candidate from a bank >100,000 would be allowed only if the bank is doing this during its normal course of business. I don't know why the FPPC ruled this way, but it certainly goes against the way the intent of the law as it was phrased to the voters on the ballot. -nivra \_ Because Arnie is doing the same thing that Bustamante was doing, but Arnie gets away with it because he's rich. That's literally how self-loaning works. Bustamante isn't worth $4M but Arnie is. So he makes the loan, and after the election, someone else pays for it. Voters get the details later. Bustamante had to report whose covering the loan for him before the election. Hell, the Indian casinos may be covering Arnie's action too. Loophole... |
2003/10/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10428 Activity:nil |
10/2 Go go go! soda [177] wc /etc/motd 827 6559 43252 /etc/motd |
2003/10/2-3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10429 Activity:nil |
10/2 Wow, David Kay just reported that there aren't any WMDs, and now Bush asks for another $600 million to keep looking (on top of the $300 million already spent). Almost a billion to look for something that isn't there! Go team! \_ I'll bet you were one of the people who wanted to give the UN a few more years to look only this spring. \_ Oh right, the reason they're not finding them right now is because Saddam won't give them access to the palaces. Wake the fuck up. \_ No, because either a) they've been moved, b) they're well hidden, c) they were destroyed, or d) they never existed. (d) no one thinks this. (c) is possible but can't be documented. (b) can only be proved if they're found, can never be disproved. (a) same as (b). Unlike you I've put real thought into it and understand that whether or not any are ever found has nothing to do with whether or not they existed or when. |
2003/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:10430 Activity:low |
10/2 someone posted a web page to access our soda mail, what was it again? thx. \_ I think it was shot down as insecure. \_ John says everything is insecure so we should just do it. |
2003/10/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10431 Activity:nil |
10/2 Longest. motd. Ever! soda [114] wc /etc/motd 721 5798 37683 /etc/motd 23 threads, 689 lines, 189 replies, 30.0 lines/thread, 8.2 replies/thread stddev: 42.4 9.4 |
2003/10/2-3 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:10432 Activity:nil |
10/2 What are LG phones, are they any good? \_ LG used to be called 'Lucky Goldstar'. They now make all kinds of electronics. I got an LG VX1 phone ~1 year ago. I'm quite happy with it, although the phone book interface is a little awkward. I heard they improved it on later models, though. |
3/15 |