2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:10378 Activity:nil |
9/30 Enough political trolling already! Instead, check out Megaman vs. Metroid, or should that be Megaman vs. Samus: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=124070 \_ You rock! |
2003/9/30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic] UID:10379 Activity:nil |
9/30 Is it me, or Westley Clark is more of a Republican than Democrat? \_ Your choice, bad R or wannabe D. Probably just (S)elfish mostly. \_ I think you're "probably an (A)sshole mostly". What does this comment add to the debate? Incredibly prejudicial. \_ And your ad hominem is SUCH an improvement. \_ Ah, but the evidence that the 2P is an asshole is right there in front of us, while there's no evidence given for 2P's assertion. |
2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:10380 Activity:nil |
9/29 Anybody else trying iRate? I've noticed the track selection sometimes gets stuck in a loop where it will keep playing a series of ~5 songs in a row. Is there anything I can do to fix this? \_ You can change the size of the playlist in one of the menus, which would at least increase the time between hearing the same song twice. \_ reboot \_ Gee, um, that would make me pretty irate. Har har har. |
2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:10381 Activity:nil 53%like:12001 |
9/29 What's the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacologist? Which one goes to "pharm" school? \_ Try using a dictionary. \_ the "pharm" one. stanford. |
2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:10382 Activity:nil |
9/29 just think about it http://www.glennbeck.com/news/05172002.shtml \_ Old, old, old, old, ol,d lame alt.conspiracy.shit.shit.shit.old \_ hm... you apparently missed the joke. |
2003/9/30 [Finance/Banking, Computer/SW] UID:10383 Activity:nil |
9/29 "The most difficult adjustment is for capital expenditures, which reflect spending to maintain and build property, plant and equipment. (For some companies, other items such as "Software development costs" or "Purchase of software licenses" would also be included in cap ex). These expenses are depreciated over many years, but since depreciation reflects cap ex in the past, it's not a cash cost today. Thus, it is added back on the cash flow statement under "Depreciation and amortization." (Depreciation is for tangible assets; amortization is for intangible assets such as goodwill.) But to balance adding back the non-cash cost of depreciation, you must subtract the real cash cost of cap ex, which appears under Investing Activities in the cash flow statement." (From: http://www.fool.com/news/foth/2000/foth001212.htm Can someone help me with the above? Why is depreciation "added back" (positively) on to the cash flow? I don't get the reasoning behind that. Is it just a way to smooth out capital expenditures so that it doesn't go up and down too much from quarter to quarter? \_ Cash flow is real money out and in per quarter. The depreciation comes off the bottom line, because presumably depreciation reflects the fact that your once new equipment is now worth less used, but then you need to add it back to reflect actual money spent. Depreciation is the cost for goods already paid for. When you buy, say an apartment building, you don't have to write the total cost off against profits right away: you get to depreciate it over 27.5 years. But the hit to cash flow occurs immediately, depending on financing of course, which also goes to cash flow. I hope this explanation makes sense. -ausman \_ Jim! I didn't know you were such the capitalist! I'm very impressed! \_ Nah, it's just that liberals tend to be smarter than conservatives. \_ It's still counterintuitive to me, but thanks for the clari- fication. Depreciation is not "real money in" but I guess that's why the article said one should take it out of the cash flow calculation. \_ It will become clearer as you work with some real figures. Profit should reflect increase in business value, not just the ability to shuffle some money around. Imagine you borrow $1M at 0% interest in Q1. Your cash flow for that quarter is +$1M. Next quarter you buy a building worth $1M. Your cash flow is -$1M. But still no profit. Now you just let it sit there empty and fall apart. That is your depreciation, which by IRS rules would be $1M/27.5 a year. Your cash flow is not changing, but there has to be some way to reflect the fact that you are really losing money, because someday that bank loan will have to be repaid and you will have only a falling apart building to show for it. Of course, real life is much more complicated, with interest, maintenance, rental income, appreciation, etc. Email me if you want to look at a more complicated example. -ausman \_ This is how the accountants and MBAs stay in business. |
2003/9/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10384 Activity:nil |
9/29 This has probably been covered already, but what is the prevailing rationale, if any, on the part of recall proponents as to why this recall is merited? Considering that we anyway have elections every 4 years, Davis won, and the stuff ppl complain about is no different than what they complained about before the election? And does anyone doubt that if he gets recalled, the replacement will also get recalled? \_ no, you're right, it's dumb, it sucks that the rest of us have to suffer due to a quirk in the law, and it sucks that this stuff has to be test driven in one of the world's largest economies and America's most populous state. \_ a quirk in the law? the recall isn't a technicality. \_ Davis needs punished for sucking. Cutting Davis' career short is reason enough for me (conservative policy is more likely to help california also). -- petty and vindictive \_ so when democrats decide to try to recall a republican govorner a few months into their term and win, only to be recalled by angry republicans whose candidate is recalled, etc., will that have been worth it? the whole thing seems like a bad precedent for an already over politicized state. \_ Over politicized now? Check the polls. Lots of democrats are for the recall. If it was only politics, that wouldn't be the case. \_ You *might* buy enough signatures to start a recall against Arnold but it'll *never* pass the general voting population a few months into his term. Don't confuse the minimum req'd sigs to start a recall with step 2 where we all get to vote. \_ Troll, he's getting recalled primarily for lying his ass off about the true state of the economy before his election and then dumping the truth on us only after he thought his position was secure. He is so cynical it even makes me ill and I've got really thick skin. The rest of his corruption, lying, incompetence, and stupidity is just icing on the recall cake. Davis is dead. Unless someone gets Arnold on tape raping under age nuns, it's over. \_ Sadly, no matter who is elected, this state is still Fucked (tm). |
2003/9/30 [Transportation/Car] UID:10385 Activity:nil |
9/29 It's time to change my timing belt and water pump. The dealer charges $299 for the timing belt and $200 for the pump, while a generic store charges $345 for the whole thing. That's about $150 difference. My question is, is there ANY reason to go to the dealer? Is the authentic OEM timing belt and water pump worth going to the dealer? \_ oh my car is a Honda Accord. Why would it matter? -op \_ call the small independant shop and tell them "i want oem parts" and they will do that. most shops do that anyway and get the parts at a huge discount straight from the local dealership.. and if your car isn't a high end german car, chances are their generic obdII gear will be able to do everything needed. the huge price difference is that they are willing to pass on part of the savings on parts and also cheaper labor prices. dealerships usually bill at about $80-$95/hr where as independant shops are closer to $65. \_ Small shop is good enough for this. What kind of car? \_ Do you have a warranty? If so, I'd go to the dealer since having the work done at a 3rd party might void your warranty. If you car is a generic japanese import then a 3rd party will work well. \_ This is a timing belt. You don't change a timing belt when the car is still under warranty. That's at least 75,000 on a recent Accord. Unless you are commuting from one end of the bay to the other on a daily basis or are a shipping company you don't rack that kind of mileage up usually in under 3 years. \_ if you know a good, reputable 3rd party repair shop, then, go ahead. My toyota dealer cost about 10-15% more. I guess i am willing to pay that extra premium. \_ Can a generic store deal with the "computers" under the hood on most of today's cars? \- If Japanese && EBay, you can try OCEANWORKS. As for the Danhimal Discount. --psb |
2003/9/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10386 Activity:high |
9/30 When people say "fiscal conservative." What do they mean by that? Is fiscal "responsible" i.e. no deficit spending a "conservative" or "liberal" platform traditionally? \_ Various definitions, several of them very, er, interesting. Generally means don't spend more than you can bring in as tax revenues, don't spend one-time revenues (i.e. increased taxes during boom times) on long-term commitments, keep as much spending as possible in the private sector and only spend public money on services that the private sector would probably not invest in if left to its own (see Adam Smith), keep taxes low to make more private income available to spend on goods and services. Essentially, the same sort of common-sense money management that private individuals ought to engage in. Most implementations have some problems, like the EU's stability pact, which prevents governments from 'priming the pump' to kick-start their economies, if their deficits are already too high, and the fact that many elected representatives try to bolster their electoral popularity through sometimes unnecessary spending "at home". And let's face it, you'll be hard-pressed to find two people who'll agree entirely on who should be taxed how much on what. -John \_ It means fiscally conservative: e.g. only spend and increase national debt to fund issues like: defense, anti-immigrant, big-tax-cuts-for-wealthy-few, pro-business-let-them-do-what- they-want-no-oversight-Enron, anti-environmental-regulation. \_ Are you angry? -John |
2003/9/30-10/1 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:10387 Activity:nil |
9/30 http://dmoz.org what happened? The site has been super slow. \_ oops, that was me constantly hitting the reload button. \_ I hit the (k)rash item on the menu. sorry. |
2003/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:10388 Activity:kinda low |
9/30 Guardian is reporting that several of the journalists have named Karl Rove as the source of the agent leak...and *doooooown* goes the ship. \_ urlP \_ link:csua.org/u/4ks Unfortunately this is a real audio link, sorry I can't do better as its a developing story. The report is about 1:20 in. Also I should add, none of them have gone *public* with this information yet... \_ Is it because all the journalists Rove called are Republican buddies like Novak \_ Revealing your source is a big no-no for a journalist. \_ Definitely. However, if a subpeona is issued in the course of a criminal investigation the reporter would be obligated to name the source, or face contempt of court. We're a long way off from that, but you never know. \_ Journalists have First Amendment protection. Look at the Pentagon Papers for precedent. \_ they still get thrown in jail for not revealing sources. -tom \_ not usually. the exceptions get in the news. \_ as in most things it's more complicated than that. law is a balancing of rights and the court has a track record of not weighing journalist privilege as heavily as other types of first amdmt privilege. not making a judgment here, just pointing it out. --aaron \_ I'm suspicious. This thread has been remarkably well-behaved, on-topic, and troll free. WHO IS THIS IMPOSTER, AND WHERE IS THE REAL MOTD? \_ With yermom. Happy? \_ Because us conservatives take criminal activity very seriously no matter who did it. We won't defend Rove if he turns out to be a criminal. It's that whole thing about having principles. Should I make the obvious comparison or let it be? \_ We liberals applaud your adoption of our principled stance. \_ So as good liberals and not as (D) party hacks, you were in favor of removing Clinton from office due to his crimes? We have a very different idea of what principles are. \_ Many people (including enough Senators) didn't think Clinton's offences rose to the level of necessitating removal. Time shall tell what comes of this. --scotsman \_ Yea... he was debarred in Arkansas and debarred by the USSC. Lying under oath before the US Congress. Interesting. Accused of rape by at least two women, and of philadering by at least 1/2 dozen more. \_ Paula Jones is angry with her lawyers and has said publicly she believes they represented the Repub interests that funded them at the expense of her own. --aaron \_ says nothing about Clinton's crimes. \_ Clinton was not debarred. And I hate to break it to you, BUT CLINTON IS NOT THE PRESIDENT ANYMORE! \_ Debarred from Arkansas resigned from USSC before he was debarred. http://csua.org/u/4l1 What now? \_ Disbarred, for chrissake. debar v 1: bar temporarily; from school, office, etc. [syn: {suspend}] 2: prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike" [syn: {obviate}, {deflect}, {avert}, {head off}, {stave off}, {fend off}, {avoid}, {ward off}] 3: prevent from entering; keep out; "He was barred from membership in the club" [syn: {bar}, {exclude}] [also: {debarring}, {debarred}] \_ CEASE! NO FACTS! \_ Thi s p ost is nar row http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/11/9/181815.shtml_ Jeeze you Clinton haters are pathetic, you can't even get the basic facts right. Five year suspension is NOT disbarrment. \_ Or maybe a different idea of "high crimes" \_ Yes, leftists have no trouble selling out our country to get a few votes until some day we won't need to bother with all that pesky democracy and choices because we'll have the liberal elite making all the decisions. after all, when you're the smartest woman in the world, you don't have need for democracy. \_ What crimes? \_ Don't bait me. \_ Apparently my Lvl 5 Troll Summon spell worked. Must have been the +3 Staff of the Magi. \_ He's busy with the Falun Gong Republican Jew Asian woman fetishists. And it's 'impostor'. -John the Troll King \_ CROM! |
2003/9/30-10/1 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:10389 Activity:nil |
9/30 Anybody know about the four fighter planes flying over Oakland? They are grey rather your standard performance-group paint job. \_ A fly-over for the 1pm Giants game? \_ Yep. It was the "Fighting Redcocks" from Lemoore NAS. \_ Yup, it was the fly-over for the start of the Giants game. \_ 2-0 |
2003/9/30 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:29548 Activity:high |
9/29 "N.H. Court Trashes Private Garbage Search" http://csua.org/u/4kj (Yahoo News) Hmm, let's see. I rape and kill a random hot chick on the street in the middle of a dark night, dump her body in my garbage can with all my semen and fingerprints on her. I even let her leg stick out of the lid and write my name on the garbage can. Now I'm jail-free because I'm protected by the constitution, because the cops can't search my "trash" and determine that I have committed a crime without first getting a warrant, and they can't get a warrant without first looking at my "trash" and determine that I have possible committed a crime. Chicken and egg. \_ is that a fantasy of yours? \_ You're being dense. Familiarize yourself with the concept of probable cause. The idea is they need to have a reason to search that will hold up in court ("I saw a leg sticking out of the garbage can") to prevent police abuses like fishing expeditions. Your logic is awful and betrays naivete about constitutional thought |
2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:29549 Activity:nil |
9/29 RIP Elia Kazan |
2003/9/30 [Uncategorized] UID:29550 Activity:high |
9/29 i predict states wanted to succeed from the union in 2004 \_ i predict you will still suck at english in 2005 \_ English is the most screwed up language in the universe. \_ how can you predict something past-tense? |
3/15 |