2003/9/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:10345 Activity:nil |
9/26 Hilfinger's teaching 61A? Wasn't he banned from teaching that class? \_Why? \_ beats me. that's just what I heard. \_ I hope not. Hilfie rocks! \_ Troglodytes. In their caves. Getting paaale and white. -John \_ During this Friday lecture, when asked about what's going to be on the Monday midterm, he said: "You're responsible for the total sum of the human knowledge since the beginning of recorded history with particular emphasis on this course" \_ that's what he *always* says. so don't even bother asking. \_ Because profs are tired of answering the same stupid question, "what's going to be on the test?" over and over and over. Duh, if it was in the book, lecture, or discussion section it's fair game. Stop asking stupid questions and the profs will stop giving stupid answers. \_ Ahhh, Hilfie. Reminiscing about the good old days when I was a happy minion under the heavy hand of the force of universe known as the Hilfinator bearing down upon the unsuspecting benighted population of the Berkeley undergrads brings a happy tear to my eye. Although, in my opinion, he was way too soft with the 164 students that semester. Projects seemed so much more trivial when you're the one grading them. I think the students even had time to sleep. -- alice \_ Was Hilfie in the hospital that semester or something? \_ Yeah, I had Hilfinger for 164 (and you as my TA), and I'm surprised my grade turned out to be as high as it was. \_ Who are you? Are you asking for your grade to be retroactively lowered? That can be done. -- alice \_ Who are you? And why do you think that lording over students is such a great thing? Penis envy? \_ It's called humor. Train harder. -- alice \_ It's not funny. And dont lie to yourself. You're pathetically trying to show off. \_ You're making the mistake of considering yourself important enough for me to feel superior by putting you down, not to mention feeling "lorded over" when I was just stating a simple possibility. I'm amused. Too bad you're not. -- alice |
2003/9/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:10346 Activity:nil |
9/26 New NEC chip for LCDs: link:tinyurl.com/ou1d (pcworld.com) \_ Out of curiousity, is there anything better/easier about http://tinyurl.com than http://csua.org/u ? (Which is one character shorter and currently has shorter shortcuts? \_ http://tinyurl.com is faster and more reliable \_ "With 10 bits, each of the three main colors--red, green and blue--can be defined to lie in a range between zero and 1024 rather than 8-bit processing's zero to 256." Oops. And who cares about more colors? Increase the resolution and make it cheaper. \_ So you'd be really happy a with a black and white 2000x1600 screen for $350? I doubt it. \_ I said who cares about MORE colors. 24-bit color is plenty for now. Especially with LCD screens which don't even have the brightness and contrast ratio to do 24-bit very well. \_Given the fact that most humans probably can't distinguish 24 bit color from 32 bit color. |
2003/9/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:10347 Activity:nil |
9/26 Why all of a sudden are these federal courts speaking up about free speech regarding this Do Not Call registry, when they've known for months that it was supposed to go into effect next week? Couldn't those dumbasses have spoken up earlier? \_ Well...no. Someone had to file an injuction or initiate a lawsuit before the courts could 'speak up'. DMA did, a judge agreed with DMA that the FTC overstepped the authority it was granted by congress. Read the news.... \_ so what took the DMA so fucking long? \_ you do it at the last minute so that even if you lose in trial, the injunction maximizes how long you can do what you've been doing, regardless of the outcome in court \_ Even though the list has been blocked by some whacko activist judge, I still get fewer calls. I think most of the scum purged their lists already in anticipation so maybe the call volume will drop to only 5 or 10 a day until the case is settled in the people's favor. |
2003/9/27-29 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:10348 Activity:nil |
9/26 Now that Yahoo is clamping down on use of their IM protocol by outside clients, I'm wondering if there is an effort to create an interoperable open-source instant messenger protocol/service? \_ You mean like IRC, ICB, or Jabber? \_ Yup, thanks. :) \_ URL? Does this mean Trillian will not work any more? \_ http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,39020369,39116464,00.htm All third party apps are hozed for the time being. \_ Trillian saw this coming and did nothing proactively.. so yes their client was screwed for a couple days. As of last night (saturday night) they already had a beta patch out for at least Trillian Pro 2.0.. which seems to work fine. \_ How could they proactively adapt their client to a protocol that wasn't known until they got cut off? \_ why does everyone just use aim? \_ do you mean "why DOESN'T" ... \_ Whoops. Yeah I do. \_ I don't use anything. IM'ing is just another way of losing time to relax. Let them send email and wait for a response. \_ am I the only one who thinks that Trillian UI sucks and people who use a zillion IM apps are silly? \_ the default trillian skin sucks, but there are one or two that are good. Mostly I just hate using clients that make me look at ads. \_ which ones would you recommend? (considering checking it out) |
2003/9/27 [Finance] UID:10349 Activity:high 64%like:29546 |
9/26 http://www.ajc.com/opinion/content/opinion/0903/23equal.html;COXnetJSessionID=11S96PHlEeSvPhN1azzeP8huSXa2KEhBrr3mVIqg0PxfSgfuw22T!1540365208?urac=n&urvf=10646862051000.2728927505806593 Illegals ruining economy for poor people in Atlanta. If only they could drive and vote everything would be ok. \_ could you use http://csua.org's URL shortener, please? \_ and could you (op) also use the bigotry shortener? thanks. \_ Lets deport all the fat sysadmins so that poor people can have jobs. |
2003/9/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:10351 Activity:nil |
9/27 CIA asks Justice Dept. to investigate allegations that White House blew agent's cover to get back at her husband for writing article condemning knowing inclusion of false statements in the State of the Union Address: http://csua.org/u/4je \_ the white house has a record of every single incoming and outgoing call, i wonder when they'll release the records? \_ Probably about the same time they release details of who attended the Energy Policy meeting. \_ what's 'rose law firm'? recently the white house almost immediately released records of wesley clark calling the white house, so they have the technology to tell who called who in the white house when. \_ if you don't know that then you've got no business sharing your political views, however, yes, everyone here already agrees it was bad *if* it happened and should be investigated \_ Or where the Rose Law Firm records were for 7 years. \_ The rest of us already knew this. Where have *you* been? \_ making ad hominem attacks in the Medea Benjamin thread below. \_ And this republican says they should do it. That action, if true, is indefensible. -emarkp \_ If the dems had done this, I'd still be right with you. --erikred. \_ Reprehensible behavior transcends political allegiance. There's no excuse for it. -John \_ I agree that it should be investigated. It should not be assumed to be true or false until there's been a non-partisan finding. \_ Do you think Novak (and Newsweek, which published essentially the same story at the same time) were lying about it? And seriously now, do you think that there is any chance of this getting investigated, with all three branches of government firmly in Republican hands? \_ Novak didn't say who told him so we don't know. That's what \_"Two Senior administration officials" investigations are for. If you think Republicans are all liars and into conspiracies, etc, maybe you weren't aware that Novak is a conservative? If conservatives were all so universally evil why would one print this? Thanks. \_ This is the kind of logical leap that makes discussions on motd so fucking pointles. No one said "Republicans are all liars". Grow up. --scotsman \_ Duh. It's right there. Go fucking read it in the thing I was replying to. People who can't fucking read is what makes the motd pointless. I don't care if you grow up but you should learn to fucking read before posting. \_ Read it again, after putting away the GOP card. --scotsman \_ But my credit cards aren't maxed out! What the fuck is a republican administration having the CIA raise taxes for?!? \_ Exactly. Thank you. \_ Will you hold your breath until they appoint an independent council to investigate it? Please??? There is no way that this is going to happen. And yes, I know that Novak is a Republican. He is also a reporter, not a White House official. |
2003/9/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:10352 Activity:nil |
9/26 in a perl script I'm trying to write a reg exp to replace a multiline block of text with another multiline block of text but can't seem to get it right. any advice? thanks. \_ example? \_ if he had an example he wouldn't need help, would he? \_ try subbing a variable for another variable, so you don't have to worry about how to escape newlines within s// expressions \_ i am trying to do the samething without much success. I am trying to remove a mult-line text block with certain pattern (for example "Do You Yahoo?..." Let me know if any of you have any cool idea on this supposely simple problem -kngharv \_ http://tinyurl.com/oya1 [removes ads from yahoo msgs] I ran this through s2p, did a little cleanup, and have been using it in my procmail script for about a year. \_ Two things to keep in mind: 1) You can't do this with a straight perl -pe 's/..../' from the command line (without -0777), so I'll assume you have the whole text to be substituted on in a scalar ($text or something). 2) Use /s at the end of your regexp: $text =~ s/.../.../gs; This will make things like . match \n as well, so that your matches won't fail at the end of a line. When in doubt, RTFM: perlre(1) --dbushong |
2003/9/27 [Finance] UID:29546 Activity:nil 64%like:10349 |
9/26 http://csua.org/u/4jf [obnoxious url shortened. you're welcome] Illegals ruining economy for poor people in Atlanta. If only they could drive and vote everything would be ok. \_ could you use http://csua.org's URL shortener, please? \_ and could you (op) also use the bigotry shortener? thanks. \_ Lets deport all the fat sysadmins so that poor people can have jobs. |