2003/9/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:10335 Activity:high 50%like:10353 |
9/26 Hey ChiCom troll, I found you something you can have fun with. http://www.centurychina.com/history/krwarfaq.html -John \_ Thanks john. Most US think Korean war was an idealogical war between the Communists and the West. While there is a war between the Communist and the West. While there is a little element of that, the motive behind China's involvement was self-defense. Mind you, at the time, USA did not recognize the establishment in Beijing as China's legitimate government. Under these circumstances, the newly established PRC was nervous about having US Army, who aided the Nationalist throughout the civil war, pressing to their border. \_ Communists -!aaron little element of that, the motive behind China's involvement was self-defense. Mind you, at the time, USA does not recognize \_ did -!aaron \_ I am sure a Nazi would be offended by that remark \_ are we not at a University, where one would expect proper usage of English? \_ Are we not in the CSUA, where one would expect sloppy usage of English? the establishment in Beijing as China's legitment government. \_ legitimate -!aaron Under these circumstances, the newly established PRC was nerverous nervous _/ -!aaron about having US Army, who aids the Nationalist throughout the \_ the -!aaron \_ aided -!aaron civil war, is pressing to their border. \_ delete "is" -!aaron \_ bug fixes integrated. - !op \_ Learn to write proper English, chinaboy. -!aaron \_ This was written by some other idiot than the person who put in suggested corrections. \_ I bet GWB would find WMD's in China if he looked. \_ China already advertises it has nukes. No need to prove it by looking. \_ Chill out, Grammar Nazi. -dgies \_ I am sure a Nazi would be offended by that remark \_ are we not at a University, where one would expect proper usage of English? \_ Are we not in the CSUA, where one would expect sloppy usage of English? \_ So the ChiComs sent a million men over someone else's border in self defense? Against a few American divisions? Silly. If all those GIs walked straight into China itself, they couldn't do more than steal some rice and leave a few AmerAsian kids behind in a few border villages. \_ Not to justify their paranoia, but after the Opium Wars and the Japanese invasion and occupation of much of the country for 12 years, the Chinese had reasons to fear foreign domination. -ausman \_ this paranoia still exists until this day. I hope Americans understand that. If every american has your level of understanding, the sino-US relationship will be much better. \_ I bet GWB would find WMD's in China if he looked. \_ China already advertises it has nukes. No need to prove it by looking. \_ Nah, MacArthur wanted to get CKS involved too, and CKS is all too ready to help reclaim the mainland. PRC repeatedly tried to start a dialogue with the US to get assurances about US intentions, but US did not respond, and just continued marching north up the Korean peninsula. Also, US can always send in more divisions. \_ MacArthur didn't set US foreign policy. It doesn't matter what he wanted. \_ That's not apparent at that time. Truman could've been pushed around by MacArthur. PRC did not know what US "foreign policy" was. \_ MacArthur was a loose cannon that eventualy had to be reigned in. \_ MacArthur was a great man. It's civilian rule - that's the damn problem \_ if it's up to him, Beijing and other major Chinese city would be nuked then. Ohh wait... using weapon of mass destruction on civilians is completely justified except when you are a Muslim. \_ MacArthur was a fool and an idiot who got by on charisma and media love. \_ graduating first in west point, and having a famous father helped too \_ Mao paid personal price for the involvement. His only son was killed during the campaign. \_ Doesn't Mao have many other illegitimate sons and daughters? \_ The Great Leader can do no wrong and thus all of Greater China are His children basking in the Ever Lasting Glow of His Greatness and shall live Great and Gloriously under His Rule, one Five Year Plan at a time! \_ I am more interested in the sordid tales about Mao and his affairs and illegitimate children. \_ Hey Mao is only considered "70% correct, 30 % wrong" in CCP pantheon now. \_ Yes, that is what CCP said. no one in China really pay attention to them. I mean, if you walk around in the chinese city and ask their opinion about Mao, the general consenses is actually quite negative for the 10 years of culture revolution he started. \_ Answer this, what do you think the US will do if the Soviet invaded Mexico or one of our neighboring countries? You think we will sit and do nothing? give me a fucking break. The message to for the US in the Korean war is, don't mess with our neighbors, and I think the message has been delivered. If China did nothing, then MacArthur would've went over the border to look for the NK leaders, that part was for sure. The US did not recognize China as a legitimate country at the time and has, and will, do anything to break it apart. Tibet was another example. \_ Right, but US is a plutocracy, China is a dictatorship. The current Chinese government does not have the same legitimacy as the US government. \_ Fifty steps laughing at ten steps. \_ China is an oligarchy. \_ Saying a government is an oligarchy is not saying anything. Any government of anything more than a remote village is an oligarchy almost by definition. The Chinese government is neither democratic nor representative. \_ No, I'm saying you know the meaning of the word, but seem to be largely ignorant of real world civics and how the word actually translates into reality. As for you being a simpleton...well...your previous comment seems to lend more than enough credence. Good luck with that dictionary, kid. It is brutal and self-perpetuating, and does not represent the will or the best interests of the average chinese person. Chinese nationalism is admirable, Chinese culture has a lot to be proud of. However, the current government is not one of those things. Making them benefit from your positive feelings for your country of birth is a mistake. \_ You're reading your definition wrong. Would you call the US an oligarchy? \_ Of course. An oligarchy is rule by the few. An effective government consists of the few (relatively speaking). Almost any country today is an oligarchy. It is neither a positive nor a negative, it is simply a feature of government. \_ Perhaps you should use your dictionary to look up 'Republic' and 'Democracy' as well as Oligarchy. You may have the technical definition pay attention to them. I mean, if you walk around in the chinese city and ask their opinion about Mao, the general consenses is actually quite negative for the 10 years of culture revolution he started. \_ Answer this, what do you think the US will do if the Soviet invaded Mexico or one of our neighboring countries? You think we will sit and do nothing? give me a fucking break. The message to for the US in the Korean war is, don't mess with our neighbors, and I think the message has been delivered. If China did nothing, then MacArthur would've went over the border to look for the to for the US in the Korean war is, don't mess with our neighbors, and I think the message has been delivered. If China did nothing, then MacArthur would've went over the border to look for the NK leaders, that part was for sure. The US did not recognize China as a legitimate country at the time and has, and will, do anything to break it apart. Tibet was another example. NK leaders, that part was for sure. The US did not recognize China as a legitimate country at the time and has, and will, do anything to break it apart. Tibet was another example. \_ Right, but US is a plutocracy, China is a dictatorship. The current Chinese government does not have the same legitimacy as the US government. \_ Fifty steps laughing at ten steps. \_ China is an oligarchy. \_ Saying a government is an oligarchy is not saying anything. Any government of anything more than a remote village is an oligarchy almost by definition. The Chinese government is neither democratic nor representative. It is brutal and self-perpetuating, and does not represent the will or the best interests of the average chinese positive feelings for your country is a mistake. person. Chinese nationalism is admirable, Chinese culture has a lot to be proud of. However, the current government is not one of those things. Making them benefit from your positive feelings for your country of birth is a mistake. \_ You're reading your definition wrong. Would you call the US an oligarchy? of Oligarchy correct, but your understanding of civics seems a little simplistic. \_ So what you are saying is... I am not wrong, but I am a simpleton anyways, (always good to just start throwing something disparaging after running out of actual stuff to say). \_ No, I'm saying you know the meaning of the word, but seem to be largely ignorant of real world civics and how the word actually translates into reality. As for you being a simpleton...well...your previous comment seems to lend more than enough credence. Good luck with that dictionary, kid. \_ You miss the point of "supreme power". Supreme power in the hands of the few with no recourse. As much as some are trying to turn this country into an oligarchy, the foundation of this country is not. Oligarchy implies tyranny. \_ No it doesn't. It implies only what it means, which is rule by the few. You assume too much. \_ Why is China an oligarchy? Wasn't Iraq also an oligarchy? In both countries there was a premier guy, but also a bunch of other guys helping. I.e. if Iraq was a dictatorship then so is China. \_ Nah, in Iraq, Saddam orders, and others listens. In PRC Hu couldn't do very much without a reasonable concensus among the top leadership. \_ Maybe Hu is just a weakling then. I think Mao pretty much had the same power as other dictators. |
2003/9/26-27 [Finance/CC] UID:10336 Activity:nil |
9/25 What's the least expensive way to process small amounts of credit card payments? \_ yermom knows - ask her \_ how/where/what format? small business? online transactions? need more detail \_ small business. accepting credit card numbers for payment. Not physically, and I don't need to process them on -my- website, but would like the credit card service to have a web-based interface. sorry, I should have included this all from the beginning. I love PayPal, but I don't want to require my customers to join PalPal. |
2003/9/26 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:10337 Activity:nil |
9/26 Hi, I need LCD advice. I use a 19" CRT at work at 1024x768. My CRT at home is on the fritz and I'm looking to get one. I want to continue working at 1024x768, but LCDs only go up to 15" at that resolution. How do 17"-19" LCDs do if you tone down the resolution to 1024x768? Does it interpolate pixels, or just use less of the screen? Any recommendations on brand/models? Thanks in advance. \_ Any LCD not run at its native resolution just looks like crap. Its not as bad if you're running it significantly lower than its native resolution, but its still ugly. |
2003/9/26-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:10338 Activity:nil |
9/26 C question: if I have "static int alreadyRun = 0;" at the top of my function, will alreadyRun be set to 0 on every call, or merely the first call? Thanks. \_ The value is set once at program start time, along with the global variables. The value is not reset every function call, as that would defeat the purpose. \_ What about in C++? :-) \_ Not quite correct in C++ but I don't know if it's different from C in this respect. The variable is required to be initialized before the first time it's used, so if you don't ever call the function it might never be initialized. This isn't a major issue for an 'int' but it becomes very important with Singletons. \_ Funny. I wrote this response and when I tried to save it, I got a 'file has changed' warning. The above C++ question was added while I was writing this, and this time the C/C++ differences are important (at least for complex objects or constructors with side-effects). \_ If you have 10+ years of C/C++/Java please let me know. \_ Let who know? And why? |
2003/9/26-27 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:10339 Activity:nil |
9/26 LCD monitor question for Suns. I remember hooking up a nokia LCD display to an ultra 5. But I can't seem to get that working anymore. I think ultra 5's graphics card is just a standard PC graphics card isn't it? I'm trying to replace my 21" tube monitor at work with two 17" LCD displays. Thanks. \_ in a similar vein, have a sparc 20 with cgsix I want to hook up to pc-style monitor. Have an adaptor to get the physical connections right, but there are some sync issues as I've only gotten one (borrowed) flatscreen to work with it. What are my monitor requirements so I can get a working monitor on this sparc?? \_ Not sure if it's a std pc graphics card (pgx24?), but it sucks. I think you may have to configure its use for resolution/refresh rate. I forgot which command you use to do this, though. Not sure if your LCD is multisync, or it's multisync range might not be compatible with the graphics card current settings. so this might be the issue. \_The command is nonstandard and varies from computer to computer. If you have an Ultra5 and you just have the regular built-in video then I think the command is m64config. If you have a Creator it's a different command, and you may have to install the program for it. Do a google for your vid card and you'll probably find it. Solaris 9 has a lot of the stuff bundled with the distro. As for the LCD issue, you basically need to find one that is right for your ultra5. Not all VGA monitors work with Sun boxes, and not all LCDs will therefore work. -williamc |
2003/9/26-27 [Recreation/Pets] UID:10340 Activity:nil |
9/26 Is pet insurance worth it or is it a scam? \_ what's your pet worth anyway? \_When you get medical insurance, do you consider how much you are worth also? \_ What is pet insurance? \_ i bet the owner of the dog i ran over a month ago would think it's worth it (made a nice *crunch* sound) \_ are you talking about pet health insurance? If your dog gets run over then you still end up making those payments. |
2003/9/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10341 Activity:nil |
9/26 Anyone know anything about Garrett Gruener? I just visited http://gg4g.com. He seems legit, and pretty interesting. \_ Yeah, I've gotten pop-up-adds from him... \_ Garrett's a great guy and throws a nice party. OTOH, this does not a governor make. --ex-Ask Jeeves employee |
2003/9/26-28 [Transportation/Misc] UID:10342 Activity:nil |
9/26 Segway Recalled: link:tinyurl.com/otng (reuters.com) \_ Another bubble bursted. \_ IT! GINGER! IPO! 3) profit |
2003/9/26-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10343 Activity:moderate |
9/26 Neocon "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle creamed in open debate with local gal: http://www.dailykos.com/archives/004301.html#004301 \_ Creamed? Ok, nice way for the URL to cut off his reaponse which unfairly takes the whole thing completely out of context, makes unfairly takes the whole thing completely out of context, but "fair and balanced" wasn't what you were going for so I applaud your clever editing hatchet job. \_ and how is an idle threat creaming someone? anyone american not a soldier walking around Iraq is an idiot IMHO \_ Way to miss the fucking point. \_ or possibly they give a damn and are doing something about the BS coming out of the White House. \_ idle threat? wtf are you talking about. \_ Let me ask you, just how long it took the Marshall plan to work? Or the rebuilding of Japan? Only those who have no grasp of history think things are "going badly". It's not just the WH that in most parts of the new Iraq they are well received. Read the blogs from soldiers in south/north Iraq. It is just sad all you impatient dolts think every is about money (shocker!) so therefore it must be bad. Ex- Clintonites have equally used their connections to benefit themselves. \_ Take a deep breath, sit back, and re-write this when you're calm and more likely to make sense. \_ ad hominem. Troll score: 7.65 points, 5.0 required. \_ non sequitur. Troll score: 4.9 points, no cookie. \_ ad hominem. Troll score: 7.65 points, 5.0 required. \_ non sequitur. Troll score: 4.9 points, no cookie. \_ dictionary alert! Troll score: 6.2, 5.0 required. \_ In both examples you cite we were NOT trying to rebuild after a war which we started preemptively under false pretenses and false secondary pretenses. \_ who started what has exactly nothing to do with how long it will or should take to rebuild a post-war country. also the japanese and some germans might disagree about the causes of WWII and who started what with what economic acts of war. get a history book and take rhetoric 1a. \_ might makes right. actually plenty of contracts were given out in Bosnia and Kosovo. i supported that act even if it was purely "humanitarian" \_ I supported those too, but not Iraq. What's your point? \_ So did I. What's *your* point? \_ The Iraqi bloggers I have read seem to think otherwise. Check out salam_pax. I have a friend who got back recently after a three month assignment as a reporter and he says that 400 people a month are being murdered in greater Baghdad and that things are not really going "well." \_ Of course _your_ bloggers write what you like to read. If they wrote how well and peachy everything was you'd stop reading because obviously they're just agents of the eveil BushCo and should be DDOS'd off the net. \_ I think you missed the point, perhaps deliberately. Can you point to any Iraqis who think things are going well? Sure, the soldiers think things are great. If you had ever served, you would know why that is not surprising, or worth much. \_ Who cares what the average Iraqi thinks? How many average Iraqis have blogs anyway? Where did your Iraqi bloggers get the experience as to exactly how long it should take to rebuild a country? Their country was never really built up that much in the first place. Most of the south never has had potable water and you're going by what some the eveil BushCo and should be DDOS'd off the net. If you had ever served, you would know why that is not surprising, or worth much. internet using elite have to say? What's wrong? The Iraqi net backbone is too slow? Can't play netrek without getting dooshed? \_ Bile: it's what's for breakfast. \_ BushCo serves bile to the Iraqi people! I read it on a blog kept by an average Iraqi citizen! \_ Bad examples. The Marshall Plan took place two years after WWII when Europe was "pacified" and used American money to help European business rebuild Europe. Japan was also "pacified" but united as a people and even under those conditions, took many years of American funding to help the Japanese to rebuild Japan. Iraq is not pacified, is not united, and American money supports American companies rebuilding Iraq, not Iraqi. Try again. \_ Duh, it took 2 years to 'pacify' those regions? well, wait 2 year in Iraq then come back and whine if it isn't going well. What did Europe and Japan do during the two year we didn't help? If we did nothing but 'pacify' Iraq for 2 years you'd be screaming that we're not doing enough. You'd be unhappy no matter what because you're an idealogue and blindly hate the admin. \_ Unlike post-war Japan and Germany, there are plenty of Iraqis who were happy to see the former regime go. There's no need to wait 2 years to "pacify" Iraq. Hand over control of Iraq to the Iraqis we supposedly invaded to free. Otherwise, we just swapped the Bathist regime for the Haliburton regime. No points for good intentions, folks. not doing enough. You'd be unhappy no matter what because you're an idealogue and blindly hate the admin. invaded to free. Otherwise, we just swapped the Bathist regime for the Haliburton regime. No points for good intentions, folks. \_ There are plenty of prior government Iraqis who have a lot invested in the way it used to be and need to be found and imprisoned or executed. If we left now you'd be the first one screaming on the motd how we abandoned the average net using blogging Iraqi to Afghanistan style chaos and how it's terrible how slow their net has become after the eveil Amerikkkans left! boo hoo. It's going to take time, more deaths, and more money. If it was easy to do, Clinton would've done it. \_ And if Bush started making Muslims wear little crescent badges and detained them in "relocation camps," you'd still be up here on the motd trying to defend him. \_ Nice try but you completely avoided all my points. Since you're the first to scream "NAZI!" I win, right? \_ Nah, I just alluded to nazis. You invoked them. You win, but it's a phyrric victory. \_ wait, so we're in Iraq to imprison and execute collaborators? the pres. says we're there to rebuild Iraq and hand over power to the Iraqis. so which are we: liberators or vigilantes? |
2003/9/26-30 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:10344 Activity:kinda low |
9/26 I am looking to hire several experienced C developers to work on a network security product and a financial (stock trading) application. If you or anyone you know is looking for a job please email a resume to rjchu@hightowersoftware.com \_ Wow. Is it an embedded product? Or a legacy one? Are you sure it's in C? on C? \_ It's gotta be .NET/C#/F# or Java \_ !C != .NET/C#/F# or Java \_ You're just jealous because you don't have 10+ years of \_ I have 15+ years of Java, C#, and .NET! \_ Do you have over 10 years of HTML? on C? \_ It's gotta be .NET/C#/F# or Java \_ !C != .NET/C#/F# or Java C# or .NET technologies and innovations on your resume. \_ yeah, it didn't even exists until 3 yrs ago \_ [ Someone discovering America by opening their window ] |
2003/9/26 [Uncategorized] UID:29545 Activity:nil |
9/25 I'm trying to find a word. It's like "credited" but not quite, is something that newspaper reporters do "____ their sources". I can't think of it. It's on the tip of my tongue. \_ cite \_ Thank You! \_ so what's the word which means "tip of your tongue"? |
3/15 |