2003/9/23-24 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:10287 Activity:nil |
9/22 I know of MindTerm, as well as a whole slew of httpstunnel ssh-over-https scripts; does anyone know of a java applet which combines the two? -John |
2003/9/23 [Politics] UID:10288 Activity:nil |
9/22 Wow, someone *really* doesn't like it when people talk about wartime or military technologies. I wonder what the big deal is.... \_ I ve noticed people like to delete threads where I reply and sign my name. -- ilyas \_ Perhaps -- but the Motd Military Censoring Cocksucker seems to rabidly censor anything military that turns into a lengthier discussion. \_ Have you noticed people like to delete threads where your name isn't signed? \_ Not particularly, no. Someone's slacking I guess. |
2003/9/23 [Finance/CC, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:10289 Activity:nil |
9/22 I've had 2 Vietnamese roomates so far and I think they're AWFUL. They are dirty, lie about bills, and one of them is a thief (stole my credit card number and used them to order stuff sent to their homes in San Diego). I think of all the Asians out there, the Vietnamese people are amongst them one of the nastiest out there. I'm not saying ALL VCs are bad, just that in my personal experience many of them are. Also, I'm not saying that they're genetically inferior-- their behaviour is mostly defined by their background, and their refugee background is most likely what makes them what they are. Roomates, beware, and good luck to you all. \_ watch out for philipinos too |
2003/9/23-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:10290 Activity:low |
9/22 I'm trying to debug the source of a particular type of arp traffic on my network. Basically I'm seeing something like the following at a rate of about 1/s from dozens of hosts: 11:17:14.372348 arp who-has xxx (Broadcast) tell xxx Any ideas about where to get started? (I've traced the cabling to and from our switches and it looks like there are no loops, in case that helps). \_ are the xxx's censoring, or is that the actual output? \_ censoring. --seen it elsewhere, --!OP \_ Welchia virus \_ Unless Redhat's 7.3 cds are infected with this, I doubt it. My network consists almost exclusively of systems running 7.3 (many are kickstarted every few days). \- look at the mac address which should give you the OUI ... you can figure out the mfgr [sic] of the ethernet card. do you have access to your switch? you can dump the mapping tables and get a physical switch port. --psb \_ When I remove an offending system from the switch its arp traffic goes away, but almost half of the systems on our switches are producing this type of arp request. I'm guessing it is some sort of config problem either on the nic or the switch. \_ Check /etc/sysctl.conf. See if it's trying to act as a gateway. Also check for routed and the like \_ I see tons of this shit on my home cable modem. Annoying but harmless if it's from the outside. Is that an external or all- internal switch you're looking at? \_ Internal switch. This is all local traffic. There is so much arp traffic that it is causing significant degradation in the network throughput. I have gige switches (4 cisco 3750s) and all the systems have gige nics (intel etherexpress 1000 or something) but I can barely get 100Mb transfer speeds (6000K/s) between systems. \_ You sure there isn't some rogue windows box on that net? Check for SMB traffic and other windowsy crap on your net. \_ I removed our switches from the main net so that only the linux boxes and a couple of u10 were on the network and I still get this traffic. I think that the gateway thing might be the issue. I'll look at that today. \_ Stopping these arps is not going to fix your slow network problem. Do the math: 100 hosts * 1 arp/sec * 1024 bits/arp = 100 kb/sec. This is nothing to your 1GB/s network. Your problem is a full duplex/half duplex autonegotiation problem or perhaps a 1GB/100MB auto negotiation problem, I bet. -ausman \_ Ding. Ausman wins. I would also posit that the arps are normal. It's called Layer 2. \- are you seeing ethernet frame errors?--psb |
2003/9/23-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:10291 Activity:nil |
9/22 Another great invention from Japan: http://daimaoh.kir.jp/ho/menssom.htm \_ disturbing, but funny. \_ not really work-safe |
2003/9/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10292 Activity:high |
9/22 To counter my own reference for Clark yesterday. Here's a real soldier's opinion of him. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34738 \_ worldnetdaily is not very reputable \_ Says you. I respect Hackworth because I've read his books and followed him in the news. He's very principled and is always watching out for the safety of our soldiers. \_ notice that worldnetdaily not being very reputable is independent of how principled Hackworth actually is \_ Hackworth said on the 3rd week of the Iraq war that it was going badly. He also interviewed Boorda to point the CNO took his own life. I know he means well, but sometimes he's little out there. \_ And the editorials posted yesterday were? \_ BUT ANONYMOUZ POSTZ ON THE MOTD SHUR ARE!! \_ But anonymous posts on the motd sure are! \_ mo'e dan wo'ldnetdaily, t'be sho' nuff \_ zee svedeesh cheff is mure-a repooteble-a thun uny ooff yuoo! Bork Bork Bork! \_ True, but they're usually pretty down on dems. This is bizarrely refreshing. \_ ok, this column has robert e. lee as graduating #1 from west point, but i've heard from so many other places that he was #2 in his class. who was #1 if he wasn't? \_ Charles Mason was #1, Democratic lawyer, NY newspaper editor, Iowa chief justice. Robert E Lee was highest ranking cadet, so he beats Mason in terms of "chain of command" rank, thus "highest ranking" but not "graduated first in class". \_ mo'e dan wo'ldnetdaily, t'be sho' nuff "highest ranking" but not "graduated first in class". \_ ok, good to know. thanks. |
2003/9/23-25 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:10293 Activity:kinda low |
9/22 OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 (portable, ie non-OpenBSD) has been released. There are multiple vulnerabilities with the PAM auth code in 3.7.1p1, so if you use PAM (Solaris/Linux) you should upgrade. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=106432248411636&w=2 \_ Is there an sshd that just works? I'd be happy with a v2 sshd without holes that just allows simple logins. Any other features after that would be a bonus. Any suggestions? Please? \_ Sigh. OpenSSH "just works". It's just that its vulnerabilities are declared and found more frequently than commercial SSH daemons. Not saying those are any better or worse, but you are deluding yourself if you think that any piece of cryptographic software is "secure" just because no bugs are ever publicly announced. Patching system components is a part of life as a sysadmin, get used to it. -John \_ I am all for opensource but doesn't it bring as much harm as benefit in terms of security? Sure patchs are made on more frequently, but isn't it much easier in theory to find a bug to exploit when the source is available than otherwise? \_ Do you occasionally look at Bugtraq? I suggest you do, if only to make it clear that having a commercial program doesn't add much in the way of security. Ask Microsoft. "Better the devil you know"... -John \_ I'm not making my point. I can see that. I don't care who wrote it or why or where it comes from. I just want an sshd with minimal features and fewer holes than what openssh has. If you don't know of one, thanks, that's ok. \_ would you prefer to know that holes are being found and patched at the cost of having to upgrade, or instead not know about holes and ignore upgrades in ignorant bliss? \_ I'm not making my point. I can see that. I don't care who wrote it or why or where it comes from. I just want an sshd with minimal features and fewer holes than what openssh has. If you don't know of one, thanks, that's ok. \_ You're very clear--I'm simply saying that OpenSSH is pretty much "it" for open-souce sshd, and with the non-open source ones, no, you probably won't be patching so often, but that says nothing about the amount of holes in them. -John \_ I don't care if the alternative is commercial or not. I just want something I won't be patching three times in a week. I'm not concerned with open vs commercial philosophy. \_ It's nothing to do with commercial or open source. It's a question of security. If all you care about is not patching something, then don't run OpenSSH. This is what's known as 'sticking your head in the sand'. And yes, what you don't know _can_ hurt you. Your call. -John \_ I'm not making my point. I can see that. I don't care who wrote it or why or where it comes from. I just want an sshd with minimal features and fewer holes than what openssh has. If you don't know of one, thanks, that's ok. \_ Argh! Nooo! Is this a joke? I had already had to upgrade OpenSSH on nearly 200 hosts -twice- during last week. What the #$(@)@*!! \_ Pride goeth before a fall. \_ Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 \_ That's why it makes sense to wait to upgrade. OpenSSH *always* has one or two patches out within a week. --dim \_ wait a week to upgrade while getting hacked in the meantime? swell idea, i wish i'd thought of it. \_ There are no known exploits for this vulnerability, nor for most of the ones being found lately. "It is uncertain whether these errors are potentially exploitable, however, we prefer to see bugs fixed proactively." --dim \_ so says them. securityfocus paints a different picture. in any case, better safe than sorry. \_ More than once the "new" OpenSSH has been more flawed than the original. An example was when the privilege separation code was first added. It is common for the OpenSSH folks to fix a bug and then have to fix their fix. Hence, we are at p2 already. Just wait for the bozos to figure it out unless the bug is easily exploited. --dim \_ they're not exactly fixing their fix. they somewhat hastily made a release with *new* functionality, which was probably not well-tested. so just patch the old 3.6.1p2 and you're fine. \_ Jesus fucking Christ! Is there a simple v2 sshd out there that just works?! I don't need all the whiz bang features, just a login shell. If it could port forward that would be a bonus but I could survive without it if it meant I could stop the upgrade madness. \_ what's this whole upgrade madness? it's been a while since the last major openssh scare. fwiw, maybe you should've just patched 3.6.1 and been done with it. \_ lsh might be what you are looking for. Keep in mind that OpenSSH has a larger user base, developer base and h4x0r base so gets more auditing. \_ and lsh had its own remote exploitable bug days later. so what's the difference. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=106432248411636&w=2 |
2003/9/23-24 [Recreation/Activities] UID:10294 Activity:kinda low |
9/23 I have a lot of problems with my chip shot. 1/3 of the time they fly ok, but 1/3 never goes up in the air and the other 1/3 just dig into the dirt and the ball moves a few inches forward. What am I doing AAAA wrong? \_ You will get a lower score after I shove your golf club up your ass you rich water wasting yuppie fuck \_ Better we should put a slum there instead. \_ Maybe he golfs in Washington State or Oregon. \_ assuming you're using the right club, you're just not swinging right. if it's never going in the air, you're hitting it too thin, if you dig into the dirt, you're hitting it fat. just hit it on the sweet spot of the club. and don't try the lift the ball, the club will do that for you. \_ you can practice your chip shots anywhere. i did, in my apartment. oh, and i fucked up the rug. oh well, my chipping's better now. \_ fuck the rug. this is golf. get priorities! |
2003/9/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:10295 Activity:moderate |
9/23 Myth of pre-Chinese Tibetan "utopia" http://www.swans.com/library/art9/mparen01.html \_ yeah, its much better now. The Chinses are killing monks, burning monastaries, destroying religious texts, forcably sterilizing Tibetan women, taking children as political prisoners, and relocating Han Chinese to populate the regon. \_ Likely you didn't even follow the link. I'm in agreement with you mostly - Chinese rule is no picnic. However, Westerners love to romanticize pre-China tibet and in particular the Dalai Lama, when the reality is much more complicated. \_ It is hard to be worse than what it was like under the rule of the Lama. As for destroying monasteries, see below. \_ Wow, really? The lamas were genociding their own people? Have you published this shocking new historical discovery? This is PhD quality history research! Whoa! The lamas were butchers... who ever woulda thunk it? \_ Just because it sucked before doesn't mean it's ok for the communists to move in and turn it into a communist anti- utopia. It's both worse now and oppressive. BTW, they stopped destroying monasteries decades ago after destroying the first 5,000 of them. With only a few dozen left, it doesn't matter anymore. \_ Likeley you have NO idea I followed the link, bozo. Yes, Old tibet is not utopia, but current tibet is a total tradegy. have some compassion. \_ Modern tibet is probably much like previous incarnations of Tibet. The Tibetian problem has \_ Are you HIGH? always been Sinoistic in nature. Tibet and China share a common history, and relations have always entangled. Westerners should be wise to learn the true nature of the issues before proclaiming their one-sided views on subjects they have no true idea about. Tibet, like Iraq, like Palestine, has no easy questions to profer, and no easy answers. \_ I love it when someone refers to systematic genocide as "The <insert victim race here> Problem". The Tibetan Problem. The Jewish Problem. The Kurdish Problem. The Native Problem. It goes on. Add your favorites. \_ systematic eradication of a culture is indefensible. The Chinese burned all the Tibetan artifacts they could find. They slaughtered all the monks in Tibet. They forcibly moved in a Chinese population in order to breed out the Tibetan culture. How do you explain that in the context of history? \_ The central governement was singularly lenient when it comes to Tibetan insurgency. The current Dalai Lama and his huge entourage was essentially allowed to go when they were totally surrounded. Despite repeated uprising by armed monks (a buddhist oxymoron), they were not systematically executed, although I would not envy their position. The ethnic tibetan red guards did most of the desrution of cultural treasures, thinking rightly that their once rich culrture has so far fallen behind the outside world (more so than say Afghanistan) but wrongly that they could leap forward by destroying what they already had. In fact the Chinese army were the one who prevented the destruction of the major sites during the cultural revolution. \_ That's actually pretty interesting. Do you have any URL's/references that I can follow up on during my free time? TIA. -mice \_ He can't provide any sources not from the communists. It's complete bullshit. \_ There is a book in Chinese called "Sky Burial - xxxxx" where xxxxx I have forgotten. Prob. no English translation exists, since a book that does not whooly condemens the Chinese has a hard time getting published in the west. To the "China Bad" people, a book being written by a Han Chinese is automatically discredited unless the author is a card carrying dissident, which in this case is kind of true. He has been arrested before. I do not really like his analysis or prose but at least he tries to do a research of the facts and ends up offending everyone. Actually if one is willing to be rational for a second, it is obvious what kind of a place where people send their children to become monks must be the exact opposite of a paradise. The propanganda of the Chinese government regarding the extreme sad state of Tibet before Dalai ran away is basically true, but of course they like to neglect the many blunders they committed in Tibet and elsewhere that costed many many lives. Though it is nothing the government'd be proud to advertise, Tibet is one of the places where situation did not become worse than before even during the worst years of Mao's rule. Anyway, both the truth and the half truth are less appealing than the fairy/horror tale + hollywood preaching of the Lama. BTW, I visited Tibet twice. There is tension there but nothing too serious. In terms of ethnicity, it's going the way of the US sans genocide (of Indians). That is the worst possibility except for all the others, human being human. \_ Goes to show ya, history is written by the victors/conquerors. \_ Ok, that's all nice but you still haven't provided the tiniest shred of proof. This is communist propaganda and nothing more. To say that it's hard to get anything published in the West is so laughable as to be beyond absurd. Hello? Duh? We don't have the censorship here that your beloved communists inflict on their people on a daily basis. I'll only respond to one other point, the idea that there's little tension in Tibet: of course by this point that could be true. The communists murdered, imprisoned, or exiled 99% of the resistence. One of my professors visited 10 years ago and reported share a common history, and relations have always entangled. Westerners should be wise to learn the that by that time the communists had shipped in so many non-Tibetans that there really was no serious hope of ever restoring what little is left of Tibetan culture. So I say to you, congratulations on your communist hero's successful genocide of another people. \_ What was so complicated? There was Tibet. There was China. China invaded Tibet. End of story. \_ You could go on to say there was alway US., there was always Tibet. But if you really want to use your head and learn something real, you should know that Tibetan was an automonous region within Chinese dynasties, which is sort of like a federated system. Then they wanted to break away when the central government was under siege from all sides. The rest is history. Yes, the military operation and followup restoration was harsh, but it is brutal in the sense that the US civil war and the consequent years of restoration was harsh, and probably more so in relative scale. Anyway, Dalai Lama's bid for independence had all to do with personal ambition of a sector of a tiny but rutheless ruling elite, taken advantage of by foreign powers (Britan, Russian, then India and US), than the welfare of the people or their religious faith. Alas it was a failed gamble and has terrible consequency for all people of China, Tibetans or otherwise, except those "refugees" who live a pampered life on the Swiss alps and his holiness who has become an icon and idol like a rock star. \_ You confuse central control of government with cultural genocide. The average peasant doesn't care, nor need to care, who they pay their taxes to. They do and should care when someone is killing them en masse, destroyed 5000+ of their true nature of the issues before proclaiming their one-sided views on subjects they have no true idea about. Tibet, like Iraq, like Palestine, has no easy questions to profer, and no easy answers. \_ What was so complicated? There was Tibet. There was China. China invaded Tibet. End of story. ~5050 temples, imprisoned, killed, or exiled all of their leaders who wouldn't submit and has imported (like cattle) more foreigners than your own native headcount all in an outrageous and blatant effort to obliterate your people from the face of the earth. Taxes is politics. What the communists have done and have almost completed is pure genocide. \_ Ahem, there's no such thing as "Palestine". Talk about learning your history, you'd be wise to do the same. \_ Have you been to Tibet? You might want to learn: http://www.tibet.com/WhitePaper point, try: \_ A very one-sided view. For a more balanced view- point, try: \_ What was so complicated? There was Tibet. There was The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama by Melvyn C. Goldstein. http://tinyurl.com/ofvw China. China invaded Tibet. End of story. \_ Ahem, there's no such thing as "Palestine". Talk about \_ This site uses the fact that China does not have effective control of Tibet from 1911 to 1951 as evidence for Tibetan independence then, and argument for learning your history, you'd be wise to do the same. \_ Have you been to Tibet? You might want to learn: http://www.tibet.com/WhitePaper The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama by Melvyn C. Goldstein. http://tinyurl.com/ofvw \_ This site uses the fact that China does not have effective control of Tibet from 1911 to 1951 as evidence for Tibetan independence, conveniently ignoring the fact that China was fragmented from 1911, with warlords, KMT, CCP, Imperial Japan, Russians, Western colonialists all vying for a share of the pie, with no single government controlling the country, that is until the commies reunited the nation. \_ Do we have a single ChiCom troll, or multiple ones? -John \_ Bringing Chinese-rule to Tibet! \_ Bring Tibetan rule to China! Tibetan independence now, conveniently ignoring the fact that China was fragmented from 1911 until the middle of the twentieth century, with warlords, KMT, CCP, Imperial Japan, Russians, Western colonialists all vying for a share of the pie, and with no single governing entity controlling the country, that is, until the commies reunited the nation. \_ I've already addressed enough of your communist propaganda. See my above about taxes vs genocide. \_ Do we have a single ChiCom troll, or multiple ones? -John \_ Kill the Communist Bandits! \_ There's at least two unless there is one who has greatly improved his English skills in the last 6 weeks. \_ Bringing Chinese-rule to Tibet! \_ Bring Tibetan rule to China! \_ US out of North America! \_ Tibet illustrates the failure of pacifist ideology: Pacifist cultures get smushed by non-pacifist ones. |
2003/9/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10296 Activity:nil |
9/23 Bringing democracy to Iraq! link:csua.org/u/4ge \_ I strongly encourage you to do a smidgen of research on George Galloway, and on his "interesting" past. Anything like that coming from him is pretty rich. -John \_ Perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that the governing council just muzzled the press. \_ The right way to change a country is like so: after crushing the former government, you tell everyone it's over with and to report to work the next day, then you shoot everyone that's stirring trouble, muzzle the press, appoint a new government, let everything get stable, then have an election a few years later and yield control. The problem with the current plan is they're trying to build a new government without fully stomping out the old one. it's a bloody and ugly process and requires everyone stfu for a while until the partisan activity is crushed. \_ Nuke the shithole & get it over with. War. Victory. Army. Military. Own the place. Get the picture? -John \_ What a heartwarming sentiment, John. \_ I've given up on trying to reason with the world. I've joined the mighty troll army. -John \_ Real Trolls don't sign their posts. -AMC \_ That's so cool! Someone took my anonymous nick. I'm now immortal! That rocks! Thank you! \_ The Troll King signs whatever he wants. -John \_ But Ahnuld's Hummer doesn't run on radioactive gas. |
2003/9/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10297 Activity:low |
9/23 Darrell Issa must be manic-depressive or something: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/09/23/ISSA.TMP \_ Sour grapes? \_ In a way, but not like you mean. More like if the party can't get something positive out of the recall then they shouldn't support the recall. makes sense. \_ B-b-but...but I thought the recall was about DEMOCRACY?! \_ You must have missed his speech when he dropped out of the race. It was surreal. |
2003/9/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:10298 Activity:nil |
9/23 Did nickkral go to a speech therapy between 1996-1998? He REALLY improved his speech impediment during those years. Just wanna confirm. ok thx. \_ email him \_ how is the motd a proper forum for this question? very mean. are we still in junior high? |
2003/9/23-24 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:10299 Activity:nil |
9/23 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=573&e=8&u=/nm/odd_health _cats_dc If the cat is happy at home, it won't go next door to eat. Yet another stupid meaningless University study \_ http://csua.org/u/4gg \_ kept some grad students eating. |
2003/9/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:10300 Activity:high 66%like:28436 |
9/23 Poll: If you're married, at what age did you get married? 22: . 23: 24: . 25: .. 26: 27: 28: 29: . 30: . 31: 32: 33: 34: . |
2003/9/23-24 [Health/Men] UID:10301 Activity:high |
9/23 Drugs? Darwin's best friend: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_822069.html?menu=news.latestheadlines \_ http://www.erowid.org/plants/salvia/salvia_law.shtml \_ salvia is awesome! - danh \_ Danh, will you warn us before you cut out your tongue and cut off your penis? |
2003/9/23-24 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:10302 Activity:high |
9/23 Court reinstates recall. Bye Davis. \_ Hell-o-o-o Bustamante! \_ Hell, maybe. Bustamante, no. Not with the election now instead of in March when all the illegals will get to vote. \_ Wow. The levels of idiocy are astounding! \_ Of whom? The Court, Davis, Bustamante, or the illegals? \_ look to thyself, young sprite. |
2003/9/23 [Uncategorized] UID:10303 Activity:very high |
9/23 What's your favorite number? \_ 66. (Favorite player's number.) \_ 2, of course \_ 3. It's the magic number. \_ 60. \_ 42 \_ the nerd's number? \_ Yes. The nerd's number. How non-nerdly you've proved yourself by saying so. Big pat on the back. \_ you mean I'm not a nerd? yes! \_ 88. \_ 69. Ooh, aah. \_ Excelleeent! \_ Excelleeent! \_ yawn. 69 is so teenie bopper. \_ 1. (It's the lonliest number) \_ 51 \_ 51 \_ Any magic number. \_ $2: what it costs for an hour with your girlfriend. \_ Any perfect number. \_ 137. \_ e. \_ pi. \_ pi \_ 8 \_ 18 \_ no physics constants? \_ 22 |
2003/9/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10304 Activity:high |
9/23 Bush and Annan's speeches to the UN: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/09/23/sprj.irq.bush.transcript http://www.un.org/webcast/ga/58/statements/sg2eng030923.htm \_ I can't believe he said that! What a POS! \_ Yep, the era of the UN is past. \_ "History is a harsh judge: it will not forgive us if we let this moment pass." \_ How far up is that stick up your fat ass? |
3/15 |