Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:September:20 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10262 Activity:high
9/19    I have filtered my mailbox with
        formail -s spamassassin < mailbox > mailbox.filtered
        Next how do I process the mailbox.filtered file with my procmail
        ruleset to get it to sort the messages based on the SpamAssassin
        \_ Something with formail and procmail itself, I'd imagine.
        \_ Use spamc instead of running spamassassin; it's much faster (it
           uses the persistent running spamassassin daemon on soda).
        \_ you can use mutt, "tag" all messages flagged as spam,
           "save all tagged messages" to a folder.  I am too lazy
           to look up the exact keystrokes to do this right now.
           I don't know what all these mh losers are talking about.
           \_ oh! mh losers! I'm struck to the quick!  You don't know what
              the mh using uber cool rock stars are talking about because
              you're using a toy to deal with your mail.  MH users don't have
              to say, "oh! its easy but I'm too lazy to look it up!" because
              there's nothing to look up.  All the mh tools work the same and
              were designed from day 1 to work with each other as a total mail
              handling package.  Maybe you'll make better choices in your next
              life.  I wish you well.
                \_ where do you live?  I want to have sex with you.
                   \_ I wouldn't want to be unfaithful to yermom.  Best wishes.
        \_ soda's mutt has sa-score sort/reverse-sort capabilities.
           use (o)rder or reverse-(O)rder interactively, or see
           ~jwang/.muttrc for useful folder-hooks.
           \_ Thanks, I'll check that out but right now I want to
           \_ Thanks, I'll check that out but right now I wasn to
              delete or move stuff flagged as spam to a spam folder.
              I need to do this to 1000+ messages so I dont want to
              use mutt.
              \_ Um.  Mutt's plenty fast.  I routinely do operations on
              use mutt.
                 thousands of messages.
              \_ Real Men(c) use mh.  Once you've used the real thing, you'll
                 never go back.
                 \_ Right, cuz you'll be so fucking frustrated that you'll
                    never log in again.
                    \_ Hmmm... yeah.  The core commands you need to know:
                        next: shows you the next messsage
                        prev: show you the previous message
                        show: shows you the current message
                        repl: replies to current message
                        forw: forwards current message
                       Yeah, this is hard.  To quote yermom, "Unix is hard!
                       Let's go shopping!"  Although for dunderheads like
                       yourself, there are pretty little GUI frontends so
                                \_ don't forget comp
                       you don't have to worry your pretty little head with
                       all those self descriptive 4 letter commands.
                       \_ don't forget comp
                          \_ oh yeah, forgot.  Knowing how to compose an email
                             is probably a good idea.
                       \_ If it's that simple, Real Men(c) have no business
                          using it.
                          \_ We're Powerful(c), not stupid.  MH is easy *and*
                             powerful *and* flexible since all the tools follow
                             the unix philosophy of chaining tools that each
                             do one thing and do it well without bloat.
                             do one thing and do it well without bloat.
                             \_ Technically, you seem pretty sharp...pop
                                culturally, you're a freaking moron.
                                Although....that's not such a bad trade-off.
                                \_ Pop culturally?  Ok, I'll bite.  How so?
                       \_ Can someone answer my question!  How do I send a
                          mailbox marked up my SpamAssassin through my
                          procmail sorting rules?  -OP
                          \_ We're in a mail program flame war.  Since they
                             all integrate with procmail that's not very
                             interesting, is it?  In mh you'd do something
                                refile `pick -subject SPAM +inbox` +spamfolder
                             This assumes you've allowed spamassassin to
                             rewrite your subject lines.  Normally, you'd not
                             need to do this because you'd sort from procmail
                             after spamassassin has done it's job in an
                             earlier procmail recipe.  Another mh convert is
                             born... welcome to the fold.
                             \- I dont want to have my mail spool exploded
                                into different message and then have to repack
                                \_ Why would you repack your mailspool?  The
                                   idea is to get away from the dangerous
                                   and difficult to manage one-file mailspool.
                                   You shouldn't *want* a mailspool file.  But
                                   if you really must, just snarf each message
                                   in a loop (I suggest perl) and simply pipe
                                   it through procmail.  I don't know wtf psb
                                   is trying to tell you to do down below.
                                      \- E_TOOSHORT
                                   in a loop (I suggest perl) and simply pipe
                                   it through procmail.  I don't know wtf psb
                                   is trying to tell you to do down below.
                                      \- E_TOOSHORT
                                         \_ No, it just doesn't make sense to
                                            run your mbox through that mess
                                            when there are already perfectly
                                            good tools and APIs available.  I
                                            can read your code.  I just wouldnt
                                            do something that insane.  --tall
                                \- i'd either use mailagent or flex but there
              use mutt.
                       all those self descriptive 4 letter commands.
                                   is sort of a klugy way by doing something
                                   like this:
                         ( echo 'set screen=10000' ; echo 'h 1-$' ; echo x ) |
                         mail -f mbox.spamc | grep SPAM | awk '{print $1}' |
                         (tr or sed ... something to just keep the numbers)
                         and then run the command again but pass the list of
                         message numbers to "echo d <>" | mail ... you will
                         have to do something sane with newlines.
                         the details depended on mailrc settings and which
                         mail program. but the approach generalizes.--psb
2003/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10263 Activity:nil
9/19    What's the easiest way to replace text strings in a binary file?
        I have a feeling that sed can't be used with binary files...
        \- uh you can try emacs. anymore is probably beyond the scope of wall.
        \_ perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g' is probably pretty safe;
           add in a -0777 first if you want to be paranoid
        \_ If you're replacing same-size strings, any hex editor will do.  If
           you're shrinking them, then fill with spaces.  If you're growing,
           you might break something if it's an executable or some self
           referenced data file like a zip.
           \_ spaces?  Why not null chars?
              \_ because code accessing those strings may run into trouble
                 with nulls/
        \_ Arrr - nold for California Governor!
           \_ Avast Right-Wing Conspiracy!
2003/9/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10264 Activity:nil
        Poor bastard.  BushCo wouldn't have nailed him if he wasn't Muslim.
2003/9/20-21 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10265 Activity:nil
9/20    Is it possible to run have a linux box export files via NFS over
        ssh tunnels?  I tried doing this by tunneling the ports that
        nfsd uses but it didn't work.  Any suggestions on how to do this
        or the equivalent?  Thanks.
        \_ only if you either forward a ton of ports and replace alot of
           rpc stuff.. here's a starter, but remember that you will take
           a performance hit -shac
           \_ Thanks, I take a look at this.
        \_ are you using nfs via udp or tcp?
           \_ I tried it with both udp and tcp ports without success.
        \_ You made tunnels in both directions?
           \_ Why both directions?  I just tunnelled the relevant daemons.
        \_ just tunnel IP over ssh and make life easier
           \_ What do you mean "tunnel IP over ssh"?  Is this a joke?
2003/9/20-21 [Transportation/Car, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:10266 Activity:nil
9/20    This is beautiful.  Any of you own HP stock?  Friends work there?
        \_ How else are the HP execs going to take the Passage to India
           quickly in style and comfort?
        \_ Carly sucks, but how do they figure that planes registered to
           "GC AIR LLC" in Anaheim are owned by HP? --dim
2003/9/20-21 [Finance/Banking] UID:10267 Activity:nil
9/20    How's it work in the US with life insurance--do you have separate
        work and private insurances like here (assuming you're employed)
        and count the private one as more of a savings plan?  Curious
        because of all the insurance-related stuff on the net wealth thread
        below.  -John
        \_ Using life insurance as a savings plan is a *really* bad way to
           'invest'.  You can *always* do better by just getting long term
           CD's and similar low yield but safe investments.
                \_ Sure, no argument there.  My point was just that here
                   (Switzerland) the whole 'savings' thing is sold as a major
                   side effect of having, well, life insurance.  Which is a
                   bit lame, seeing as how most plans run about 20-30 years,
                   and for the first 5-10, if you withdraw, you actually
                   end up paying penalties instead of getting anything back.
                   \_ It's sold the same way here but it's an equally bad
                      idea no matter what country you're in.
                      \- if you have no dependents, why do you have
                         life insurance?
                         \_ The way it works is you get a certain amount
                            (CHF 5k/year) that goes off your taxes, towards
                            your insurance for a certain amount (say 200k.)
                            For the first x years, you have a deficit, but
                            then you start to accrue principal and interest.
                            If you croak before the end of the time the
                            insurance runs, you get the full amount paid.
                            After you're done, you can withdraw the principal
                            plus interest.  It has a lot of disadvantages,
                            such as being very inflexible.  Basically, it's
                            considered as an add-on to your pension.  -John
                         \_ some policies are written in such a way that you
                            can withdraw money from them, in effect they become
                            an investment vehicle, although a very poor one.
                            \_ Is that the same as an annuity? Isn't that the
                               thing where they give a good return but are
                               betting that you die before getting the $?
                               \_ An annuity is just any annual income derived
                                  from investment.  The insurance above is
                                  called 'whole' life, as opposed to 'term'
                                  life (which is simply a monthly fee for
                                  insurance.)  [formatd]
                                  called 'whole' life, as opposed to 'term' life
                                  (which is simply a monthly fee for insurance.)
2003/9/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10268 Activity:nil
9/20    These Are Historic Times - Is it to be Lincoln or Sisyphus?
2003/9/20-23 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10269 Activity:kinda low
9/20    Christ, I have gotten literally hundreds of these emails purporting
        to be a Microsoft patch.  I am running SpamAssassin, but this is well
        crafted.  Yet, I read it is "easy to filter out" if you are running
        a mail server.  Cannot soda block this?
        \_ It would indeed be "easy" to block this at a server level, but, to
           \_ The following rules seem to work for me:
                :0 w:
                * ^Subject:.*(Microsoft|Net).*(Security|Critical|Patch).*

                :0 Dw:
                * ^SUBJECT.*
                \_ Maybe I'm reading this wrong but wouldn't this second one
                  delete all your mail sight unseen?
                  \_ hmm... I guess that's one way to keep all the spam out
                  \_ D -> case sensitive match. Most of the M$ spam uses
                     SUBJECT: as the subject header, so I just trash that.
                     Mail that uses Subject: as the subject header still
                     gets through.
           \_ The current outbreak finally got me to get procmail going.
              Here's a recipe I got from Usenet that trashes all messages
              with executable attachments:
               * ^Content-[-a-z0-9_]+:.*($[     ].*)*=[         ]*($[   ]+)*"?[^\
              \_ As long as you're going to filter every obscure .ext you might
                 as well toss in .btm.
           go back to the old mantra, this is a volunteer-run machine.  Keeping
           up with spam/virus screen has become a full time position in many
           organizations.  With the csua, as is stated on the application form,
           you're expected to have some sort of a clue on how to deal with this
           stuff.  Also, to start a new mantra, server side email screening
           attempts almost always piss off more people than they please.  Read
           up on procmail. --scotsman
           \_ otoh, it's in a sysadmin's interest to block the major windows
              worms, because there are bound to be people who can't learn
              procmail in the hour in might take for their quotas to fill up.
              besides, worm mail is a specific target that's easy enough to
              handle and there isn't a new outbreak every day.
              \_ Doesn't matter.  Slippery slope and all that.  Take some
                 personal responsibility (remember the part about having some
                 sort of clue?), educate yourself, and be glad you have access
                 to a machine like this.  There are some incredible technical/
                 personal/professional networking oppurtunities through the
                 csua, but not when everyone gets bitchy because of inflated
                 expectations. --scotsman
                 \_ You're sounding very libertarian or republican with all
                    that BushCo talk of personal responsibility.
                    \_ there's a wide distinction between a student
                       organisation at a university and the federal
                       government.  Amusing troll, though.  --scotsman
                       \_ So now you're saying we should take personal
                          responsibility at the personal level but at the
                          government level we should make someone else take
                          care of us?  Call it a troll if you like.  It doesn't
                          change the fact that you were espousing libertarian
                          ideals and then knee-jerked away when caught.
                          \_ Hardly.  When you signed on to this organisation,
                             you agreed to clauses that said basically you
                             wouldn't be a pest.  My personal politics do
                             not enter into this discussion at all.  My views
                             of civic governance have next to no relation to
                             my view of the csua (of which I was a governing
                             member for 3[?] semesters. --scotsman
                             \_ Asking the csua admins to filter some crap is
                                helpful to everyone, not being a pest.  You
                                did a nice dance but you're still a libertarian
                                but I think you're still ok despite that.
        \_ procmail recipe.
           \_ The following rules seem to work for me:
                :0 w:
                * ^Subject:.*(Microsoft|Net).*(Security|Critical|Patch).*

                :0 Dw:
                * ^SUBJECT.*
                \_ Maybe I'm reading this wrong but wouldn't this second one
                  delete all your mail sight unseen?
                  \_ hmm... I guess that's one way to keep all the spam out
                  \_ D -> case sensitive match. Most of the M$ spam uses
                     SUBJECT: as the subject header, so I just trash that.
                     Mail that uses Subject: as the subject header still
                     gets through.
           \_ The current outbreak finally got me to get procmail going.
              Here's a recipe I got from Usenet that trashes all messages
              with executable attachments:
               * ^Content-[-a-z0-9_]+:.*($[     ].*)*=[         ]*($[   ]+)*"?[^\
              \_ As long as you're going to filter every obscure .ext you might
                 as well toss in .btm.
2003/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29541 Activity:nil
9/19    Anyone read Bellcurve? Does it actually tell you which race has
        a higher IQ?
2003/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29542 Activity:nil
9/19    How much funding is enough for the Pentagon?
2003/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29543 Activity:nil
9/19    On a related note, has anyone read "Da Vince Code"? Is it as
        good as everyone is raving?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:September:20 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>