2003/9/3-4 [Computer/Theory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10050 Activity:nil |
9/5 I have a relatively large mailing list archive in a typical unix's mbox format. Is there any tools that allow me to view it easily, i.e. reconstruct threads, etc? \_ mutt -f file (then hit "ot" to sort by threads) \_ From a mh perspective, you can incorporate it into your mail box with inc, and then do a subject field sort with 'sortm -textfield subject'. -ERic |
2003/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10051 Activity:nil |
9/4 SUPREMACY BY STEALTH http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/974871/posts \_ Ugh. These people WANT a Pax Americana? I particularly like the dictum to "Emulate Second-Century Rome." Don't these guys remember what happened to Rome in the 4th century? \- R. Kagan isnt a dumb guy, but he's either sort of blinded by some of what he believes or uses a lot of stuff disingenuously. I havent had time to process the full article but his example where he talks about the Scililian Fiasco [search for Glyllipus] is totally ridiculous. Obvious, if you have any passing familiarity with Thucydides [which of course 90% of the readers wont]. [in a strage coincidence the real modern expert on this is Donald Kagan, who is another crazy right wing nut. note also the historian "Erich S. Gruen" R. Kagan refers to has an office in Dwinelle. one of berkeley's best lecturers. --psb \_ What's wrong with Pax Americana? Or Pax of any sort. \_ Cause there ain't no Pax in Pax Americana. -aspo \_ Pax Romana was somewhat mislabelled too. There always will be unhappy fringe elements in any empire. This does not mean the alternatives (i.e. bloody covert or overt conflicts between major rival powers) are better. -- ilyas \- 2nd century AD or BC? take your pick ... --psb BC: Cary \& Schullard describe the aftermath as follows: ``In other Greek towns they restored the rule of the wealthier classes, and they made Corinth safe against social revolution by razing it to the ground and selling its inhabitants into slavery.'' This was the hard edge to the vaunted {\it Pax Romana\/}. --National Identity Myths and the Roman People AD: [actually a little earlier, but written ~100] ... they lust for dominion; neither the east nor the west has been able to satisfy them. Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace. --The Agricola, Speech of [CG]algacus The imperial destiny drives hard, and fortune has no longer any gift for us other than the disunion of our foes. --The Germania \_ White Man's burden... I heard that one before. \_ You prefer what? That muslim fanatics run the world? Someone is going to run the world whether you like it or not. I prefer America run it. |
2003/9/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:10052 Activity:nil |
9/4 All politburo's accounts accidentally sorried. --God \_ thank goodness there is a God! |
2003/9/3 [Recreation/Dating] UID:10053 Activity:very high |
9/2 I can't get any girls, any hints?? \_ Consider this a BLESSING FROM THE GODS! Girls are the spawn of hell; their only goal in life is to suck the happiness out of the lives of poor hapless unsuspecting men by overwhelming them via feminine guiles. If only I had been blessed with the inability to get a girl my life would not now be a endless living nightmare of poverty and desperation. \_ i don't think you're the real BDG. I think you're faking it. train harder. \_ rope, chloroform, American car with spacious trunk. - danh \_ Start hitting on every girl you see, especially the ugly ones. Remember: a 5 in your bed beats a 10 in your head! Eventually you should have enough confidence to bed the good ones. \_ Step One: log off \_ learn to be friendly, in general. <-- this guy never got laid \_ DOES NOT WORK. Nice guys do NOT finish first when it comes to dating. Acting professionally does NOT get pussy Watch Blind Date. Take notes. Get laid. This will be the best advice you'll ever get. \_ It's not about being 'nice' or a 'jerk'. It's about being confident. Train harder. \_ No being a boring, know-it-all little jerk who treats women as The Other doesn't work. Sadly many boring, know-it-all little jerks who treat woman as The Other confuse that with being nice. -aspo \_ Aspo, the world renown expert on women, speaks. Shouldn't you be asking little boys to sit on your lap? \_ So do you deny that I am right? -aspo \_ Even if you are right (I am not so sure) how would you know you were? You have no \_ learn to be friendly, in general. experience in men dating women scene. \_ And other sodans do? \_ This may be surprising, but some sodans don't have problems getting laid. \_ http://pickupguide.com is your new bible. \_ also check out http://steelballs.com \_ Join the Fancy Lad Academy! \_ buy some nice new clothes, new shoes, get a haircut take showers everyday and show you can take care of yourself \_ I agree, watch "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" on Bravo. \_ What have you already tried? Did you get any error messages? Did you search on google? These are standard steps to solving any problem. \_ http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2003-06-30&res=l \_ a taser and a windowless van \_ are you sure you're not picking up on chix that are out of your league?? \_ How to find out if the girl is out of your league? \_ If you think a girl is out of your league she is out of your league. If you honestly don't think she is, you have a shot. \_ That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! Don't let the \_ Bingo, someone got it. motd idiots crush your spirit. \_ You missed the point. It's all about self-confidence. If you don't think you're good enough for her, she won't think so either. \_ Ah so. I stand corrected. \_ Bingo, someone got it. \_ Yes, your sister certainly is. \_ then again, maybe she won't think so anyway. \_ Even butt ugly guys can get with hot chix. You just have to have experience. \_ Start flipping up skirts right after class. It may not work, \_ There, there. Don't be bitter. I'll humor your troll next time league. If you honestly don't think she is, you have a shot. \_ Look in home. Maybe your sis is the best chick in the world. but it'll certainly make my day! \_ It's not as hard as you're making it sound. All you need to do is to locate her clitoris. \_ Look in home. Maybe your sis is the best chick in the world. \_ Yes, your sister certainly is. \_ You are asking the motd for advice about getting girls? Crazy? \_ No, OP is just bringing out an old troll. Didn't even put it into a new format and you all bought it. It makes me wonder why I bother to put so much effort into mine. -bitter troll \_ There, there. Don't be bitter. I'll humor your troll next time \_ Nobody made fun of my nut question either. |
2003/9/3 [Computer/HW/Printer] UID:10054 Activity:nil |
9/2 best Color printer for digital photos, 5x7s? \_ best quality? Or best value? \_ I've read that the Canon i950 (and to a lesser extent, the i850) have superb quality. Only hitch is that the ink fades faster than comparable printers (though I'm not sure if we're talking months or years) \_ Check dpreview's forums. There's one for printers. \_ Walmart or CostCo have $10,000+ printers and charge ~20 cents a print. |
2003/9/3-4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10055 Activity:nil |
9/3 How can I get tcsh to warn me about being overquota when I log in? \_ Maybe put "quota -v" in your .cshrc? \_ quota -q will only report FSs where you're over your limit |
2003/9/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:10056 Activity:nil |
9/3 Is there a korean word equivalent to the japanese (though rapidly becoming english as well) term "otaku". \_ What little self contained universe do you live in where "otaku" is widely used by english speakers? \_ You're just yelling to hear yourself yell, aren't you? \_ Partly, but it's more a wider concern about geekdom. The presumption of the question displays the traits a little too closely. \_ otaku \_ what does "otaku" mean? \_ I think that the literal translation is "home", but the meaning is something like shut-in/luser/nerd. Usually otaku are people who stay at home watching anime, reading manga, playing computer games and surfing the internet. Basically your average '1337 GN00/L1NUX H4X0R. \_ cf. http://www.jekai.org/entries/aa/00/nn/aa00nn70.htm (yes, you may need to dl Japanese Character support) \_ What little self contained universe do you live in where "otaku" is widely used by english speakers? \_ otaku |
2003/9/3-4 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:10057 Activity:nil |
9/3 Why does (red hat) linux suggest/require swap size to be between 1 to 2 times physical ram? With big physical ram size on modern day machine, how much swap size is really needed in linux? \_ Sun altered that schema as ram went up - 2x up to 128m, 1.5 to 256, 1x to 512, then .5 to 16G, and .35x thereafter. \_ Disk is cheap. But the fact is, with my 2G of RAM (or 512M) I don't really need swap at all. Still, I would give yourself 1-2x physical RAM just so that if you have something going nuts it'll start the machine swapping before processess start dying. That way you have some chance to kill things yourself rather than have the OS kill them for you. --PeterM \_ I heard that SunOS4 had similar requirement. It doesn't run well if you have less than that amount of swap space even if the total memory usage is less than the RAM size. \_ The idea (at least for FreeBSD) is to have enough swap space to crashdump your entire RAM and still have swap space left over. So the range is MEM+1 - 2*MEM. |
2003/9/3-4 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10058 Activity:nil |
9/3 Anyone else here suddenly getting deluged with spam from China? I only know one person there, and he doesn't send me email in Chinese. \_ China and Russia are two major havens of big spammers. it's likely that the western spammers make some side cash selling lists to the locals. \_ how to block spam on my csua account? \_ read up on spamassassin+procmail or just copy my .procmailrc - danh \_ man spam \_ Spam, man! \_ if i think that's funny, to i have a stupid sense of humor? |
2003/9/3-4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:10059 Activity:nil |
9/3 http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2002710430903.gif Today's dilbert is pretty funny. -vegan guy \_ We have the opposite problem. No vegans, but people can't decide where to go eat. \_ Sheesh. It's simple. If you're with a group of people, take charge and go eat where YOU want to eat. You might as well make yourself happy if no one else has an opinion. |
2003/9/3-4 [Health/Men] UID:10060 Activity:nil |
9/3 What's the Almighty MOTD's opinion on Creatine to bulk up? Any side effects? \_ Creatine isn't about bulking up, dumbass pencil neck. \_ MWF - chest,legs,biceps TTh - back, shoulders, triceps \_ You do realize you'd still haveta put in your 10-14hr/week in the weight room, right? \_ How do you determine how much time you should spend in the weight room? Some studies suggest that you should work your whole body once per week and rest otherwise. \_ The way I work out, I couldn't possibly do everything in a day. I do 3-4 exercises per major body part (legs, chest, back), and 1-2 per smaller part (biceps, triceps, etc). If you can do all that in a day, feel free to. \_ follow your dreams, you can reach your goals; I'm living proof. Beefcake!!!!! -Arnold \_ Weightgain 4000 rewls. \_ 5 hrs/wk for 5 years will give you much better results than 15 hr/wk for 2 yrs. \_ deja vu. This has been in the motd before. Search the archives... |
2003/9/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10061 Activity:nil |
9/3 http://www.business-standard.com/archives/2003/jan/50310103.016.asp Republican party outsources fund raising to India telemarketers. All hail bush! \_ Urban legend. \_ Cite! \_ Testify!!! \_ Anybody see The War Room, about Clinton's first campaign? They had video of Bush talking up jobs for Americans next to footage of GOP banners being printed in a S. American country. \_ http://www.differentstrings.info/archives/002552.html Probably some Republican but not the RNC. \_ awwwww. the republicans are a victim of irresponsible journalism by the washington times. cry me a fucking river. \_ Nice to know where you stand. I'd like journalistic honesty to be non-partisan. \_ More obnoxious is the spamminess of the (verifiably) RNC sanctioned email campaigns. |
2003/9/3-4 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:10062 Activity:nil |
9/3 What editor can be controlled by another program? What I want is to have my program launch, say ED, and the user edit a given file. Only a subset of ED's command is avaialbe to the user. The rest of the functionality is controlled by the parent program, so that ED is acting like an embedded editor. \_ rex \_ Do you mean red? \_ I should have said that I want a VISUAL editor that can be embedded. \_ list the restrictions you want... if you just want to, e.g., limit file access, you can probably wrap it in a jail or something like that. \_ Suppose my program asks the user to type/edit some documents at some stage, and I don't want to write an embedded editor just for that. The user is not allowed to edit any other file or change buffer (as in emacs). And the parent program can change the file/buffer without relaunching the editor. I guess the EMACS way is to write the program in elisp etc so everything is inside editor. I want the other way around. \_ What are you actually trying to do? If you want that level of control you're going to have to completely manage the widget. This isn't as bad as it seems, many toolkits have powerful rich text editor classes. |
2003/9/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:10063 Activity:nil 50%like:28120 |
9/3 Kyle Boller to start. \_ Fear. Very few QBs do well in their first year. That's why they're usually backups. \_o-ver-ra-ted \_ he won't do well his first year. Maybe his 2nd or 3rd. |
3/15 |