8/31 I am in the transition from being employed to unemployed or hopefully
self-employed later on. One of the things that worry me is health
insurance just for myself. Will it become much more expensive?
I am generally healthy but already in my early 30s'. What
company/package do people in similar situation buy?
\_ If you are a Christian, you may want to try:
I think it's good for tiding things over while unemployed or if
one has financial difficulties, but coverage is probably more
basic than what you get from your employer. About $100 per month.
They say they save costs by not supporting people with
unhealthy lifestyles (drugs, sex, etc.). At first, I have some
misgivings about that, but thinking more, there is nothing wrong
with it.
\_ jesus crashed my browser.
\_ How do they verify that the subscriber is a christian? Can one
convert? And what if the subscriber lost his faith after
subscription? Although I can't help my misgiving, this is a
serious question. The Evans link that site connects to suggests
subscription? Although I can't help my misgiving, this is
a serious question. The link that site connect to suggests
that these people are not real Christians. Rather they seem to
be fundamentalist fanatics intent on a worldwide revolution.
If they are a chirstian's version of Hamas or Islamic Brotherhood
just trying to gain popularity support by pretending nice it's
fine. But it tries to set up cells of devotees I smell danger.
that these people are not real Christians. Rather they seem to
be fundamentalist fanatics intent on a worldwide revolution.
If I am really desperate I might want to try that health plan,
if they won't send Christ's soldier or army of god to my home.
When really desperate one might want to try their health plan,
if they won't send Christ's soldier or army of god for checkups.
\_ You need your pastor to sign off. Other than that, they just
cheap medical plans ($42/mo) with high deductibles ($2400).
trust you, I guess. Oh, also a nurse would call you after
your application is sent in to ask you some questions
regarding our medical history. I am not sure what you mean by
"Evans link". Most faiths have some fanatical nuts. The few of
those who used it thinks it's good. Sample size is small. My
family doctor, who is Hindu, says she would accept the plan
\_ Don't forget that cobra is retroactive for approx. 60 days.
\_ does Cobra have a good medical plan? I always wondered why
people would want to join an evil terrorist organization that
always loses to G.I.Joe.
\_ because they never die. hard to beat that.
cheap medical plans ($42/mo) with high deductibles ($2400).
those super-cheap insurers you find later are just pyramind scams.
as insurance without problem.
\_ Supposedly, Kaiser has a really cheap (~ $30/month) major-medical
only plan. No Dr.'s visits, prescriptions, etc.. save that for
when you're employed. But at least if you crash and burn, you
won't be going to the city hospital.
\_ where is this cheap Kaiser plan? When I get a quote, it gives
me an estimate of $154/mo. Anyhow. Blue Shield of CA has some
cheap medical plans ($42/mo) but with high deductibles ($2400).
\_ It's really fudge up out there. My aunt/uncle, retired, have to
pay $900/month for insurance. With deductibles. If anyone knows
of good leads for health insurance, lots of people (unemployed,
self-employed, semi-retired) need it. As long it's not one of
those super-cheap insurers you find later are just pyramind scams.
\_ "I don't think the American people want to hear about healthcare."
-Joe Liebermann
\_ Don't forget that cobra is retroactive for approx. 60 days.
\_ does Cobra have a good medical plan? I always wondered why
people would want to join an evil terrorist organization that
always loses to G.I.Joe.
\_ because they never die. hard to beat that.
\_ http://ehealthinsurance.com -- never used them myself but they were
recommended to me at one time. also, check out COBRA with your
current employer. it might be pricey, but will continue your
existing coverage for 18 months. important to try to not let
health insurance lapse, as it is REALLY hard to get new coverage
after a 6 month lapse...and it may f*ck with pre-existing condition
clauses with any new insurance policies. --chris
\_ What is with this continuity requirement? Any url? I only
knew auto insurance cared about lapses but I guess I was poorly
informed. Would living aborad while under various kind of
foreign employee insurance and/or travel/ex-pat insurance count
as lapses? I guess COBRA does not apply to such cases? |