2003/8/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:29452 Activity:high |
8/23 There are a lot of software that help you write outlines. I, however, don't think in the outline mode. I tend to draw "mind bubble" during the brainstorming phase. Is there any software, commerical/open source that can help me to draw them on a computer? Is there a proper term for "mind bubble" so i can look up on Google? \_ you will have to do some legwork on your own: http://tinyurl.com/7tic \_ brain storming \_ ["engrish" drivel deleted] fuck you...when someone speaks broken english it usually just means they speak another language better than you \_ i know too many people who were born and raised and went to college in other countries, including china, who can write and speak in clear, correct english to agree with your point of view. I am Amercian, yet i can speak Chinese. it has been my observation that alot of the chinese poeple in technical fields whose english sucks are bad communicaters in either language(much like their american counterparts.) and before you start flaming, i was not the person who posted the "engrish" post you're responding to. \_ Thank you. I want also point out that communication has many fronts. A bad writer (like me) does not necessarily mean he can not communicate verbally. --OP (asking for brain storming software and didn't expect the thread became a debate in English) \_ I'll bet you would defend that school administrator who fired a few dozen teachers who couldn't pass the same test he himself couldn't pass after 3 or 4 tries. His excuse? He was foreign born, although he'd been here for 20+ adult years. And no, I seriously doubt foreign geeks communicate in their native tongue better than American geeks communicate in English. lah! \_ Administrators aren't teachers. They have a different skill set. Did you ever think of that? \_ hah! I knew you were the type. He is required by law to pass the test. He is *supposed* to be more edjumakated than the teachers he was firing. Maybe the teachers were foreign born so it's unfair to ask someone teaching 12th grade to pass a 10th grade test. Ever think of that? \_ You have to have a teaching credential to get an \_ I find paper and pencil best. Programs get you all distracted by how to draw bubbles/linkages, etc. administrative (teaching) credential. those who can, do. those who can't teach. those who can't teach, administer. \_ Hey! Stop bringing facts into this! No fair! \_ I find paper and pencil best. Programs get you all distracted by how to draw bubbles/linkages, etc. |
2003/8/24-25 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29453 Activity:high |
8/23 what's really at stake in iraq: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/24/opinion/24FRIE.html \_ NYTimes? With their track record the last few years, you might as well post something from the National Enquirer. (I didn't read the link because it doesn't matter what the NYT publishes anymore) \_ So you're sticking to reputable, unbiased sources like Washington Times and Fox News then, I'm assuming. Fair and balanced! \_ Actually with people like Thomas Friedman and Judith Miller writing for them the NYTimescan feel like Fox or the Moonie Times sometimes. Just that no one ever calls the NYTimes on their bullshit. \_ That's a decently written editorial with some interesting points, which, whether you agree with him or not, are well-argued and well-presented. Regarding the Fox news comparison, do you rate news sources for the opinions they present, or for how they present them? I don't know about you, but I'm more interested in a persuasive, eloquent argument that I disagree with, than a rah-rah piece of demagoguery that meshes with my own opinions... -John \_ Fox TV sounds *exactly* like the NYT to me. It's just from the opposing view and they don't take themselves so gravely seriously like the NYT does for some mysterious reason. Oh yeah, Fox hasn't yet been busted with multiple flat out ficticious "news reports" unlike the NYT. I can read opinion on the net without the NYT filter tainting it. \_ Well ain't it just peachy then that you have the god- given right to choose your own news sources. In any case, that's not a news article, it is an op-ed piece. And good luck finding something completely unbiased--if you're not consuming news with a grain of salt, you've losing out regardless. -John \_ Summary: Iraq is about culture, but we can't say that because it doesn't play well on TV. It's an important war to win, on human rights grounds alone. But Bush has handled this so idiotically-- alienating our allies, trying bear the cost alone while cutting accelerated production of nuclear weapons, there taxes domestically, and lying outright about the immediate need for war-- that we may lose it anyway. \_ Exactly which allies are those? France, who considers Iraq their client state? Germany, who sold Iran their gas centrifuge technology and continually insulted the President for domestic political gain? Russia and China which remain Communist states? Please do explain yourself. \_ I was going to explain how stupid this person was and then I saw the he claims Russia is still a Communist state and realized he has already done my work for me. \_ All of the same apparitchik remain in power, the KGB still exists, Putin is KGB, Russia has accelerated R&D of nuclear weapons, there is no free press, etc. etc. To repeat, the same elite holds power but they call themselves something else. I'd trust the judgement of leaders of former eastern bloc countries than yours. \_ How about China? It is a mirror opposite of Russia. Same party, same people in power, but they've moved to market economy since mid 1980's. and you call China a Communist state? \_ I think China is going for a kind of nationalist unification of big business and government, which is what people call fascism. \_ China's 'aspirations' for political and economic freedom are transparent in its client state North Korea. \_ They haven't moved to a market economy. They have some of the highest barriers to entry in the world. The whole thing is a giant state owned business. Can I get some of that shit you're smoking? |
2003/8/24-25 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:29454 Activity:high |
8/23 I hate polls that don't say who or how many people were called, what time of day/days, and if they were registered or likely voters or not. This sort of poll publishing 'technique' just turns the article into political propaganda and does nothing to inform. I'd *really* like to see the questions asked to see if they were push-polling too. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/0803/24recall.html \_ Here's the PDF that has all the info that you want - I believe the AJC was quoting this LA times poll. Doesn't look that pushed to me: http://images.latimes.com/media/acrobat/2003-08/9112808.pdf Note the breakdown by voter type, and the questions. \_ i once got a call from a polster who asked some really loaded idiotic questions. i told him his questions were full of shit and refused to answer them on that basis. i made the guys day. he agreed it was totally loaded and said i was the first person he'd called who had called him on it. \_ why do I not believe you? \_ why would i make the story up? the guy who actually calls you is just some random guy doing a shit job. \_ It's common. I've been push polled before and had a similar conversation. Similar to telemarketers, they're just paid to \_ All of the same apparitchik remain in power, the KGB still exists, Putin is KGB, Russia has accelerated production of nuclear weapons, there is no free press, etc. etc. I think I'd trust the judgement of leaders of eastern bloc countries than yours. go down a list and ask random useless questions which will be used later to further their client's political agenda. They don't care and don't have to. \_ except I've known people who do telemarketing and they've said people who digress from the script get fired fast. \_ There seems to be a little more lee-way for pollsters-- I had a very similar conversation this past week. \_ I said similar, not the exact same. ie: they don't care about the product or poll they're calling you about. |
2003/8/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:29455 Activity:high |
8/23 Illegals busting education budget http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34232 \_ Or illegals are picking farmer's produce and getting paid squat, so farmers and everyone else up the food chain get paid lots of $$$ except those at the very bottom. Same goes for construction, restaurants, etc. In short, illegals are good for doing jobs that no one else wants to do, and also for scapegoating during hard economic times. The business community will never stand for stopping illegal immigration because they will never find americans to work the fields, clean offices at night, and wash dishes for minimum wage. So scapegoat all you want, but illegals and those at the bottom are indispensible to businesses and the profits that they generate. You directly benefit because costs for your restaurant meal are lower, food from the grocery stores are lower, etc. \_ you wish. take a look around. when the only jobs left in america for someone without a fancy pants education like we have are retail, janitorial, and farm jobs americans will be fighting for the janitorial and farm jobs. it beats retail. welcome to the newest third world country. \__ So you are telling me we need 11 million illegal farm workers in addition to the 20+ million who have been given amnesty in the past 20 years? Exactly how large of an underclass do you want to create - because they are not assimilating. Graduation rates from high school are <30%. When does it stop - should we import all of latin america to be our slave labor? Teenagers or blue collar workers used to perform these tasks, and still would if given the opportunity. How do you know I benefit? Is this hearsay - the National Academy of Sciences says we pay tens of thousands to each illegal over their lifetime. The real price of meat and produce has not fallen, neither has the cost of living. |