2003/8/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:29417 Activity:high |
8/20 Public museums that house religious artifacts are unconstitutional \_ url? \_ Drat. There goes the Declaration of Independence. \_ hmm. time to load up on ammo -Arnold \_ They are taking God away from us! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/3169013.stm |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:29418 Activity:high |
8/20 What's the difference between First Class Mail and Priority Mail in the USPS delivery system? Does one use a different plane/route than the other? \_ First Class: by ground $0.36 cross country in 3-5 days ground Priority Mail : $3. 2-3 days xcountry by air. "What's your priority?" \_ First Class, Jojo is extra careful with the hammer. |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29419 Activity:low |
8/20 Been a long time since I work on C/C++. Can anyone help make sense of this message? main.o: file not recognized: File truncated \_ Maybe the .o was originally compiled for a different architecture? \_ Hmm...no, I am doing a clean build. \_ problem with the compile options and compile line? What is it? \_ Are you building on a nfs mounted volume? (perhaps on Linux using v2?) Linux using nfs v2?) \_ filesystem full or hit quota? |
2003/8/21 [Transportation/Car] UID:29420 Activity:moderate |
8/20 Any tips on good motorcycle insurance companies? Been licensed 2 years but not insured, $480/yr from progressive seems a bit steep? (especially compared to my much lower car insurance - unfortunately my car insurer doesn't do bikes...). Thanks! - mds \_ If that is full coverage, that is cheap. If not, that is about 5X what it shold be. If you have a perfect driving record, try GEICO. -ausman \_ if you are under 25 and you've only been riding for 2 years and never owned (and had insurance which you are supposed to have) a bike before that is a bit high, but not 5x too high. \_ over 30, married, but never owned... Waiting to hear back from geico, any other good ones? Thanks! -mds \_ thanks for the tips! With geice, it was just ~$100! -mds |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:29421 Activity:high |
8/20 I'm trying to setup my debian linux server to accept dial-in PPP connections from my Linux laptop and a win98 machine that is out of town. I'm already running mgetty as a fax and text-login server. What's the best method for making connections easy for both the windows and (debian) linux boxes? There's CHAP and PAP, and I'm not sure which (if either) to pursue. Has anybody here done this and can point me in the right direction? Also, which kernel modules do I need to load? The laptop runs the 2.4.18-686 kernel, and the server runs the 2.4.20-3-686 kernel. Thanks.. \_ that stuff sounds boring. go to the beach. \_ with so many self proclaimed LINUX USING! nerdlings around here I thought this would have been answered already. guess talking about it is a lot different than knowing anything about it. |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:29422 Activity:high 60%like:10146 |
8/20 OpenBSD 3.3 patch for a semget(2) bounds checking error: http://csua.org/u/3zq ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/3.3/common/002_semget.patch \_ Anyone successfully upgraded 3.1->3.3 x86 from source? -John \_ Trivial. \_ I Keep getting "internal compiler error" when building gcc according to the mini-faq. Just wondering. -John |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:29423 Activity:moderate |
8/20 Google calculator http://www.google.com/help/features.html#calculator \_ I dont really get the point of this feature... what does this have to do with web searching? seems pointless to me \_ Just because it has nothing to do with searching doesn't mean it's not cool. \_ Very cool!!! \_ Haven't any of you guys used /usr/bin/units? Sheesh. |
2003/8/21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:29424 Activity:very high |
8/20 I leave the motd for a few hours and all the Jew bashing threads are gone. How can I feel superior if you keep purging the Jew bashing? \_ damn you Jew \_ that is why I suspect the motd censor is a jew earlier. Whoever behind the deletion of "Jew bashing" will actually fuel the anti-semitism than helping it. \_ You're an idiot. I was being sarcastic. You're exactly the sort of racist fool I was _trying_ to insult. I'll make it easier for you to understand next time. --op \_ dude, did you guys actually go to Cal? \_ Look, I'm as liberal as the next guy, but not supporting the policies of Israel is not the same as Jew bashing, ok? \- I shall soon issue a major statement on the Jews now that I am done offending the homosexuals and blacks. --psb \_ I'll bet you even have a Jewish friend, too, right? Or at least there's a Jewish guy in one of your classes that showed you his notes once and you didn't burn them. Next time, you can draw a little yellow star of david on each page so he knows you're in solidarity with him. \_ i am jewish, and i grew up in a town that was 30% jewish. probably about a third of my friends are jewish, and i celbrate some of the jewish holidays. and i think isreal can go fuck itself. |
2003/8/21 [Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:29425 Activity:very high |
8/20 why the hell is it so hard for people to understand the concept of not opening random attatchments to emails? if some gangs of kids ran around and spraypainted the word "go" on all the stopsigns would worldwide car traffic be brought to a standstill by these same fucking idiots? \_ "WET PAINT, DO NOT TOUCH". -John \_ yes, if they did a great graphic artists job and you can't see red at all (ie: all green with white GO letters) \_ picking out an attachment w/ a virus is like picking an Iraqi who is a terrorist \_ that's not a good analogy. try this one: if you got a mysterious but not too threatening looking envelope in the mail, would you open it? \_ a better analogy: if someone sent you a mysterious looking box that had some wires poking out, an odd scent, oily spots leaking through the paper, no return address and a small plume of smoke was rising from one corner, would you open it? \_ haha, right. if i sent you a letter that said I'M GOING TO KILL YOU written in something that looks like blood, would you open it? i bet you would. \_ No, I'd bring it to the cops for forensic analysis. \_ It's not a matter of "opening the letter". It's like, if someone sent you a letter containing a hypodermic needle, would you go ahead and inject it into your bloodstream? Now what I don't understand is, why call it a virus? These things are just programs people run. Trojans. \_ Because the press has to make it easy on the public. Having viruses, worms, and trojans just confuses people. Any Trojans sounds like condoms anyway. They don't want to tell the public to not use Trojans. And also the Press is stupid as well and mostly doesn't know better either. \_ Funny story: I'm not stupid. I know the attachment thing, and I'm good about it with pine on soda-- not that it matters, but still. But at work, where Outlook is forced on me, I open attachments with wild abandon. I just don't care, it's easy, and as a stooge I assume that other people take care of my security. My code is backed up on a server regularly, so I don't worry much about losing work. Hell, I wouldn't mind having my machine hosed, just so I could upgrade it a bit. \_ i open attachments on mutt with wild abandon. the difference is mutt doesn't treat the attachment as an executable. \_ "Gay Abandon." \_ That's a funny story? Stay off stage. \_ I used to fire people like you. \_ And then the boom became the dotbomb and you're no longer a Vice President of Geek Things and now flip burgers and change tapes. Thanks for sharing. \_ Don't you miss the days of the "Good Times" hoax, when you couldn't get a virus by reading email? Leave it to Microsoft to make the hoax a reality. \_ NO CARRI{{|{{{~ \_ Why do they keep sending spam? because someone responds to it. |
2003/8/21 [Uncategorized] UID:29426 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 buy a grilled "stuft" burrito for georgy http://www.tacobell.com/2003recall \_ I get it. Arnold=beef, Davis=chicken, other 134 candidates=stuffed |
2003/8/21-22 [Academia] UID:29427 Activity:low |
8/21 Has anyone satisfied the American institutions requirement by taking the exam instead of enrolling in PolSci 1. How hard is it to prepare for the exam? Would it be possible to prepare for it by say doing some reading during the winder break? Is it more or less work than actually taking PolSci 1? \_ I did it. You just read three books and take a really easy test on them. I think you pass if you convince them you actually did the reading. I actually only read two of them and was able to find some online essays on the third which gave me enough to pass. I guarantee that PoliSci 1 is MUCH more work. |
2003/8/21 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:29428 Activity:high |
8/21 Anyone else watch Arnold's press conference? Comedy gold. \_ BTW, now that Arnold's going into politics, did he say that he won't be making any more movies? I don't have much confidence on him as a governor, but I sure love his movies. \_ What sucks is that True Lies 2 is on the shelf again cuz of America's newfound sensitivity to terrorism. \_ Does Arnold promise to show his ass if he's governor, or let state senators put out burning cigars on his hand? \_ Anyone else watch Davis's "I have a dream" speech? Comedy gold. I don't care at all who replaces Davis but he has to be replaced. The rest of the bums we can get at the next election cycle. \_ What? He thinks he's MKL Jr? Oh, he has a dream indeed then. \_ It is hard for me to imagine anyone voluntarily watching Davis speak. Was it really that enjoyable? -motd liberal |
2003/8/21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:29429 Activity:nil |
8/21 smurf finally writes a game: http://fa.xmunkki.org |
2003/8/21 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:29430 Activity:very high |
8/21 Lop-sided boat, top-less sunbather on the mainstream 'Net(worksafe) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/030818/241/50bq2.html&e=3 \_ the Captain of the boat just wanted to get a closer look and grounded \_ Looks like C or D. \_ Fake and D. \_ How do you know it's fake? \_ Never gotten a girl in bed, huh? \_ Not really, but just haven't gotten a D-cup girl in a long while. \_ Sigh. Yeah, that's it. She's lying down. They aren't. \_ the lotharios of soda confer \_ They're defying the laws of physics. \_ what laws of physics would those be? \_ gravity \_ you're an idiot. \_ *sigh* does it have to be explained? breasts are mostly fat. Fat does not have the stiffness to not droop when a girl's on her back. since they're still "up", it's "defying" physics. \_ "like icing off a hot cake" \_ Maybe the saggy old women you sleep with. I have known women with real breasts that big that point straight up like that when she was lying down. It is rare, but not impossible. \_ Some censoring god at Yahoo fell asleep? \_ Yahoo very frequently has partial nudity. grow up. \_ I don't think he was implying it was a Bad Thing (tm), just surprised Yahoo! would let it through. \_ I didn't either. But being surprised at (dun dun dun...) bare breasts on a yahoo news photo is childish. \_ I'm not saying it never happens. Shit, yahoo posted decapitated bodies and severed heads pictures from mideast terrorist attacks. I downloaded and saved them too. -op \_ boats never tilt like that. it must be violating the laws of physics. \_ Really, go buy yourself a sense of humor. \_ Jew-loving godless Euro freeper motd troll! |
2003/8/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:29431 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 http://www.microsoft.com running Linux http://www.netcraft.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=74&e=6&u=/cmp/13100775 \_ they have been using akamai services for DNS and some web traffic for quite a while. dunno why this story was just now written since it's old news. \_ Because most tech journalists suck even more than other journalists |
2003/8/21-22 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:29432 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 Is http://earthstation5.com for real? Anyone tried it? \_ http://download.com.com/3302-2196_4-10210370.html \_ Their homepage is pretty worthless http://www.es5.com \_ the RIAA is going to start funding settlers now |
2003/8/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29433 Activity:very high |
8/21 Amazing how fast "old Europe" and the "irrelevant UN" are being asked to help shoulder the Bush Admin mistakes: http://csua.org/u/3zs \_ ?? What's this have to do with the Jews murdering babies in Palestine and drinking their blood in their Jew rituals?? \_ UN is dying to get back in the game, become relevent again. \_ how about, "it's damned expensive to do it alone, I'll get these UN doofuses to send troops, and we'll still retain ultimate authority" \_ Yes. That's why I think that the UN and all those countries that were opposed to US actions in Iraq should not involved. Let the US and Bush's admininistration pay the price of their unilaterality. \_ The UN is there. Or *was* there until they got blown up. Now they'll leave and not come back and teach the killers that they've got no spin and can get anything they want with a few bombs and a score of dead. Stupid, stupid, stupid. \_ "Mommy, what's the EU?" "Honey, it's sorta like the USA except they're more stuck up about it." --1d93d050106585ca20a36ff620fb02e1 \_ "Daddy, what does 'regret' mean?" "Well son, its better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this morning, would be sure and tell her...SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!" \_ you are my hero. \_ What's that from? \_ if you cant find it on google, one answer is: Orbital. \_ Orbital sampled it from one of the more strange Butthole Surfers albums. \_ it's like the USA except they believe in godless darwinist evolution \_ I don't have any problem with the UN being there proving a nice soft fat easy distracting target so real Americans are less likely to get killed. Are you one of the morons that thinks the Iraqi people were better off with Saddam? \_ Are you one of those nitwits that believes Saddam posed an imminent danger? \_ Are you one of the morons that thinks the Iraqi people were better off with Saddam? I said nothing about imminent danger. You refuse to answer a simple qustion because it doesn't jive with your dogma. The answer is obviously, "No, the Iraqi people were not better off with Saddam". Thank you for not playing. \_ So we went to this war for this reason? Are you joking? Half of the world probably thinks they're worse off under their current rulers and Saddam's regime in the 80s was just one of the many tiranical regimes that US supported around the world. This would not stand as a legimate reason for a war from the point of view of most Americans. It's only now being used as a lame excuse to distract people's attention from the fact that the Iraq's WMD threat still hasn't been proven. \_ Who's calling me a nitwit? Saddam was an EVIL man, and history will show we made the right decion. -Dubya \_ And do you know no history that might always make right and history is written by the victors? \_ This nation acted to a threat from the dictator of Iraq. Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history; "revisionist historians" is what I like to call them. -Dubya \_ this is one of my alltime favorite W quotes. \_ isn't California used to be Mexican? \_ Are you one of the dipshits that pretend they actually give a shit about the Iraqi people? \_ Unlike you, I actually do. I assumed there was no real threat from Iraq but was perfectly happy to see the US invade because I firmly believe a tragic error was made in 1991 by *not* going in and finishing them off when the people were with us. \_ The person above, I believe, was referring to this administration, not to mention others before it. Do you honestly believe that this country would ever use its military force for humanitarian reasons? Have we ever? Mind you, this is totally separate from the question of "should we?". \_ Bush Sr.'s assertion is that the coalition in 1991 would not accept pushing to Baghdad. The mission the Arab countries signed up for was to liberate Kuwait, not to depose Iraq. I suspect this is why Bush Jr. is easy to rile up when it comes to "revisionist historians". \_ um, do you think the Iraqi's are better off right now? At least before, there was an infrastructure and security. people had jobs. now they get theird foods from trucks. do you really think the iraqi's are better off right now? if your goal is the long term welfare of the iraqi's, there were MUCH better solutions for the kind of money the US is pouring into Iraq. With that kind of money, you could easily finance a revolution, for example.-ali \_ who cares about the Iraqi people! The Iraqi oil is MUCH better off without Saddam. \_ Get it off your chest. I'm sure ranting is more fun for you than actually debating anything. When you've calmed down and grown up, please come back. Some of us would like to talk with you in a mature way about adult topics. \_ I love this. This is the Standard Motd Chestnut! Its always phrased in exactly the same way, with a slight change of words each time...which leads me to believe its the same person every time. !op |
2003/8/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:29434 Activity:nil |
8/21 Have an earache? Get a vasectomy! http://csua.org/u/3zy |
3/15 |