8/18 Do the current berkeley undergrad student ids have that sticker that
says Fall <year>? Or have the system been upgraded to use magnetic
strip like credit cards? I'm asking because I've been using my
old ID to get student discounts. This works in places far away from
berkeley (and I look young I must add :-). I'm wondering if I try
try my luck at stores near berkeley. - alumni '93
\_ general rule: no sticker is better than expired sticker.
\_ Didn't they change the look of the ID cards at the end of '99?
So Berkeley area places might notice a difference...
\_ It'll probably still work; since nobody gets a student ID every
year there are probably still grad students who are proud of
the retro look.
\_ Very true. I've been using my ID card from '95 without a single
incident. Not even a look or a question. But if they ask,
just say you're a grad student or just taking your sweet time.
\_ Grad cards look different, both old and new. You're right
that retailers probably won't know the diff, though.
\_ if you were really rich, would you still try to get student
\_ personally, i'm not rich and i don't use my student id any
more (graduated '00). i have a good paying job and it seemed
kinda petty to keep on busting it out for the $2 at movies i
would save. besides, it's just the whole principal of it for
\_ Isn't the difference like $4 nowadays? - id-less observer
\_ principle
\_ I am rich and have a high paying job, but I am still taking
classes part time and has a student ID card for that. Can
I use my studnet ID card for movie discount, in principle?
\_ um, yeah, i use my stud net ID card for discounts on
lots of other things too, like lapdances and porn videos.
\_ what kind of classes? not english classes, i assume.
\_ never! i hate english, it's an ugly language
\_ Why not? You think the rich got and stay rich by throwing their
money away and paying more for the same thing when all they have
to do is flash a card they're required to carry anyway? "The
rich" are human beings the same as anyone.
\_ What the fuck are you saying? That rich people got rich
by scamming with their expired University id's? Try staying
on topic here rather than making idiotic and irrelevant
extrapolations to prove your 'point'.
\_ on topic? on topic? lol. dude, the op just wanted to know
\_ Uhm, none of it. That's why I'm posting to the head,
if they can get away with using their old id card to
get discounts. the answer would appear to be
"probably." that's a one word anwser. what component
of the flame war below is "on topic" excactly?
\_ Uhm, none of it. That's why I'm flaming the post that
started it, fool.
\_ if you're going to be persinckety, it was the post
one level up from that, "if you were really rich..."
that started the whole thing. turd burglar.
\_ Well, I chose to flame you, doofus boy. Now
take it like a man and admit you're wrong.
\_ you've just proved yourself to be an
illiterate so that makes your 'victim' wrong?
what planet are you living on where being a
proven idiot makes you the 'winner'? sober
\_ Yep, the rich got and stay rich through theft and fraud.
\_ Cry me a river, poorboy. I worked my ass off for years
for my money (like the majority of wealthy people) while
you bitched and moaned and did nothing for yourself. I'll
bet you got laid and partied more than I did. You have
that going for you. It's worth something, right?
\_ It does take effort to restrain yourself to your trust
fund money while waiting for Grandpa to kick the bucket.
I admire your inner strength.
\_ awww, leave the poor bastard alone. he probably
wasted his youth working 90 hour weeks as a sysadmin
keeping the machines running for someone else's
startup and now he just hates everyone.
\_ no, I started and later sold my own business while
you were drinking and getting stoned. no trust
funds here, kids. hard *work*. something you're
unfamiliar with. try http://dictionary.com.
\_ this sucks. why should I pay to look up a word
definition when I can just use the merriam-
webster online dictionary for free?
\_ what the hell are you talking about?
http://dictionary.com is free. i just tried it.
\_ See, we're back to not throwing money
away. The circular argument is complete.
GOTO: Why not?
\_ To all those arguing about the ethical ramifications
of continuing to use your old student id, look at
this way: did you *ever* get a single fucking discount
from the foul-smelling excuses for movie theatres
while actually a student? Or did you pay full price,
and then sit through 15 minutes of 10-10-321
commercials in an uncomfortable, sticky seat?
\_ I don't think CRAZY HORSE gives student
discounts. - danh
\_ it doesn't work for me anymore at AMC Marcardo. They seem to
recognize the old ID.
\_ LAME LAME LAME. Just xerox someone else's ID, like one
from UC Davis or UCLA, then modify it on photoshop, then
print it nicely on Kinko's color laser. No one ever knows
what UCI/UCR/UCSD/UCX cards look like anyways.
\_ or do what i do, go to school forever (you can never
have too many advanced degrees).
\_ i tried it successfully at Century Theatres recently.
\_ Two suggestions for you tightwads:
1) If you are still a student (ugrad or grad), get a new ID for $10
a few months before you graduate.
2) If anyone ever calls you on your IDs date, just say that you were
an undergrad and now are a grad student. you dont get a new id if
you are a grad student (do you? even if you do, who knows this?)
-- 00 grad, cheap, forgot to do #1. |