2003/8/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:29350 Activity:moderate |
8/14 any spreadsheet programs that can be interacted with via command line? e.g. excellike -e '$a4$b=44; printf "g65"' \- helo possible emacs wi/gnudoit ok tnx --psb \_ is there anything emacs *cant* do? \_ give you an easy-to-use intuitive interface. -ali \- i think the learning curve for emacs is pretty reasonable. you can get started ithout learning how to write a major-mode. you just need C-npfb, C-xC-f C-xC-c and 5 or 6 other things. Also that teachkeys options makes things easier. --psb \_ teachkeys?? |
2003/8/15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:29351 Activity:insanely high |
8/15 Whee, oui, bienvenu l'ete! http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/europe/08/14/paris.heatwave/index.html \_ I'm waiting for someone to blame the heatwave on terrorism. \_ blame it on Dubya, he didn't sign Kyoto did he? \_ the funny thing is, depending on which model you believe, climate change will hurt europe with cold, not heat. \_ Why do you hate America? \_ I'll eat the obvious bait: 1) the Senate ratifies treaties, not the President, 2) Clinton didn't sign it and send it to the Senate, 3) if Clinton had signed it, and even if Kyoto wasn't a complete crock of shit, and even if human events can trigger global warming, and if Kyoto could actually halt those triggers, and global warming actually exists as some self proclaimed environmental experts believe, and if the current heat wave in some places is caused by global warming, then it still wouldn't have helped because at this point in the treaty's life span almost nothing would have changed. Thanks for sharing your hatred and ignorance with us. And yes I stopped counting at (3) because I didn't care that much. \_ The heat now is a freak climatic occurrence, they happen. However there's no doubt things have been warming up this century, and even if not entirely proven, it's fairly well-accepted that man-made pollutants have some role in it. The Kyoto treaty may be badly written, but it'd be nice to see the head of the world's biggest energy user and polluter (total and per capita) take more steps about it than signing away nature reserves to oil companies (aside from the $15 million or so for clean cars, which is a start.) As I understand it, both Bush & Clinton poo-pooed Kyoto without bothering to share their ideas on how emissions could be reduced. -John \_ "fairly well accepted" doesn't cut it. At one time it was fairly well accepted that the earth was flat, unicorns roamed the forests, and dragons flew in distant [but not too distant] skies eating peasants. I'm much more concerned about the toxic crap we [all countries] pump into the environment. There is a direct link between various cancers, lowered birth rates, increased birth defect rates and the destruction of numerous plant and animal species linked to toxic chemicals humans are dumping into the environment yet we do almost nothing about that while the Kyoto "fuck the Americans" Treaty gets touted as some sort of earth saving measure based on nothing more than biased models, supposition, hatred for America, and "fairly well accepted". \_ Actually, we do all kinds of stuff about toxic chemicals in the environment. Try again. \_ Ignorant lout. We do almost nothing compared to how much is being dumped. *You* try again. \_ I'm not interested in 'fuck the americans' (being one myself and all.) Rather, by 'well accepted' let me clarify that there are a large number of studies which chalk up human influence as a major (you'll note, I never said "the") factor behind the increase in global temperatures. You also seem to neglect that a reduction in CO2-emitting processes (gasoline-driven cars, coal firing power plants, whatever) has as an inevitable side effect a heavy reduction of the toxic materials you refer to. So where is the problem? Your attempt to equate a widespread scientific belief with unicorns is pretty sad. -John \_ Wide spread scientific belief is of no more value than unicorns. You've heard of the scientific method. It has yet to be applied to the question of global warming. I'm not nearly as concerned with something like CO2 as I am all the other stuff that is actually directly and indirectly killing us all on a daily basis. No one disputes that we're poisoning our own environment. CO2 isn't a good thing but it isn't killing us, causing birth defects or dropping the sperm counts across Europe to near sterile levels. \_ All we know is temperatures increased ~ 0.5 degree during this century, of which most occurred during the first half. More sophisticated data shows atmospheric temperatures have dropped in the past 25 years while surface temperatures have risen. We also know that CO2 levels are high. This is all scientists know. Everything else is conjecture made by those with a political agenda. \_ (1) Human's ability to have a negative impact on the world's environment and ecosystems has long been demonstrated (ozone layer depletion, rain forest reduction, etc.). (2) Cutting CO2 emissions is the obvious thing to do if the rise in temperature is in any way human related. (3) What kind of evidence is sufficient to convince you that the temperature increases is caused by human activities? A sudden sharp rise in temperatures around the globe? \_ Maybe because temperatures have exhibited much larger oscillations since the dinosaurs. E.g. the mini-ice age and settlement of Greenland during the last millenium. \_ Please see my comments above about toxic chemicals in the environment. Let's clean up something we *know* is killing us before we waste time and energy doing something which may have no effect at all. |
2003/8/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:29352 Activity:kinda low |
8/15 Are there any standard best practices for "faking" namespaces in C? Right now I'm prefixing my function names with "xb_"; is there a better way? Please explain if so. Thanks \_ you know if you declare a function as static, it has file scope \_ sorry, yes. The prefix is not so much a namespace as a module identifier... so I have stuff like p_ for the parser, etc. The problem is that I'm moving C++ stuff to C so that it can be used by 1) non-OO types in my group and 2) a certain C-only toolkit (don't ask). \_ perl |
2003/8/15-16 [Consumer/Audio] UID:29353 Activity:moderate |
8/14 please recommend good freeware to rip cd's into wav/mp3's. \_ CDEX is ok. http://www.cdex.n3.net -John \_ Exact Audio Copy. http://www.exactaudiocopy.de \_ Seconded. Easiest program I've used. Oh, and download the latest version of LAME so EAC can use its .dll. \_ wav is easy ... just use WinAmp. For mp3, iTunes is great if you have Mac access. \_ I thought you could use WinAmp for WAV files but it didn't work for me (I've gone from mp3 to WAV using WinAmp before). Is there something I'm missing? \_ I thought you could use WinAmp to make WAV files from CDs but it didn't work for me (I've gone from mp3 to WAV using WinAmp before). Is there something I'm missing? |
2003/8/15 [Uncategorized] UID:29354 Activity:nil 66%like:28720 |
8/15 John's Flatulent Link of the Day http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6947020%5E13762,00.html |
2003/8/15 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:29355 Activity:nil |
8/15 Cracking down on Illegal Criminals "This past December, a man and woman sitting on a New York City park bench were surrounded by a gang of young men. The gang kicked and beat the woman before dragging her along the nearby railroad tracks and forcing her into the woods, where they repeatedly raped the 42-year-old mother of two and threatened to kill her." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/964613/posts \_ The term 'gang' has a negative connotation which prejudices the reader against the young men before their side has had a chance to be aired in an open court in front of a jury of their peers. I find this entire article racist, classist, and typical of the hatred the ultra right wing religious nuthead freepers are spreading. They should be stopped. No free speech for fascists! |
2003/8/15-16 [Computer/Domains] UID:29356 Activity:nil |
8/15 Can someone recommend a good & cheap provider that'll do secondary DNS, MX, and mail forwarding for a domain? I want to keep primary DNS and MX, but need something in case things break. I also would like to be able to retrieve mails there when the primary MX dies. -John \_ I use dotsters but not for the extra but I believe they provide \_ I use dotster but not for the extras but I believe they provide all of them for the $15/year domain registration. They also protect my whois records and do some other stuff for free that I like. |
2003/8/15 [Uncategorized] UID:29357 Activity:nil |
8/15 Microbes that can live and reproduce at 121 degrees C: http://csua.org/u/3xs |
2003/8/15-16 [Academia/GradSchool, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:29358 Activity:low |
8/15 Why did the writer of the MSblast worm wrote it to screw up everything on the infected machine? If the worm isn't as intrusive, I think many people will be happy to ignore it intentionally and let their infected machines take part in attacking the MS web site tomorrow. \_ what--were you never 14? \_ I guess he got low grades on "worm coding" in school? |
2003/8/15-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29359 Activity:low |
8/15 D00DZ GN00 WUZ 0WNZ! http://csua.org/u/3xw (story.news.yahoo.com) http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-21.html \_ rms:rms |
2003/8/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29360 Activity:very high |
8/15 Wow, i finally noticed what you guys keep talking about. The only non-tech. thread was deleted from the middle of the pack. That's really fucked up. (i mean, it wasn't a thread i was really participating in so i don't really care), but sheesh, why would anyone care enough to kill it? Censor explain yourself. -phuqm \_ Wasn't me, but the motd gets long and needs trimming. It's the ignorant non-post-signing trolls (who're usually too wrong to feel comfortable identifying themselves) who're pathetic. Of course it's your right to be anonymous, but you're still pathetic. -John \_ Fuck all those anonymous losers. Like the trolls who wrote the Federalist Papers which were originally published anonymously. \_Don't buy into his spin. There is a world of difference between anonymous post versus anonymously edit/delete other people's post. Those who censored MOTD justify their action because they believe anonymously silence opinion they don't like is a form of their freedom of speech. \_ you amaze me. you hurl childish insults at people and get pulled in to flame wars that drag on and on for no reason, and then consider yourself superior because you sign your name. do you seriously think that your insults trolls and flames don't make you look like an idiot because you sign your name? i've seen posts that were funny, technically informative, interesting and thoughtful from anonymous people. i cannot say the same for you(except for the technically informative part.) \_ I enjoy a good, intelligent debate. Some anonymous posters make well-thought out points, which I reply to, troll or no. Then, while you're entitled to your opinions, I'm entitled to mine. The guy below is the first who's given a somewhat rational reason for not putting a name on his posts. I sincerely doubt, however, if most of the trolls have ever bothered to think that far (hence the "pathetic", which I stick by in this case.) And let's face it, comparing the motd to the Federalist Papers takes the cake--that's the funniest thing I've heard in ages. -John \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide rather motd is relevant \_ John, if the anonymous poster has made a well-thought point, then it *isn't* a troll. Let's stop using tom's ill conceived "anonymous == troll" definition and keep to the generally accepted internet definition of "troll == trying to start flamefest on hot-button topic for no reason other than to get people riled". \_ The motd isn't the Federalist Papers. However, the concept is similar. The authors of the FP wanted to say their piece without their writings being judged by the unimportant details of who wrote them. Knowing the author's home state, country of origin, religion, etc would prejudice many readers at the time who would then miss the whole point: the Papers themselves. Anonymity allows intelligent debate and discussion without making it personal. For example, you might note that one of your fellow CSUA members has been updating his "twink points list" religiously/insanely for years. Yes, it is a joke, however, it also demonstrates an excellent reason to not post a name if you want intelligent debate. A person who records their grudges permanently and who brings those grudges to every discussion is not someone a troll but that doesn't dimish the quality of my points. It only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen. you'll be having too many intelligent debates with. \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide whether motd is relevant or not. If you actually live in a country which has severe form of censorship, you will discover whatever you are doing is no different from those government agent. I.e. silence people's voice based upon result of a body who think his judgement is far more superior than others -someone who used to live in a place of heavy censorship \_ John knows his security and he knows his history and most things European. John doesn't know that getting dragged into an idiotic flame fest on the motd over any topic and then putting your name to it is insane for anyone who wants to keep their current or get a new job. All this stuff gets archived forever. My politics, although correct at all times :-), are none of any employer's business. It can only hurt me if they find my name attached to some ridiculous time wasting noise on the motd no matter how brilliant my points or how well I back them up with solid research. I put real life above the motd and choose anonymity for safety in the real world, not safety on the motd itself where I have no real reason to care what any of you think. I don't want this all going to google or whatever with my name on it. Call me a troll but that doesn't diminish the quality of my points. It only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen. -- proud to be one of John's "trolls" \_ You essentially have no politics unless you are willing to stand up for your beliefs/opinions/wants/needs. Democracy is not a spectator sport, if you want to to be heard, stand up and fight for your platform. It used to be called character, before the PC zealotry an extremely brave thing to do. I honstly don't know turned everyone into spineless wimps. -williamc \_ so you're arguing that signing posts shows "character" and is therefore a good thing. is the purpose of posts on the motd to demonstrate your personal character or is it to convey information? i claim that for the vast majority of poeple who will read your post, your name signed at the bottom carries no useful information. that is to say that they will neither pay more atttention or less attention to your words based on knowing your login. i claim that this is a good thing. it means that arguments are evaluated based on their own merrit alone. if you want to see poeple relying on their reputation to get people to listen to them, turn on the tv. \_ Uhm, yeah that's mostly true...but this is the motd. Are you seriously using the *motd* to make some sort statement about this guy's character?? -mice \_ Hint: Federalist Paper. May be you should of give the authors of Federalist Paper a lesson in Democracy \_ I'm not a revolutionary. My job and the income I provide to my family is infinitely more important than the motd politics flamefests. If you think my points have no value simply because I don't sign them then you either aren't old enough to be concerned with the real world yet or you're just falling back on ad hominen instead of the true value of debate which is point and counter-point, regardless of the speaker. \_ It is too bad that you are too cowardly to post your name to your opinions. You should proudly sign your posts. -anonymous coward \_ *laugh* Very funny. Are you the Anonymous Motd Comic? \_ If any of you ever lived in a country of heavy censorship like I did, you will know that even anonymous post is an extremely brave thing to do. I honestly don't know if anyone would knows the concept of freedom of speech and expression without live through the experience of not having it. |
2003/8/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:29361 Activity:high |
8/15 Is it really worth it for me to learn emacs? I've been getting by with pico and vi for years and years and am pretty busy, but there sure seem to be a lot of emacs fans. Is there things i can't do because i don't use emacs? Is there uber-cool cvs plugins i should be using that i can't get for vi? I know i'm risking a religious war, but i really am just asking and want to know. -phuqm \- you can use one of the vi-emulations in emacs. although i think they will bea little tricky to use if you know 0 emacs. --psb Is there things i can't do because i don't use emacs? Is there uber-cool cvs plugins i should be using that i can't get for vi? I know i'm risking a religious war, but i really am just asking and want to know. -phuqm \_ what do you mean you're not a troll? you don't even exist- danh \_ how can he be a troll if he doesn't exist? how did he post all that stuff if he doesn't exist? what are you talking about? \_ I only use emacs, but there are many people here at my company who only use vi and they get by fine. \_ well, i get by fine too, but sometimes one "gets by" on american cheese 'cause he doesn't know that real cheese exists. If there really is some spread-sheet hook (as discussed below) and/or other cool/powerful things about \_ I used RMAIL and then VMail in emacs and I loved it. But now at emacs, then maybe it is worth learning. -phuqm \_ who moved my cheese!?!? \_ what color is your cheese? \_ please don't start that here \_ that was a joke. your consternation is more of a conversation starter than the joke \_ you dont want to know \_ I use emacs when coding several files. I use vi for making small edits to those files or for writing perl/bash scripts. vi has the advantage in that it is quick to load and on almost every unix box. My big three pros about Emacs are 1. fancy syntax highlighting \_ vi also has 2. mouse support (!) if you running X or Windows \_ This is a plus? Free yourself from the mouse. You'll get more done. \_ Does emacs support a joystick? 3. auto-tabbing \_ vi also has There are a million other features, those are just my favorites. \_ I used RMAIL and then VMail in emacs and I like them. But now at this job I'm forced to use Outlook. \_ I concur. vi for stuff like our beloved motd. emacs for several C/Perl/language-du-jour files \_ This is kind of OT, but something I've always wanted: the major drawback (for me) with emacs was the setup process. Once I had syntax highlighting, auto-tabbing, find-this-method-definition, etc., things were SUPERB. But getting there, and staying there, has never been easy, and I'm currently using Eclipse, which I like. Are there any quick and easy "distributions" of emacs that are well-polished and targetted to, say, java and jsp, or C/C++, or XML development? \_ I hated emacs setup and chording until I got RSI. Now I happily use Vim, and have everything I liked about emacs in Vim out-of-the-box with the exception of gdb integration. |
2003/8/15-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:29362 Activity:high |
8/15 Rise of Nations is pretty cool, BUT, are there games that emphasizes less on build-up (technology, citizens, research, etc) and more on strategic fighting? Like simply moving troops, using artillery, etc? This build-up process is simply stupid. \_ "amateurs talk about strategy, pros talk about logistics" \_ there are games which allow you to manage supply lines and such \_ Nectaris: Military Madness for PSX. One of my all time favorites. It's a turn-based game though, but I think that's better than RTS anyways. [edit] Btw, N: MM feels a lot more like a board game than a video game. If you are a hardcore grognard, try something like Europa Universalis or wait for Road to Moscow to come out. Also, check out http://grognard.com. -- ilyas Also, check out http://grognard.com. [edit2] Sorry, I remembered one more thing: check out Combat Mission games from Battlefront. Yes, I play wargames a lot. -- ilyas \_ play regular wargames. maybe like Hearts of Iron \_ agree with above. there are tons of set piece turn based games out there with a lot more strategic depth than the click fest you'll get in any RTS game. |
2003/8/15 [Uncategorized] UID:29363 Activity:nil |
8/15 Do Republicans still call them Freedom Fries? |
2003/8/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:29364 Activity:moderate |
8/15 motd censor coward, please identify yourself. \_ Okay, you have shamed me enough. I will finally reveal my identity. My name is [censored] \_ Why tell us? We already know. We just don't care. \_ I don't know. Who is it? \_ Who cares? |
2003/8/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:29365 Activity:low |
8/15 Is there a Windows or linux utility our there which allows to recreate a partition table by scanning the disk and making a guess at what the partition should look like? \_ What exactly did you do to your PT? |
2003/8/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29366 Activity:high |
8/15 New York power outages: another fine victory for deregulation. \_ you're a genius. have a cookie. \_ Look at the bright side. MS Blaster won't spread as fast. (Or is that the dark side?) \_ You're a nut. It had nothing to do with deregulation. \_ Is that you, Pete Wilson? \_ It may or may not. But you are correct in that OP is jumping to conclusions. I blame that evil schemer, Dr. Chaos! \_ http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0815-07.htm \_ Palast is that ultra-leftist kook who thinks that Bush stole the election in Florida. \_ I don't think Palast is a complete kook, I read his book, his main point is that voting machines in predominately white counties in Florida would "spit back out" what it considered an improperly filled out ballet and in predominately black counties in Florida the voting machines were configured to just meekly accept an improperly filled out ballot, remarkably different behavior than in the former example. He doesn't claim gwbush is directly responsible for this but someone or some organization was, probably the same people who came up with the great idea to hire a private firm to knock a bunch of ex cons off of the voting rolls in Florida, which is fine I guess except no one bothered to check their work and a lot of people were unable to vote on election day. - danh \_ Nice troll, dan. From here on down none of this has a single thing to do with the power outage, power deregulation or anything else. While you're trolling from the left you might go check out the various trolls from the right who would tell you about the leftist media cheating the voting in the panhandle, the military who got screwed in (D) controlled counties, how those ex cons weren't allowed to vote by law, that the (D) had a phone bank running in Texas(!!!) calling old people to tell them they'd voted for Buchanan before anything had even happened meaning they were planning on contesting the election on the butterfly ballot but only if it didn't go their way, and that the full state wide recount had bush losing by three (3!!!) votes in a single scenario because (pay attention) those nice rich white areas with all those fascist republicans using their fancy shamncy voting machines had the same error rate as the punch cards once someone looked at them by hand, and most of the errors were in Gore's favor. Now that you've trolled the motd with the partisan crap and I've counter trolled it and a few other below have all added their bit of strict partisanship, let's let it go and move on. You've got another election to lose coming up and your party would be better served if you directed your energy to the future instead of the past. Besides, who the hell wanted Gore in office on 9/12 anyway? Not even Gore. \_ bush did steal the election in Florida \_ Excellent. Well backed statement. You got into Cal? You're on the football team? \_ Even though a later count confirmed he had a narrow lead? \_ 1) some counts had him winning some had him losing. (In fact the general thought is if just a palm beach recount Bush won, if a Florida wide recount Bush lost. 2) once it didn't matter anymore the counts were a lot less thurough. 3) Bush stole the elections pre counts by agressivly denying the rights of people to vote by falsely declaring them felons and knocking them off the voter roles. \_ about (1): 'general thought'? Without numbers you can think all you want... but it's just partisan wishful thinking. CNN ran a story a month after the recounts, saying an unofficial recount completed, and would have given Bush the victory anyways. That unofficial recount had some nice advantages (for instance, since it wasn't important, neither democrats nor republicans tried to influence it in an illicit way, so it's as close to impartial data as you will get). (2): Do you have anything more than anecdotal evidence to back this up? If anything, I expect the recounts to be more, not less accurate, if special interests no longer breathe down the necks of those poor volunteers (see (1)). \_ Recounts mainly consist of checking the numbers at the main office against the local numbers. No ballot checking, no actual recounting. (3): Do you have any data to back this up? \_ Check the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. This, for obvious reasons was given very little attention in the press, but the abuses by Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush against the voters are documented. standard many times over... Is it your defense \_ google for "bush florida black voter roles felon" and you will find a lot of articles talking about just this issue http://www.commondreams.org/views/121000-106.htm is one. At any rate, the best you can say is there is some uncertainty, not that BUSH WITHOUT A DOUBT STOLE THE ELECTION. You are a partisan moron, btw. \_ one thing i think we should all agree on, though, is that regardless of who "really" won the 2000 election, the voting process in america has some *very* serious problems that need to be dealt with immediately. if the 2000 election were a scietific experiment to determine who should be president, the only result one could publish would be "inconclusive." that should not be allowed to happen. i think all of our time would be better spent trying to work towards read the decisions. better election process in the future than getting all worked up about 2000. \_ The USSC decision was 7-2 in favor of Bush. He won, period. All the demagoguery and race baiting can't change that fact. Of course, if you start divining the will of the voter based on some completely arbitary standard many times over... Is it your contention that Democratic voters are so stupid they can't fill out a punch card? Voters should be required to pass an intelligence test and if you are a net recipient of money from the government you can't vote. Read the damn USSC decision. \_ http://www.supremecourtus.gov/florida.html \_ the 7-2 case said that Florida could decide what to do. Florida followed Florida election law and was looking at every ballot to look for things like hanging chads. The case went back to the Supreme Court and this time in a 5-4 case the court said that Florida's election laws be damned, they were awarding Florida to Bush. Get your history right. \_ I set this trap deliberately to see if you read the decision - you obviously did not. The USSC decision was 7-2 that the recounts were unconstitutional under equal protection and due process. Look for your own intellectual honesty read the decisions. Article 2 of the Constitution dictates plenary power to choose electors resides with the legislature - not the unelected state judiciary. Everything you wrote is wrong and is rebutted in the several decisions. \_ just out of curiosity, are you refering to "Per curiam opinion in Bush v. Gore; Rehnquist, C. J., concurring; Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer, JJ., dissenting" from the supreme court link above? i'll go read it, but i want to make sure it's not a red herring. \_ Armchair quarterbacks in politics need to find a life... \_ laugh while you can, monkey boy! soon the liberal media will start reading the motd and their vast conspiracy will crumble when they are exposed to the Truth at last. \_ Too late: http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=257&row=0 |
3/15 |