8/11 Al Gore speaks to http://moveon.org:
\_ time for Al Gore to "move on" himself
\_ hear hear. Gore has very good speech writers. -nivra
\_ Wow, that really was a good speech.
\_ Yeah, it's a good one when you're hearing what you want to hear
even if it isn't true. And no, it isn't a good speech. It's
\_ Name some instances of lies in there.
just a very standard speech. Nothing in there is going to rev up
the crowds or get people out to vote for Gore, for any other
Democrat or against Bush. There's nothing new in it. It's
uninspiring like the man himself. "Gore is a stiff" was the
mantra in 2000, and 1999, and 1998, and 1997, all the way back
to when he was running for President himself (you remember that,
right?). This isn't newsmedia created distortion. This isn't
a Steve Job's Apple commercial. This is reported for 12+ years
because it's true. The man is a stiff.
\_ In 2000 it was about personality-- Gore was stiff and
Bush was the honest, plainspoken Everyman. I was on the
fence back then, but I've since decided I'd rather have a
stiff than a liar. -- conservative
\_ he was most un-stiff on SNL. He was hilarious.
\_ also, didn't fiscal responsibility used to be a major
part of American conservatism? you should check out
and vote for Dean in the primary.
\_ No Republican can be for a socialist like Dean. That's
like Jews for Jesus but worse.
\_ A socialist? Dean? Read his platform. Dean is
more conservative than Bush, except he's not a
religious loon or a born-again military man.
No more listening to talk of "evildoers."
http://deanforamerica.com click on "Issues".
\_ Better yet look at his record in Vermont,
which has the 4th highest tax burden in
in the US. California is up there
as well - surprise surprise.
\_ Vermont is also fiscally solvent and
has 96% health care coverage for children.
\_ Oh, its for the children. I see
now. Too bad hillary care failed
in 93, eh comrade? Vermonts
budget tripled from 91' to '02.
Lets just socialize everything.
\_ You prefer destabilizing entire
geopolitical zones, breeding
the next generation of terrorists,
and running our economy into the
ground while foisting religion into
government? Attaboy. Let's roll.
\_ Im sorry you cant understand
the necessary geopolitical
risks Bush is taking. The
Middle East must cleaned up,
or in 10-15 years the fights
will be in the streets of
America. Exactly what
laws are foisting
Christianity on this
Country? This country is
historically Christian, and
a very strong argument can
be made that social decay
is because we have strayed
from any spirituality.
\_ Blah blah blah.
\_ Truly brilliant reply! You'll knock em dead with that
depth of thought and hard core logic! I love it when I
hit home so hard people like you feel the need to reply
but are left with nothing to say. Made my day. Thanks!
\_ It was reported for 12 years straight because its easier
than thinking up something new to say - ! the person
that said "blah blah blah"
\_ If it wasn't true they wouldn't be saying it 12+
years later. New things sell news.
\_ My post had as much content as yours. Read yours again.
"it isn't a good speech, it's standard, gore is a stiff,
just a long boring drivel with no points to debate.
Take it to Free Republic.
\_ See? There you go. At least now you're trying.
Sort of. Maybe next time you'll add something or
refute what is said. Is calling me a freeper meant
to be your lowest insult? I think they're idiots
but if you think I'm a freeper you don't know what
a freeper is. At least try to understand what a
thing is before you accuse someone of being it.
\_ Blah blah blah.
\_ It's so true, you hear what you want to hear.
\_ Since Gore is politically dead, I don't care either way
how stiff or dynamic he is. His speech means nothing.
\_ Actually, I felt the speech was fairly original. Thus, my
original comments praising the speech writers. It's not a
speech that's meant to "rev up crowds or get people out to
vote for Gore." It's a speech that presents the recent
events in a slightly different light, tying in Bush's
"compassionate conservatism" with the "ideological
righteousness" of right-wing Christian conservatives.
Certainly he didn't bring up any new facts or reveal
new information. It was just a cogent, powerful summary
of his opinion on the recent events and the recent actions
of the Administration. Oh, and as far as "stiffness" goes.
All we have is the transcript of the speech, and I'm sure
his presentation of the speech has more to do with how
"stiff" he appears than the content of the speech has. -nivra
\_ It was a lecture. The man sounds like one of my less
interesting history profs. If there was nothing new and
everyone already knew it all and it wasn't to rev anyone
up, then why is he giving it? To hear his own voice?
\_ read my post. I didn't say there was "nothing new." I
said he introduced no new "facts" or "information,"
and also said it presented the events in a "different
light." Basically, I think it's an interesting take
on the situation, and that's what's original about it.
Oh, and also that it was well-written and persuasive,
although it did have minor problems, as well. -nivra
\_ In other words, he summarized and analyzed the
information on the Bush administration, and it doesn't
look good if you care about America. Gore in '04!
\_ yup. it felt very presidential. too bad he didn't have that
air about him during the elections in 2000. -nivra
\_ I think that bad air in 2000 was somewhat of a media creation.
The media likes to simplify elections into stories that play
well on TV - this isn't necessarily a political bias but
the nature of TV. The story from early on was "Bush is a nice
normal guy" and "Gore is a stiff." Anything that conformed
to that storyline was hyped up, and anything that deviated from
it was played down or ignored. Television is quite a reality
distortion device - its too bad real life isn't so simple.
\_ free yourself from the filter: http://www.cspan.org
this site has all of the cspan channels as well as cspan
radio streaming over the web for free.
\_ CSPAN is my favorite channel, along with the
the history channel. -freeper guy
\_ you should still check out the web site. it's
like having cspan, cspan2 and cspan3, all with
TIVO. it's not like you need a nice picture for
talking heads anyway. for instance the speech
this thread is about is archived there.
\_ http://www.moveon.org
they have a streaming vid of speech and text, without salon's crap.
\_ Ah yes, Al 'no controlling legal authority' Gore. Its ok to
take millions in campaign contributions from Chinese Communists
as long as he makes you feel good.
\_ No matter how many times you repeat that lie, it does not
become more compelling.
\_ Democrats Are Fined $243,000 for Fund-Raising Violations
Clinton and Chinese Missiles
"... Hughes Space and Communications Company of violating U.S.
national security 123 times by knowingly sending detailed missile
and space technology directly to the Chinese army."
I can continue with many more links, but I'll let you rebut.
\_ Go read the Thompson report for a more accurate and in many
ways, far more disturbing picture of both Democratic and
Republican fund raising abuse:
PS $243,000 ain't millions and almost all of the money Clinton
raised was not from "Chinese Communists" it was from Taiwanese
and Indonesians. That doesn't make it right, but it does,
however, make you someone who swallows Right Wing propaganda. |