2003/7/31 [Uncategorized] UID:29188 Activity:nil |
7/30 Faaaaab-u-lous! http://www.bettybowers.com/isbushgay.html |
2003/7/31 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:29189 Activity:very high |
7/30 Pentagon: China Aiming Missiles at Taiwan http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=4&u=/ap/20030730/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_china_military_2 \_ China has been aiming missiles at Taiwan since they got their first missile. This isn't news. It also isn't news that they're going to invade as soon as they think they can pull it off. \_ China won't invade. They'll consider it if Taiwan has a sovereignty referendum. The U.S. will prevent Taiwan from doing that. The U.S. and China both prefer the status quo. \_ Put another democrat in office and they will if they feel they have the military might to do it. China sure as hell does not prefer the status quo. It's a humiliation and international embarassment. \_ Laughably untrue. PRC gets a lot of money in transfers from Taiwan. It's not worth their while to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. If the Brits hadn't made their silly 99-year lease deal, PRC would not have annexed Hong Kong either, for the same reasons. Let's face it: PRC puts on a good show of pushing a state-run economy, but they prefer the riches that capitalist throat-cutting brings in. \_ you have no clue don't you? \_ contrary to what you may think, the Brits had no choice. Just like how they lost most of their \_ evil is what evil speaks. colonies. \_ those f***ing brits have yet to paid for their crime for colonizing half of the globe. fuck them! \_ IMO, Taiwan is the rebellious child that China can smack around when it gets tired of anti-U.S. propaganda. I don't see the Taiwan issue as very humiliating for China, especially when so many companies continue to move operations from Taiwan to China. \_ agree, and I am from Taiwan. \_ For the cheap labor, not their technical expertise or management ability. The mainland is being used as the third world country that it is. \_ how do you breathe with your head in the sand? don't you get sand in your snorkel? \_ I'm just waiting for their brand spanking new dam to break, killing millions (they've already been reports of shoddy worksmanship on the project) \_ evil is what evil speaks. -dubya \_ you know, you really should shut up or you really expose your ignorance on this subject. The mainland has techno-superiority over Taiwan in many ways. \_ In exactly what way did I imply any techno comparison of China with Taiwan? Maybe you should try rereading my post before arguing with a point that is nonexistent. \_ insufficient heavy lift/transport to hold the island b4 forces from the 7th fleet repel the invasion \_ I heard even Australian navy can beat PRC navy. \_ you've heard many things my child. \_ Actually the guy is right. PRC navy is inferior to Australia's. They only have a chance if it is close to China's coast such that China's air force and land-based missiles can play a role. \_ so how exactly is B*** admin going to hype up the China threat thing again?? |
2003/7/31 [Uncategorized] UID:29190 Activity:nil |
7/30 It is so cute watching all the little Taiwanese fobs get worked up about big bad China. |
2003/7/31 [Uncategorized] UID:29191 Activity:nil |
7/30 [white boy/asian sister thread censored. -hoyt] \_ I actually grepped the passwd file for hoyt. I was hoping he was really here. Too bad he's not. Good joke, though. |
2003/7/31-8/1 [Reference/Tax] UID:29192 Activity:very high |
7/31 401k people retiring in 30 years, so what if income tax is 50% in 30 yrs, should I just take the 30% hit now? \_ If the income tax is 50%, it'll be time for the revolution. \_ Income tax used to go to 70% when I was a kid and I believe it was \_ Canada's @ 50% now. as high as 90% at one point but I'm not certain of that one. 50% was a Reagan era tax cut down from 70%. \_ For the top bracket. google for "history marginal income tax" \_ amen to that! \_ I think you need more important things to worry about in your life. \_ More than the right to own property? There are few things more important. \_ actually there are a lot of things more important \_ like paying high taxes so you can stay in school forever and Fight Against The Man? \_ who da man? \_ I can think of two: life and liberty. But that still qualities as 'few'. \_ Life and liberty are tantamount to the right to own property. They are inextricably linked. \_ Tantamount? You should look up big words before you try to use them in a sentence and embarass yourself like that. \_ embarass? you should spell check big words before you go around dissing other people. -not the tantamount guy \_ Like the need for a booty call tonight. \_ The idea is that your tax bracket will be smaller then. It's entirely possible you may do well and be in a HIGHER tax bracket then. The major advantage to a 401k is that you pay no tax on capital gains and dividends so that money can grow tax-free. --dim \_ You missed the point, which is that with the way things are going, those with income may be paying much higher rates to support the SS/medicare/fat bloated budget. So pay the taxes now while they're 'cheap.' \_ I did not miss the point. You did. "The major advantage to a 401k is that you pay no tax on capital gains and dividends so that money can grow tax-free." --dim \_ Guess what - none of your money is safe. When SS starts to fail the ~ 2013 the Fed is going to retroactively tax all of the 'tax exempt' investment and retirement accounts. By that time guns will be outlawed, the UN will lord over America, narcisistic and secular America will have reverted to tribalism, and there will nothing you peons will be able to do. \_ In spite of all your gloom and doom predictions, SS will be fine. Raising the retirement age to 70 will make it solvent for the next 75 years. \_ Wow, and since the life expectancy for males is 74.1, I'll really be able to enjoy those years. The true test of whether congress really has balls is if the retirement age is higher than the life expectancy. \_ http://www.ssa.gov/history/lifeexpect.html Congress has already raised the SS full benefits age from 65 to 67 for those born after 1960. |
2003/7/31 [Computer/Domains] UID:29193 Activity:nil |
7/31 How does http://enom.com make money off domain registrations? They charge $5.95/yr, but I heard Internic's cut is $6/yr. Loss leader or was I misinformed about Internic? \_ Internet economy math. |
2003/7/31-8/1 [Finance/Investment] UID:29194 Activity:moderate |
7/31 Does "current account deficit" == "trade deficit"? I kind of understand how it affects forex rates, but does it also have an effect on bond yields and bond prices? \_ No, trade deficit is just the difference in goods and services, while current account deficit also includes investment. It has an effect on bond prices because \- hello i believe that is sort of misleading. i have left a somewhat extended comment at: ~psb/trade-accounting.txt. ok tnx. --psb some of the imported/exported money goes to the bond market. In the US for example, most imported money is used to buy treasuries. It is different in other countries. -ausman |
2003/7/31-8/1 [Politics/Domestic/California, Finance/Investment] UID:29195 Activity:high |
7/31 How does the US government make up for its budget deficit? Does it print the money or does it borrow money? If borrow money, how does it do it? Is it through what they call "treasury notes"? And how does that relate to the "Fed interest rate" used for stimulating/cooling the economy? Is it possible that there would not be enough interest in the "treaury notes or whatever" due to interest rate being too low such that the government is forced to raise the rates to finance its budget deficit? \_ The US government borrows money from the treasuries market, yes. There is no direct relation between the Fed overnight rate and the bond rate. Government demand for borrowed money pushes up interest rates. \_ When people buy trearuries, where does the money go? Does the Fed just keep the money in a vault, or does the government spend it? I guess my question is when there is a budget deficit, where does the government get the extra money? Do they have some kind of reserve (federal reserve?) or need to make bond offerings (treasuries?)? \_ Don't confuse The Fed (a bank) with the Federal Government. The federal government borrows money by issuing bonds. I don't know how else to explain it. It is different than just printing money because they promise to repay bonds. A lot of the money used to finance US government deficit spending comes from overseas investors. \_ Is the Fed just like a regular bank? Say, can I open a savings or checking account at the Fed? \_ Thanks, things are clearer now. Are there no connection at all between the the Fed and the Federal Government? There is never any money transfers between the two entities? Also, does the Fed only lend out money? Does it ever borrow money? Where does it get all the money? Is it in charge of printing money? It only lends to banks and never directly to companies or individuals, right? \_ This is way too much to answer in the motd. http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm \_ useful! \_ Is the link like, since the fed rate is so low, I have to put my money somewhere else, like bonds and stocks, so that causes bond rates to drop and stock market to go up. Is that how the fed rate is supposed to affect the economy? \_ That is part of it. Another part is that since The Fed is lending money at such a cheap rate to banks, they are encouraged to lower their rates on things like car and home mortgages. Since the money is so cheap for the banks, they can lower their rates and still make a profit. They can't lower them too far though, since they are taking on the risk that rates will go up in the future and they will be stuck with a crappy rate. \- um it's not possible to address all of the issues in here except maybe give references. but quickly: 1. the treasury doesnt do much. they write the checks but dont manage the money. they are a instrumental player in fiscal policy. most of the churn in treasury instruments is turn over in debt obligations [paying off one matruing instruments and selling to someone [mostly likely a bank] who wants to buy one. most of the volume is not to fianance deficit spending. 2. the fed matters. they are the govt's bank and the czar of the overall money supply/money base. they are the main players in monetary policy. the main way they control the money supply are open markey operations run by the trading desk at the new york fed. they can also affect money supply by banking reg changes like reserve requirements but that is really a sledgehammer and rately done. the treasury also keeps money with the fed [the fed has a hell of a lot more money at the ny fed than fort knox ... probably something very few people knew until whatever diehard movie that mentioned this]. a lot of money is created by fiat rather than actually creating federal reserve notes or treasury coins. 3. as in the above case about trade balance it is best to start with accounting identities and defns to under- stand the fundametnals. the govt can fiance a deficit by raising taxes, selling assets or borowing from private sources, foreign sources, or from the fed. [note: raiting taxes != raising tax rates ... we survive debt and deficits in part by GDP growth] --psb |
2003/7/31 [Finance/Investment] UID:29196 Activity:nil |
7/31 Why are bond yields rising and bond prices dropping when the Fed interest rate is so low? \_ Bond yields are set by the market, not by governmnet fiat. Bond investors are demanding a higher yield right now, especially on long term bonds because of two things: 1) inflation risk 2) relative attractiveness of equities |
2003/7/31 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:29197 Activity:high |
7/31 I just bought AMD2500+ (based on 1800Mhz) with FSB of 333Mhz and installed it on a MB that supports up to AMD3200. When I boot up the computer however, it says that I have AMD 1100Mhz. I tried playing with the BIOS, changing the FSB speed and all from 100Mhz to 200Mhz but the boot screen still says that I have AMD 1100Mhz. What is going on? \_ Your bios might be old, and not support the processor. Try updating the bios. -- ilyas \_ turns out my MB has a switch between auto or manual 100 FSB. Forgot to turn it on. Thanks. \_ hello do any of you people use amd chips for heavy integer crunching/sorting/searching? i have taken some quick and dirty measurements of an operton box i have on loan and our production Xeon system and it looks like an Nmhz opteron ~= 1.65-1.75 x N mhz Xeon ... anyone have other numbers to share? any floating pt comparisons? my float-dept stuff has to be heavily retooled for new processor so i wont have those number for a while. thisis pretty small working set stuff. ok tnx \_ Learn to format to 80 cols with tab=8 \- oh my window may have been operating at a different size at the time. ok tnx --psb |
2003/7/31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29198 Activity:high |
7/31 Poll, your hobbies: TV: . running for governor in CA: . \_ I know a guy that's running for fun. \_ how much to run for fun? vid game: ... bashing bush: .. defending Bush: . bike: . linux: . \_ that's not a hobby. it's a sickness. \_ it's not a sickness. it's just a second rate OS with good PR. golf: debauchery: . beer: . cooking: irritating tom holub: ... \_ fun but kind of easy so it doesn't take much time fighting the conservative republican corporate run media: . fighting the liberal media: . sex with partner(s): .. masturbation: .. fighting reverse racial discrimination: . \_ no such thing. you're either discriminated against and denied jobs, housing, various benefits, etc, due to your race or you're not. are = racial discrimination. not = not. |
2003/7/31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:29199 Activity:nil 80%like:29183 |
7/30 Return of the Kinney teaser trailer: /csua/tmp/rotk.mov |
3/15 |