7/25 Why do 5 feet women want 6 foot men? I don't get it.
\_ There's this asian-caucasian couple I see a lot at the gym. She's
like 4'10" and he's 5'11"-ish. They're always practicing their
ballroom dancing in the middle of the machines area. Bizarre sight
on quite a few levels.
\_ Yellow fever?
\_ Creepy. Sounds like my cousin and her husband.
\_ The women want their babies to be tall.
\_ The women wants to feel their long dick.
\_ I am a short guy with a big dick. How can I communicate this
to women that I want to have sex with without seeming crude?
\_ stop wearing pants?
\_ All women want taller men. It's a Darwin thing and it makes
a lot of sense.
\_ to the extreme of a foot difference?
\_ It has nothing to do with her height. It has to do with his.
You think ugly guys have a preference for ugly women? No,
they all prefer attractive women no matter what they look like
themselves. No different for women.
\_ what, you don't think these guys are pedophiles and/or
insecure so they want a small unintimidating girlfriend?
\_ not at all. short != looks 8 y/old. short != timid.
\_ Plenty of women prefer shorter guys. Most prefer tall guys,
this is true, but don't drag Darwin into this. Many societal
standards of beauty have nothing to do with survival.
\_ Plenty? Maybe you're hanging out with the 6'6" amazons or
something but "willing to date" is not the same as "prefer".
Name a society where being short is a positive beauty trait
for a man. I'm sorry some of the short guys here don't get
laid and think women are evil for it but that's just the way
things are.
\_ being bitter about it, yeah real attractive
\_ Jews - David shorty kicks Goliath arse.
Jacob shorty toys with his brother Esau.
Big strong tall Samson stupidly falling
for Delilah's trap.
Compare the bible versus classical greek literature.
The bible never mentions tall as a positive
description, whereas greek literature is full of
such references, not only in descriptions of men
but also of women. Instead the bible likes to
talk about the weak becoming strong, the foolish
becoming wise, and shorty Zacchaeus receiving
\_ The bible is a morality play, not a cultural reference
guide. Go ask some real Jews if being short is a plus
or a minus. They'll give you the same answer as
everyone else. Tall is good. Short is bad. Stop
trying to make Jews into some sort of freaks. It's bad
enough with the haters and ignorance already. -Jew
\_ You are black sheep Jew. Be a good Jew.
\_ Just admit it. The bible is the core of Jewish
culture. You can't escape it. And there is nothing
wrong in being different, or "freaks", if you prefer.
\_ In personals ads the number one request - even more common
than a fat checkbook, a full head of hair, sexual prowess,
or a great personality - is that the guy must be taller
than the woman, and preferably 6' or over. It's rare to find
women that like shorter guys.
\_ That's only because it's not PC to ask for the other
things you mentioned.
\_ Ducking? Nah, it's just not as big a deal as
you make it out to be.
\_ That never stopped anyone from asking for it. Also,
you're ducking (poorly I might add). They never request
short. No woman wants a short guy.
\_ It's just not as big a deal as you make it out to be. |