7/21 Rory Solomon, this is no way to live a life. You are consumed with
the motd and that is bad. Being the self-appointed Jewish Motd
Reactionary serves no purpose. I hate seeing a young man with a bright
future wasting his life away at the motd. Checking it every minute
and jumping at any thread that has the words "Jew" or "Israel" in it.
For your own good; you're better off spending your time volunteering
at a Jewish Community center than trying to defend Israel in a
forum that most people here know is a joke. -yarofatslav
\_ Could someone explain what this is about? I have no idea. I haven't
posted to the motd in days... and if you really want to get into it,
I would describe myself as sympathizing more strongly with Palestine.
WTF?? - rory
\_ There are some weird people on motd. I wouldn't worry about it.
\_ And they're often *very* *very* wrong about who is posting
what. I don't know why rory would want to fall under any
of these http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=sympathize
definitions with a bunch of murderers like the PLO but hey,
if you wanna hang out with butchers, it's your right.
\_ Troll alert! Danger, will robinson, danger!
\_ No troll. It's all true. Sorry you don't like reality.
\_ Yes, every Palestinian is a member of the PLO automatically
at birth whether they like it or not. Thank you for
having the good sense to recognize this.
\_ Maybe if they didn't dance in the streets on camera
after 9/11 I might feel sympathy for them but for now,
I agree with John.
\_ For some reason, your response reminds me of the
Ku Klux Klan scene in O Brother Where Art Thou
\_ Nice round about way of getting in the "Nazi!"
slam! Your sociology professor would be proud!
That was much better than coming up with some
meaningful statement of fact or an opinion on the
topic itself while still making a personal attack
that almost didn't quite look like one. But it
did. I'll be happy to chat with you on any topic
when you can stick to the topic and not make it
into a personal attack.
\_ Have you seen that scene before? |