2003/7/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29000 Activity:very high |
7/10 "Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False" http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/06/25/eveningnews/main560449.shtml \_ What baffled me was that I think there was a good case for invading Iraq. Bush just failed to make it for some reason, and choese to bullshit his way through instead. \_ Powell wanted UN support, if not a UN coalition. The only way to get UN support was to show Saddam still had WMD in violation of previous UN resolutions. They couldn't find WMD, hence the problem. \_ this liberal media bias is getting out of hand. it doesn't matter. the U.S. needs to kick every hostile states' ass. \_ So its okay to lie about the reasons for war and the killing of soldiers, but lying about a blowjob is an impeachable Bush did the same thing a month ago, but no one said anything. offense? I donut geddit. \_ lying under oath is impeachable offense. lying to the public is expected. \_ The problem is that the headline doesn't match the story. The headline vastly overstates the article. A better headline would be: "CIA officials warned members of the President's National Security Council staff the intelligence was not good enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa." (to cut and paste from the article) The headline is pure spin. \_ I believe the implication is that if the NSC staff was warned, Bush would have heard about it, unless you want to blame Rice. \_ Implication is different than fact. \_ It also bothers me that Blair is taking all this flak for switching from "finding [actual] WMD" to "finding WMD programmes"; Bush did the same thing a month ago, but the U.S. press didn't note the change in wording at all. \_ Yeah poor Tony. The British press are so vicious. I agree with you. They should've left Blair alone. \_ At least our media knows how to be patriotic. |
2003/7/11-12 [Recreation/Humor] UID:29002 Activity:high |
7/10 Matrix Ping Pong. http://www.ntv.co.jp/channel/kasoh/kin10.html --chucky \_ that was actually quite amusing. \_ no, it was really fucking funny and quite clever too. thanks for the URL, chucky! \_ Any urls for the actual .wmv? (non mms://) \_ I put a copy I got on bittorrent in /csua/tmp (pingpongmatrix.wmv). I'm deleting it in a few days though, so get it now if you want it. \_ I put a copy I got on bittorrent in /csua/tmp (pingpongmatrix.wmv). I'm deleting it in a few days though, so get it now if you want it. \_ danke \_ double danke. That kicks ass. \_ http://www.ntv.co.jp/channel/kasoh/kin08.html is also impressive. \_ but their timing was a little off. I thought the one with a \_ It isn't CGI... These are actual people. Grow up. \_ I was being nice with the "little off" phrase. Take a look at the ball shadow when she bounces it off the wall. Timing's way off that it's rather distracting. Stop assuming it's immature to be critical of something. \_ That's not "critical". It's picky. mirror wasn't so bad considering most of it was done by kids. Can anyone who speak Japanese tell me what the hell those three kids in white were doing? \_ possibly: which number was it? \_ This is a regular show in Japan and one of the best. Thank you so much for posting that-- expect to see it in the Fwd cycle in the next few days. --erikred \_ So umm, do you guys find that laugh-out-loud funny? I don't see what's so great about it. Mildly amusing at best. \_ Can you not appreciate the skill involved in such a performance? \_ Yes. It was laugh out loud funny. Maybe you prefer pie in the face humor? |
2003/7/11 [Industry/Jobs] UID:29003 Activity:very high |
7.10 http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/030710/economy_6.html They say new jobless claims hit a 20-year high but i am wondering if any of this is due to the fact more people were employed during the dot-com boom so there are more potential workers out of jobs and also, is it because they are simply more people in the workplace due to population growth and the fact that the past good economy got some people to get off their lazy ass and get a job? Or are all these factors already deducted from the statistics? \_ percentages of poeple filing are really high too. The fact is that things are bad out there. \_ It's sort of like how recent movie hit all-time box office highs in ticket sales, but do they consider that tickets now average nearly $10 while in 1977 i saw Star Wars for $3.00? \_ Well, at least one site, http://boxofficemojo.com, does (Gone With The Wind is #1 all-time) \_ Yeah I hate that. \_ actual unemployment is usually a lot higher than the published the figure most of the time. Further, If a person who is too lazy to look for a job, he won't be counted as an unemployed. Population is always growing, so that is not an excuse. The real issue is that we are in a post over-produced economy, and there isn't a clear way to get out of it. History is not very encouraging, as last time we got out of the mess by declar war on Germany and Japan. \_ See? Bush is trying to get us out of the oncoming Depression! Why can't we all just help him start WW III ? \_ Anyone too lazy to look for a job (your crack mama) shouldn't count as unemployed. She goes on permanent welfare and ends up counted under a different statistic and rightly so. Part of the problem in tech is the H1b program. With zillions of qualified Americans unemployed they're still letting in foreigners under a program intended to let in foreigners only to fill jobs where no qualified American is available. And worse is abuse of the L program which has even fewer restrictions on who can come in, do what, for how long and how much. \_ what a shitty little troll you are. \_ I'm glad you took the time to respond to something that professional economists and others have pointed out for years with an empty personal attack. My points stand and you're wasting bits until you say something worth posting. \_ Businesses have cried that there aren't enough H1b visas issued! It's all about the free market; local labor prices themselves right out of it. Why pay more when you can get an H1b guy who won't complain or join unions? Are you saying that companies that are using H1b's are intentionally driving this economy down? \_ The H1b program was not created to push labor prices down. It was very specifically created to allow companies to hire foreigners when there wasn't a qualified American available. It had nothing to do with the free market or labor rates. Any other use is an abuse of the program. \_ that's how they described it but it's pretty clear that in practice it's just a cheap labor device. "qualified" and "available" in that criteria are just too hard to enforce. \_ No, there are very clear regulations that state how much effort a company must go through to try to not only hire an American but *replace* H1b workers with an American. The only problem here is abuse of the program which the feds allow by ignoring it. The difference here is that I'm talking about the law and you're just writing whatever you 'feel'. \_ His feelings are as valid as a law that is ignored. \_ No because the law could and should be enforced. His feelings should not. \_ Abuse is not the "only problem". The law itself is the problem when it is too hard to enforce/easy to abuse. God you're dumb. \_ It isn't too hard to enforce. They choose not to. Thanks for the babyish personal attack. You look so smart now. \_ Business would prefer to pay $1/hr to workers for 80 hour work weeks, are you in favor of that, too? \_ Yes, and it would work like this: There aren't that many people willing to work in those conditions, and there would be a labor shortage. To attract more workers, businesses would raise wages and/or give other benefits, until a balance was reached. Free market all the way. \_ Let's see, there are 800 M Chinese willing to work for $1/hr and 100M Americans who are not. How low do you think wages would go under your plan? \_ who the hell are you to cry about your artificially high wages?? If businesses *want* to lose money they can overpay for american workers. Get some more marketable skills; not all workers add the same value to a company. \_ There are so skill so marketable that your job can't be outsourced for less to a third world country. What set of skills should we all go get that can't be sent overseas? |
2003/7/11 [Uncategorized] UID:29004 Activity:nil |
7/10 Motd poll--Favorite element Aluminum: . Silicone: Berkelium: . Gold: . The Fifth Element: . The chick from the Fifth Element: . |
2003/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29005 Activity:moderate |
7/10 Fuck you, motd censor. You will be caught. \_ So silly. Just write the scripts and catch them and get it over with. I've been telling you this for months. 15 minutes of scripting and cron and you'll know all. \_ Cron is _not_ the way to go. \_ It's one way. There are others. It's the way I chose. \_ Why should each interested person have to reinvent the wheel? Why not post your code? \_ Because I'm not a believer in the GPL. I did the work, I get the benefits. I choose not to share. Anyway it's only going to lead to a nasty witch hunt and we've had enough of those over the years. \_ it's jwang. He runs a motd diff script every 60 seconds and wipes anything he doesn't like. The only way he'll stop is if he gets a job or a girlfriend. Right now he has neither and has all the time in the world to do this. \_ rory, you run a non-world readable script. i don't. excuse me while i get back to work. --jwang \_ that jwang guy sure works a lot for being unemployed \_ ok, so now youre post has been up for more than 60 seconds, so either you're wrong or the individual in question actually likes this thread. i think there are lots of censors, and that they all suck. \_ Where can I contribute to the 'get jwang laid' fund? \_ A lot of people run motdwatch. So what? You've proved nothing. You need to correlate motd changes with non-idle times, not simply toss names around because you can type 'ps'. That doesn't cut it, son. -!jwang \_ you need better trolling fu. I don't even have to log in to post to the motd. \_ do you run motdedit? \_ no one uses motdedit. \_ it's not a troll. i wish you clowns would stop over applying the term to everything. just because someone doesn't agree with you does *not* make them a troll. i'm glad you're really smart and can edit the motd without logging in. that doesn't make you a troll anymore than I am for defending jwang. \_ censor? To me it seems like the trolls are being removed at the end of the day. This wouldn't be limited to just one individual, but anyone who feels like they're increasing content percentage. |
2003/7/11-12 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:29006 Activity:moderate |
7/11 Anyone know how to block SPAM easily on soda? I use pine 100% of the time and my account is getting TONS of spam. Thanks (noah) \_ forward your mail with procmail through spamassassin. try "locate .procmail | xargs grep spamassassin" to see how other people do it \_ But be careful. I got too many false positives and stopped using spamassassin because of it. \_ If a message gets falsely flagged as a false positive at the score of 5, it deserves to be so. There's gotta something -really- wrong with it. \_ I set mine to 2. 5 was too high. Crap was still getting through. Since my friends don't sell viagra, it works 100%. \_ man spam \_ ifile! |
2003/7/11-12 [Computer/HW/Scanner] UID:29007 Activity:nil |
7/11 How well do business card scanners work? Will they actually take the info and put it in a nice CSV file for me? |
2003/7/11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:29008 Activity:moderate |
7/10 Che, As of midnight, The Guevara family residence at: 333 Soda Hall #1776, Berkeley, Ca 94705 is Pre-Qualified for a 5.13% 30 YR Fixed. I have prepared these monthly payment examples for your Berkeley property. Click Here Now For a 1 Minute Quick Quote. Thank You, Belita Fidella American Refinance Group \_ Kind of her to pre-qual you Che. Too bad you're both dead and an anti-capitalist. \_ just take the loan and run |
2003/7/11 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29009 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://www.nomarriage.com/notmarry.html \_ this is lame. \_ No, it's very funny. Is that you BDG? -BDG #1 fan |
2003/7/11 [Recreation/Media] UID:29010 Activity:nil 75%like:29014 |
7/11 Have you ever seen a movie where all of your friends liked it but you just don't get it or don't like it? I'll start: Totoro Spirited Away |
2003/7/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:29011 Activity:moderate |
7/11 What are some interesting commands? I'll start: more -> less man -> woman \_ rm -f /etc/motd.public \_ make, cc |
2003/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29012 Activity:high |
7/11 What hypothetical scenarios has to happen in order for Bush to lose re-election in 2004? I'll offers a couple: a) american soldiers getting killed by an angry iraqi mob and his body dragged through the streets. All on live TV. Just like what happened in Somalia. b) stock market goes back into the pre-war lows. Dow has to go below 7000. And another big coporation collapsing like Enron. c) real photos of bush sniffing cocaine. \_ a) wont matter, been there done that, b) that'd do it, c) even if they were real most would think they were fake anyway, the public has seen way too many photoshop jobs by now. \_ Democrats get a clue and remove head from ass. Only the dumbass Dems would've let him win in the first place when he was the less popular candidate. \_ The opinions of dead people in Chicago don't count. \_ Nor do the opinions of black people in florida. \_ nonsense. completely made up. however if you're on the florida panhandle the press is likely to announce the polls are closed and your state's voting is done an hour early. or maybe someone will enforce the local deadlines and standards for military votes in violation of previous federal law and agreement. sorry, your feelings dont jive with the facts on this one. although if you're black and in pennsylvania we count your vote many times in some precincts where the total vote count for Gore was over 100%. The New Math? d) Tenet took the blame for the uranium thing right? Credible CIA / Bush administration underlings come out as whistleblowers. \_ This will be difficult for the dems to use since tenet is a dem who was initially appointed by clinton and kept by bush. Nothing like having an important member of the opposition on your side. And don't forget, clinton already admitted he believed the same things bush did. e) Economy continues to slide, with unemployment going up until election day. f) A fucking miracle. GWB is the new Teflon President. \_ domestically, GWB is a lib, what are all you democrat ninnies complaining about? On foreign affairs, he is reshaping the world and transforming our strategic objectives, we are in an era not seen since WWII. You have worked yourselves into such a frenzy you completely miss this. \_ no, he is not a lib. in what way is this era like WWII? what a dumbass. \_ Please cite meaningful conservative policy he's enacted - ooh a 30 $ billion a year tax cut out of 2++ trillion federal expenditures. The US geopolitical strategy has been redefined to fit the post Cold War, this significant departure will shape the world for 20-30 years. Clinton and GB I wasted the peace dividend and their 12 years in office in this respect. \_ I love how your idea of count point is to blurt out some drivel and personal insult. That may work in the dorms, kiddo, but no one here with a brain larger than a pea is reading that crap, nodding their head, and going "uh huh! yeah! what he said!" say something worth the bits or don't bother at all. Debate is much more enjoyable when the other side actually shows up. \_ i don't bother anymore. i've read the motd long enough to know when it's useless to argue with the people who express opinions like the above... "democrat ninnies"? oh yeah that's intelligent. i simply point out some of the more ridiculous stupidity. the whole iraq thing was such a joke. the tax cut was worse than a joke. bush's nepotism, policies do not win elections in this country. his stupidity in speeches, his tactless diplomacy... like the poster below it makes me embarrassed for the country. \_ George W. Bush is an embarrassment to our country. He may have brilliant people on his staff or whatever, but he's just plain stupid. \_ You and Ann Richards should hang out sometime. He may be an idiot as a student, and I think his foreign policy sucks, but to the extent that his job is to win elections he is *very* smart and good at his job. Good or bad policies do not win elections in this country. He's not an idiot at all at the things he cares about. \_ in what way did that require smarts of him? he has been surrounded by coddlers and coaches all the time. the man can barely talk straight. his connections got him where he is. \_ when he was a freshman rushing DKE, he was the only person among the frosh who could recite the name of every single member of DKE having just met them once. The ability to instantly network with people and make the right kinds of friends quickly does not qualify one to lead the free world, but to deny that bush has this skill is a mistake. that mbeing said, I should point out that the Yale DKE guys are a bunch of fucking hooligan criminals(I used to live next to their house). |
2003/7/11-12 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:29013 Activity:high |
7/11 does spamc/spamd have a similar option to spamassassin -d ? \_ man spamd \_ -d, --remove-markup Remove spam reports from a message I did man spamd and spamc and couldn't find anything... I looked at the source and couldn't find anything. lame... |
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