2003/7/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:28985 Activity:very high |
7/9 Are the native method implementations of any java environments freely available for viewing? \_ maybe SWT's gtk bindings? \_ i'm thinking more of the core java api. -op \_ I recall when I downloaded and installed the JDK, it had an option to include the source code. Which I did. \_ i don't think that includes the native methods, but thanks anyway. \_ i don't think that includes the native methods, but thanks anyway. \_ if no one erases this a 3rd time, why don't you try: http://wwws.sun.com/software/java2/index.html \_ just what i was looking for. thanks! |
2003/7/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:28986 Activity:moderate |
7/9 How do I find out the CPU speed of a UNIX SUN sparcstation? \_ /usr/platform/<something>/sbin/prtdiag \_ psrinfo -v is the correct method (prtdiag isn't supported on all platforms and doesn't report the cpu speed properly on some sun4u boxes) \_ dmesg. It's the first thing you see at POST. -John \_ on some systems dmesg reads from a log file that gets log rotated, so the post info gets deleted. |
2003/7/10 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28987 Activity:high |
7/9 Today's quote: "We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us". George Orwell \_ Yes, and the same could be said if you were a Nazi under Hitler. \_ It could? No, not really. BTW, you lose. You're not only the first to mention Hitler or the Nazis but went straight to it. \_ Yes, it applies. No, you lose. Try again. \_ In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics." All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. -George Orwell \_ Who is harming who? It's only now that we are admiting our leader lied to get popular support for the war, we essentially destroyed all the infrastructures. We are "rebuilding" Iraq financed by bonds backed up by next 10 years of oil produced by Iraq, which only US Firm and its allies are benefiting. Frankly, this is imperialism at work, almost as blatent as Britian's Opium War 150 years ago. And you are saying that they are harming us? \_ Stupid or naive - you decide: \_ they're screwing us anyway with terrorism, we'll screw them with imperialism \_ you really think that they were the one who fired the first shot? |
2003/7/10 [Uncategorized] UID:28988 Activity:nil |
7/9 I'm trying to manually set the DPI for XFree86 using kdm. I know I can do startx -- -dpi XX but I don't know how that applies to kdm. Where can I set this? |
2003/7/10 [Uncategorized] UID:28989 Activity:nil |
7/9 Ben Johnson outsprinted by gypsy kids: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/johnson000712.html |
2003/7/10-11 [Reference/Languages] UID:28990 Activity:high |
7/9 Hey you russian lurkers, I'm curious about the cyrillic language. Back in the soviet days, the USSR imposed cyrillic on everybody. I'm wondering how many of the former soviet states have their own language. Written and spoken of course. Does Ukraine have their own language? I know Serbia uses cyrillic also. Any other country? And since the breakup, are people going back to their native language? \_ Racist! \_ This is such a controversial thread. I don't understand how the anonymous self-appointed nazy motd censors haven't deleted it yet. \_ That's "Nazi", dimwit. Don't you kids learn *anything* about the most basic parts of 20th century history anymore? I *know* you're not getting any civics lessons. \_ cyrillic is not a language. it's a script. most former soviet states have their own languages. some use cyrillic or a variant thereof (like ukraine) and some do not. \_ at best, it's an alphabet. We use a modern day Latin alphabet. We don't speak Latin. \_ I speak Latin. Ok well no but I knew a girl who was a Latin major. \_ Every soviet republic has its own language. Most soviet schools mandated you learn: (1) russian, (2) your republic's language, (3) some 'foreign' language, usually English, but sometimes German, French, or some other. Yay soviet education. Not all languages are based on Cyrillic, usually only Slav ones. Some are even based on Latin script. As for your last question, I don't know about other republics, but Ukraine is definitely going nationalistic, and using Ukrainian as the official language for everything. -- ilyas \_ Ah the Roman effect. When the empire collapsed everyone ditched Roman and went nationalistic. \_ And why not? Why keep the language and culture of the invaders? |
2003/7/10-11 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:28991 Activity:kinda low |
7/9 what does " 16x16 compatability" mean in regards to memory. My laptop uses 256MB DDR SO DIMM (266 MHZ) and i want to buy another but i don't see any mention of 16x16 vs 16x8 or anything like that in my specs or the specs of my memory. (only when i go to buy..) \_ It's the density of the chips on the memory board. It isn't important as long as you match the rest of the specs. \_ like cl2.5 vis cl2 ? \_ Only to a degree. I really meant like the correct type of memory in the physical and electrical sense. After that it's all mostly the same. |
2003/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:28992 Activity:nil |
7/9 So, what are the cheapest "trusted" SSL certs out there? \_ Get a standard Windows install, open MMC, look in the certificates snap-in for trusted root certificates, go through those. Or failing that, in the 'security' settings of any browser under whatever incarnation of a 'certificate authorities' listing you have. (Thawte no longer exists.) What do you need a trusted root CA chain for? You can very often get away with issuing your own. -John \_ http://instantssl.com, price starting at $50 http://geotrust.com, price starting at $150 Never used either of them, so YMMV. |
2003/7/10 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:28993 Activity:high |
7/9 http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/09/nyregion/09BUIL.html In the second paragraph: "Another toyed with changing the address to 112 Livingston Street." What's that a reference to? \_ it looks like 110 Livingston Street was an address synonymous with government hell, so the idea would be rename it to 112 Livingston street so it wouldn't have the old name hanging over it. \_ That reminds me of how they voted recently to rename 'South Central' to 'South LA', as if a new name makes it any less of a hellhole. -- ilyas \_ Racist! \_ Capitalist roader! \_ there is difference between actually being hell and merely being associated with hell. --demon by association. \_ Image is everything in media and business. No one wants to live/work/shop in South Central or East Palo Alto, but South LA and Ravenswood are different. Can't blame them for trying. \_ You can blame them for trying to paper over their mess instead of *doing* something about it. I hate quitters like you. Better to be a hater than a quitter anyday. \_ have you seen EPA recently? It has cleaned up a lot. However it still has the name against it. Jsut like they are trying to call Hell's Kitchen Clinton these days. Changing things for the better doesn't help much if everyone still associates the old name with badness. |
2003/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:28994 Activity:nil |
7/9 Perl question: s#<(/?[A-Z]+)>#<lc(\1)>#ge I'm trying to lowercase my HTML tags. that would work if I could get perl to execute my lc... the e flag doesn't work because I don't want to evaluate the "<>" in the second half of my regex. However, it does work when I do something stupid like: s#<(/?[A-Z]+)>#$f="<";$f.=lc($1);$f.=">"#ge \_ I believe s/<(\/?[A-Z]+)>/<\L$1\E>/g would work. -niloc \_ Thanks, I adjusted it to: s#<(.*)?>#<\L$1\E>#g to work for things like <A HREF="yomama"> |
2003/7/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:28995 Activity:nil |
7/10 What happened to /csua/bin/thumbnail_index? Any replacement? Thx. \_ try out /csua/bin/genethumb instead - danh |
2003/7/10-11 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:28996 Activity:very high |
7/9 I just read an NYT story about playing poker on the web. anyone know of a "reputable" casino for low-rollers? yahoo games aint cuttin it. \_ Yeah I run a game. You start by transfering $500 into my paypal account and I'll get back to you. \_ Just go to one of the card rooms. There are many in the Bay Area. I think you are nuts to trust an on-line casino based in someplace like Trinidad-Tobago, but if you really want to throw your money away goferit. Perhaps you should open an account with E*Trade and daytrade penny stocks. -ausman \_ Can you imagine being a software engineer for such a casino: "Eh, can you create a 'difficulty' setting ... if I increase the difficulty, the players have a harder time earning money..." \_ what the fuck are you talking about \_ Bot casino. Very thin ice and begging for a lawsuit. \_ Try suing. You'll get further spending your money hiring a mercenary hit squad. They aren't in this country you wanker. \_ did you read the NYT article? i guess a lot of "pros" have switched to playing online... this year's Poker World Champion had never played in the poker-circuit and came in and won $2.5M. they made an analogy to a Japanese "rookie" who came from Japan after playing there for several years. -op the time charges will eat into our bankroll. \_ Actually a bad analogy. There is a luck element to the game. You can't fight good cards. There are so many field players at WSOP, it's much much harder for the pros to win it. \_ http://pokerstars.com, http://partypoker.com, http://ultimatebet.com, and http://paradisepoker.com are all fine. Very low limits if you want to play ($.25-$.50). The problem being that people are willing to lose $1 on a longshot, so you get a case of "no-fold-em" poker. Live action in the Bay Area, lowest limits are at the Oaks, but the time charges will eat into your bankroll. \_ No fold em is great. That is how you make money, by taking it from suckers. Maybe I will have to try this out. \_ It also means your variance increases and using "correct" play may leave you frustrated. |
2003/7/10-11 [Consumer/Camera] UID:28997 Activity:high |
7/10 Hello, Beau Bonneau Casting is doing some reshoots for The Matrix 3. We are currently looking for one photo double. We are looking for a Caucasian woman in her 20's - 30's very physically fit with dark hair that has a boys (buzz cut) hairdo. If you know of anyone that fits this type please have them call 415.777.1114 a.s.a.p. Only those fitting the type should call. We are only looking for a photo double. Please do not reply to this email. Thanks. \_ trinities need not apply. \_ what if i'm an early 30s slightly brownish white guy with dark hair i'm willing to cut and im not too fat? thats pretty close right? do i get the glasses, black outfit and non-makeup makeup? \_ Score! They called me in and loved me! Next time you wankers are getting off to CAM's photo it might be me if "she" has the dark glasses on. \_ what are photo doubles for? \_ Mostly for the posters and other 'sexy' shots that go out to the public. She doesn't have time for that. I'm going to be unfamous! --white guy in trinity outfit and glasses |
2003/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:28998 Activity:moderate |
7/10 What is a good way to check to see if a host is alive when ICMP is blocked? Attempting an ssh connection to it stinks if the host is down, since the client takes a long time to give up. Other ideas? --dim \_ Interesting, you'd need to know a service that is always up when the host is up. If ssh is running, you could try telnet host 22 \- not true with udp --psb when the host is up. then netcat that port. 'netcat hostname 22' \- you cannot tell the difference between a host that is blackholing you and one that is down ... i.e. you arent getting any FIN/RST/ACK etc. i suppose you can hit random udp ports and look for icmp port unreachables ... basically you either need to know/guess something about the machine to pick the "single" highest probability technique or you need to OR together a bunch of tests, some of which are expensive. i am assuming you are a few hops away and you want an active rather than passive technique. --psb \_ Port scan 'em. \_ Call the sysadmin or send email and ask. If you're the admin, then look at the screen. |
2003/7/10-12 [Academia/GradSchool/MBA] UID:28999 Activity:high |
7/10 Can anyone recommend a good GMAT study guide? I'm thinking about taking it but don't have the first idea of where to start. -John \_ You want an MBA? Don't bother. The market is flooded. \_ All the more reason to get one, no? Otherwise you will be left behind. \_ No, quite the opposite in this case. The point of an MBA used to be that there were very few and getting one was difficult and expensive and only the elite got them so it had intrinsic value. Now that any prole can get one it loses all value. It is not the same as a HS diploma or BA/BS or whatever standard minimal degree is required today. Unless you're already enrolled/halfway through or already have one there's no point in thinking about it. You're too late to that game. \_ Duly noted, but there are other reasons for going to business school than what everyone else is doing. So, can anyone recommend a good GMAT study guide? -John \_ Other reasons? Like you don't get anything from your trust fund without another degree? What reasons? \_ The kaplan book + CD was incredibly helpful for the GRE, and \_ Have fun being a minimum wage reject, Naderite. boosted my scores by *alot*. If I were to study for any other standardized test, that's the first place I'd look now. \_ Many thanks -John \_ Have fun selling your soul, John. \_ Nah, those days are over. I know a few MBAs and looked into it myself. There's no money in a freshly minted MBA anymore. If you had 10+ years of real world *business* experience and then got an MBA then it'd be worth something maybe. John isn't selling his soul, he's wasting his time and money. I was going to do it about a year ago and it was a bad idea then. \_ God how fucking THICK ARE YOU? I'm not selling my soul, I'm not doing it to earn more fucking money, I'm thinking about going to bus school to LEARN shit. I've spent the last three years helping to put together a consulting business, a large part of which consists of knowing how to talk to our clients' senior management staff, and anticipating what they think their needs are. Like it or not, these people talk MBA, they do not talk "unemployed slacker living in mom's garage", like you obviously would like more people to. And sign your posts, you cretinous ignorant poltroon. You are pathetic. -John \_ Touchy. Ok, you're so smart so lemme learn ya sometin! You don't learn shit getting an MBA. The purpose is to meet people, make connections, etc. Sounds you're doing just fine there thus you don't need an MBA. I wish you well despite your ignorance and anger management issues. At no time did I state or imply I wish others to do poorly so it isn't all that obvious, is it? I wish people would find the right thing to do for themselves and do it, not mindlessly sign up for now worthless MBA programs. |
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