Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:June:19 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/6/19 [Uncategorized] UID:28763 Activity:nil
6/18    Short Summary of below motd, so you don't have to read it:
        I got mine, so fuck you.
2003/6/19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:28764 Activity:nil
6/18    Why would a sex shop/head shop sell liquid nitrogen?  is it for freezing
        sperm?  this seems really weird, but someone told me that the sex
        shop in Fargo, ND sells liquid nitrogen, and I couldn't get the phone
        number of the place to ask.
        \_ You are right, this seems really weird.
           \_ You're both too straight to bother telling you.  You wouldn't
        \_ If you are having sex regularly with various partners you are
           likely to get genital warts/ molluscum/ etc.  By freezing the
           virus bumps you set off your immune system to recognize the
           area and attack the local virus.  And no, condoms offer only
           limited protection.
2003/6/19 [Science/Biology] UID:28765 Activity:nil
6/18    "The scientists found 78 genes in total on the Y, ..."
2003/6/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:28766 Activity:nil
6/18    Motorola's Linux Smartphone:
        What is the advantage of running Linux as a cellphone platform
        (as a geek user)?  I mean, is it mean that i can in theory
        compile my regular linux program and run it there?
        \_ Don't have to pay runtime royalties for a free OS.
           \_ err... original question asked the advantage as a computer
              geek user, not manufacture
        \_ absolutely none.  no more than if your toaster or dish washer ran
           linux.  however if your BIKE! ran LINUX! then you'd be in nerdling
           nirvana and could die knowing your life was complete.
2003/6/19 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:28767 Activity:nil
6/18    I want to buy a cheap reliable server.  It doesn't need to be fancy.
        It doesn't need to be blazingly fast (though it would be nice if it
        was.)  It doesn't need insane amounts of disk or anything.  What I
        want is it to be reliable and for it not to cost too much.  Anyone
        have a good recomendation?  Would I be stupid to go with dell or
        someone like that?
        \_ try explaining what you want to do with and how much you WANT to
           spend. you can find homemade stuff for $1k or you can buy something
           like a dell which comes with onsite warranty service.. etc.
           \_ it is a machine I want to have up for personal use but stuck
              somewhere where getting to it is hard, so if the machines goes
              down it will be a pain in the ass to fix.  It won't be hit too
              hard, I mostly want it as a machine that is up 24/7 that I have
              full control of.
                \_ i.e. porn collection in the attic / basement
        \_ Where will you be putting it? I'm looking at colo options
           right now. Would be interested to know. --aaron
        \_ I've seen some good deals from Dell that seem to fit this.
           (Like a 600SC for like 399 one time with SCSI disks)
        \_ If you want cheap, ryo is the only way to go. Get a decent
           decent mb with an athlon 2400+ (or faster) along with about
           512 MB DDR RAM and a couple of 80 or 100 GB ATA/100 drives.
           It will cheaper and faster than a Dell and just about as
           reliable (provided you run a decent OS on it).
        \_ for under 500 there are lots of random vendors on the net willing
           to custom build.  choose good motherboard, choose a cpu based on
           the heat it puts out, not it's speed, choose good fans and put it
           in well vented place, put in slower, lower heat drives and mirror
           them, put in N+1 power supplies.  it's sad to see the rest of you
           either remained silent or posted cluelessly.  it should go without
           saying that your unused video will be on the onboard chip and don't
           put in more memory or anything else more than you'll actually need.
           my crappy very low use server runs openbsd on a p5-166 with 96 megs
           of ram and under 10 gigs of old crappy drives and has stayed up
           24x7 since 1994 (minus a few moves or OS upgrades).  you can do
           better and safer today with modern low-heat parts.
           \_ is it me, you really meant p3-166 ?
2003/6/19 [Uncategorized] UID:28768 Activity:moderate 57%like:28262
6/18    /var full again.  certainly can't mail root about it.
        \_ /var slapped. Back to abusing the motd!
           \_ var filling up again.  Please slap /var
              \_ yeah, slap that bitch! who's your daddy!
2003/6/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:28769 Activity:nil 53%like:28197
6/19    Websphere job in Iowa in /csua/pub/jobs. --scotsman
2003/6/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:28770 Activity:high
           \_ I joined the DMAs do not send junk mail list and reduced my
              junk mail by at least 2/3s -ausman
                 \_ 1-888-5-OPTOUT.  This will prevent all businesses to
                    use your credit report for marketing purposes.
        \_ now if only there were a national donotsendmeyourfuckingjunkmail
           \_ I joined the DMAs do not send junk mail list and reduced my
              junk mail by at least 2/3s -ausman
              \_ thanks!  does that help with stopping the credit card
                 junk mail?  thats the only stuff that *really* pisses me off,
                 since I can't just throw it away without shredding it.
                 also, most of the junk mail i get(besides the credit card
                 shit) is addressed to "resident" or "occupant".
                 \_ 1-888-5-OPTOUT.  This will prevent all businesses to
                    use your credit report for marketing purposes.
                    \_ but only for a few years, which is lame.
                       \_ That's not true.  They mail you a form and you
                          can choose not to allow your credit report to
                          be shared for marketing purposes forever.  Did
                          you miss that part on the form?
                          \_ actually, i just called the number, and you
                             can opt out forever just using the phone.
        \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
           seems easier to remember
           \_ FabUlous. Thanks
2003/6/19-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28771 Activity:high
6/18    is erikred the motd c*****er?
        \_ AMOTDC censored.
           \_ censoring bastard!
        \_ la ti da, I've know who has been butchering what for a long time.
           These people go in phases.  After a few months, they mostly stop
           once they realise it doesn't matter what goes on the motd.  This
           state of apathy is known in non-csua circles as 'maturity'.  Until
           each new set of bozos grows up, there's nothing to be done about it
           and frankly it really doesn't matter anyway.
           \_ a lot of trollers censor the motd every now and then.  I guess
              I was asking if erikred is the idiot who censors it A LOT.
              Deleting anything that's not about israel-palestine (his pet
              topi) or computer stuff.
              \_ trolls dont censor anything.  you're deeply confused about
                 what a troll is and what censorship is.  there's no reason for
                 any troll to ever delete or modify anything.
              \_ Sorry, no. I'm not big on deleting other people's stuff,
                 and I tend not to touch the Palestinian/Israeli stuff
                 anyway.  Besides, everyone knows my pet flame-topi is
                 GWB.  --erikred
2003/6/19-20 [Recreation/Food] UID:28772 Activity:kinda low
6/19    Here comes the gol-gappa seller/ He brings gol-gappa to us/ He
        sings in every street, making people smile as he walks/ Look,
        look, here he comes!
        \_ I'll bite.  What's a gol-gappa?
           \_ indian lyrical gangster
              \- gol gappa = photchka = pani puri
              \- gol gappa = phutchka = pani puri
                 where is that from? --psb
                 \_ there's a link to an article about indian street
                    food on the abcnews link below.
                    \-"When street food is done properly," he says,
                       "it's the most delicious food you can imagine.
                                                 ^^^-> "Amen" --psb
                        Also the comment associating a particular food
                        with a time of year is really much truer there
                        than here. things are more seasonal rather than
                        year-around ... and have much more taste.
                        indian food here is hobbled by vegetables here
                        being tasteless or really expensive. --psb
2003/6/19 [Science/Biology] UID:28773 Activity:very high
6/19    Some places still live in the 10th century not the 21st:
        \_ At least she doesn't have to consummate the marriage.
        \_ now I wish I had a good link to a school board fighting
           the teaching of godless evolution in our schools.
           \_ Why do you call it godless evolution? In what
              ways does evolution invalidate the concept of
              supreme divinity?
                \_ Evolution is in Genesis, unfortuately, after each
                of these verses, the bible contradicts itself and says
                that God created this stuff, but that's to be expected
                from a work that was complied from many different oral
                  And he said: Let the earth bring forth the green herb, and
                such as may seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after
                its kind, which may have seed in itself upon the earth. And
                it was so done.
                  And the earth brought forth the green herb, and such as
                yieldeth seed according to its kind, and the tree that
                beareth fruit having seed each one according to its kind.
                And God saw that it was good.
                  God also said: Let the waters bring forth the creeping
                creature having life, and the fowl that may fly over the
                earth under the firmament of heaven.
                  And God created the great whales, and every living and
                moving creature, which the waters brought forth, according
                to their kinds, and every winged fowl according to its
                kind. And God saw that it was good.
                  And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living
                creature in its kind, cattle and creeping things, and
                beasts of the earth, according to their kinds. And it was
                so done.
                \_ All that's saying is that ducks will give birth to more
                   ducks and not to trees or monkeys.  It has not in any way
                   contradicted itself.
                \_ What is needed is a definition of creation (as performed
                   by a supreme divinity) before we can argue whether there
                   are contradictions.
                \_ You forgot about the part where it says God did it all
                   in seven days. This is what gets most of the holy rollers
                   in conflict with science.
                      indeterminate amount of time. so 7 days is not necessarily
                      7 of our days.
                   \_ actually, a jewish science teacher explains his
                      reconciliation like this: apparently, the word "day"
                      used in the original hebrew or whatever is sort of an
                      indeterminate amount of time. so 7 days is not
                      necessarily 7 of our days.
                   to evolution while theology pointed away from it.  Over time
                   I've come to conclude that evolution is really orthogonal to
                   creation, and while I still have my questions about evolution
                   (macro evolution and abiogenesis primarily--though evolution
                   proper doesn't address abiogenesis) I don't really doubt it
                   anymore.  It doesn't affect the core issues of Christianity.
                      \_ sure, redefine the terms whenever things don't
                         work out...
                         \_ I'm sure that all historical documents were
                            written in the past with an understanding of how
                            the meaning of words would change in the future so
                            they'd have our modern meaning.  Makes sense.
                            \_ Are there cultures or peoples whose definition
                               of the period of time encompassed by a day is
                               grossly different than ours?
                               \_ I meant linguistically not culturally.
                   \_ in addition to the above post, God allegedly created
                      the sun on what, like the 5th or 6th day or something?
                      So how could you even hope to meassure the notion of a
                      day before this unless you use some rationale like the
                      above.            - ! religious
                        \_ funny how he said "let there be light" several
                           "days" before he created the sun.
                           \_ It is possible to have light without the sun.
                              \_ yep.  the 3K blackbody radiation is
                                 technically light.  in the young days
                                 of the universe, that would have to have
                                 been alot hotter, and hence a much
                                 higher peak frequency.
                                \_ when you have your head up your ass, is
                                   there light up there?
                                   \_ I take it this means you can't dispute
                                      my claim that the sun is not strictly
                                      required for there to be light.
                                      \_ That's unfair!  How dare you point out
                                         his stupidity and ignorance in
                                         response to his meaningless reply to
                                         your post?  Another few empty headed
                                         snide remarks should put you in your
                                         \_ Well, we can be assured that the
                                            sun isn't shining in his ass.
                      \_ Just because a thing was done before a standard
                         was adopted, it does not mean that one is not allowed
                         to go back to measure the thing based on the
                         subsequently adopted standard.
                         \_ In this case how could they have known how many
                            days had passed with no way to measure time?
                            \_ Witness to the creation would know the length
                               of a day after the creation of the sun.  Such
                               person or persons would then approximate the
                               passage of time pre creation of sun based on
                               the later established day standard.  Granted,
                               this estimate would not be precise, but it
                               would not likely be off by (say) more than
                               an order of magnitude either.  This implies
                               reasonably that the period of creation pre-sun
                               might have taken longer than a few days, but
                               it would not likely have taken years let alone
                               millions of years.
                               \_ A good guess but you only get a C because
                                  you make gross assumptions about the nature
                                  of both time and the creator.
                                  \_ One's explanation is likely the simplest
                                     that fits the offered facts.
                \_ The big theological issue even the most liberal Christians
                   have with evolution is the transition from man=animal to
                   man=child of God, with soul, morals, etc.  For the longest
                   time I believed that science (that is, beliefs derived from
                   observation and the scientific method) pointed conclusively
                   to evolution while theology pointed away from it.  Over
                   time I've come to conclude that evolution is really
                   orthogonal to creation, and while I still have my questions
                   about evolution (macro evolution and abiogenesis
                   primarily--though evolution proper doesn't address
                   abiogenesis) I don't really doubt it anymore.  It doesn't
                   affect the core issues of Christianity.  -emarkp
                   \_ cool way to be a rational person with irrational beliefs.
                      glad you resolved that.
2003/6/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:28774 Activity:high
6/19    So what do you think of Ann Coulter?  She has a book at #3 on Amazon
        titled _Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on
        \_ She's smart and not bad looking.
                               \- laura ingrahm is better looking --psb
2003/6/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:28775 Activity:nil
6/19    Reagan won the Cold War and can't even enjoy his victory.
        \_ that's just like a product of berkeley to not understand
           the idea of greater glory of the U.S.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:June:19 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>