6/15 I've been using a free http://netscape.net email account for the past few years
and it's been great in terms of reliability and being nearly spam-free.
But lately its reliability has been going down (~1 out of every 5 emails
I send doesn't make it to the other end, nor do I get a 'message not
delivered' email) and I've been getting a lot more spam. Does anyone
have a http://netscape.net account and/or been experiencing similar problems
with other free email providers? Thanks.
\_ All free e-mail providers are by definition spammer's playgrounds
so they all end up on various anti-spam blacklists.
\_ You get what you pay for. You're so 1999. There's nothing good
*and* free on the net anymore. The VCs have left the building.
\_ I setup a yahoo mail account as a spam magnet and I think yahoo does
an OK job at filtering out spam.
\_ I've said it before and it still applies. Get your own domain,
set it up at home (use a dyndns name if you must) and configure
a decent mail server/webmail package. You have way more control
over spam, privacy, whatever. -John |