2003/6/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:28684 Activity:very high |
6/9 Israel-Palestine question. Most people agree that return of 1967 border and waive the right of refugee's return is somewhat more viable peace plan than anything else. My question is: I thought that Gaza Strip was taken away from Egypt. Howcome that during the discussion of Palestine statehood, no one talked about returning Gaza Strip back to Egypt? Ignorant Chinese \_ The West Bank was taken from Jordan, so you should be asking the same question about Jordan. But Jordan doesn't want to deal with the West Bank, and Egypt probably doesn't want to deal with Gaza. \_ because Israel is no way no how going to give that back to Egypt. \_ hey moron - Israel *wanted* and *wants* to give the gaza back to egypt. If you read up on the peace plans of the past, Egypt refused - they didn't want to deal with it either. \_ yeah... Israel *wants* to give the gaza back. I thought Gaza Strip is part of the promise land. \_ I just thought that i would make more sense, and it shows a good gesture to the Arab world that Israel is serious about the settlement. Further, it can deflect some of the problem to Egypt... let Egypt to deal with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. \_ Here's the real answer: Jordan doesn't want the West Bank back. Egypt doesn't want the Gaza Strip back. Why? Because they're both packed full of palestinians. *No one* wants palestinians in their country. They're kept in poverty and in permanent refugee status by the other Arabs to give their dictators something to distract their own people from their own very real problems. There were hundreds of thousands of Jews all over the middle east who got forcefully evicted from their homes. Places where Jews had lived for more than a thousand years in many cases. Israel took them all in. No country has taken in the palestinians and never will. The palestinians are considered garbage people by the other Arabs. As far as "most people agree", you should find a larger set of people to talk to. Israel will never go back to the '67 borders. They aren't defendable. As far as the right of return goes, they have no more right than the Jews have to return to their homes: none. ok, enough being trolled. \_ This is true... Kuwait evicted all of its Palestinians after GWI, the Saudis also evicted and put others in camps. Jordan is over 50% Palestinian. \_ Might also want to look up massacres of Palestinians and expulsion of PLA/PLO by Jordan in 1970. -John \_ hey, I am just looking at this whole situation and trying to make sense of it. I just thought that a Palestine State (for sake of arguement, 100% of West Bank) AND Gaza Strip is not viable at all. And by the way, I don't buy the "undefendable border" arguement. If you look at the national border over the world, you will see borders, for the most part, are not defendable. --OP \_ Ummm.. Maybe so, but most places A) Don't get much choice about it regularly B) Aren't surrounded by other countries obseessed with killing them, and them in particular. \_ So you think once there's a "viable Palestinian state" that the various palestinian terrorist groups will suddenly stop killing Israelis and the rest of the arab nations will put Israel on the maps they use in their grade schools? Israel on the maps they use in their grade schools? While we're trolling on Israel, what do you think of China releasing Tibet and also stop threatening to invade Taiwan and let it be independent? Or maybe the other way? Tibet and Taiwan should STFU and stop rejecting their natural motherland? < non related topic deleted > \_ Terrorism is an act of desperation. Mind you that there was once upon a time when Arab nations were reasonable, rational, and even democratic. But we took advantage of that by creating an Israeli state, evicted people who lived there close to 2000 years, and installed pro-western government so we can extract oil from them. If we were following the democratic principle, Israel wouldn't of created at first place. \_ Why are they packed full of palestinians? \_ Because palestinians breed like rats and no one and I mean *no one* wants rats in their house. \_ Interesting. My boss is Palestinian. He may be overweight and a blowhard, but I can't say he's been breeding like a rat. |
2003/6/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:28685 Activity:low |
6/9 Anyone out there use any of these PHP IDEs? Any one better than the others? (this ain't for me i'm happy with slickedit). \_ I use ed. It's the STANDARD PHP IDE! |
2003/6/10 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:28686 Activity:high |
6/9 I recently modified my inetd.conf file on my FreeBSD-4.7 box to allow for ftp. I ended up restarting my machine to put this change into effect, but I'm not sure that was necessary. Was there another way to do it? Thanks. \_ kill -HUP <inetd PID> -John \_ man inetd (John, give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day....) \_ es yes, light a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day. Light a man afire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life. I just prefer enjoy throwing fish at people. -John |
2003/6/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28687 Activity:nil |
6/9 Democracy: that was what the war is all about: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2978186.stm |
2003/6/10 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security] UID:28688 Activity:high |
6/9 is anyone using the following SSH client? Is it any good? ssh windows client version: Aug 4 1998 (32) by: Cedomir Igaly, 1995/1998 Revision: 2.100 \_ If you're just looking for a recommendation, either SecureCRT or TeraTerm Pro have worked well for me. \_ Agree with the above, or putty (simply because it's the first google hit on a search for putty, and is a single executable of about 500k. i call it my tissue paper ssh client) --scotsman \_ I use the free non-commercial ssh client from http://ssh.com. Works fine and allows for easy file transfers. \_ It also has the advantage of recognizing urls and letting you click on them, which i like since i follow every link posted on CSUA. It has the disadvantage of being very bugy. \_ buggs ar eprobabyl frm cdoing typos, eh? \_ PuTTY works very nicely: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty \_ Indeeed, I switched from TTerm to putty and haven't looked back (the single executable/no install is very nice). It does X tunnelling which IIRC TT doesn't. \_ Actually, TT tunnelling is pretty good, and does X fine. \_ Yup, and teraterm cut/paste is much more friendly. Also its UI is much leaner, which I prefer. TeraTerm will also do serial connections, which IIRC putty does not. \_ Does TT do protocol 2 yet? \_ Not the last time I checked. That's the *only* reason to use putty. \_ cygwin \_ SecureCRT, hands down! Putty is not bad, but SecureCRT has almost everything you ever wanted in a telnet client. Ultra robust, highly customizable. |
2003/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:28689 Activity:nil |
6/9 http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/10/books/10KAKU.html?ex=1055822400&en=fdd25594a0801303&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE I'm glad Hillary finally got a chance to explain her side and did it so well. She finally got her chance to put those rat bastards in their place. This is a *great* book review. Read the review even if you don't read the book. Hillary/Gore '04!!! |
2003/6/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:28690 Activity:high |
6/10 I'd like to have a \section heading be typeset as small caps in LaTeX, but just putting {\sc ... } doesn't work. is there any way to do it? \_ In the LaTeX file, the letters you want to be smallcaps should be lowercase --- are they in your file? \_ Yeah, they are, and it doesn't work. \_ Odd. E.g. \section{{\sc Introduction}} works for me, using the "article" document-class. \_ I'm actually using a style file (actually a .clo file). would that affect it? -op \_ That's my guess. \_ Why do some people still use *tex for anything? |
2003/6/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:28691 Activity:high |
6/10 I want to grep for the ocurrance of the ']' and '[' character in a file I've tried all sorts of quoting on the command line, everything seems to give a ayntax or 'unmatched' error. How can I do this? \_ grep '\[' \_ to search for both, use "egrep '\[|\]'<filename>" -jnat \_ That doesn't seem to work as an "or" perhaps the version pf egrep is too old? egrep -V = grep (GNU grep) 2.4.2 \_ It looks like you're not really running egrep -- perhaps it's aliased to grep? The pattern above works in egrep; you could also use '[][]', which works everywhere. --mconst \_ Yup, it's just an alias to grep. thanks \_ he probably meant '[\[\]]' or '(\[|\])' --scotsman \_ Nope. And I used egrep on soda. egrep -V: egrep (GNU grep) 2.4d -jnat \_ That works for me: soda% egrep '\[|\]' /tmp/testfile lsdkfsjdlf sodjf sdlfj sodfj [sjfls] sfjls sdl [fjso slsjfosf sfosjf os sfjlsfj ssj sjflsdfj ofijwe wof owejf] oweo swfowejoi soda% which egrep /usr/bin/egrep soda% egrep --version egrep (GNU grep) 2.4d |
2003/6/10-11 [Science/Physics] UID:28692 Activity:moderate |
6/10 Physics buffs: back in physics 7C, the prof said that some physics genius/nobel laureate wrote a PhD dissertation that was only 3 pages, but I forgot who he was. Does anyone know about this? \_ might have been laplace. -ali \_ I think I remember Prof. Zettel saying something about de Broglie's thesis on matter waves being really short. -emin \_ bingo! That was it. I had Zettl too. (looking it up it was actually 7 pages. oops.) Thanks. \_ it's always better in the retelling. did you note he used sub-pixel fonts and no margins? |
2003/6/10 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:28693 Activity:nil |
6/10 Whenever I go above 100MPH (100-110) on my Ninja 500R, I feel like my body would be blow off from the bike. Is this common on all sportbikes? Should I get a bigger windshield or something? \_ You should stop driving so fucking fast that _when_ you hit some poor bastard unfortunate enough to share the road with your dumb ass you kill you and them instantly. \_ I fondly remember the one incident where I was driving on 880 and two motorcycles zoomed past me as they weaved in and out of traffic. Two miles later, there was a big traffic jam. Turns out one of the cyclists met a pickup truck. \_ Cool! Justice was served. \_ What the fuck is wrong with you guys? The op is asking for some simple advice that doesn't need your lame opinions. So what if it's dangerous? I'm sure he doesn't agree with some of the boring habits you all have. Just because you shit bricks when you hear the word "motorcycle" doesn't mean you should react like this. Be a pussy in private. \_ If by "shit bricks" you mean "cringe at other people's stupidity and carelessness", then ok. \_ He's asking for advice on how to safely be a moron. That definitely calls for derogatory comments. \_ Maybe he's racing, legally. \_ If so, I'd expect him to know such matters or know of better sources of info than the motd \_ He is asking for advice on how to comfortably do something dangerous. It is not the same thing at all. \_ oh. |
2003/6/10 [Consumer/Audio] UID:28694 Activity:nil |
6/10 Anybody would like to predict when I'll be able to buy a device that has the following functionalities (all in one device). This is stuff I need for business on a daily basis. Having to carry 5-6 gadgets is getting quite ridiculous. * cell phone * address book and notes that can be backed up onto a PC * FM/AM radio (no mechanical frequency changer, but digital tuning) * digital recorder that can record from microphone, phone conversation, or from the radio. Must be able to download the voice recording onto a PC. And upload conversations onto device for playback. * upload MP3s onto the device. * integrated GPS and navigation * basic internet that can receive email and fax. Doesn't need fancy web browsing. But need something like yahoo's directory listings that is tied in with GPS. E.g., ability to tell the device to give me a list of gas stations within 1 mile radius of where I am. And display them in a map relative to where I am. * color screen at least 3x3 inches. * And the most important feature: batteries that last for 1 week with active use. Yes, I'm asking a lot. We will get there. But when? Predictions? \_ I suspect that some of the high end Sony CLIE models may do what you want. See also the Palm Tungsten T (don't know if it's out yet). \_ Everything except the battery within 2 years. Oh, I just noticed that you did not specify a size requirement. In that case, the device already exists. \_ You actually *need* and/or *use* mp3s and AM/FM radio for your work? Are they hiring? I want to slack off and get paid, too! \_ answer the fucking question. |
2003/6/10 [Science, Politics] UID:28695 Activity:nil |
6/10 aaron, why do you misuse your power at Google? Have you no ethics? \_ what is the point of having power, if you can't misuse it? -!aaron \_ google has no power. \_ why are you wasting time trolling me --aaron \_ what did he do? |
2003/6/10-11 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:28696 Activity:high |
6/10 When I bite into a York peppermint patty, I get the sensation of going over 100MPH on my Ninja 500R while receiving fellatio from a porno star featured on my 50" projection TV, purchased due to the great job I got where I spend all my time slacking off! \_ lol. that made my day. \_ you must've had a really bad day. \_ what the hell is a Ninja 500R? \_ And why did you get that job? That's right, because you didn't wear a crappy suit to the interview! \_ You funny. I giggle. |
2003/6/10-11 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:28697 Activity:nil |
6/10 I was thinking of buying a large projection tv (50"+/-). Does anyone have recommendations or warnings on brands/models? TIA. \_ Check forums at http://www.hometheaterspot.com . If the setup of your room is correct, you should consider a LCD/DLP projector. Check http://www.avsforum.com for projector stuff. |
2003/6/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:28698 Activity:kinda low |
6/10 For people working as programmers: what percentage of your time at work do you spend slacking off (web surfing etc?) and do you think some amount of slacking off is necessary in order to be productive the rest of the time? \_ Depends on the person, and the company. If you burnout easily and need recharges through the day, but nail or beat deadlines, a good manager would be able to recognize this. Keep in mind, though, that there are a lot of bad managers out there. Also, as a manager, I would want to know that you can handle being "heads down" if you have to. \_ Do good managers ask employees to swallow? \_ Good employees will offer to swallow before a manager has to ask. \_ Good employees swallow without having to be asked. \_ A good employee-manager relationship involves mutual and simultaneous swallowing. |
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