6/1 I want to put together a reasonably large (~250GB), reliable, and
cheap disk array for important files and documents on a FreeBSD box
which currently only has a couple of IDE drives in it. I'm thinking of
running vinum on a bunch of external drives--any recommendations on
dependable, not-too-expensive disk racks/cases? Speed's no issue,
so what about scsi-2 vs. USB vs. Firewire? Any opinions welcome. -John
\_ John, you can use any of a number of scsi<->ide external raid array
units which handles raid in hardware and exposes a single 'drive'
to the unix system. Typical box has 8 slots and handles raid5.
You aren't specific enough about your needs and budget, but from
what you say I might slap a bunch of 80/100/120 gig drives in a
box and do raid5. If the data is important enough, I'd mirror it
too. Do not buy 3ware cards. --raid guy and 3ware victim
\_ Good tip, thanks. I just need something that's fault
tolerant if a single disk goes--don't need hot-swap, which
is why I was thinking vinum (this'll all get backed up
anyway. The prices below (~$500-600) are what I'm looking
for--got any specific tips on disk boxes? I can't find any
decent ones in stores over here, and don't really know what
to look for online. Thanks! -John
\_ You might get an old "K2" raid box off ebay or something
like that. External hw raid boxes might be out of your
price range if you've only got $600 for one, but a used
one might go for that. An alternative would be to get
a 4 or 6 disk 3u case with hot swap support for ide and
then just build your unix box from that. It'll be less
expensive and probably still get you what you want. I
think you can get a case *and* disks for under $1000.
\_ Why not just buy a pair of 250GB EIDE disks and mirror them?
$258 for a 250GB hard disk....
\_ The best price/storage ratio is currently around 120G, for $100
a piece. $300 for a 240G RAID 5 solution across 3 disks.
Add in $300 for a 3ware escalade 7500-4LP ATA RAID controller if
you don't want to do RAID in software.
\_ nononononono! do *not* buy 3ware!!!! ever!!! my company has
lost multiple terabytes to 3ware's crappy cards and drivers.
Do Not Buy 3Ware! --3ware multi-terabitten victim
\_ 3Ware cards worked fine for me. we blew a bunch
of money on a raidzone, we had horrendously bad
luck, blew hours and hours of my life, i would
like to talk tons of crap about raidzone! - danh
\_ I've got a dozen 3ware based boxes. I'm in the middle
of a multi month project to move all this data to
reliable hosts. After that the 3ware boxes are going
to ebay or the trash or Hell. --3ware victim
\_ What would you suggest for similar price/functionality?
\_ see my comment above to John about K2 boxes and 3u
hot swap ide cases.
\_ 1 TB IDE-to-SCSI hardware RAID is < $5000 . Uses 6 200 GB
disks. I am sure there are smaller versions for less. --dim
\_ Where can I find one of these?
\_ I thought FreeBSD's SCSI support was much better than IDE.
If you're willing to pay for RAID you'd do as well to go
straight SCSI.
\_ because scsi drives cost several times more per meg and
most people don't need scsi? it just has to work.
\_ The interface *is* SCSI. The disks are not. It connects
to a SCSI card and uses a SCSI driver, hence IDE-> SCSI. I
got mine at Western Scientific. --dim
\_ I believe the person meant "scsi->scsi" when they said
"straight scsi". IE: not IDE drives.
\_ No shit, but he also said "FreeBSD's SCSI support".
It *does* use the freaking SCSI driver, genius!
\_ hey dim, back to reading comp 1A for you. you're
the only one here who didn't know what everyone was
talking about.
\_ I think that would be you. Take your own advice.
\_ Actually, I was questioning the 1TB IDE-to-SCSI
part. I guess he meant IDE disks, SCSI interface,
which I would call SCSI-to-IDE. Using IDE to
access SCSI disks is the worst of both worlds,
which I think everyone agrees on. |