5/27 i need a job! if anyone knows of any sort of clerical/administrative
(or really anything else non-programmer, non-sysadmin, non-sales/mktg)
jobs in the east bay or sf, please let me know... -lila
\_ There's an opening at the local Wendy's, want me to inquire?
\_ Why are you asking for a nontechnical job on Soda? Do we look
like a bunch of nontechnical people? When did Soda become
\_ technical people work at companies that also employ other people
\_ Yeah, riight, when was the last time you went over to the
secretary pool and asked them how they were doing in terms
of staffing? Geeks hang out with geeks, sales with sales, etc.
That's why there are depts.
\_ depends on size of company ... when I was at a small
company, I mixed with and dated hot sales and
accounting girls. now i am at 100k company, and
things are bad.
\_ Sales&mktg... aaah... how I miss those days....
\_ Are you deliberately trying to under-employ yourself? A BA
degress from berkeley doing clerical work?
\_ my degree doesn't actually qualify me for anything... i don't
know what i really want to do yet, but i do need an income.
\_ Perhaps you missed the point of your Berkeley degree. Very
few Cal degrees qualify the student for any particular
trade. This isn't a trade school. You've (hopefully) been
taught to think and how to learn so you can do almost anything
that comes your way. Meta skills are superior to specific
trade skills over the course of your life. Now stop pissing
away your Cal degree on shitty retail and clerical work and
diminishing the value of everyone else's degrees. Go figure
it out and get a real job.
\_ sometimes, a job is just a job.
\_ need I mention the Physics PHD's formerly from JDSU that I work
with in airport security? -ERic
\_ you work in airport security?
\_ unfortunately, yes. |