2003/5/27-28 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:28559 Activity:very high |
5/26 What happens when OSHA isn't looking: http://ridah.net/stuff/safety.jpg \_ Does Toyota make forklifts? If not, we know this is a toyota plant. \_ Does Toyota make forklifts? If not, we know this is a toyota plant. \_ Yes, Toyota does make forklifts. \_ That's hilarious. But the 2 guys on the orange lift should be sitting on the back of the yellow one to keep it from tipping. \_ The yellow forklift won't tip over. If there weren't any \_ I bet this is in China. - Chinese geek guys on the orange forklift, how could they operate the orange forklift? \_ Forklifts have counterweights to prevent tipping. \_ I bet this is in China. - Chinese geek \_ Except those guys don't look Chinese. \_ They look kind of Philipino to me. \_ Hmmm, all Filipino workforce...that narrows it down to about a hundred coutries. \_ could be Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese \_ Filipino \_ Pilipino \_ that is a valid option \_ It's an Iraqi WMD plant. \_ Never ever hire anyone named Homer Simpson at your work. |
2003/5/27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:28560 Activity:insanely high |
5/26 I don't understand why people are opposed to raising taxes for people who have more children. It is a fundamental question of fairness. For example, primary and secondary education is funded mostly by property taxes at the county and city level. Two couples buy similary priced house and pay roughly the same amt of property tax. One couple has 1 kid and another couple has 3 kids. The couple with 3 kids is using up more tax payer resources so why shouldn't they pay more. We can't easily restructure the property tax system. And everybody should chip in to make public education work regardless of whether you have kids. But the people whoe use it more should pay more. \_ keeping kids in school lowers crime rates. Think about it as social insurance. If you want to pay less in taxes for schools, live in a low property value area. You get the idea. \_ public education is a service to everyone. a better educated populace (should) translate to a better and more productive \_ because everyone who isn't a single male sysadmin making 6 figures is a degenerate freeloader who should pay for their own damn social services. haven't you been paying attention? are you a commie? \_ You can't argue about taxes like this. You need to state your moral philosophy, including what you believe the inherent human rights are. After you do this, the tax system will naturally follow. Without doing this, you are just chewing the fat endlessly. workforce. The benefit is not only to the family with kids. So, we have decided (however reluctantly and increasingly underfunded) to provide a publicly funded education system. \_ What if you look at it this way: every kid is a future tax resource. Each kid is likely to pay for his own education in his life via taxes he pays. So why stick it to his parents, who're kindly providing this future tax resource at great expense already? \_ because everyone who isn't a single male sysadmin making 6 figures is a degenerate freeloader who should pay for their own damn social services. haven't you been paying attention? are you a commie? \_ what is wrong with Commie? \_ maybe you missed the part where the Berlin Wall fell? \_ Perhaps you forgotten your "facts" after leaving Berkeley. The fall of the berlin wall was a due to the uncontrollable destructive, oppressive, exploitive, racist, profiteering, non-collectivist, anti-abortion, anti-worker, earth and woman raping, genocide commiting, firearms bearing, suv driving, slave owing, gay-murdering, witch-hunting, arab hating tendencies of theistic judaea-christian greco-roman anglo-saxon indo-european materialistic capitalist millionare fat-cat pig dog vultures. \_ After I left Berkeley I was free to express the truth without fear of some club bearing, man hating, unshowered butch lesbian trying to beat me to death. Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! \_ Perhaps you forgotten your "facts" after leaving Berkeley. The fall of the berlin wall was a due to the \_ I agree. uncontrolled capitalism of the late 19th century causes the rise of commies. the kindler, gentler version advocated by liberuls resulted in the fall of the commies. \_ Oh you poor oppressed upper middle class white men! uncontrollable destructive, oppressive, exploitive, racist, profiteering, non-collectivist, anti-abortion, anti-worker, earth and woman raping, genocide commiting, firearms bearing, suv driving, slave owing, gay-murdering, witch-hunting, arab hating tendencies of theistic judaea-christian greco-roman anglo-saxon indo-european materialistic capitalist millionare fat-cat pig dog vultures. \_ After I left Berkeley I was free to express the truth without fear of some club bearing, man hating, unshowered butch lesbian trying to beat me to death. Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! \_ you forgot the part about 'goat sodomizing baby-murdering, gluttonous' \_ I agree. uncontrolled capitalism of the late 19th century causes the rise of commies. the kindler, gentler version advocated by liberuls resulted in the fall of the commies. the children!", "family values" issue. \_ Oh you poor oppressed upper middle class white men! \_ Who here is upper middle class? \_ Indeed. Growing up, my folks' income was marginal poverty level. I got through Cal on merit- and need-based scholarships, loans and work. In 2000 I paid of the last of my student loans and cashed in stock options--and paid more in taxes than my parents annual income the year I started Cal. (Oh, and I'm still in CA forking money over in state taxes, so I believe the investment has paid off.) \_ Are you voting Republican yet? \_ If he's smart, he is. \_ Yes--I have been since I was 18. \_ I never paid enough tax for myself in CA before I had to leave in order to get a job. Damned economy. I liked CA. \_ CA just got a few billion in bailout (2.x billion?) from the latest budget plan. Everyone in the US subsidized CA this year. \_ Only fair since CA pays more in taxes than it gets back almost every year. \_ Too late for me. I had to leave CA a year ago. And $2G is a drop in the bucket of CA's problem. Further, it won't help anyone get a job, it'll just help keep the CA gov't going. \_ they have that. it's called one-child policy in China. while nothing wrong with tax policies to encourage certain birthrate pattern, I don't like the way you talked about "fairness" in tax policies. The tax policies is never fair for anyone. \_ there's no such thing as a "fair" tax policy. even a flat tax will hurt lower income people more than higher income people. it is time for you to understand that life just isn't fair. once you fully absorb this concept, you'll find the rest of your life is much more enjoyable. sometimes you gotta break an egg to etc etc. I've got no kids, I'm married and plan to not have kids and don't have a problem with the current system. \_ "fairness" is an important criterion for designing and evaluating a tax system, however it is not the only criterion. I tend to agree with you that there is too much tax benefits for breeding like pigs (dependant, child tax credit, etc., etc.). However, you are going to be very lonely on this cause it's a "think about the children!", "family values" issue. both the democrats and the republicans are suckers for these. \_ No, actually it's about spending money on them now so they don't break into my home later. Prisons are expensive. \_ do it with progressive tax which doesn't encourage breeding as much as child tax crdit. or give child tax credit to the first two kids only. if you can't educate your kids well, stop breeding, or at least, don't expect me to subsidize your breeding. \_ Right -- it's much better to subsidize a larger police force and much more extensive and overcrowded jails after those kids break into your home and rape your wife when they become adults. \_ education hasn't worked. The current system already subsidizes the poor. How has that worked out? Kids are still dropping out. Throwing money at the problem hasn't done anything. Washington DC has the highest tax burden of any region. It still has one of the highest murder rates in the country. Taking away these subsidies and steralizing people on welfare will get rid of the problem once and for all. No bad kids, no problem. Also sterlizing illegal immigrants arrested in the U.S. Just to cover all the bases. \_ Actually, all tax laws in CA are hard to change. You need the magic 2/3+1 supermajority to pass tax laws. Perhaps you're thinking of charging a "fee" for use of public education? Think about how hard that is for the UC and CSU system and multiply it by 10. \_ Not hard at all. Didn't they just raise UC rates by $500 or more? I also read summer students got hit with a bonux $150 charge only a few days before summer classes started. -alum \_ No you don't. They changed the law, or didn't you hear to only require 55%. \_ A judge can change the law whenever he feels like it. It used to be the case that local property taxes went to local schools. Judicial fiat changed that. |
2003/5/27-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:28561 Activity:high |
5/27 Not a big deal, just funny in a absurd way: AP - Late Monday, Israeli soldiers fired on four diplomatic vehicles in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, diplomats said. No one was hurt. ... two bullets hit the windshield of the Swiss Consulate's armored car, and diplomatic cars of Sweden, Denmark and the European Union also came under fire. The military expressed regret, saying soldiers fired to break up a crowd of Palestinians and bullets inadvertently hit the diplomat's vehicle. http://csua.org/u/317 \_ http://www.masada2000.org \_ Israel has no respect of international law whatsoever, this is just one of many acts. Intercept ship in interntaional water a week ago is just another example. If Israel really want to win the legimacy, it will need to play by the rules, otherwise, it is no different from the sucide bombers it is fighting against. \_ Bad Jew! Stop defending yourself! Bad Jew! Bad! Role over and die to make French and Arabs happy! Bad Jew! Die Jew! Die! Never again, son, never again. |
2003/5/27-28 [Consumer/Audio] UID:28562 Activity:insanely high |
5/27 Want to see the latest super-expensive home theater & audiophile gear? http://www.he2003.com in SF June 6-8 -eric \_ yeah but it sounds pretty much the same as the sub-$1000 crap. \_ I always find it fascinating how people can still build expensive audio replay equipment when everything involved is basically really old technology which has been more or less replicated by $30 digital equipment. As for the quality difference, only if you are a dog can you really hear the difference. It's like Rolex, a $5 digital kid watch probably keeps better time. \_ that's why it is for audiophiles and not for everyone. \_ Ever met a real audiophile? If you think $30 digital crap from best buy can equal a $5k tube system in quality, you're tone deaf or you've never heard the tube system. I'm not at all an audiophile nor do I have a great ear but I can hear it easily. \_ Define what a "real audiophile" is. I've met "real" physicians and studied under them. I know that the human ear is incapable of telling the difference that the majority of this equipment is claiming to reproduce. The ear just isn't that sensitive, and the rest is just placebo. Next thing you're going to tell me that "real" chronometerphiles have an inbred ability to tell time better than everyone else and that's why they need a Rolex. Face it, it's the same as buying a Fendi bag vs. just a regular handbag. It's all just snob value after a certain price point. \_ Nice try. I knew a doctor on TV once, too. That makes me know all about TV broadcasting equipment. Or something like that. Just because you know *nothing* about a field doesn't mean others don't. I don't believe in Java, Unix, or Intel chips. They just can't possibly work! I knew an engineer once so I know this is true! Yeah! That's the ticket! I'm a midnight motd posting uber genius, like you! \_ Can you provide an example of something an audio equip. manufacturer claims to reproduce that the human ear ear is incapable of detecting? \_ can ordinary people distinguish $1500 and $6000 equipment? \_ this is for audiophiles, and not everybody. \_ It starts getting crazy when these people can hear differences just by using different cables. \_ I once auditioned speakers around the $300-600/pair range. I was surprised I could actually hear differences among them (I was quite skeptical that I could), but the problem was, I couldn't tell which speakers actually sounded "correct." I read reviews with words like "warm" and "neutral sound" and "imaging" and I'm thinking WTF? \_ If you are buying, then you should trust your ears. Go with whatever sound you like. \_ for those who like speakers, what speakers do you have and how much did you get them for? \_ B&W DM601 (first series I believe). $500/pair at the time. Absolutely no complaints with them. The center channel cost me an extra $250. \- the audiophile stuff is sort of like wine: you should feel welcome to listen to/drink the $100speakers/$5bottle. if you think there isnt a difference between $100 speakers and $1000 speakers or a $10bottle and $100bottle, you are a moron or physically defective. yes, the expensive stuff is sometimes hype. yes some people go overboard ... like the "magic liquid stereo cable" people or the "grapes grown 10feet apart have different terroir effects" ... and have their head up their ass. --psb \_ $100 to $1000 is easy... i'm a total nonaudiophile and i can tell the difference there. it's $1000 -> $10000 for speakers and $100->$1000 for wine that are much harder to differentiate.. \_ I find it hard to believe that anyone who says there's no difference between $10/bottle wine and $50-$100/bottle wine can actually have gone up to Napa and *tasted* some of the expensive stuff. It's easy to tell the difference. (Whether it's worth the price to you is another, more personal matter.) Above $100 you start getting into real hype, yeah. (ps: whoops, originally misread psb... read "is" for "isn't". We're all violently agreeing...) \- well i think part of the qustion is "does a $60 reidel glass make the wine taste better than a $5 wine glass" ... supposedly there is a reason for the different shapes of wine glasses. i think that is where a lot of the bunko is. same for some of the ridiculous claims about audio cables. --psb \_ Try drinking wine from a coffee mug. \_ I think wine is a bit different. I've tasted expensive wine, and I will agree it tastes different from a $10 or $50 bottle, but whether it's better is debatable. It's just different with no negative or positive connotation. I suppose if I knew what to look for when tasting (beyond just if I like the taste or not), then I could appreciate and perhaps even justify ordering the pricier stuff at a restaurant. |
2003/5/27-28 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28563 Activity:high |
5/26 Bush Ban on Chinese Imports http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/5/27/133053.shtml \_ Good for Bush. \_ Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day. \_ I love Chinese proverb. Where can I find more? \_ Yeah, it would be terrible to give Bush credit for doing something you like. \_ If Bush did it, he can't like it. If Bush found and shared the Fountain of Youth, he'd complain about how all these newly young people are hiking through the woods and killing the owls' natural habitat and it's all Bush's fault. There's nothing like raw blind hatred to get you through the day. \_ mmm, conservative hypocracy... \_ I don't think that word means what you think it means. \_ Hell, I don't think that word is spelled the way you think it is. \_ Conservatives do not believe in hate. They believe in tolerance and using reason to convince their opponents. See Rush Limbaugh, Micheal Savage, Ann Coulter, Fox News, etc. \_ and if that doesn't work, we can always invade the country in the name of WMD and democracy. \_ Generally, not a Bush fan - op \_ hypocrisy written all over. If anything, USA is the one who has the global ambition of be the hegemony of the world. It is USA that has the 2nd large stockpiles of WMD and had history of unleashing on defendless civilians for "moral" "communication" and "scientific" reasons. USA is the largest arms dealer in the world. And many of its product is also manufactured by prisoners. |