5/25 More on US racist imperialism
\_ this is a good site in terms of murder by government statistics,
but like (it often seems) everyone, they just aren't too bright.
I'm sick of hearing this drivel about how "democracies" don't
fight one another.
\_ what's the most destructive war you can think of in which
both sides were democracies?
\- how many democracies were there in the world between
1648 and 1945? --psb
1648 and 1945? how many democracies were there in
the year 1812? --psb
\_ world war II, Hitler was democratically elected as was
mussolini. Finland was a democracy at the time they
were fighting on the side of Germany et. al. The whole
idea is just stupid. It is more true and slightly less
meaningless to say "countries with mcdonald's in them
don't go to war against each other." That is to say
that countries with stong economic interdependencies
and countries with similar cultures, are less likely to
\- the interdependence theory [sic] is pretty iffy.
in fact it isnt really a theory. does it apply to
france and england since 1066? were the alliances
of the peloponessian was explained by "cultural
and econ ties"? how about the post 1945 relations
between the US, Su and China? and of course the
war of 1812 again. the main problem is like that
with freudian theory ... it's hard to test because
it is so vague. it's not so much right or wrong
but either meaningless or more charitably an
assertion not a theory. (see APSR Dec97,pp913-917)
the %GDP in exports in 1900 was quite high ... that
level wasnt equalled for almost 50yrs after ww2.
remember states (should) seek security. interdependence
(often) means vulnurability. do you think germany
and japan liked being "interdependent" on other
countries for oil in the 1930s? there is a
huge lit on this since kohane and nye book.
e.g. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/copeland.htm
go to war; but the idea of being a democracy somehow
magically keeping you from making war on other democracies
is just stupid.
\_ They were elected but then took over and made them into
100% dictatorships. They were not democracies in any
sense of the word by the time any shooting started. I'm
so tired of know nothing smart asses like you spouting off
like you know something. This isn't a dorm lounge chat at
3am about whether or not God exists. It's the motd and you
can't get away with making up shit like that here.
\_ dear moron, i notice you didn't address Finland. Also
I can name a number of other examples of democracies
\_ Finland was a semi-autocratic nation under Field
Marshal Mannerheim at the time. Likewise, it was
not a case of 'two democratic nations', as their
alliance with the Germans was a logical continuation
of being invaded by the USSR in 1939 and losing >10%
of their territory. Your point about nukes is wrong,
and your historical points are shaky. Likewise, your
list of criteria about nations with residual
totalitarianism below will find few applications in
modern Europe. Plus, 'dear moron' is not a way
to win arguments. Just some free advice. -John
fighting one another, but you will just explain all of
them away until you are left making some stupid
statement which boils down to "Europe hasn't had any
warfare since world war II". (btw, the reason for this
is simple: NUKES). I was asked for the "most
destructive" example and i gave it. It is not the best.
It was the most destructive though. Asking to specify
"the most destructive" is practically an admission of
defeat already. If you don't accept democratically
elected govenments that turn dict. then you prob.
don't accept countries with nominal/residual monarchy
or countries with slavery/without universal suffrage
with makes the NUMBER of democracy/years in existence
pretty damn small with which to be making sweeping
generalizations like this. Of course, a complete
lack of data points (or intelligence) has never been
enough to stop Poly Sci folks from spouting nonsese.
\_ aristotle hated democracies cos he felt it ruined athens.
caused them the wwar.
\-how is this relevant? i'm tempted to say this is
wrong, but it is really more correct to say this is
meaningless. --psb
\_ Very well stated. who is this? -scotsman
\_ Exactly. There may be some anecdotal evidence that
\- it's not "anecdotal
evidence". it's an
issue of is it a
"mere corrletation"
or is there a causal
explanation. and then
is the data fudged
on the correlation at
all. --psb
democracies don't go to war with one another, but
if you consider why countries go to war, there is
no reason a democracy wouldn't go to war with another
\_ Ooo Yea baby! I've been waiting to hear this for some
\_ And you're incapable of typing it yourself?
\_ Too hard for me.
\-Hello, YMWTS: ~psb/DemoWar.commentarii. --psb
\_ How about adding another counfounding variable:
the deep fear of war European nations
(where a large number of the world's
democracies are) had after WWI and WWII,
which broke down the barriers for greater
efforts at integration such as the EU.
Or is that weak?
\- What are you trying to explain?
yes weak. "fear went down" is not
an explanation; it is an assertion.
why didnt the EC happen after the
"fear went down" after napoleon was
defeated? the concert of europe was
a very different answer than the EC.
how about "the frenchies stopped
fearing someone capturing paris again
aftger developing their "force de
frappe". on the period between ww1/2
see EHCarr 20 yrs crisis. that is a
damn good book and Keynes: Econ
Conseq Peace.
On the point of everything being
warm and fuzzy among the euro-allies:
what do you think is more likely:
--brit/france turn over their nuke
arsenals to a "EC joint nuke command"
--"team player germany" builds its
own nukes.
now it is possible neither will happen
in the next 20yrs, but if you were a
betting man, which would you bet on?
\_ But but but, isn't it true that the
nationalism and naitional rivalry
among European nations as seen in
the earlier half of the 20th
century very much went away? Isn't
that part of the reaction to the
horrors of WWI and WWII? Or do you
there a better theory for it?
\_ To add to it, another coun |