2003/5/21 [Industry/Jobs] UID:28501 Activity:high |
5/20 This happen to you. You get laid off, but your loyalty entitles you to 'salary continuation.' You ask you former company if it's ok to get unemployment insurance. They say yes. You collect. A year later the EDD send you letter saying the 'salary continuation' is considered wages, they want the UI $ back plus penalties and suspension from ever getting UI for 3 years. The company won't help you now in writing a letter saying it was severance. Everyone else who was laid off and did the same thing, doesnt have that the EDD breathing down their necks. I STFW of EDD's site. The info says the case is hopeless. \_ Even severance is considered salary in terms of EDD's view. Your unemployment benefit starts only when your severance runs out. I think you are f*cked. \_ What is salary continuation exactly? -- new to workforce \_ hack their system already, jeez, what kinda cs geek are you? |
2003/5/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:28502 Activity:nil |
5/21 Can someone recommend a good starting book for IPv6? I had the Christian Huitema one suggested, but I understand it's pretty theoretical. -John \_ what is wrong with reading the RFCs? \_ Sigh. Nothing is wrong with reading the RFCs. However, I may be working together with someone who could use a, how shall we say, gentler introduction, and I don't understand enough about it yet to be able to explain it authoritatively. \_ also, RFC's won't speak to particular implementations \_ This is Berkeley. We don't implement anything. That's not important. It's only coding. Anyone can code. |
2003/5/21 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:28503 Activity:nil |
5/20 Where does Mozilla (firebird) store its cached data on W2k? \_ STFW: http://texturizer.net/firebird/edit.html#profile |
2003/5/21 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:28504 Activity:nil |
5/20 Does Soda have a collection of SPAM carcases I can use so I can train my Bayesian filter? If does, where are they? thanks \_ Bayesian filtering works best with your own spam corpus. \_ post your login, i'll spam you good. \_ well \_ where did this trend of capitalizing SPAM to mean UCE come from? you've got it backwards; "SPAM" is the (pseudo-)meat; "spam" is UCE. yeah, yeah, fuck me for being a pedantic troll. \_ STFU you pedantic troll. Language changes (except in France). \_ I have a spam archive of approximately 40,000 letters I could upload somewhere if u want. -ERic \_ Anything h0t? \_ spamassassin said it prefer 1000-2000. can you dump couple thousands to learn. would you dump it into a tmp directory somewhere? \_ seperate note. The bayesian token files tend to get quite big (~ 1 mb per 1000 messages) how do you guys deal with that? or you just let megabytes of these token files occupies your precious disk space? \_ so 40000 spam would be 40 meg. Big deal. My keychain can handle that. \_ err... my soda account has a quota of 30mb... |
2003/5/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:28505 Activity:very high |
5/20 For those if you worried about the SCO/IBM/Linux Lawsuit: Read this, from the cnet article by Bruce Perens: "The real story here is the lack of substance to the SCO claims, and the increasingly remote chance that its lawyers will prevail. A similar case alleging plagiarism of Unix by an open-source operating system was litigated in the early '90s. AT&T sued the University of California, claiming that the BSD system infringed upon AT&T's copyrights. Eventually, the court narrowed AT&T's concerns down to only four source files, which the university simply replaced rather than argue about them. AT&T then settled the case by paying the university's court costs. SCO is not likely to do any better." \_ Thanks. I thought I am the only one who cared about Linux in this BSD crowd -- not geeky enough to use BSD \_ see, it's not about care. we're just not concerned because there is nothing to be concerned about. \_ Uhm, why exactly should *any* of us be concerned about one random smallish company suing some other random very large company about anything? Worried? What for? \_ there is a real chance that big company abandon Linux as platform due to legal issues, however slim that chance is. \_ That would be great. We could finally get \_ Dell and IBM (maybe HP? i have no idea) have been selling hardware with linux to "big company" for a while now. the stinking penguin feces off of our networks. \_ Linux isn't made for "big company". Why should anyone give a damn if all "big company" don't use Linux for anything? Linux doesn't have market share. It isn't sold. No one who makes it makes money on it. Whatever. \_ Linux was created to have a UNIX-like US on the PC. \_ Dell and IBM (maybe HP? i have no idea) have been selling hardware with linux to "big company" for a while now. <interruption moved to more polite place> \_ Linux was created to have a UNIX-like OS on the PC. Linux is a powerful, stable, multi-user OS. Isn't that \_ HA HA HA HA! Good one. \_ What do you mean? Compare to any M$ OS. What is your problem with Linux? \_ He's not comparing it to MS. He's a brainless reactionary, and anyway My Ford is WAY better than his Chevy \_ Have you tried using linux for any real purpose other than disposable web serving? Even for non-critical redundant clustering we have lots of reliability problems with linux. The boxes keep crashing in with vm errors, hanging on network io. Linux is also a pain in the ass to keep updated and exploit free (even debian). I don't mind linux for light desktop or server use but to call it powerful and stable is a joke. \_ UC Engineering used to sell a t-shirt with a bell curve that says "Smarter Than The Average Bear". Engineering students may indeed be smarter than the average bear, but that doesn't mean they are smart in any absolute sense. what big companies want? If big companies (IBM) adopt Linux, it may be more likely that software companies will release Linux versions of their wares. Peoplesoft for example. This would make it easer for Linux market share to increase, which I believe would be a "good thing". I do not like Microsoft, and I beleve that Linux is our best hope. \_ It's far more likely that IBM will simply acquire SCO. Of course, then IBM could litigate everyone else... \_ Obgoogle. (how hasn't this been said already ?) \_ The disconnect is that BSD was completely rewritten to remove all AT&T code during the late 80's and early 90's. This was a largely volunteer effort that made the AT&T case moot. |
2003/5/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:28507 Activity:moderate |
5/21 Has anyone taken a technical online course through Berkeley extension? What's your feedback? \_ fwiw, A friend of mine (EECS'99) took some econ courses through UCB Extension and is now getting an MBA at MIT (Sloan). \_ I took some DB classes there. they were very UNacademic. \_ Which good or bad? \_ Which is good or bad? |
2003/5/21 [Health/Disease/General] UID:28508 Activity:very high |
5/21 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20030521/wl_canada_nm/canada_health_madcow_col_6 In a sick and perverted way, I hope this spreads to the US and a lot of people die from mad cow disease. This will teach you fat people to stop eating meat. -vegetarian \_ I don't think mad cow disease is all that transmissible by eating mad cows. I think just a subset of people are vulnerable. So I think you're SOL. BTW, I hope you die of pellagra or beriberi. \_ I think you need to read up on some basic nutrition. \_ leave it to some dumb hippy vegetarian to draw the wrong lesson. The fairly obvious (and should have been obvious even before hand) lesson is don't feed dead members of farm Species_X back to live members of Species_X. It is appalling that was done. \_ we have already created a race of cannibalistic cows, we recycle dead cow into the food we feed our cattle - danh \_ what about us skinny meat eaters? \_ The OP is an idiot with self esteem issues. He's trying to validate his basically absurd point of view -- so the fact that an alternate lifestyle can be just as healthy, if not healthier is largely going to be ignored. \_ i don't eat cows. i eat vegans. \_ I don't think you realize what mad cow is, or you wouldn't be wishing this anywhere. Also, man has been eating meat for millions of years. It's foolish to thing this will (or should) change in less than (say) 100 years. \_ I don't think you realize what mad cow is, or you wouldn't be wishing this anywhere. Also, man has been eating meat for millions of years. It's foolish to thing this will (or should) change in less than (say) 100 years. \_ Man has not been eating meat for "millions of years", because mankind, as a species, is not "millions of years" old. Religious people would put that at about 5k years, maybe? And scientists might say 100k years.... \_ Do a search on Homo habilis. That's about 2 million years since toolmaking. Okay, 100k for Homo sapiens. Also, I was making the evolutionary argument for meat. If I were making \_ This is necessary. Life feeds on Life feeds on... the religious one, I'd just say that it's our right to eat meat. \_ Creatures have been eating other creatures for billions of years. \_ Human evolution as a consequence of natural selection stopped when we began social programs to feed the poor and enable the disabled. Meat-eating is a choice now, governed more by market forces than natural forces. Accept responsibility for your own destiny and stop blaming your obsolete biological inheritance. -a proud meat-eater \_ You are a fool. Natural selection hasn't stopped. We've just changed what we're selecting for. \_ We'll just switch from cows to panda, cheetah, elephant, etc. \_ Congratulations on a lame yet successful troll. I thought it was really weak but you score full points for raking in the suckers which is all the really counts when it comes to trolling. Give yourself a happy sticker and a gold star for your achievement. \_ Does a troll get credit for all replies or only for first level responses? Regardless of whether the initial post is a troll, some of the stuff under it is interesting. |
2003/5/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:28509 Activity:very high |
5/21 I sometimes get asked why my CS degree from Berkeley is a BA and not a BS. What's the best way to answer that to a potential employer? \_ BA means you took more than one english class. \_ It's really an arbitrary distinction, but some schools give you BS in math if you do some courses in applied math. Otherwise, you get the BA. The idea is that "BA" is for theoretical stuff, while "BS" means you have to get your fingers dirty. At Berkeley, the CS degree in LS requires less engineering and lab courses than the CS tracks in EECS. Thus, you get the BA. I would not put much credence into the distinction. -fab \_ Not true. I took 3 English classes to satisfy the GE requirements. Still got a BS from the Dept. of Engineering. I just wish that I had taken those classes for a letter grade, 12 units of A's would \_ Because the college of L&S does not hand out BS. That's reserved for business school (rim shot). Seriously, a physics degree is a BA too. have boosted my gpa. \_ Nah. My AP exam exempted me. I didn't take a single English class @ Cal. Now don't get me started about American Cultures... \_ I am hereby getting you started on American Cultures. \_ My one P/NP class. History of the California Frontier. Taught by Kent Lightfoot. What a waste of time. \_ oh, come on. you call that a rant? start a new thread with a lenthy rant if you really care. \_ why is a math degree a BA and not a BS? I remember Brian Harvey talked about this on the 1st or 2nd day of 61A. \_ I remembered some years ago I checked out the BS program under College of Engineering. It had very strict requirement that one must maintain a 3.0 GPA at all time or will be on AP. It was a major for graduate school preparation. -- ivy \_ "I was not as 1337 as the College of Engineering studs, so I took the L&S program and met more hot chix." \_ AKA: I actually learned something important at college \_ Because the college of L&S does not hand out BS. That's reserved for business school (rim shot). Seriously, a physics degree is a BA too. [I'm going to start deleting your shit on the spot if you don't learn how to format. -evil formatd] \_ I understand this myself, but what's the best way to explain it to a potential employer who doesn't understand and not make him feel that I don't have enough "science" training? \_ Tell him a physics degree is a BA. If that's not good enough, you probably don't want to work there. \_ I tell them the physicists, the chemists, and just about everyone else gets a "BA" from Cal, that it's just a Cal thing, shrug, and don't try to get too defensive about it. Look bored by the question in a "sigh, I have to answer this stupid question again" kind of way, but be polite. Do not under any circumstances allow them to say you have a lesser degree. \_ actually, i think the chemists get a B.S. it's all about what college you're in. The college of chemistry and the college of engineering both give out B.S.'s, and L&S gives out only BA's. That's the long and short of it. obviously, this means that all science majors except engineering and chemistry get BA's. \_ there are a few L&S chemistry majors. they are the proverbial redheaded stepchildren. pity them. \_ I would not confuse the issue by getting into different kinds of majors and colleges. The OP wants help in intelligently answering a question a non-Cal person will never understand. The right answer is that "everyone" gets a BA and to not make a big deal out of it. If you start explaining things you'll look like an idiot and not get the job which is the whole point. They don't give a shit about the inner workings of your school. Just get the job. \_ Well, the real question the interviewer is asking is, "Why are you in L&S? Are you too weak to be in the College of Engineering?" \_ If you aren't interested in hardware, there is little point in doing Engineering CS. Most people would give an arm and a leg for the opportunity to major in LS CS degree at Berkeley. -fab \_ Yes, but then you wouldn't be 1337. \_ No. You're wrong. Only a Cal alum would know the difference. The rest of the world is just baffled and is asking exactly the question they want answered. \_ You're assuming that the interviewer will only see L&S grads and would be satisfied by the everyone gets a BA in L&S. I am assuming the interviewer will see a mix of EECS and L&S CS, and would wonder the EECS guys get a BS instead? \_ For me, I didn't know what the difference was when I was filling out the adminssion application. I thought to myself I am not really interested in EE, so I opted for just CS, not realizing it would be a BA instead of BS. It had nothing to do with thinking I might not be strong enough for COE. \_ Sigh. BS implies applied physical science as opposed to BA which implies more theoretical education. \_ Wrong. The Division of Physical Sciences at Cal (Physics, Astronomy, Earth and Planetary Science, Statistics, Math) gives out BA's. -tom \_ Youre not paying attention. You missed the point of this thread. the point of this thread is for EECS majors to blather on about their m@d 33kZ sk177Z0rz. as a math physics double major, I just wish I was k3wl enough to get a BS like them. Then I would have actually learned something practical. \_ Actually not sooo wrong. It is applied vs. theoretical-- so what if he said physical instead, don't be so argumentative just to throw out points. And remember, the boundaries are blurry, I actually took more hw classes than most EEs and I was L&S. And my GPA was as high as it gets, so there goes the can't cut it in EECS idea. Personally I enjoyed taking a lot of astronomy, physics, biology, and chemistry without anyone looking over my shoulder and complaining. \_ Just put down undergraduate degree in computer science at UCBerkeley and it will never come up. |
2003/5/21-22 [Health/Men] UID:28510 Activity:high |
5/21 Claritin/Nicoderm become non-prescription medications, Viagra could be ordered online via "online consultation". What's next, RU486? Are the big drug companies trying to milk the cow at the risk of the consumers? \_ What's wrong with RU486 being an easy access medication? \_ It's used in conjunction with other medications which are not so easily accessible. \_ How so? Ru486 has multiple uses. \_ Those being as a contragestive, an abortion facilitator, and an aid in difficult delivery in obstetrics. There are other contragestive approaches that are easier to obtain, and should be consulted with a doctor in any event. The other two must have medical supervision of some sort. |
2003/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:28511 Activity:moderate |
5/21 After illegally using the homeland security department to hunt down the Killer Ds, all records of the hunt for the missing democrats are ordered destroyed before an investigation can get started. http://www.centredaily.com/mld/centredaily/news/5907697.htm \_ That's pretty sad. Of course, the so-called Killer D's should be removed from office, but so should any nitwit who ordered the destruction of records. \_ One set was hired, the other set elected. \_ Didn't I see this on alt.conspiracy.hate.hate.hate.bush? |
2003/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28512 Activity:high |
5/21 Is the term "rice-boy" taillights (with respect to cars) offensive? \_ to some asians, yes. \_ I'm Asian and the Asian friends I have aren't offended. I'm sure some are though. Actually, several didn't even know the term "riceboy" until I explained it to them \_ The term is Rice Boi and the taillights are called Altezzas. \_ What does "rice-boy" mean? \_ asian boys that take $12k cars and put $30k m0dz in them and end up with ugly funky silly looking under powered $42k cars. \_ but where does "rice" in the name come from? -clueless \_ I'm white and I love rice. Am I a rice boy? \_ no \_ I think the term was originally meant for those from Vietnam, which rice consistutes majority of their stable diet. Rice = Asian is not strictly true as those northern Chinese eat a lot of wheats. |
2003/5/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:28513 Activity:high |
5/21 Does anyone know a non-sexist mnemonic for the resistor color code? \_ What's the sexist one? -- forgotten everything \_ found this on the net: bad boys rape our young girls but violet gives willingly. get some now \_ This is the one I learned, with s/rape/rob/ as the other one. Big Bears Run Over Your Gladiola Bed Vexing Garden Worms (go see now) \_ I, too, learned the sexist mnemonic first. When I asked someone about a different mnemonic, the guy said, "just learn the colors directly." So now I know the above plus "black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray white". \_ yeah, in the end i guess we all just end up memorizing them, and thinking "six" when we see a blue stripe, but I'd like to have a mnemonic I can tell young people without making them think electrical engineers are all sexist pigs. \_ I suggest, "black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray white". It'll take about 30 seconds to memorise. \_ How about "black, brown, ROY G BIV, grey, white" without the I for indigo? Even less time to memorize. \_ 30 seconds is too much?? \_ What is the GSN? Gold, silver and ??? |
2003/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/GradSchool] UID:28514 Activity:high |
5/21 Explosion reported at Yale University. Check AP wires. \_ I'll wander over and check it out -new haven resident \_ I was just on the roof of the yale engineering building with binoculars checking shit out. Engineering is a couple blocks form the law school. there is nothing to see. the reports of "white smoke rising over the city" are almost certainly some numnutz reporter's observation of the steam from the physical plant building right next door to the law school. There are lots of cops and reporters, obviously, but they have reached a steady state by now. No one was hurt, and there have been no threats against yale or new haven. Barbara Bush is not in New Haven right now(yale just finished exams last week.) \_ No reported injuries so far. When did it happen? \_ Confined to one mail room, Bush was on campus a few hours prior. \_ He was in New London, not New Haven. \_ ...briefly, earlier in the day. almost certainly unrelated. \_ I hope Rory hasn't got there yet! \_ It's a University. Shit blows up at schools all the time. \_ Did someone leave the gas on in the lounge kitchen? Yes, I know some people said it was the mail room. \_ Current wherabouts of Ted Kazynski? \_ Federal Pen, duh. |
2003/5/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:28515 Activity:high |
5/21 I just found out that my group at Yahoo has some summer intern positions working on different things DOE and your interest. Some of the works that you might work on are automation scripts, interacting with DB's, and integrations. These are open to both grad and undergrad students. Email me for more information if you are interested. -conlam \_ Sunnyvale, CA. Mathilda exit on 237. \_ where is it? \_ Sunnyvale, CA. Mathilda exit on 237. \_ Wait, wasn't Sunnyvale swallowed up in the collapse of the Hellmouth in the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? \_ No. |
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