2003/5/19 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Airplane] UID:28481 Activity:kinda low |
5/18 How much is a carpool lane ticket on 880 around Fremont? I thought it's around $271, but the notification I received said I owe $321. And, what's the easiest way for me to find if I qualify for traffic school if I can't remember if my last traffic school is within the last 18 months? \_ $271 is the minimum \_ You scumbag, I hope you get socked with more than that next time, and I hope your insurance company doubles your fees. Bastards like you ought to be executed on the spot. \_ Yeah because no one ever made a mistake. You're an idiot. -!op \_ Fuck all that. Kill the cars. Jackhammer the roads. \_ Why destroy perfectly good roads? Abortions for all! Retroactive ones! The human race is a virus! \_ Take it to a judge, admit guilt, ask for a reduced penalty because you're a poor student or you're an idiot and didn't notice the signs or something. The judge can also send you to traffic scool no matter what for simple driving infractions like that. Whatever you do, do not plead innocent. You're guilty as hell and you're just going to annoy him. |
2003/5/19 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:28482 Activity:low |
5/18 Ride Bike! http://csua.org/u/2z2 |
2003/5/19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:28483 Activity:high 75%like:28476 |
5/18 Fighting Censorship: Thread Restored Taiwan has been accepted into WHO as an "Health Entity." Congrats Taiwan! \_ That's like the WHO accepting Alabama. Taiwan is an illegal entity that is an indivisible part of the PRC. \_ ignore those Taiwan's child play. People in Taiwan are dying, Ministry of Health is stockpiling tens of million of N95 masks and refused to distributed to hospitals. Infection is out of control as one hospital after another show cases of cross-infection. Instead of trying to fix the disease, Taiwan is playing politics... The really funny part is, Taiwan is ALREADY in WHO (as Province of China). I really don't know what is the big fuss is all about. -- reporting from Taiwan \_ If you really don't know what the fuss is about, then you need to brush up on your history. Cf. Chiang-Kai Sheck, Kuomintang, the airlift from the mainland after WW2, and recent election of a pro-independence President. \_ I didn't know there were any mainlanders here. I thought most of the ethnic chinese here were from Taiwan, HK, or SG. Identify yourself! \_ What is SG? \_ Singapore, also known as Singapura. Singa is from Singh, an Indian / Sikh word meaning "lion". Thus Singaore is also known as "lion city". \_ The US is an illegal entity that is an indivisible part of the British Crown. \_ British Crown recognized US's independence long ago. Pull your head out of your ass. \_ if it was indivisible it couldn't have been divided. \_ Your family will be sent a bill for the bullet. \_ Nah, Taiwan declared independence and the establishment of declaration of independence the Taiwan Democratic Republic in 1895. \_ which is as legitimate as the Manchuguo in North East China \_ People of Taiwan were betrayed and disowned by China to the Japanese in 1895. Of course the declaration of independence is legitimate, or are you saying Taiwan should belong to Japan? \_ the independence was out of desperation as China signed the shameful treaty, which 1. no one ever recognized, and 2. if you ever read history, people fought bravely resist Japanese's rule. It caused so much casuaty that Japan resort using naval bombardment to whipe out the resistance; a Sharp contrast of what people in Taiwan is doing today, which trying hard kissing USA's butt-hole hoping US will do something for your cause. And if you look at USA's track record, you would know that Taiwan is just a bargain chip which USA will give up if China is willing to pay the price. \_ After betraying and disowning Taiwan for 50 years, Chinese came to Taiwan and promptly butchered tens of thousands of Taiwanese in 1947. Furthermore, in the following decades, China butchered tens of millions of its own people. Sorry, but the people of Taiwan has every right to declare independence. We don't owe China anything. US is a friend and trading partner of Taiwan. No US administration would survive the loss of Taiwan to a PRC invasion. I am personally not an advocate for Taiwan independence because I still have some affinity for China, and hope that it would continue to change for the better, but please don't give me bullshit like "Taiwan ... is an indivisible part of the PRC". \_ Taiwan is as valuable to the US imperialism as Israel. Just as Israel distablizes the middle-east, Taiwan distablizes the Far East. \_ Hegemon! The DNC fax said "Hegemon!" We don't use "Imperialism" anymore, idiot! That was last year! Fucking aye! Get it together! \_ destabilize .. learn engrish first lah. without taiwan and US investments, prc still in stone age. \_ Stability? Yes, nothing should change. Bad things such as the nightmare that is the Arab controlled middle east should always be that way because... well.. uhm... it's stable! Yeah, stable! That's the ticket! I'm glad you're here on the motd and not the State Department where you might be doing real harm to the country and maybe the world. \_ I claim legal dictatorship over the entire planet. You are all my property. Start obeying my commands at once or I will demand that the WHO eject you. --SupremeDictatorForLife \_ Infidel! There is one true ruler. All Hail Joe!! Hail Joe!!! http://members.tripod.com/mightyjoe/news.html be sure to watch the "call to action" video. \_ I think Belgium has a pre-existing claim of planetary wide control over the world's legal system. |
2003/5/19-20 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:28484 Activity:low |
5/18 Is it possible to force two (cpu-hungry) programs to each run on a separate processor, on a dual-processor Dell running Win2k? \_ The OS isn't doing this for you? \_ I'm not sure. Is there a way to check under Win2k? \_ Look at your performance graph and see if the cpu's are balanced. I don't know if you can do anything more. \_http://www.mlin.net/SMPSeesaw.shtml |
2003/5/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:28485 Activity:very high |
5/18 Thank you Gray Davis, who increased state employement by 30%, and who rewards his primary contributor, the Prison Unions, with fat pay raises. Vehicle-tax plan praised - Fee hike would spare drastic local cuts http://www.recordnet.com/daily/news/articles/051803-gn-4.php \_ I'm really tired of all this budget bullshit. Is there not a single state that believe in fiscal responsibility? Any state that require balanced budget in their constitution? \_ The last time California ran budget surpluses during a boom time, we had a "taxpayers revolt" and ended up with Prop 13. We get what we deserve here. Every recession is like this. Remember Pete Wilson's big round of tax increases? \_ No, we had prop 13 because people were losing their houses. I was here and I remember it. \_ People were not losing their homes. That was all bullshit. \_ Idiot. I was there. Get out of the ivory tower and join the real world where real people are hurt or helped everyday by the real decisions real politicians make. \_ I was there too. Everyone wants to pay less taxes, but the money for things like schools has to come from someplace. School quality in California, which had been in the top 10% of the country, plummeted and has stayed low since. How old were you when this happened? No way can you remember what was really going on. If you go back and look at the newspaper archives, you will find one or two people on fixed incomes who supposedly lost their homes, out of a state with a population of 20M. You live in a fantasyland. \_ Yeah all the neighbors who put their houses up for sale and left the state were just figments of my deranged and aged mind. CA has many reasons for being at the bottom of the school rankings, not teaching the "three Rs" anymore is the primary reason. \_ And now people are losing their houses because they can't afford the property tax that's subsidizing the people who are benefitting from prop 13. Irony is delicious. Munch. \_ The problem with prop 13 is that while it was motivated by a need to protect a primary residence from fluctuations in the real estate market, it was written to include *all* property. For humans, frozen contribution rates on a primary residence are a good way to apportion the total tax burden over the life of the taxpayer. For coporations and other entities that never die, Prop 13 is a nightmare that has only just started crushing our economy. \_ Actually it's been crushing it a while. Each economic downturn just emphasizes it. When the economy recovers, it'll be forgotten again. After you finish the cookie, you'll feel right as rain. \_ Can someone explain what prop13 is? \_ Quickie version: In 1978, property taxes assessed according to 1976 prices with a max +2% change until prop sold. Then it's reassessed and taxed at current price. Note 2% is below COLA and certainly way below real estate increase. Plus, to raise taxes takes 2/3 vote of the legistlature. \_ Only because we learned the term "double digit inflation" under Jimmy Carter. In any sane world, the COLA would be about 2%. \_ Communist! \_ Ford invented double digit inflation. Carter just carried on the tradition. \_ Ford? Oh pleeeeeaaaaase. It's the only thing the news talked about for his entire term. Oh yeah, that and the Hostage Crisis. |
2003/5/19-20 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas, Academia/GradSchool] UID:28486 Activity:very high |
5/19 I know most people here are alumni. Anybody know new grads graduating this year? I'm wondering how they're doing in terms of job search. CS/EECS grads I mean. Are people moving back home with their parents and spending their time goofing off? \_ The smart ones won't be goofing off. \_ We used to call it meditating. \_ Do you like to meditate with your left hand or your right? \_ Or your own mouth? \_ Ew. \_ It took me about 6-7 months to find a job. - 2002 grad \_ same here. \_ tobin do you live across the street from Sigma Kappa? how many tobins can there be in this world? - danh \_ clearly we need more H1-B people, it should have taken you a year \_ no, he should've worked at McD's serving H1b's on their once a week lunch break. \_ working at CERN for awhile. Then... the World! -- tobin (2003 grad) \_ So you plan to retire from CERN, eh? \_ Nobody retires from CERN. They are retired. -John \_ Good point. \_ I'm moving back home and looking for a job - sp 2003 grad \_ Where's that? India? \_ New grad hiring is fairly limited right now. We generally won't look at a new grad seriously unless they built something as a special project or outside of class. The ones that just listen to lectures and do their homework aren't typically productive enough to bother with. -hiring manager \_ heh, when the economy turns around you'll be here begging for the ones who 'almost' graduated. --less obnoxious hm \_ graduation, have yet to find a job, will be working on a research project part time this summer while looking for employment, and yes, I will be moving back home. --darin \_ St. Louis? Are there jobs there? \_ Most of the guys who interned in my group last summer have all found jobs. I'm trying to set the last few stragglers up before the end of the summer. They are all moving back home. \_ How does moving back home help you find a job? To save money? Unless your parents live in San Jose, you're stting yourself up for a lifetime of shitty jobs and zero social life. \_ San Jose, wooohoo! Party! Why would you hold up San Jose as a good place for a social life? \_ i think he is implying there are decent jobs in the san jose area \_ Also, housing is so expensive, there's less social stigma attached to living with your parents. \_ Because in SJ you might actually *get* *a* *job* unlike living with your parents in BFE trying to get PC support gigs at the local dentist and flower shop. SJ is also close enough to the rest of the BA that you can have any social life you like and frankly with so many other laid off people in the area, you'll have plenty of people to hang out with. What's *your* plan for where these kids should hang out while job hunting and trying not to be forgotten by life? \_ Honestly? I think they are spoiled brats who should learn to fend for themselves. There are plenty of jobs out there, just not high-paying, cushy, high- status jobs like these children of the upper middle class believe is their birthright. Move to Las Vegas if you want a job. I never hung to my mother's apron strings after I left home at 17. \_ Getting a low paying job now will cost hundreds of thousands over the course of their careers.... \_ Not learning self-reliance costs much more. |
2003/5/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:28487 Activity:high |
5/19 Here's one vote for extermination of the human race. Its obvious that we just can't live up to the standards set by the CSUA motd, so we're better off with universal suicide. Who knows, maybe evolution will produce an intelligent race less concerned with narcissism and self-aggrandizement. \_ Tch, tch... Where were you during the nuke war fantasies of the early 80's? Po' chile, missed out on it? \_ They weren't fantasies. The world was almost destroyed several times from the mid 60's until The Wall fell. \_ Compare and contrast that to Sodans almost getting laid. \_ Another time coming up with the threats from North Korea. \_ NK? Piffle. That's not world destruction. At worst, they'll hit SK or Japan once or twice. Their odds of hitting SD/LA/SF are about zero given that they've never tested anything with that range and don't claim it. After the maybe nuke Japan/SK, we launch and wipe them off the planet, everyone sheds a tear, makes a pretty speech at the UN, life goes on for the other 6+ billion people. |
2003/5/19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28488 Activity:nil |
5/19 Goodbye, Ari Fleischer. You managed to keep a straight face for so long. \_ URL? Given a choice I'd rather be Ari than do the same job for BC. \_ Heh, I'd've been fired if I'd been the spokesman for Bill: "I'm sorry, the President has nothing to say about the allegations regarding Monica Lewinsky. I, on the other hand, have plenty to say: C'mon, folks, it was a blowjob! Get over it!" \_ Probably not the right spin BC was looking for but it'd be funny as hell if it got on the air. \_ http://www.csua.org/u/2z7 |
2003/5/19 [Uncategorized] UID:28489 Activity:nil |
5/19 Civic, u wished u 0wn3d 1: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2415052740 \_ A non-working, non-street legal 73k mile '93 civic for $11k? I'd need a lobotomy first. Is that included in the $11k some sucker bid for this? \_ Yucks! |
2003/5/19-20 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:28490 Activity:nil |
5/19 My refinance showed someone (LA) is using my SSN. What can I do? Who do I report this to? This is a serious question. thx. \_ First contact the police. One of the things they will do is give you a form with a lot of different crdit agencies to contact. Contact all major credit card companies as well. Although you can get a free credit check if you suspect fraud you get the wimpy version, so you want to shell out 25 bucks for the full one you can double check. Hell, you probably want to do it every couple of months for the next half year or so. Yes it is a bitch, I've been there before, but it the long run things got corrected and the person stopped using my SSN. \_ Call your local SS office. They will give you the number of the SS Inspector General. That office handles stuff having to do with SS fraud and criminal activity. \_ And the IRS. When you contact the three credit agencies, ask to put a freeze or a fraud report on your listings. \_ See if you can get an address and kill them. |
2003/5/19-20 [Health, Health/Men] UID:28491 Activity:high |
5/19 Exercise advice sought: If I am just trying to tone up a little can I do something like 400-500 curls with 10lbs dumbells or will that little weight not do anything? Better to do half as many with 20lbs? I am a small stature person. \_ Hi, small stature person! \_ If you want to bulk up, do enough weight so that you can just barely do 3 sets of 12. If you just want toning, take yoga. \_ 2nded. You'll get results more quickly this way, and at 20lbs you need not fear of turning into that enormous guy at the gym with hairy shoulders. Just make sure your form is good if you're just starting off w/ weights. \_ tone != bulk. If you want tone and definition, you do want more reps with lower weight. Try 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps. More reps per set if you like. \_ That is why I asked if 400x10lbs or 200x20lbs would be better. \_ You should never need to do 400 or even 200 reps (I hope you're just giving exagerrated numbers for effect). The above poster is right... find a weight where you can just barely do 20 or even 25 reps and work from there. Oh, and something that gets lost in the equation of toning/bulking: diet. You can have the perfect workouts, with the ideal weights, sets, reps, exercises, form, etc., but it won't that the hard way (yes, I've been improvement once I cut down on the french fries) make a difference until you start eating right. I learned that the hard way (yes, I've seen improvement after I cut out the fast food) \_ Don't listen to these people who haven't tried it! I would recommend 800-1000 curls with 5 lbs, I have had very effective results with that. Try it for yourself! \_ Sounds like a recipie for tendonitis. Curls, like most weight work, isolates a particular muscle group. Unlike exercizes that impact a larger number of muscles, weight work is not suitable for rep counts. There is debate over whether the 30-rep sets are safe. Even the high-rep clique at the gym would agree that 800 is crazy. \- I dont claim to have a particularly sane exercise program but some comments: 1. first i think doing a few hundred curls of low weight should be ok. it is probably like using a rowing machine for 20-30 min. 2. if you goal is tone and general fitness with a low target and without joining a gym or buying pricey equipment, then i'd just run like 3miles 3-4 times a week. that moves large muscles unlike the curl program and will probably burn more calories and get your mtabolism up and your fat level down. if you ear a reasonable mtabolism up and your fat level down. if you eat a reasonable amount of protein, it is easy to bulk up arms for men. legs are a lot more work. --psb \_ The problem is that with any serious weight and crazy high repetitions, it's very possible to give yourself a RSI. This is especially true if you have no idea what you're doing and have little or no idea of good form. This is a very hard lesson to learn by injuring yourself. \_ Isometrics, son. It's all about isometrics. \_ I don't think you ever need to worry about bulking up unintentionally. If it was that easy to get big, you wouldn't see people spending 24x7 in the gym, drinking protein shakes, taking supplements, and reading muscle magazines. Start with a standard excercise routine which you can find in any excercise book or web page and if you notice yourself getting "too big", cut back on the weight and increase your reps/sets by 15%. -emin \_ Here's a question. Why do any of this? Simply to look better? I can think of a dozen kinds of exercise that will keep you in shape and certainly sound more enjoyable than endless reps in a gym or some room in one's house. I suppose I need to give partha credit for hinting at the same point. I swim about a mile a day and I'll bet, if nothing else, I have more interesting things to look at. :) \- i sort of got addicted to swimming for a while and was swimming maybe 10-12 miles a week. i dont think swimming gets you very far unless you have a lot of discipline [i.e. you do the equivalent of running intervals] or you combine with weights. if you do the equivalent of a slow jog in the pool, it doesnt get you very far. if i am totally out of shape then i start my aerobic conditioning by swimming, since it's hard to get motvated to run if you cant even run 2 miles. but otherwise swimming alone to me is like exercise bike or walking ... for old people or people who for some other reason, e.g. 50lbs overweight, cant run or something like that. --psb |
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