2003/5/9 [Uncategorized] UID:28383 Activity:high |
5/8 Someone please post the method on monitoring the MOTD. trying to fight selective censorship \_ I know who it is. It isn't that hard to determine. Eventually I'll spill the beans if they don't stop and I'm bored enough. Mostly the mindless censor drones go through phases and figure out that it isn't worth their time and just go away without the public humiliation. \_ enlighten us, please. 6th year UNIX newbie \_ If you think it is only one person, you are mistaken. \_ If you think it is only one person, you are mistaken, Mr. Anderson. \_ Hi. -Mr. Anderson \_ I'm sure someone's already figured out who the SAMC is, but just feels that it's not approriate to 'out' them. |
2003/5/9-10 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:28384 Activity:high |
5/8 I've gotten very good feedback before on ski resorts at tahoe. So I'll try again with las vegas hotels. Please comment on the good/bad things on the places you've stayed. Don't troll this please. I'll start with one recent visit. Stratosphere: Major card key problems when I was there. Couldn't get into my room after checkin TWICE. After I got pissed I complained and they upgraded my room to a suite. The hotel is also in a bad side of the strip. I wouldn't go there again. -- \_ Bob Stupack is evil. I would never stay at the Strat. \_ Olympic Garden is only a block away. Only real upshot. -- \_ Let's do this backwards. Name a hotel and I'll tell you about it. \_ if you wish. Mandalay Bay: \_ I never understood the attraction for this hotel. I guess they execute blah well. The beach is amusing, if you're into that kind of stuff. \_ Good mid-week deals on suite on the top floors. Otherwise I'd skip \_ Very nice sports book, standard new strip rooms. Agree slightly overpriced, also a little out of the way. Okay experience. \_ I liked Rum Jungle, the restaurant by day, club by night joint. Hot women dancing on top of the bar... doesn't get better than that. \_ Agree. Nice to visit this and Hard Rock's Baby's during night. Luxor: \_ Good mid-week deals on suites on the top floors. Otherwise I'd skip it too. The diagonal elevator is amusing, but strictly for one ride only. \_ Older strip type room. Decent access to the outside, but problems with non-hotellers wandering the halls. No, it's not sinking. Excalibur: \_ This is the cheapest strip hotel I'd stay at, but that might be a legacy effect. \_ Oldest of the "new" strip hotels. Older room setup. Cheap, and showing it's age. Long distance to casino, car, outside. MGM Grand: \_ Not the most expensive, not the most posh, but quite acceptable. A good all-around hotel. Good sports book. \_ Agree sports book. Okay room, but long, long haul to casino, car and outside. Good prices if you catch them. \_ Agreed about the long haul. It should never take more than five minutes to reach the damn elevator. Dunno why my parents love staying there so much. Caesar: \_ The hotel is old. They've done a good job updating it, but it still feels old. The tower is better. \_ It's a good upgrade. Okay sports book, cramped feel in places, casino and hotel farther out from strip than most places. Bellagio: \_ Bellagio seems to have an inordinate amount of static electricity. I get zapped there far more than any other casino. \_ Loved my stay there. On the middle of the strip, and try to get a room with a view of the Fountains. Bally's is across the at the TI. Much more expensive than what it should be. street and it's connected to the mall. Plus it's close to most everything, as it's on the middle of the strip. Not the cheapest hotel, but worth it. I think the Venetian has bigger rooms though. (Never stayed at the Venetian). \_ The Venetian rooms are all officially "suites" and they are bigger than the Bellagio's. The "suite" thing just means there's a cast iron railing between the sleeping area and the sitting area, so I wouldn't get terribly excited over that. \_ True, but the bathroom is awesome. Huge and with a large tub and separate shower. Two televisions. Nice decor. \_ Bellagio has an excellent poker room, for those that care. \_ The Mirage and the Orleans have okay ones. Binions if you want some old time feel to it (Now especially during WSOP). Others have poker for the sake of saying they offer poker. Oh, and some places offer "poker rates." You play X hours and they give a discount on the hotel price. Have to ask about beforehand. \_ Excellent place to stay. Well executed. Nice new strip rooms. Pricey though. Paris & Aladdin: \_ I've had good experiences @ Paris & Aladdin. At Aladdin, just because I was being nice, I got a free upgrade to a suite (apparently, I was the only one all day who didn't ask the girl for an upgrade, so I got one). If you get a room with a view @ Paris, you can watch Bellagio's fountain show all night until you grow utterly sick of it, like I did. \_ I quite liked the Paris casino. The painted ceiling makes it seem less claustrophobic. The casino hires faux French guys to hang out for ambience. Highly amusing. \_ Paris: Nice rooms, When I went, I thought they were about average priced. The casino IS the best part. \_ IMO, the casino is the worst part of the hotel. It's too small. I stay there, but go somewhere else to gamble. \_ To wrap up the other major strip hotels. Mirage: Still quite nice when I stayed there last year. Treasure Island: Never ever stay at the TI. Much more expensive than what it should be. NYNY: I think the best design and execution of a theme on the strip. Good deli at the food area. The lack of elevators is somewhat annoying. \_ Mirage: Agree. TI: Agree, overpriced for an okay room. NYNY: Is okay, but the jumble of rooms to match the facade is a bit disconcerting. Food area, while good, can get VERY crowded. \_ So what's the best deal for around $100 a night weekends? The newer ones like Venetian, Bellagio, etc are quite expensive. I don't want to stay at an old dump either. Thanks. \_ You have to pay for what you want. What's important to you? Access to the strip? Casino experience? Sightseeing? Gambling self silly? Are you going to spend a lot of time in the room? Bally's, Monte Carlo, Hilton (off strip) are newer, but slightly cheaper. And you can get deals on most all of them. Personally I gamble a lot and don't expect much from my room. I stay downtown where the rates are closer to <$50/wkend night and cab it to the strip if I feel like playing overpriced tables. \_ Venetian is about $120 on Sundays, which is not bad. I go to Las Vegas a lot. Mirage and Venetian are my faves. Paris is okay as is Mandalay Bay. Avoid Bellagio. For a cheap place, I like Bally's. I'm mostly a gambler, too, so YMMV if you like other stuff, although food is important to me. Also, I haven't seen anyone mention Rio yet. --dim \_ I passed by Rio on my way to check out Palms. Nothing but a bunch of old geezers in cowboy hats. Very subdued environment. \_ How is Palms? It looks like the new Big Nightspot... \_ Unfortunately, I only saw it during the day. The casino is rather small, nothing special. I'm not too fond of how everything is in puke green, including the limos. Hard Rock and other off-strip: \_ The Californian is smokey and full of middle aged Hawaiians playing slots. It is one of the least phoney places in Vegas. \_ Downtown is different from the strip and off-strip places. |
2003/5/9-10 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:28385 Activity:moderate |
5/8 On a dual Xeon processor machine running Win2k, is it possible to force/specify that two programs each run on a different processor? Thanks. \_ Check the man pages... oh wait! You don't have any! bwahahahhaa! \_ http://www.mlin.net/SMPSeesaw.shtml \_ You can do it in Task Manager if you have admin rights. Right-click on the process and choose CPU Affinity. --- yuen |
2003/5/9-10 [Health] UID:28386 Activity:nil |
5/8 Some places sell prescription drugs and have an online doctor's consultation. Is this actually legal? \_ Yes. |
2003/5/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:28387 Activity:kinda low |
5/8 is there a perl equiv of the php "escapeshellarg()" function? \_ Tell us what escapeshellarg actually does (I can guess but...). I know perl but not php. I'm sure I'm not the only one. \_ I'm trying to untaint a var that i will pass to a shell cmd. I think $ARGV[0] =~ s(')('\\'')g should do it, but <shrug>. \_ You may want to look at quotemeta, but this sounds like an ugly hack. \_ open(FOO,"\Q$tainted\E |"); |
2003/5/9-10 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:28388 Activity:very high |
5/9 Why do you guys spend so much time in Vegas? do you actually gamble? \_ Because they are outsized children making double or triple as much as most grown-ups. There are few better ways of liquidating money you can't use and don't really want than visits to Vegas. \_ Yes, they're all the meanies that gave you wedgies in grade school. Why would you want to go out and be sociable when you can play xtrek and dungeons & dragons all day? \_ whores. lots and lots of whores. \_ Cheaper than flying to Amsterdam, with better gambling. Not as disgusting as NO. \_ What does "NO" refer to? I have a feeling google will not help me here! \_ Yes, and there are good restaurants and neat things to see like the Guggenheim and Star Trek Experience. Oh, and free booze! \_ Where do you get the free booze? I have been on Aladin and MGM Grand casino floors but didn't see anyone giving out free booze. \_ Cocktail waitresses! Also, the better the casino (more expensive the hotel) the better the drinks. To use water as example, some places give out Pellegrino or Perrier and others give out tap water. --dim \_ Just start gambling, and they'll come around asking for drinks. It's usually courtesy to tip 'em, so basically, it's about a buck a drink. \_ ...right. it's free, but you're gambling. I know a great way to get "free" drinks like this in an ordinary with it. bar. Hand the bartender a couple of hundred dollar bills at the begining of the night, and you'll get "free" drinks all night. idiot. \_ Awww, look at the little nerdling waxing all bitter about his complete lack of social skills. Isn't that cuuute? Yes he is! Yes he is! \_ Well, look at it this way. If you're gambling, you're losing money anyway, so why not get a bit of alcohol with it. And I've come out ahead a couple of times, so the drinks really were free for me. \_ Play the low limit slots or just sit there next to someone who is. Put a quarter in every 5 minutes until you get your drink if you're that lame, or go sit in the Keno parlor or sports book. It's no big deal. I usually win, so not only do I have more money than I started with, but get free drinks, too. Stop being so bitter about your lack of success. --dim \_ Unless you are playing poker, it is impossible to "win" for any period of time gambling. Many people kid themselves otherwise, but I would expect better from you. \_ Oh please. You just don't get it do you? It's enterainment. It's like going to a movie or a play -- it's a fun way to go out and meet people in a different environment or to spend a few hours being entertained. Most grown-ups that go and gamble at Lost Wages seem to understand this. I just can't under stand this "I'm not comfortable there, so I must therefore try and prove that people that are, are lame" attitude. \_ Just clarifying the "I usually win" bit. No need to get snooty about it. \_ It's possible to win at sports betting. -tom \_ So play poker. Blackjack is also a positive expectation game if you know what you are doing and *barely* negative even if you don't. Don't use words like impossible either. It's certainly possible, just not statistically likely. You can't beat the games, except when you do. --dim \_ All right, I grant that if you count cards you can adjust the odds slightly in your favor. Do you count cards? Do you really win most of the time? It is fine to go to Vegas and have fun losing, it is just not realistic to go and expect to win most of the time (unless you are a good poker player) -one who has been to Vegas and both lost and won |
2003/5/9-10 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:28389 Activity:kinda low |
5/8 Related to the vegas hotel survey below. There are buffets in every hotel. But any one in particular that has more vegetarian items? Everytime I go I get stuck with the typical salad and pasta primavera items. I'm wondering if there's more vegetarian variety. Thanks. -vegan going to vegas next month. \_ Hate to disappoint, but there are NO great choices for vegans or vegetarians. The larger buffets (Rio and Paris) have some more choices, but nothing outstanding. \_ You don't win friends with salad. \_ huh? \_ watch more Simpsons. |
2003/5/9-10 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:28390 Activity:moderate |
5/8 Nevman, did you sell your 2001 EX500 yet? What whas the mileage and how much did you get it for? Clean title? Ever dropped? I'm selling my EX500 too and just want to get a ball park figure. \_ Nevin has an email address, you know. |
2003/5/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:28391 Activity:moderate |
5/8 Anybody have an idea about why amazon's stock is going up so quickly? 2 months ago it was around 12-14 and now it's up at 30. \_ People are stupid. |
2003/5/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:28392 Activity:nil |
5/9 Where is the Freeper Outrage when you need it? http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/12/1050069122800.html Could it be that Republicans get a free pass for this thing? \_ Don't worry. My man Pat Buchanan will be all over this like the good Reform Party head that he is. |
2003/5/9-10 [Recreation/Activities, Health/Women] UID:28393 Activity:high |
5/9 http://csua.org/u/e86 (cnn.com) "He broke two bones in his [own] wrist and then used the dull blade of his multi-tool pocket knife to saw through his flesh." \_ this is cobwebs-on-it old \_ 11am EDT this morning too old for you? that's when the article was posted... and the incident happened Thursday May 1. dude, you're so on the bleeding edge. \_ kinda like half of this guy's arm \_ solo hiking/climbing is crazy. \_ yeah. And ultimately he didn't have to amputate since he was found by rescuers a few hours later. \_ He hiked a few miles and was found by a random couple hiking the trail. Yet another registrant for the motd reading comprehension course. \_ ok, if by "random couple" you mean search helicopter. \_ Don't forget he rapelled (sp?) 50ft or so down the cliff before he hiked 6 miles. \_ Wrong, he never would have been spotted. He amputated and then hiked to someplace where people were more likely to find him. \_ ... which is, in and of itself, absolutely bloody amazing. How the hell did he remain conscious? \_ bloody is right. \_ tourniquet to slow bleeding and avoid hypovolemic shock. a tourniquet is almost always a last resort method of controlling blood loss, but amputation counts as last resort. --Jon |
3/15 |