2003/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:28365 Activity:nil |
5/7 SA-anti-SAMC was here. Restored. |
2003/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:28366 Activity:nil |
5/7 How much are you guys paying for T-1's these days? |
2003/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:28367 Activity:nil |
5/7 Has anyone used Nuvaring? How is it compared to say Ortho-Evra? \_ you will become fat, blaoted, bitchy, and lose all desire to fuck. \_ sounds like marriage On the plus side you wont pop out the rugrats! |
2003/5/8-12 [Industry/Jobs] UID:28368 Activity:nil |
5/7 My company is looking for experienced QA people. <DEAD>www.reactivity.com;<DEAD> email me as david@reactivity.com for details --dpassage \_ My company is also hiring also but it *really* sucks here and I don't want to inflict that on any of you. \_ it once sucked here as well, but hiring a couple of sodans fixed a lot. Try it. --scotsman \_ I wouldn't do that to a fellow sodan. \_ see if you can get them to hire the asshole who keeps deleting everything interesting. seriously. monitor the motd, get a login name, find the fucker on google, and submit a bogus resume. \_ no way. they might hire him and then I'd be stuck with yet another jerk off at work. |
2003/5/8 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28369 Activity:high |
5/7 Day 47. Still no wmds. \_ But I bet the jews are pleased at getting america to do their dirty work. \_ Are you really an anti-semite or do you just play one on the motd? \_ KILL THE JEWS! KILL THE JEWS! http://www.masada2000.org for details. \_ Haven't you heard already? The bar has been lowered. All we're looking for now is evidence that they used to have WMDs several years ago. \_ Frankly, I never cared if there were or weren't. The WMD was just for the consumption of the great masses. I believe what we were really doing was cleaning up the mess we left behind in 91 and the only disappointment is that it took 12 years to get around to it. \_ I disagree... I'm not against the war per se (incidentally I am against the war, but that's a seperate discussion) but what I am against is anyone who believes that the reason we are there had anything to do with "wmd's" or terrorism. We are there to satisfy the needs of american business... anyone who doesnt realize that this country is run by corporate america is deluding themselves. \_ What business is in the Iraq? WTF are you talking about? It took two years to find Saddams nuclear program after GWI. \_ OIL! stupid. Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserve in Arab world. and Bush just issued a plan to "privatize" much of Iraqi economy. Take a wild guess which company will end up buying the assets of formal Oil Ministry of Iraq? By the way, if you notice, virtually all of the government building were looted, except the Oil Ministry. Hostipal, water treatment plants, Universities were all allowed to be looted, (by some account, even encouraged by US soldiers) but Oil field, and its refinary infrastructure were well protected by US arm and forces. 70 years ago, US forces were doing the same thing inside China protecting the interest of then Standard Oil company. So, this is not something new. Just please believe that we are doing all these for the goodness of the mainkind. \_ OIL OIL OIL! OILITY OIL OIL OIL! OILITY OIL! |
2003/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:28370 Activity:nil |
5/7 Christine and lila, did you guys become fat, blaoted, bitchy, and lose all desire to fuck after you started orthoX (where X=tricyclene or any other method of birth control)? |
2003/5/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28371 Activity:very high |
5/7 I've never seen a convincing explanation of why exactly G.H.W Bush didn't go all the way to Baghdad in '91. Can anyone provide such an explanation? \_ he had a 100hrs victory with less than 200 casualties, a figure that he didn't expect to hold in taking the country. Then again, what were the final tallies on this ass kicking? \_ ghwbush said the world coalition he had gathered then had given him authority to kick iraq out of kuwait, not overthrow the iraqi government. that doesn't seem too incredibly far fetched to me. - danhr \_ The objective of the 1991 Gulf war was free Kuwait from Iraq and prevent Iraq from controlling 40% of Arab's oil reserve. The objective was achieved without invading and occupies Iraq. It was a big miscalculation on Iraq's part. Iraq had invaded Iran in the past with USA's blessing, Hussin didn't expect USA would turn against him second time around. \_ Um, Iraq informed the US of the plan to invade Kuwait. The US did not object, so Iraq took that to be implicit approval. Then Bush and fellows feigned shock when the the invasion took place. \_ Iraq also claimed our forces were NOT at the airport, or within 100km of Bagdad. Their credibility of facts sucks. \_ More proof that Israel is in control of US foreign policy. \_ Nyet, comrade! They only talked to some low level official in country and got an ambiguous reponse. They heard what they wanted to hear. Please try to avoid mass rewrite of key elements of history. \_ Ambassador April Glaspie was a low level official? \_ Yes. Ambassador to >insert 3rd world BFE country here< is never a serious position. \_ Except in times of crisis and in hot-spots, I tend to agree with you. \_ She told them effectively the US would not accept Iraq invading Kuwait, regardless of what the media tries to portray. In fact, she has maintained and repeated this position many times., \_ In fact, she has maintained all along that she did not give "the green light" and that she was the target of a "deliberate deception," but she acknowledges that the majority of what was reported about her meeting was true. In other words, she neither objected nor gave express approval. Saddam then read into that what he wanted. Let's not pretend however that the US expressly told him not to do it. \_ Is it our job to play red light/green light with thugs? I don't recall seeing that written anywhere. Maybe it's in one of the Federalist Papers I missed. \_ We armed them, we trained them, and we supported them when they were at war with Iran. They were in effect our client state, and as such, yes, we had an obligation to red light the invasion if we were truly opposed to it. We weren't, so we didn't. \_ US didn't arm Iraq. The Soviets and French did. The Chinese sold more arms to Iraq than the US. http://projects.sipri.se/armstrade/Trnd_Ind_IRQ_Imps_73-02.pdf \_ US bad, UN good, EU good, Israel bad, PLO good, Arafat good, Sharon bad, Bush bad, Chirac good, France good, China good, Britain bad, Russia good. Clear now? \_ Yawn. \_ Exactly, Iraq arms came almost entirely from China, France, and Russia. After all it was an exocet missile launched from a Mirage that hit the US naval vessel in 87. During the Iran / Iraq war we should have provided more military support to crush militant islam in Iran. So the complaint should be we did not do enough, as opposed to too much. [MOTD reformatd] \_ But we did tell them not to do it. So what's the problem? And no they weren't a client state. It was a business arrangement. \_ They are/were however a client state of France. And frankly, our assistance during the Iran / Iraq was completely justified, given the threat of militant Islam which has manifested current events. \_ And here's the crux: When did we tell them that? I'd love to see that url. \_ You're aware this pre-dated the current concept of 'the web' and urls, right? So the odds of getting an accurate and direct quote from that time is near zero. When you find the url that proves it either way, please come back and let us know. In the mean time, those of us old enough to recall the events will just have to get by with our aged and withering memories. \_ Graduated in '92. Are my memories not fresh enough for you? 'Cause I do not recall Bush telling Saddam not to do it when Iraq massed troops on the border. \_ 92? Sorry. You were still under the thumb of the Berkeley PC establishment. Maybe next time. By comparison, even now many still don't understand the logic behind the 2nd Gulf War. \_ It wasn't a second war. It was the completion of the first which should've come years before GWB2 got into office. \_ http://www.thememoryhole.org/mil/bushsr-iraq.htm Basically Bush Sr didn't want to get us into the situation that we are in now: having to occupy and rule an Arab nation against international opinion. \_ Couldn't say it better than GWB himself: link:tinyurl.com/amxh (RealPlayer file) |
2003/5/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:28372 Activity:low |
5/8 Anybody know approximately when .hushlogin became the default setting for new accounts? This explains why motd trollers are all old timers. If more people see this file by default they'll participate. \_ The work of some clueless fuck VP who felt he was making the motd safe for new users. Protecting them from the cold cruel world. More importantly, when will this cease being the default? \_ I think around 1994. |
2003/5/8-9 [Politics/Domestic] UID:28373 Activity:very high |
5/8 Gee W and his lapdog Tony Blair nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Take that you commie liberals! \_ There are three nobel prizes that are worth a shit, and the "peace prize" isn't one of them. \_ http://csua.org/u/e6f (asia.reuters.com) \_ So is Bono from U2. So what? \_ I'm not the op, but I think the op makes an interesting point. \_ "Take that you commie liberals!" is an interesting point? What "point" are you talking about exactly? \_ I took it to be a point about the meaninglessness of the NPP and various EU .orgs in general. \_ I'd say it certainly deflates the seriousness of the nomination process. Whether it invalidates the NPP will depend on whether GW and Blair win. \_ Arafat didn't do it for you, huh? \_ or Kissinger? \_ Getting the prize for hugging Rabin on the White House lawn > getting the prize for making peace by prematurely launching war. \_ If you get the NPP for hugging someone then it means nothing. \_ More like getting the prize for killing Jews. |
2003/5/8-9 [Reference/Celebration] UID:28374 Activity:nil |
5/8 Happy Birthday Thomas Pynchon! |
2003/5/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28375 Activity:moderate |
5/8 kngharv, can you post a url (or two) supporting what you were saying about the looting of various ministries in iraq? thanks \_ If you tell us wtf you're looking for I'm sure any of us could find it. If you spent 30 seconds on google I'm sure you could find it. Why don't you just email kngharv instead of posting your oddball mystery missed connections style crap on the motd? \_ whoa, take a deep breath homey. If you so desperately want to answer my query, I think there's enough info up there to do some google'ing; I tried myself and while I was able to find something on http://wsws.org I was hoping kngharv might have an article from a more reliable source. This is hardly "missed connections style crap". In fact, it is specifically regarding something that he posted on this here motd yesterday. Maybe if jwang wasn't deleting the damn thing every hour you would have had a chance to read it. |
2003/5/8 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:28376 Activity:very high |
5/8 UNIX question. I have two files, each of them fortunately are just one or two column of text. I would like to merge let say, columnA from fileA and columnB from fileB side by side to become columnA_from_fileA columnB_from_fileB how to do that? (not sure how to googlizing this problem) \- if one shot, emacs kill/yank-rect. you can use join, but the syntax can be arcane. --psb \_ thanks, I'll look up join and see what i can do \_ awk. --aaron \_ barbarian. perl. \_ Call me a Hun and then use "cut", "paste", and temp files. cut -f colA fileA > fooA; cut -f colB fileB > fooB paste fooA fooB > result \_ Hun! \_ Reread problem. Oops. Just use "paste fileA fileB" \_ you can also (ab)use "pr -m fileA fileB" \_ That's beautiful! I suggest using "pr -m -t fileA fileB". |
2003/5/8-9 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:28377 Activity:high |
5/8 I'm suing someone and it turns out that he gave me a fake address and I can't serve the paper. What should I do now? \_ why don't you post this to the motd three or four *more* times? \_ hire a private detective. \_ This is correct, assuming you don't have a cheaper option. (Like a phone book.) I can put you in touch with a good one. -jrleek \_ What's the guy's name? Maybe we know him. Or is it a fake name? And you still haven't told us what information you do have on him: driver's license, license plates, etc. \_ If the above does not work, but you have his real name and a general idea of where he lives, you can petition the court for service by publication. However, that should be a last resort because it can get somewhat expensive. \_ I have his real name and a general idea of where he lives. What is service by publication and how much is it? \_ Service by publication means that you take out ad space in the local newspaper(s) saying "Hey, I am suing you - Call me for details." If the person fails to answer within a certain time, you can take that person's default. Then you hire a private investigator to find the person and his assets. The cost depends on the judge, particularly on how many publications and for how long - check your local rules, but hopefully, you are in a situation where you can recover costs and fees. Also, lest I forget, service by publication generally does not work for small claims matters, but once again, check your local rules. |
2003/5/8-9 [Consumer/Camera] UID:28378 Activity:high |
5/8 I'm about to buy an Olympus C-4000 digital camera. Anyone wanna talk me out of it? \_ go to http://www.epinions.com - some criticism on it or the 3000z \_ I've found http://www.dpreview.com especially the forums, quite invaluable when it comes to making these decisions. \_ Thanks! I think I've changed my mind now b/c of this. -op |
2003/5/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:28379 Activity:nil |
5/8 pronto. cheapest place for jumbo refi, nofees? \_ go to a mortgage broker \_ don't pay points --refi'd 4 times in 2 years |
2003/5/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28380 Activity:high |
5/8 Pat Buchanan on the War on Iraq: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=32433 \_ GO PAT! GO! (link unread, any reference to Pat always has his campaign slogan as the right response) \_ strange. I am a left-wing liberal, but i find myself agree with a lot of what he said. |
2003/5/8-9 [Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:28381 Activity:moderate |
5/8 Slashdot reminded me that I have a bunch of old Apple IIe floppies. Has anybody had any luck recovering some of that data without paying through the nose? \_ You can probably find external drives on ebay for $20 and then you just need drivers for it. I'm sure someone has made drivers for linux, PC, Mac, etc. \_ Just curious but what could possibly be on A2e floppies that you'd care about except maybe a working copy of Bilestoad? \_ Robot Odyssey \_ Wizardry! |
2003/5/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:28382 Activity:moderate |
5/8 North Korea, home of "the best health care system for people." http://www.kcna.co.jp/item/2003/200305/news05/08.htm#11 \_ We have hundreds of nuclear missiles pointed at your country, stupid American. -kjil \_ Nonsense. You have 2 or 3 and nothing that can go across the Pacific. Go ahead and waste Japan or SK. Or both. \_ bombs are easy to smuggle in on a boat \_ NO!!!!! WE MUST NOT LET THEM WASTE THE H07 4ZN CH1X IN KOREA AND JAPAN!!!! WE MUST PROTECT THE H07 4ZN CH1X AT ALL COST!!! |
3/15 |