5/7 To the guy who posted this yesterday:
\_ UCB = last. How could you possibly think UCB >> UCD? They've
got all those healthy and friendly farm girls. UCB has drug
addict whores putting out for hits and taking third helpings in
the food line at the dorms.
\_ but this sounds more like Wm. S. Burroughs-esque paranoid
fantasy than any kind of reality.
\_ how so? it seems more empirical than theory. check out the
garbage chicks on sproul. now drag yourself out to davis
and see what's there. compare and contrast. 6-8 pages. due
at monday's lecture.
\_ A-hah. I thought it was a description of "drug addict
whores..." in the dorms. My bad, I suppose.
\_ csua motd observations on women: it's like high school, only
with even less chance of you getting laid.
\_ Getting laid at college is easier than finding a hooker in
Oakland. If you can't get laid now it'll be near impossible
after you graduate.
You're one very funny dude. Can you give us a screen name to call
you by? Like "psb #1 fan" or "BDG". I like your humor and I want
to be a #1 fan. Thanks.
\_ Thanks for the kudos. I'll keep posting but it'll be anonymous.
Just enjoy the motd for what it is. --anonymous motd comic
\_ Keep 'em coming! -AMC #2 fan
\_ not to be confused with SAMC
\_ GIrl ranking: UCLA > UCSD > UCSB > UCI > UCR > UCD > UCSC > UCB
Academic ranking: UCB > UCLA > UCSD > UCI > UCD > UCSB|UCSC|UCR
\_ Seems like UCLA has the best deal then.
\_ that comment depends on your priority and point of view.
\_ Hot chicks are the only thing important. The rest is
bullshit. You're at school for a GPA? Crazy....
\_ That reminds me of a past ranking of ten trucks, er, SUVs,
involving Mercedes ML320 and Jeep Grand Cherokee. In the on-road
category, ML320 ranked #1 and GC ranked #2, while in the off-road
category, GC ranked #1 and ML320 ranked last in the last. So
UCB <--> ML320 and UCLA <--> GC.
\_ That reminds me of a recent survey of technical fields
to see who used the most obutuse metaphors and who used the
most obtuse analogies. CS <----> CS.
\_ I was recently at my sister's UCLA graduation. There was so much
eye candy.
\_ Yes, but they mostly aren't students. West LA has some of the
most beautiful women anywhere, but I'm not sure UCLA can
take credit for them. --dim
\_ Nah, there are lots of hot women at UCLA itself.
\- this is true ... the "walking around westwood"
experience is well beyond the "walking down
telegraph" one --psb
\_ hold your nose going down telegraph
\_ The non-student gals were just there hoping to be picked up
by some hotshot MBA grads.
\_ yeah so?
\_ Any idea about H0T A4N CH1X rankings? Does this sound right?
\_ Don't forget to do boy rankings. Perhaps, CSUAs female members
can rank UC boys. Would be interesting to hear the other side.
\_ why would this be interesting? The rankings are totally
unrelated. men look for hot bodies. women look for money and
power potential for LTR and bikers for quickie hot sex.
\_ Forget ranking the campuses. I think the CSUA female member(s)
should vote on a "Men of CSUA" calendar as a fundraiser.
\_ Pfft. With commentary like the above, I think we can
assume that UCB's going to end up last.
\_ Frat Boys > Co-Op Members > Dormers > Live At Home Boys >
Liberal Arts Geeks > Drama Geeks > Bio Majors > CS Majors
> Band Geeks > Average CSUA Member
\_ And where do I belong? I am a frat boy, a MCB major and a
CSUA member.
\_ How do frat boys and co-opers top that list, for
either sex? Gimme a freshman dorm resident any day.
\_ Point. Perhaps:
Handsome&&Built&&Smart&&Social >
Handsome&&Smart&&Social >
Handsome&&Social >
Smart&&Social | Handsome&Built >
Social >
Built | Handsome >
\_ anyone who needs to identify as any of those or other
classifications is a loser. |