2003/5/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28283 Activity:insanely high |
5/01 Going to see Matrix Reloaded on 5/15, 9:30 PM at Sony Metreon. I have purchased a bunch of tickets. Nine (9) have not been claimed. Special guest appearances by sofia and pst. Email me if you want to claim a ticket ($11 w/handling). -dans \_ what is the matrix? \_ Unfortunately, nobody can be told what the matrix is, you have to see for yourself. -op \_ all i wanna know is, is there a spoon or no? \_ there is no spoon. the spoon effect will be added later using some sort of SGI workstation. \_ STFW! \_ sofia is pretty! ;-) \_ she was the whack job who got motd shut down, right? \_ why is she even in the csua? her CV says 'biology" \_ cuz letting non-cs people in increases your chance of scoring. \_ Yes. Paolo was protecting his little girlfriend's sensibilities. It still sickens me. \_ proving that anyone is capable of abusing power. \_ whack job? What about the people (on the motd) calling for lynchings and nuking Afghanistan? Shutting down the motd until people calmed down was the right thing to do; the only fuckup was root/staff not explaining exactly how bad things had gotten. \_ Right. And her blowing Paolo had nothing to do with it. \_ I don't know either of them, or care. She asked, and that took guts. Now stop reminding me about sodans having sex. \_ It would take guts if she were not sleeping with a member of the politburo. \_ you realize at the time the motd was bad enough that all it would have taken would have been one complaint to the administration and the csua would have gone away. Forever. \_ Quit exaggerating. Witness the misogynist, racist, occasionally funny UCB hot or not from the CSBA, hosted by the OCF: <DEAD>www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pshyu/hotornot<DEAD> If we are to believe the website, it's gotten a ton of hits, way more viewing than the motd ever did, "the administration" has gotten a few complaints, the OCF and CSBA are still around. - danh \_ that web page isn't something that all users see when \_ and neither is the motd - danh they log into the system. There is a difference. Also the motd from right after 9/11 was scary. People were screaming about the only good arab is a dead arab and the best thing to do is just kill them all. That is the sort of thing that would lead to administation saying "hey, you know we really want that office space you FUCKING MORONS are occupying, thank you for letting us take if from you." \_ You must be a big fan of Tom Ridge. \_ the motd was scary? Shit. I grew up with all the kids saying everyday how we should nuke this country or that country and kill them all, etc. Stop being so damned sensitive. The 90s are over. It isn't cool anymore, if it ever was. \_ Are sodans really so pathetic that they would choose to socialize with sophia? \_ depends. who is she? \_ <immature comments by fucktards deleted>. Before you bitch about your precious motd, and your gross misunderstanding of the first amendment, which does not protect the motd in any way, answer me this: What have you done for the CSUA lately? If you're coming up blank, grow up a little, and come back when you're ready to contribute in a meaningful way.(*) spaf's farewell comments regarding usenet apply remarkably well hear: ' People rail about their "rights" without understanding that every right carries responsibilities that need to be observed too, not least of which is to respect others' rights as you would have them respect your own. Reason, etiquette, accountability, and compromise are strangers in far too many motd posts (sic) these days. (*) Hint: wanking on the motd in order to hear yourself talk isn't a meaningful contribution. - dans \_ the above poster forgot to post his name: 2:08:16pm 190% fstat /etc/motd.public USER CMD PID FD MOUNT INUM MODE SZ|DV R/W NAME dans vi 98715 3 / 62 -rw-rw-rw- 5744 r /etc/motd.public \_ interesting how he signs one post and not another. \_ I am guessing (no, actually it's bloody obvious) you have no idea what "sic" means. \_ #f. The usage here is acceptable. I could also have said [motd posts]. \_ If you say so. I am *sure* you are correct. \_ If you say so. I am *sure* you are as correct about that as you are about other things. \_ Um, wrong. They have entirely opposite meanings. I guess you don't know the different between 'imply' and 'infer' either? \_ you mean dans is *wrong*? this is inconceivable! \_ It isn't that he's wrong, it's the degree that's boggling. \_ By degree, do you mean how he was completely wrong, or how he tried to defend his first mistake with a second one? \_ Oh what the hell, I'll say both. \_ OW MY HEAD! SHIT! FUCK! -geordan \_ as opposed to wanking in the csua office playing video games and selling candy? thanks, I'll just participate virtually via the net \_ oh come on, when was the last time anyone in the CSUA actually did anything useful other than wanking off in the office. \_ Actually it was simple neglect. I stand behind my words, unlike you, coward. \_ Interesting how once your name is out, you no longer \_ my point exactly... and how is this any more "meaningful" than reading/writign the motd once in a while \_ Well, it gives the office it's own bizarre scent. \_ what about the help sessions? bother to delete other motd posts. I am sure that is simple neglect also. I mean, what would posting your name have to do with silencing others? \_ Nope, I'll gladly delete them if they're content free. -dans <posts deleted> P.S. Hey ilyas, are you published yet? \_ Sorry dan, I haven't added to this thread. You seem to use plenty of rope by yourself. And yes I am. -- ilyas \_ So you define content? As if the post concerning Tom Ridge above has content? \_ Apparently correcting dans is a content-free thing, but it continues to bug me: the usage of "(sic)" above, while strictly not incorrect, is at best unnecessary, and replacing the text with [motd posts] is not at all an equivalent. Of course, dans is always right and has always been right, and I am a dissenting idiot. -geordan \_ In fact, it is strictly incorrect. It would have been appropriate to write "[sic]" if 1) Spafford's original quote used the word motd, and 2) the quoter wanted to show that motd was not a typo. Even then, the correct use would be "[sic]" and not "(sic)". \_ Thank god the Motd Grammarians are here or I'd have always wondered about that! |
2003/5/1 [Health, Health/Women] UID:28284 Activity:high |
4/30 Do you call your general practitioner or a gynocologist for contraceptives (Orthotricyclene or Ortha-Evra)? \_ If you think you are likely to reproduce, tell your potential mate about the latest exciting flame war on the motd, and you will be safe. \_ ha, that's a good one. !sarcastic \_ i go to 7-11 \_ OB/GYN providers can prescribe them \_ as can general practitioners \_ http://www.e-scripts-md.com ... among other websites \_ Go to a Planned Parenthood. \_ For all motd users the right answer is to self sterilize. \_ Any physician can write you a prescription for them. However, I'd recommend a GYN doctor for contraceptives, especially if this is going to be your first time taking contraceptives. The doctor should do a pelvic exam to rule out any abnormalities before prescribing you contraceptives. Plus -- as there are a variety of birth control pills out there, he/she will have the most expertise in prescribing the best one for your body. If you want to get even more specific, try out a reproductive endocrinologist (they specialize in female hormones and are specialized OBGYNs) who will measure your hormone levels and get a more accurate assessment. --chris \_ this is good advice, especially for a first-timer. Hormones can make even the most level person experience mood swings and other weird physical effects, so you definitely want someone who knows how to adjust a prescription if you or your girlfriend doesn't handle the regular kind well. |
2003/5/1 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:28285 Activity:nil |
4/30 I use tcsh on my FreeBSD-4.7 machine. When I'm root, if I type the first first letters of a command I've already used and then press the arrow, it recalls the last command beginning with those letters. But, I can't do that with my other, non-root users. How can I get all the users' shells to behave that way? Thanks. \- are you looking for the M-p functionality? keybindings have gotten kind of complicated ... depends on whether you are in emacs or vi mode, what keyevent is actually being sent etc. try using emacs bindings and M-p. --psb \_ are the users using the same shell as root? the same shell config files? \_ from a freebsdbox's ~root/.cshrc: bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word bindkey -k up history-search-backward bindkey -k down history-search-forward |
2003/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:28286 Activity:nil |
4/30 Any opinions on E&O Trading Co? What is good to order? what 2 look for? \_ not bad. somewhat overpriced. the corn fritters are pretty good, but that's more of an appetizer. |
2003/5/1-2 [Reference/Celebration] UID:28287 Activity:nil 66%like:28475 |
5/1 Happy birthday, mconst! |
2003/5/1 [Transportation/Car] UID:28288 Activity:high |
4/31 So dbushong, what's your Ford Matrix test drive story? \_ The Ford....Matrix? --dbushong \_ I think it is the Ford Focus story. -!op \_ just tell us the damn story. We're bored and cranky. \_ The focus sucks. what other company would change the direction of all controls (windshield wiper, window crank, doorlocks, etc), raise the trunk, making rear-view impossible... Poorly designed pile of shit. |
2003/5/1-2 [Politics/Domestic, Finance/CC] UID:28289 Activity:kinda low |
5/1 Do all credit cards get spammed with solicitations for budget saver programs, life insurance, credit protection fees, etc, or did I just happen to get a card that does? \_ Congratulations. Now that you have their card, you now have an existing relationship with all of their affiliates, which means that the junk mail and telemarketing phone calls you're getting are yours legitimately. Good luck opting out. \_ *sigh* yup. I usually toss all the junk mail, but somehow I still got signed up for some budget saver crap, and I was charged on my account. argh. And a prior incident, it took several phone calls to get them to seize their life insurance several phone calls to get them to cease their life insurance charges. \_ yes I do get spammed. They did send out Privacy Letters so you can opt out. Also, some of the spam mail is useful -- great credit card rates/deals. |
2003/5/1-2 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:28290 Activity:very high |
5/1 http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/05/01/farm.salmon.ap/index.html Now that I'm a vegetarian, I don't have to deal with BS like this. Best of luck to you meat eaters. -happy vegan \_ No, you get to deal with BS like the Organic Food mis- labelling legislation. labelling legislation. Lucky you. \_ Are you vegan or vegetarian? You know they color cheese too, right? Do you have to worry about your protein? -happy omnivore \_ they aslo color butter, not sure about Margarine. Natural butter is actually semi-transparent (like solidified oil as it should be) most of the time. \_ I'm vegan. I don't drink milk or eat cheese or eat eggs. No animal products. If you want to find out more, I strongly recommend John Robbins' Diet for a New America and The food revolution. -OP \_ How come all the veggie people look so unhealthy? \_ too bad veganism doesn't include knowing how to format motd posts correctly. \_ I'm a level 7 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow. \_ Level _FIVE_. Level _FIVE_ Vegan! You suck. \_ sorry \_ Is that like +7 Charisma? \_ as an omnivore I refuse to eat dyed cheese. Also the whole vegetarians need to worry about protein thing is pretty much a myth. \_ Vegetables and fruits have natural coloring in them. \_ ... and these colorings can often be used to roughly gauge the health or flavorfullness of a fruit or vegetable. dying farm-raised salmon so that is appears more "natural" just seems gross... not to mention deceitful on a certain level \_ Farming salmon seems like a responsible thing. No one would eat it if it was gray, but there's nothing wrong with it. --dim \_ There are problems and a great deal of research about it, particularly at UW School of Fisheries. The jury is still out. Nutrient loading down-gradient from the farms has been a particular issue as well as some concerns about escapees. \_ agreed. \_ You know, there's a reason why americans are so fat and sick. It's all about the food. You eat too much and also there's too much processed and packaged and "ready-to-eat" meals. If we all go back to our roots and start cooking from fresh ingredients again, we wouldn't be in this health crisis. -OP \_ Go back to our roots? You understand that almost everything in the market comes from another continent, right? That if we went back to our roots, there'd be nothing in CA to eat except fish and acorns and we're all outta fish! \_ BUZZ! Much of the produce you eat is grown in CA. Same with a lot of the meat and poultry if you buy decent quality meat. \_ Good try but only to a small degree and to zero for the more exotic items littering the typical veggie diet. \_ How is farming salmon any worse than you buying your veggies and lentil beans at Berkeley Bowl? You're still buying goods that have been prepared and shipped to you. \_ That's why I eat wild salmon. I've heard that the wild salmon who feed on plankton are more nutritious anyway. \_ Yeah! Support the wild salmon industry! -former salmon fisherman \_ Vegans are great, especially marinated with a red wine sauce and some vegetables on the side. (gotta love that corn fed beef). \_ Kids are better. Still soft and tender. So yummy! Not all stringy and fibrous like a vegan. \_ Damn it, you guys are making me hungry. |
2003/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:28291 Activity:moderate |
5/1 AHH! Now we see the violence inherent in the system! \_ Bloody peasant! |
2003/5/1-2 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/General] UID:28292 Activity:insanely high |
5/1 Whites only: http://csua.org/u/e22 (newsday.com) \_ this is actually very interesting. For the record, Whites are the minority at this school. If non-white minority decided to have their own dance, i doubt it would make news. \_ True, Whites are just barely the minority there. But I think you're missing the point, this is a school with a White President and a Black President. That is not healthy. \_ What about ubiquitous Black and Hispanic societies \_ i have no sympathy for the whites. for 200 years they have oppressed negros and now they want to take our h07 azn chix. it's payback time, let's make them all miserable \_ yeah! Affirmative action for hot chicks! \_ You forget add whitey make SARS kill azn males take ch1x!?! |
2003/5/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:28293 Activity:high |
5/1 Help! I have no motivation and i must work. \_ is there lots of work to be done? \_ indeed there is. \_ will you get fired if you don't do it? Or is that not motivation enough? \_ only up to a ppint. -!op |
3/15 |