2003/4/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28236 Activity:kinda low |
4/25 liberal propoganda about the lies that bushblair told us: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/story.jsp?story=400805 \_ George Bush is a good Christian and does not tell lies like that. This sort of thing is spread by the liberals and Europeans and Godless Communists who just hate our American way of life for no good reason. |
2003/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:28237 Activity:nil |
4/25 I just started playing with the red hat up2date stuff and the redhat network stuff with a demo account. Is there a way to get it to update my system from 7.x to 9.0? It seems that the 7.x "channels" have different kernel versions and maybe other stuff than what's in the 9.0 "channel". Thanks! \_ Hey Mr. Linux-is-better-than-Irix, answer this one! |
2003/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:28238 Activity:kinda low |
4/28 Too many political trolls, so here's a computer one: Ok... how did sodans/calgrads start up on learning COM/MFC? Learning things like VxWorks, RogueWave and J2EE was pretty easy given my Cal background, but Win32 has always eluded me. MFC looks big an hairy, and COM doesn't seem too much friendlier. That said, C# looks to be pretty easy to pick up... although I'd be more interested in learning to write things like WinAmp and Win32 Games for fun. \_ I have used a lot of open-source software on Windows platform. From my impression, most of the stuff is written WITHOUT using MFC at all. The general consesus is that MFC is to bloated to do anything useful. Instead, these guys tend to put things together using C and Win32 API calls. \_ MFC isn't bloated, it simply sucks. At best it's schizoid, and often you have to go down to the C API to do anything anyway. Use wxWindows instead, and you also get cross-platform code. \_ COM sucks. Try Qt if you want to do Windows stuff. \_ Qt sucks. \_ Qt R00lZ0rz; u r n07 37337. \_ C# is easy. It's also easy to get to the point where you want to beat your head against the wall until bloody. The libraries are the strong point, but they're woefully underspecified. (Would it hurt MS too much to tell us what the return value is on failure?) |
2003/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:28239 Activity:very high |
4/27 What's the difference between Windows ME and XP? Is XP really more stable? \_ ME is Win 95/98. XP is NT. \_ Much. Yes. \_ Just pirate a Windows 2000 and use it. Win2k has the same kernel as WinXP, same file system as XP, none of that product activation non-sense. \_ Just pirate XP Corp. and you get the all that plus the bug fixes, etc. from XP. \_ Speaking of which. What is XP's advantage over Win2k anyway? All I know is that XP eats more system's resources, and I don't know what is the advantage of it \_ Nothing. If you have to run Windows, run 2k. \_ 95/98/ME is to NT/2k/XP as Linux is to *BSD/OSF1/IRIX/Solaris/etc. Not only is XP more stable but it has a real kernel, real FS, and several other things 95/98/me doesn't but you'd want to have. \_ "You're a loony" \_ Ya whatever. I've used all of these systems. \_ you jus implied that irix is "better" than Linux.. or whatever.. umm no. \_ hey clueless wonder, you have any idea how much stuff Linux has 'borrowed' from that 'lesser' OS, Irix? go learn something and come back. Linux can't even be fully upgraded without hours of downtime. It's ridiculous. Irix? A command or two and reboot to the new kernel. Linux would be a much better OS if they 'borrowed' even more of Irix. Why do I even have to tell you this? I know! It's because you've got about 30 seconds of SGI time under your belt. \_ actually I worked for SGI and also supported SGI's for several years. I know them well and would actually say they rank about even in terms of stability. Probably know more about Irix than you attended Berkeley (god, admission standars are just but this argument is pointless now. Irix does have some strengths but overall isn't much better than Linux. As for upgrades? Linux kernel upgrades happen much faster and cleaner than Irix and is much more tunable. inst is also worse than rpm and has fewer overrides and tends to screw its pkg db. \_ You're either lying or insane. Nothing is easier than an Irix upgrade. Irix also has about 10 gazillion more tunables than Linux and you get to them all through a single tool. What did you do at SGI? Wash the outside of the cases and mop floors? That doesn't count. \_ i don't know what you're doing with your linux boxes but mine don't need any downtime at all. the longest is a single reboot. no downtime at all. \_ Oh yeah? Let's see you upgrade from Redhat 6.x to 7.x or higher without downtime. Or 7.x to 8.x, etc. Can't be done without lengthy downtime. \_ Debian! apt-get install upgrade kernel and reboot. Ah hour my ass. 2 minutes. \_ Debian aint redhat. The world uses redhat. \_Okay, you dumbass jerk-offs. Stop bashing OSes. I expect more from people who supposedly attend or attended Berkeley (god, admission standards are just not up to snuff) Next thing you know we're going to have a fucking vi vs. emacs war. This is 2003, not 1996. MS and Linux have won. Time to move on. \_ ED! \_ When you learn to format to the motd standard, you'll have taken step 1 on the path to true motd enlightenment where you'll have earned the right to call others dumbass jerk-offs and make noises about the standards at Cal. Until then stick your head in a pig you dumbass jerkoff. I expect more from someone who supposedly attended or attends Berkeley (god, admission standards are just not up to snuff). Ms & Linux have won? What fantasy land are you living in? The war continues daily. Idiot. |
2003/4/27 [Uncategorized] UID:28240 Activity:nil |
4/27 I want to hook switched ethernets in a couple buildings together. Where can I find the max distance spec for cat5e etc? \_ google. |
2003/4/27-29 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:28241 Activity:low |
4/27 I've heard somewhere that the unix command "nice" to change the priority of a process doesn't really do anything useful. Is that true? Or is it half broken like it's only useful if everybody uses it? Thanks. \_ Depends on platform, but it does have noticeable effects on FreeBSD & Linux. \_ That depends on what you want to do with it. If you're on a multiuser machine, and you want your fair share of CPU, don't "nice" your processes. Odds are no one else will, and you'll lose. \_ More likely you nice all of the new intern's processes for them \_ BOFH! |
2003/4/27-29 [Computer/Networking] UID:28242 Activity:high |
4/27 I want to hook two ethernets together. The distance would be greater than the 100m max. What's the best way to connect them? Is there an such a thing as a UTP-ethernet to coax bridge? \_ you need Cisco's LRE (Long Range Ethernet) technology. It can go up to a couple of thousand feets using typical twisted pair like a phone line. -cisco guy \_ As can optical ethernet (compare prices) http://www.iec.org/online/tutorials/opt_ethernet/topic02.html http://www.iec.org/online/tutorials/opt_ethernet/images/figure05.jpg _/ \_ use STP to extend range, put a switches in the middle (if feasible). I have a couple of standalone RJ-45 to BNC things (they look like 4-port hubs, which is another possiblity... one with a coax port on it... You could also find some old 386's with 10-base T and 10-base 2 cards and bridge them. You'll be slowing your network down with anything using coax \_ Duct tape is the best way. \_ Need cable? Why not just run an ipsec tunnel over an 802.11a/g link with directional range extenders? Unless you absolutely must have full 100mbit fdx, performance won't suffer too much in most environments. You can get cheap enough wifi hardware. Alternatively, if you can find one, go back to the basics and use repeaters (hub = multiport repeater.) -John \_ some people work in secure environments. wireless != secure. \_ thats why he says to use an ipsec tunnel btwn the two sides.. about as secure as it can get. \_ no, it isn't. ipsec over a wire might be. i said a "secure" environment. anything that can be picked up in the air is *not* secure no matter what protocol(s) you're using. \_ wire is more secure only if you can truly secure physical access \_ Wire is more secure because physical access to a wire is more difficult than air. \_ which says nothing to address the point \_ I need the codes. I have to get inside Zion, and you have to tell me how. You are going to tell me or you are going to die. |