2003/4/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:28184 Activity:insanely high |
4/21 Further evidence of how fucked up California, in particular SF, has become (a multicultural utopia). Bill would force hiring of cross-dressers http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=32177 -ax \_ and the Klan has to hire them black people to do their organizing! \_ No bible shop is complete without a flaming queen cross dresser. \_ If you don't like California so much, why not move to a place more to your liking? I hear they kick some faggot ass up in Laramie, Wyoming. \_ Funny how when the other side says to folks, "America, love it or leave it", you lefties get upset but it's ok for you to blather out little lines like that. \_ Because "Love it or leave it" has an implicit threat. His question is formed as just that. A question. \_ good point! \_ I know you are but what am I? \_ A hypocrite if you're a "California, love it or leave it!" leftist. \_ I also love how you completely missed the reference to Matthew Shepard. \_ I didn't miss it. I ignored it because it was meaningless in this context. It may come as a shock to you but some people who don't share your politics read newspapers and watch cnn. \_ You don't know jack shit about what was here before 1960. Read a little history. This place has been a little different since the first tent went up in Yerba Buena. Of course straight idiots have decorated it from time to time. -- born here, been here. \_ actually that's not true. \_ You have no sense of history. Kerouac and the rest of the beatniks (a term coined by Herb Caen) were here in the 50's, and were attracted to the area by its alternative culture. -tom \_ Ding! Indeed. Also, read up on the suffrage movement, the hallucinigen researchers in the 30's and 40's, etc. My family has lived here since well before the turn of the century. California has always been "progressive", though I think a better term is "tolerant." --scotsman \_ Really? Tell that to the natives, the Spanish and the Mexicans. \_ Okay, granted, my use of the term "always" was ill-advised, but this comment is irrelevant to the current discussion. --scotsman \_ Not if you're a native, or Spanish or Mexican. The fact is this state has only been so-called 'progressive' if you're part of a big group that has votes, money, power, or some other form of control over the government and media. \_ California has been the land of the risk-takers and the eccentric since the gold rush in 1849. For example, Joshua Norton, a failed speculator on the rice market, flipped his lid in the 1850s and declared himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, becoming the first famous homeless person in San Francisco. Tourists from all over the country knew his name. He minted his own money, dissolved the union in the Civil War, and declared there should be a suspension bridge connecting Oakland and San Francisco, at the time a ridiculous notion. He also was known for stopping a race riot, making him one of the earliest Bay Area activists. -brain \_ The gold-mad and profiteers are a big part of the story, but the Mormon settlement Brennan created amidst the Russian holdings can't be ignored when trying to understand how we found enough stability to keep the region from tearing itself apart. \_ What does some random insane guy from the 1800s have to do with modern politics in CA? \_ Not just any random insane guy. Over 10,000 people attended his funeral. \_ Yes, that still has nothing to do with anything regarding politics in CA in the last century. \_ HISTORY HAS NO EFFECT UPON THE PRESENT! NOTHING HAPPENED BEFORE 1900! HISTORY IS A LIE! \_ What's 1900? This is the year "03" and there aren't any non-positive years, right? \_ Idiot, don't put words in my mouth. I said no such thing and claiming it in ALL CAPS doesn't make it so. The funeral attendance for one insane guy from 150+ years ago has *nothing* to do with modern politics in this state. That is at best a minor footnote in the history of this state. Why do I respond to such infantile noise anyway? \_ They already have laws like this in much of Europe and somehow the sky hasn't fallen in there. -ausman \_ Really? Seen the unemployment rate in Germany and many other EU countries? Their economies are wrecked. Ours is doing fantastically well by comparison. Not only that but we have the additional burden of essentially being the EU military. Let's bring the troops home, let the EU defend themselves and see what happens. I bet the sky falls. \_ not discriminating against cross dressers leads to the economy falling apart? 4-6% are "discouraged" workers, which don't count in \_ Nice try. Go check the unemployment stats. I'll explain since you insist on being intentionally stupid: having an endless array of laws that restrict and over control the economy leads to inefficiencies which leads to a poor economy and high unemployment rates. See the Soviet Union for a great example of what should have been a power house economy collapsing in on itself due to over control and lack of incentive. \_ Hm, I suspect that you're neglecting to take into account that the Soviet Union was a massive military state. I'd be willing to bet that had more to do with it's complete collapse than 'over control'. -mice \_ The US was also a massive military state during the same period of time. Yet they collapsed and the US only grew stronger. \_ Not really. I can probably dredge up numbers if you care, but the soviet union was maintaining an active wartime economy for decades. Compare the relative sizes of the militaries for the US and Soviet Union in the late 80's. If my memory serves correctly (at least wrt to armor units) the Soviets had NATO outnumbered by a factor of 3-1 or something obscene like that. As a side note, I don't think the US has had a wartime economy since WWII, though I'm probably mistaken. You might also want to recall that the degree of corruption was obscene and certainly didn't help. \_ cross-dressing laws are like communism? go fucking read atlas shrugged five more tiems or something \_ I'm done responding to the intentionally stupid. If you don't have a real response, don't bother. I've been trolled enough by you and have given up trying to draw you into a real conversation on the topic. \_ I'll take that bet. \_ If you can get the troops home and get the EU to pay for their own defense I'd vote for you for President and happily concede the bet. \_ Don't kid yourself. GDP/hour worked has been increasing faster in Western Europe than in the US for over a generation. They also have more free time, longer, healthier lives and a more even income distribution. The US unemployment figures only look good because 2% of our working age population is in prison and another 2-6% are "discouraged" workers, which don't count in the official statistics. Germany and France are running favorable trade surpluses and have a smaller government deficit. I agree with you about bringing the troops in Europe home, though. We cannot afforde to subsidize European defence any longer. -ausman \_ Do you have figures for GDP/hour worked? Not the rate of increase but the raw value, like $x/1hour? What's x? Rates aren't that interesting if it'll take 50 years to catch up. \_ Unemployment in Germany in >25% in many areas (e.g. Berlin). The only commercially viable area is Bavaria. Most of Europe enforces a maximum work week of 35-40 hours to keep unemployment down - this is a sign of a strong economy? French and German pension liabilities are well in excess of their GDPs, and in France between 1/3 and 1/2 of all children under 10 are Muslim. Europe is economic powerhouse, indeed. Their are Muslim slums in France where the police do not ever go, they have lost complete control of these areas. |
2003/4/22 [Uncategorized] UID:28185 Activity:very high |
4/21 Which helmets are good for long oval shaped heads and which helmets are good for round shapes? I've heard that Arai's are good for long oval shapes but what about round shapes? \_ Arai has helmets for both profiles. STFW. \_ shoei? \_ try a shoei and an arai.. \_ Try a tin foil hat. You'll be fully protected from all the dangerous rays. You can use either helmet type and just fill in the spaces with extra foil for added ray protection. \_ go to a reputable store -- scuderia comes to mind -- and ask for assistance, perhaps a fitting. \_ And bring your own foil. You never know who is behind the counter as these places and who they *really* work for! |
2003/4/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/UCSEE] UID:28186 Activity:kinda low |
4/21 So what's going to happen to the UCSEE machines? Are they gone forever? \- ucsee is back up. it looks like the are quenching ping replies, so that may not be a reliable way to check on it. --psb http://ucsee.EECS.Berkeley.EDU 12:49AM up 1 day, 41 mins, 6 users ... \_ they will go on contract with CUSG so jon will have to run them. \_ I'll need a UC account fund number for that. |
2003/4/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:28187 Activity:nil |
4/22 Can anyone reccomend a free online resource for learning Hindi? \_ PSB |
2003/4/22-23 [Health/Disease/General] UID:28188 Activity:very high |
4/22 I'm in SF a lot and when I'm near some old asian guy who starts sneezing (in line, at BART, on a bus, etc) I move away. Mostly they don't bother covering their mouth or turning away, they simply blast whatever victim is near by. Do you think moving away is a good safety precaution or am I just being racist? I'm thinking SARS, too. \_ Maybe if they would learn to cover their mouth in Asia and Canada, SARS wouldn't be such a big deal. \_ if moving away when some asshole is about to sneeze is wrong, i don't want to be right. chinese people have all sorts of fucked up shit like that. the solution: just wait fort he second generation chinese. \_ Wait for them to take off their panties! \_ dude, learn to capitalize. \_ you're not being racist. I'm chinese and I sure as hell move away from anybody coughing or sneezing. Even before SARS I was doing that. I'm the pro-actively healthy type that haven't been sick in like 5 years. Avoiding crowds and good personal hygine are easy things to do. -good skin guy \_ or you might just be gay and have OCD \_ personally, I'd bet on OCD \_ what is OCD? \_ what is google? \_ yeah dude, I have the same problem. My (2nd gen) asian girlfriend is totally hot and clean, but whenever I go over to her parents house, I get worried cuz her mom dad and grandma are dirty smelly germ-infested FOBs. can't we just breed hot asian chicks here in the us? man, the plagues of us nerds \_ dude, learn to capitalize. \_ I don't know man, you are a sodan, and you are complaining about hygiene? \_ hey man, I keep my PC's cooling fan dust-free ALL THE TIME. |
2003/4/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:28189 Activity:insanely high |
4/22 Anyone know a good link that explains all of C++'s use of the keyword mconst? \_ http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite Search for const in the text box. Search for mconst in the text box. \- perfection \_ The real PSB would know this already. Wouldn't he? \_ who the hell said i was psb. i'm not. -!psb \_ the \- is a psb thing. \_ only if tailed with "ok tnx." and the spacing has to be foobared. \_ The psb shall do as He pleases! --psb #1 Fan \_ we haven't had a good C++ discussion in a while. It's time to revisit. Anybody use C++ in a truly object oriented manner? Does true OO even exist outside of the some lame-ass textbook example on how the truck class is inherited from the automobile class? Every C++ prog I've seen is about encapsulating data (foo->bar = 1) and doing function calls (foo->func(1)). The latest C spec allows you to do both. So what exactly is the point of OO? \_ inheritance, virtual funcitons, templates (not really OO) all make life a lot easier. \_ inheritance makes life EASIER!?! have you ever been involved in a big C++ project? \_ my personal, limited experience told me that inheritance is not bad, but multiple- inheritance is pain in the butt (i.e at least our company never managed to used it properly enough to be useful IN THE LONG RUN) \_ He probably knows someone who took a class from BH. Does that count? \_ yes and yes. Yes, inheritance can be a headache if used poorly, but so can everything. Used well, inheritance is a godsend. \_ My current job is a scientific application with a few 100K lines of code. Fully C++. Yes, inheritance makes life easier. \_ It's probably a matter of opinion. But generally, use composition over inheritance. \_ I am so glad I don't work with you. \_ how do you know you don't? \_ Are you a total idiot? Use the right tool for the right job. \_ i think you should read stroustrup 3rd ed and go argue on comp.std.c++ |
2003/4/22-23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:28190 Activity:high |
4/22 Is there a trick that will tell links (the webbrowser) to let me highlight/copy text from its window? It clears the screen when I suspend or quit, so that won't work either. \_ Hold down shift. \_ try some combination of alt+click, like ctrl+alt+click, or shift+alt+click, depending on your terminal. WFM. \_ solves the problem for me on konsole; thanks much. \_ I'd like to know this too. \_ not exactly sure what you are asking \_ Open up links, search for your favorite quote, song lyrics, or poem. Try to highlight the text in the window to copy paste into another file or email or whatever-- unless you're in Cygwin it won't work. The best I've come up with is F9, Save As foo, Quit, then lynx -dump foo \_ This actually depends on the xterm [or whatever terminal emulator or terminal] you're using. I just try to use xterms that keep the X "selection" (or whatever it's called) until you actually highlight something else (even if the selection is not visible any more). |
2003/4/22-24 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Computer/Theory] UID:28191 Activity:high |
4/22 Data Structure: X,Y,Z coordinates repeated. Same X,Y - different Z Ie, multiple surfaces over the same grid. Problem: Want a polynomial fit f(X,Y)=Z; save the equation in matrix/vector; then the dump into MATLAB. Question: a lot of programs do polynomial fits, but it seems to be a pain to save the equation describing f(X,Y). What can I use to do a large number of curve fittings and then save the polynomical eqn? fab@csua \_ If you took CS170 you should know the answer to your own question. Hint: it starts with an F, and runs in O(n log n) time. \_ Didn't take CS170. Care to provide an answer? The question isn't about curve fitting, it's merely about making your favorite software (Stata, SPSS, MATLAB, etc) produce a friggin' macro/list/whatever. fab \_ The data structure itself can be used to represent the fitted polynomials. You can transform between a 'set of points' representation and 'set of polynomial coefficients' representation using something called Fast Fourier Transform. I highly suggest you read up on it, any engineer should know what it is. \_ I'm not an engineer. Sorry to disappoint, but if this is routine, I wouldn't mind paying some undergrad a very modest sum to do this for me. fab@csua \_ Dear fab@csua. Are you really stupid enough to not realize you just offered someone a very modest sum to do nothing at all? The whole point of FFT is that your original matrix is a perfectly valid representation of the fitted polynomials. \_ I think it's a reasonable guess that anyone not clever enough to indent motd correctly may not be clever enough to do FFT's. \_ I took 170. We didn't cover that. Must be new math. \_ Boy, there are a lot of wrong answers here. FFT does NOT fit polinomials to data. It fits discrete complex sinusoids to it. This almost certainly isn't what the person wants. Your belligerence is unwarranted, and surpassed by your ineptitude, mr. fft guy. The op should consider performing the polyfit in MATLAB, instead of worrying about how to dump the result to MATLAB. the polyfit function in matlab does this. Also, I don't understand your question, so what nivra said -ali. \_ http://www.mapleapps.com/categories/mathematics/algebra/html/FFT-Polynomial.html \_ this teaches you how to use the FFT to multiply two polynomials. the trick is based on the fact that convolution of the poly coeffs is the same as multiplication of the DFT coeffs. it has nothing to do with polynomial fitting. did you just google for "fft and polynomial" and post the result on the motd? -ali \_ I don't get your question. It seems you're asking for the following: You have n-mesh like 2-D surfaces, you'd like a polynomial fit for each surface, resulting in n-sets of polynomial equations Z = f(X,Y), You'd like to save all n equations easily. Most polynomial fits should give output in terms of coefficients. These coefficients form a vector: eg. Ax^2+Bx+Cy^2+Dy+Exy+F. You will end up with n sets of coefficeints. You can save this as a big matrix in Matlab. What's so difficult about this? If you want to do multiple polynomial(2nd order - 10th order) for each mesh surface, you run this whole thing 9 times, and get 1 matrix for each order, with higher order polynomial fits having many more vector elements. -nivra |
2003/4/22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:28192 Activity:high |
4/22 http://www.kfwb.com/news_local.asp?displayOption=&contentGUID={8DCDFABA-C25A-42B9-B367-752F5C1F8FFD}&groupName=KFWB%20Main%20Headline&siteGUID={3B62BF55-4A93-48E6-A45D-6A495DC423AD} California going to run out of money and start handing out IOU's to vendors. Thank God we have Democrats running the state or we'd *really* be in trouble! We need people with guts in office who have what it takes to raise taxes without cutting any programs. \_Yeah, let's raise taxes, that'll really help... What's the deal with Northern Californians anyway, are you guys just stupid or what? Get out of your commie state-run mentality. The reason why we're in the mess we're in is because of stupid half-assed policies like deregulating only half the energy system, having some of the highest corporate taxes in the union, and anti-business laws like dissallowing drilling off shore completely with no recourse for other income. Get back under your anti-war, anti-business, anti-free market rock and let someone who has a clue run the state. And for crying out loud, stop voting in dumbassess like Pelosi, she should be muzzled and shot. \_ Same thing happened back when pete wilson was governor... \_ Yeah, good comparison - it was a one-party system back then, too. Know the diff betwen slow economic times cuz of cycles and one's own stupid decisions. |
2003/4/22-23 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:28193 Activity:high |
4/22 looking for a cheap passenger helmet. HJC or KBC? \_ would you stop your motorcyclist trolling? \_ no troll is less important than another troll. On motd we value all the trolls as equals and we do not discriminate. We celebrate troll diversity. \_ you don't value your passenger's life? \_ if he did, he wouldn't have a passenger \_ Is there actually any saftey diffrence between the $150 full-face HJC and the $400 Shoei or Arai helmet? They're both Snell approved. I've never seen any evidence that there's a significant diffrence other than $250 and less comfort with the Shoei. |