2003/4/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28145 Activity:nil |
4/16 About the Private Lynch thing, yeah the article is silly when you look at it as a "this was a special forces rescue, of course they handcuffed everyone, pointed guns at them, etc." However it also is obvious that if YOU had been the person handcuffed, threatened, etc. you'd probably not be too happy either. This is why many Iraqis aren't so happy with the us occupying the country. They don't love having foreign invaders who can't even speak their language come in and point guns at them. Oh and I wonder how many of you thought the whole Elian retrival thing was done perfectly ok. \_ Dr. Harith's reaction sounded pretty effete and out of touch |
2003/4/17 [Reference/Languages] UID:28146 Activity:nil |
4/16 Lots of languages are written from left to right. Arabic, Hebrew, and several others are written from right to left, and Chinese, Mongolian and some other Asian languages are written in columns from top to bottom(or at least used to be.) But what about from bottom to top? can anyone think of a written language that goes that way? |
2003/4/17 [Uncategorized] UID:28147 Activity:nil |
4/16 To all the liberals: The world is going to hate us for century to come for what we have done in Iraq. Since you guys are actually in the States, you may not feel it. |
2003/4/17 [Uncategorized] UID:28148 Activity:nil |
4/17 some dumbass soldier changes his name to "optimus prime" http://www.transformersource.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40 \_ that's months old. \_ it's also the second or third time on motd. |
2003/4/17-18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:28149 Activity:kinda low |
4/17 Super rice rockets - http://csua.org/u/d65 \_ I think it's most philipino guys doing this right? Are east asians modding their car? \_ That's "Filipino" or "Pilipino". -- Pinoy pride \_ Filipino \_ pronounced pilipino |
2003/4/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28150 Activity:high |
4/16 Blix will save us and lend us credibility! And oh yeah, let's make the Middle East nuclear free so it's safe for Arabs to attack Israel again! Gotta love those ultra leftist Europeans for their transparency http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44572-2003Apr17.html \_ 1. The Bushies have yet to show us the proof that either Iraq or Syria have WMD. \_ I'm sure the childish little ding on their name lends much credibility in the circles you walk in. I don't care if there isn't a single WMD in the entire country. There's 24+ million people now free of brutal oppression. Does that mean *nothing* to you? \_ It does. And if things turn out well that will be great. But if you remember the whole reason for the war in the first place was SADDAM HAD WMDS AND WE HAD TO GET THEM BEFORE HE GAVE THEM TO TERRORISTS. \_ Saddam is gone. Things have already turned out well. And there were many reasons to go into Iraq. I don't care which of the 15-20 announced reasons you'd like to latch on to. I'm happy that Saddam is out of power and maybe dead, that the Baath party in Iraq is dead, that the Kurds are free, that the Shi'ites are free, that there's one less country supporting terrorists, and that finally the US is properly feared and respected as the super power it is and not a paper tiger willing to be bound by the dictates of the jealous and bitter weaklings who dominate the UN who would love to take advantage of our generally good nature to fuck us over, keep us down, and then spit on our graves once we bowed to "the international community", whatever *that* is. \_ Wow. Can we meet so I can do a psych profile on on you and the roots of your aggression against the world? \_ Did our "generally good nature" also led us to support such lovely rulers like Pinochet, Marcos, Suharto, ... , and yes, Mr. Hussein himself? Not to mention Mr. Bin Laden too. \_ Things have not turned out yet. Things are still in motion. The war continues. 2. Israel does not need nukes to deter an attack from its neighbors-- its military forces and its superior battlefield technology do that. \_ So the Israelis wasted their time and money on the nukes? Maybe you should write a letter to their embassy explaining. While you're at it you might explain how their conventional forces will help deter anything when (not if) some nuthead gets nukes in the region. Which military college or school of international affairs did you get your PhD from, btw? \_ It is not as easy to build/acquire nuclear weapons as you imply. Do some research before you spread panic. Next, as things stand now (as opposed to your pre- Armaggedon fantasy), the Israeli military and its level of tech are sufficiently superior to their neighbors to deter a conventional attack. The nukes are a nice piece of insurance, admittedly, but they are not the end-all of military preparedness or deterrence. \_ And you would know because you've previously ruled a place the size of California and know that it's hard to hide stuff in a place so small? \_ well they swore they had proof of WMDs, so you would think that me[a]nt(sp) they had some idea WHERE THEY WERE. \_ I wouldn't think that at all. Why would you think that? \_ And, not that it really seems to matter to the current administration, but our credibility is short on this point. Blix was correct in saying 'internationally backed inspections would have "considerably more credibility."' \_ Credibility? With who? I'd rather know that Americans were there and come up with whatever is or isn't there then go along with the spy infested anti-American UN inspections team who now has even less incentive to prove Iraq had WMD. \_ The world outside of the US and Britain does matter, no matter how much the Bush apoligists try to deny it. It is amusing to see how Bush's rhetoric has changed entirely from talking about WMD to "freedom." "The Iraqi's are liberated!" conquest==liberation in Bushspeak |
2003/4/17 [Uncategorized] UID:28151 Activity:nil |
4/16 Neocons have their own nutty internally consistent logic: http://csua.org/u/d63 \_ That's not at all what your link says. If you can't label a link properly then don't bother posting. From this point on I feel no sympathy for you if your mislabeled links get blasted and no guilt if I'm the one doing it. \_ I don't care how he labeleed it. it was an interesting link and you are a stupid asshole. \_ It was interesting if you're an LA Times reading weenie. I may be an asshole but I'm not stupid and it wasn't at all interesting. |
2003/4/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:28152 Activity:high |
4/16 I actually like the idea, as long as it apply to all nations in the middle east http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2955161.stm \_ Cool so 150 million screaming arabs with boards with nails in them can push the fuckin jews into the sea. Good plan, well thought out, especially considering which "side" will be under more intense scrutiny to comply. Good nukes make good neighbors, at least they have so far. -John \_ I think the situation has become a lot more complicated than "Israel has nukes". Face it, if anyone attacked Israel the US would invade in days. This is no longer the 60s. \_ So you think it's in Israel's best interests to be completely dependent on the US's good will for their survival? That's totally insane. What happens when the anti-Israel nutheads eventually get elected and leave them to rot? "Oh, oops, sorry, you should've had your own nukes!" Especially since the US has such a shitty record of keeping promises. \_ Isreal was able to defend itself against its neighbors three times without the use of nukes. \_ No. The last time things got tense and they let everyone know they were ready to do it. And no one has tried again since, at the army level. BTW, Israel hasn't even admitted they have any, let alone 1000+. They won't give em up. \_ And it was *very* *very* close to getting wiped out twice. Go pick up a book on military history. You'll note no one has launched a full scale invasion since the time they're believed to have developed nukes? Think about it. If it was the other way around you *know* Israel would have already been nuked in a first strike. You're either naive or something unspeakable worse. \_ I don't think anyone would launch a first strike nuke attack on Israel (or Germany, or Japan...), because the consenquence would be a serious beatdown from the US. \_ Any nation that depends on another for it's survival is already doomed. \_ "No man is an island" \_ Nuking Isreal doesn't make any sense for the Arabs; the reason they hate Isreal is it's occupying lands they view as sacred. -tom \_ Has Isreal ever even lost a battle against the Arabs? \_ obviously you skipped Seder last night. \_ No one has launched a full scale invasion of Israel since they all got their asses handed to them and Israel took over the West Bank and a chunk of Egypt (subsequently returned). Do not confuse causality with circumstance. \_ Like getting their asses handed to them the first two times made a difference? No. That's why there were three attacks. There hasn't been one since '73 not because the Arabs might get crushed again (we know this because as stated it happened *3* times) but because of the only change in the status quo, namely Israel has the bomb. \_ Check out the Federation of American Scientists: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke According to this, Israel had nukes *before* the 1973 attack, and that did not deter it. After 1973, the economy and the politics of the region changed, and the annihilation of Israel took a backseat. After Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty, invasion became a non-issue: Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon are too weak to force the issue, and Saudi Arabia has its own issues to work out. \_ What is "unspeakable worse" in your worldview? Just curious. |
2003/4/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:28153 Activity:nil |
4/16 about half years ago, I asked a question basically compare different kind of server-side scripts: jsp, asp, php, etc, and I got a pretty good response. One thing I did "miss" was that I didn't ask about Cold Fusion. Now, in my company, my boss is trying to stuff Cold Fusion down our throats. How's Cold Fusion compare with all other server-side scripts, in terms of advantages, disadvantages? Thanks in advance [blatant grammar errors corrected] \_ Cold Fusion == PHP only buggier and non-free. Considering how hard PHP sucks, that's probably a bad sign. \_ My wife did some work with Cold Fusion and she couldn't think of enough bad things to say about it. I was most impressed with the fact that you couldn't really write your own functions in Cold Fusion until something like version 4! Based on her experience I would advise you to resist Cold Fusion as much as possible. Good luck. -emin |
2003/4/17-18 [Transportation/Car] UID:28154 Activity:nil |
4/17 Honda Ad Details: http://www.dailytelegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/04/13/nhonda13.xml&sSheet=/news/2003/04/13/ixhome.html |
2003/4/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:28155 Activity:high |
4/17 Geeks from the CSUA and OCF, together with Eshleman/MLK building operations staff, descend from the heavens and save ASUC elections from complete and total disaster. Daily Cal misses story COMPLETELY. Film at eleven. \_ hey mail me more info about this! - danh@csua \_ uh-oh. dans is feeling unappreciated again \_ Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger! \_ According to Stephenson, most geeks map more accurately to dwarves than wizards in the Tolkein universe. I'm inclined to \_ Tolkien! agree. \_ the dwarves love their caves. \_ Linux khazad! Khazad ai-menu! \_ You just used geek fan-boy literature to make an argument about geek fan-boys. Perhaps you could let us know when your argument unwedges itself from its infinite loop. \_: In article <23794r$7r7@nwfocus.wa.com> danubius@halcyon.com (Joseph R. Pannon) w rites: >That's one of the silliest arguments I've read in this group. How is >one to learn to be a Unix hacker if he already has to be one to install >a Unix? Do it recursively! :-) \_ Error: stack overflow! \_ Not for the first time. The OCF had to save the ASUC elections before, when they first went computerized. \_ I think the only thing that can save the ASUC elections is to not have them and let the ASUC complete the last steps into complete and final anarchy. Has anyone yet figured out what the ASUC senate does, other than run for election to the ASUC senate? \_Yes, they supposedly control the profits from the student store. Heavy emphasis on the supposedly. \_ ok, hypothetically, there are profits and these numbskulls control the profits. what do/can they do with them? |
2003/4/17 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:28156 Activity:very high |
4/17 In veneration of his computer science forbears, it is decided that Dan Holliman will change his name to Dan Hollerith. danh, we expect compliance and certifying documentation from the Social Security Administration in a reasonably short time. Thank you and good night. \_ huh? \_ Perhaps a reference to the hollerith format flag in Fortran77? -- ulysses |
2003/4/17-18 [Health/Dental, Health] UID:28157 Activity:nil |
4/17 http://sports.espn.go.com/nfldraft/story?id=1539920 Cal/Boller/Tedford on ESPN |
2003/4/17-21 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:28158 Activity:nil |
4/17 .NET, SQL Server, SOAP, XML job in /csua/pub/jobs/EmployEng --dbushong |
2003/4/17-18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:28159 Activity:very high |
4/17 Girls, have you ever decided to not set up a cool guy with someone so he would be single and available if you should breakup with the person you are seeing? [available either for a relationship or just platonically to hang out with?] \_ I know someone who did the opposite - tried to set up the guy to avoid temptation, yet ended up breaking up with her current bf to be with the guy anyway. Trying to manipulate people can backfire in unexpected ways. \_ I'm glad he got laid but hope he dumped her before she found someone more interesting. \_ This brings up an interesting point. I'm not so sure that being stolen from a boyfriend/girlfriend necessarily means that a person is likely to do it again. So a poll: Please vote: 1) Some relationships are inevitable, and will lead to a breakup of existing relationships in order to happen: . 2) Someone who dumps an SO to be with you will dump you: 3) All's fair in love and war: 4) RIDE ED! USE BIKE! LINUX IS THE STANDARD!!11!! 5) George Bush is a patriarchical protorapist! End Racism:. \_ I'm currently in a similar situation. I'm the guy. And she's married. But remember, if people are in love, no matter what you do as the third-person, you cannot break them up. At first, she was trying to set me up with her single gfs but we ended up together instead. |
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