2003/4/14 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:28111 Activity:nil |
4/13 The US is at war with Syria. The US has always been at war with Syria. |
2003/4/14-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:28112 Activity:very high |
4/14 Coming to visit Berkeley again today. What's a good place to have lunch nowadays? Since we're now "older", we need someplace nicer (no blondies, bongo burger or $1 chinese food). Last two times we ate at Intermezzo and Zachary's. What else is out there now? \_ steve's korean bbq is timeless \_ Amen! \_ timeless in the sense of how long it'll take your bowels to recover from the insult? \_ what are you, class of '50? \_ What does my year have to do with knowing that Steve's Korean BBQ sucks? \_ Grigoire \_ I would suggest either Bongo Burger or Blondies. \_ If i'm ever too much of a pompous asshole to go to Bongo Burger with my friends, please kill me. \_ Or Oscar's. \_ La Note on Shattuck is really good... provencal French food. \_ Um, no. La Note has nice atmosphere, but the food is mediocre at best and not worth the money. \_ Venus on Shattuck. Nann&Curry on Telegraph is a dive with really good Indian food for the cost. Take this with a grain of salt because I still like Bongo Burger and I'm "older" too. \_ I'm probably a lot "older" than you and still go to Bongo Burger sometimes. If you're going to a student pit like Intermezzo and think that is good food then I can't help you. You might as well go to blondies. Have you been living in some vegan hell since you left? How can you not know that BB is one of the better burgers available on this planet? \_ Allah bless the Persian Burger. And the best cheap breakfast in Berkeley. Three cheers for Top Dog too... \_ Yeah. Although hotdogs are really disgusting as a concept, I still eat topdog, too. \_ Tried Ryowa Ramen on University? Beats Long-life Noodles hands down. \_ I really like Ryowa Ramen. \_ I think you gave me anus. \_ Barney's. sooooo good. \_ Nan Yang on College and Claremont. It's Burmese food. \_ If you've never eaten at the Blue Nile (on Telegraph, near Dwight), you should try it. \_ Or you could go to a decent ethiopian restaurant like asmara \_ asmara might be more authentic but it doesn't taste as good. \_ Authentically what? You better guess again before complimenting them on their authentic "Ethiopian" food. The Eritreans and the Ethiopians just finished slaughtering each other by the tens of thousands over a single border town. --ulysses town. The wording of their sign is to attract the uninformed. BTW, I can barely tell the difference between Ethiopian and Eritrean and I've worked for the latter for 2-1/2 years. --ulysses \_ Eritrea had 1 jet plane! - danh \_ I know they're Eritrean but that's like saying there's a big difference between food in the east and west regions of Iowa. \_ blue nile tastes like ass, costs far too much and gives you really shitty service. Ohh, but you get to sit on the ground all authentic like! There are tons of good ethiopian places in south berkeley and oakland. Blue Nile is not one of them. \_ Ok, you'be bashed a perfectly decent restaurant without providing an alternative. Good job! \_ It isn't perfectly decent at all, it is ass. Plain and simple. Good places include The Ethiopian Restaurant down on Telegraph and Russel (yeah it looks scary from the outside, but it is good), Cafe Calluci (probably spelled wrong) on Telegraph and Alcatraz and The Red Sea at Claremont and umm, something. \_ As above with Asmara, don't jump at telling The Red Sea how great their Ethiopian is. They, too are Eritrean. Hint: Asmara and the Red Sea are geographical features of one country rather than the other (check a recent world atlas). Above comment about similarity of the food is, however, correct. I like the Iowa comparison. -- ulysses \_ Been to Blue Nile as well as most of the Ethiopian restaurants in LA (Nyala, Rosalind's, Messob). I didn't notice Blue Nile was any different (better or worse). Aren't they all pretty much the same? --dim \_ I dunno. Blue Nile just doesn't taste as good. And it costs more. And the service is worse. But, you don't have to go into Oakland and be scared by all them black folks. \_ isn't Berkeley scary to some? \_ When I went to Blue Nile a few years ago I saw a cockroach scuttle along the wall. That's probably why they keep the lighting so poor. \_ They recently advertised that they renovated. Perhaps to hide the roaches better? \_ Hint: even 5 star joints have roaches. \_ Thai Expressions at the Beau Sky Hotel on Durant. Cheap and good. Also clean and quiet. \_ Unicorn on Telegraph is good, cheap, stylish and has good service. It is in kind of shitty spot, so it is easy to miss. -ausman \_ Along the same lines, Zax Tavern on telegraph. Very tasty, friendly staff (mmm... tasty staff. Say hi to lynn...) Not quite cheap, but the place is a good deal less pretentious than its patrons. --scotsman |
2003/4/14-15 [Recreation/Travel] UID:28113 Activity:nil |
4/14 anybody have a good travel agent that they would be willing to tell me about? email or post here. thanks! -hahnak \_ Who still uses travel agents? For tickets use the web. For help planning a real vacation... use the web. |
2003/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:28114 Activity:high |
4/14 I need to write a script to run under DOS (yes, I know it sucks) and I need it to stop a program that can only be terminated by hitting Control-C. How can I give that to the script as a command? Thanks. \_ try installing cygwin (cygwin.com ?) and use their "ps" and "kill" functions? \_ Is it a true DOS platform, or a DOS window in a windows environment? \_ a DOS window in Windows -op \_ You could write a vb function that runs your script and sends key strokes to the window. though you'll have to write code to get the handle to the window. \_ Or put a timer in your program that you wrote that exits after 10 seconds. \_ what are you smoking, DOS is not a multithreaded environment \_ grab one of the freebie or shareware keyboard/macro programs off the net. Since you're in windowed dos you can get away with a stunt like this. There is also 4Dos which can probably do what you need. It's a command shell replacement for command/cmd. You can also install perl and then use the plist and pkill and other stuff MS provides in some freebie package. If you give more details you'll get better answers. |
2003/4/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28115 Activity:high |
4/14 http://money.cnn.com/2003/04/11/news/bush_taxes.reut Dubya earns about 436K in interest income every year. Assuming a conservative 5% return, that's almost 9 million dollars that he has in trust funds. That's financial independence. When one can live entirely on interest alone. \_ Yes. And? \_ What did GWB accomplish in his life before becoming Prez? \_ Drove a company or two into the ground... \_ Got caught picking his nose and eating his snot on TV... \_ Kept the Texas Death Penalty Appeal No-Hitter record clean. |
2003/4/14 [Uncategorized] UID:28116 Activity:nil |
4/14 Who had the better plan? Franks or Schwarzkopf? \_ Franks, schwarzkopf had it easy. \_ early on, Franks got lots of criticism. \_ Schwarzkopf. But primarily because he had more time for buildup and planning, plus a limited war objective. The current one by "Franks" is necessarily open-ended. The "war" isn't over. \_ Franks objectives are more difficult to attain. However, Schwarzkopf for being the first general to lead the U.S. into a major campaig |
2003/4/14-15 [Recreation/Humor] UID:28117 Activity:nil |
4/14 Does anyone here happen to have sources for the uclink/uclink2 (and maybe uclink3?) menu system? I thought it might be funny to have it around just for laughs.. |
2003/4/14-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:28118 Activity:kinda low |
4/14 Are 2.4GHz wireless phones going to interfere with my 2.4GHz wireless network (assuming i will install them in my house)? \_ sometimes yes.. \_ It's just like with a 300 baud modem back in the day where if you could whistle just right you could hack into a bank. \_ whistle once for deposits, whistle twice for withdrawals... |
2003/4/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:28119 Activity:nil |
4/14 Mallard Fillmore (conservative policital comic) claimed today that when Reagan lowered taxes, revenue doubled. Is that true? If so, how is that possible? \_ wow you actually think things in Mallard Fillmore are true? mf is a piece of crap that comics page editors are contractually obligated to print to balance doonesbury. - danh \_ No idea if it's true but the idea is that due to lower taxes people and business have more money available to spend in the economy instead of throwing it away to the government thus making more taxable transactions occur. Imagine if the tax rate was 100%. Who would bother working? If it was 0% people would keep more of what they earned and spend more but then we wouldn't have any government services. The key is to find the right balance. We're still looking. \_ Right, but lowering taxes while massively increasing defense spending (and the deficit) doesn't do any good at all. The increases in interest rates that result more than offset the positive effects of the tax cuts. \_ I like to look at defense spending as wealth redistribution that benefits engineers among many others. \_ For one thing, that doesn't address the offsetting effect of higher interest rates and huge federal debts. For another, the positive economic effects of defense spending are completely overrated. Rather than creating investment for products that create further positive economic benefits (for example, building a delivery truck which allows a new business to make deliveries), defense spending only creates products that blow things up. \_ Gee, you're arguing for general effects, and I'm just glad that I'm getting some pork barrel from the government. Yes, there are negative general consequences, but those negative effects are paid for by everyone. So long as the benefits that I share with a smaller group outweigh the negatives shared with everyone, I still win. \_ getting your econ data from a really lame comic strip is not recommended. http://csua.org/u/d18 - danh \_ and even more! <DEAD>www.boss-tweed.com/mallard/mallardindex.html<DEAD> - danh \_ revenue doubling is probably fiction. total tax revenue did generally increase in the years after the the reagan tax cut of '81. the percentage of tax paid by the upper bracket increased also. however, it's silly to talk about tax revenue purely in terms of the effect from tax cut. there are a lot of other things happening that affect total revenue more. |
2003/4/14-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:28120 Activity:kinda low 50%like:10063 |
4/14 Will Kyle Boller have a good NFL career? \_ No. He's not better than Pat Barnes (who wasn't that great to begin with), and look where Barnes is now (nowhere). \_ QB's are hard to predict; I thought Barnes was a sure-fire winner, and also Ryan Leaf, and we know how that worked out. However, it is worth noting that Boller has significantly raised his stock in the NFL combines, while Barnes' stock dropped. Boller was originally projected as a late-round selection and now most sites have him going in the first round. He's tall, mobile and has an astounding arm (at the combine he threw a ball through the uprights from midfield, while on one knee). He will definitely get a chance. -tom \_ strong arms aren't everything these days. mobility seems to more important. teams are spreading the field, and not putting enough blockers for the QB, and so the QB has to improvise. \_ yes, but that's why his stock is rising; he ran a 4.6 at the combine, the fastest time for a pure QB. -tom \_ hope he has a good NFL Career. Was Jim Plunkett ex-Cal? \_ hardly: he was ex-Stanford. -tom \_ Stanford QBs seem to have greater prominence in the NFL: Elway and Plunkett, for example. \_ Yeah, but we have the best tight-end (Gonzalez) and kick returner (O'Neal) in the game \_ we also have a number of pro-bowl linemen. In fact, Cal is one of the top schools in the country in terms of number of players in the pros. -tom _/ What about Pac-10 as a whole? Looks like Miami*/Florida*/ Ohio State have large number of top NFL players. \_ This factoid just seems to prove how bad our coaching is. Great players, lousy record. What else coudl it be? \_ Cal has rarely had depth to recover from injuries. \_ Who's the last Cal QB with a significant NFL career? Joe Kapp? \_ Craig Morton. -tom \_ QB rankings in draft: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfldraft/story?page=qb_rankings |
2003/4/14-15 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:28121 Activity:nil |
4/14 The OpenBSD 3.3 Song is out: http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html |
2003/4/14-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:28122 Activity:very high |
4/14 Is there any point to ARP in a pure switched environment? \_ If by purely switched you mean you have the ability to send/ receive raw ethernet frames and not use the IP stack, then yes, there is no need for ARP. \_ I mean when you are in a switched rather than shared ethernet and everything is going down the wire to the switch anyway because you have a defaultroute. Doesn't the switch and its arp table handle getting things to the right place, rather than the host making any decisions? \_ ARP is the name map between the MAC layer and IP \_ initially the host's arp table is empty. You have a default route but that's just an IP address. You still need the default router's MAC address. The sequence of events is roughly: 1. host tries to ping XYZ 2. host tries to send the packet to default router but doesn't have the default router's MAC address. 3. host sends ARP packet out onto the wire. 4. default router picks up the ARP packet and responds. 5. host now knows the MAC address of the default router. 6. host sends the ping packet again to XYZ with the destination MAC address that of the default router. This is the reason why the first ping packet after bootup always fails. You can get around it by statically adding the default router's mac address to the host's ARP table. But that's not recommended. -cisco guy \_ like I said, ARP is the name map between the MAC layer and IP |
2003/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:28123 Activity:insanely high |
4/14 procmail question: All mail for http://domain.org goes through my .procmailrc file, and I'm forwarding @domain.org addresses to real "old" addresses. If a message is sent to both henry@domain.org and kathy@domain.org, it looks like it reaches henry twice, and doesn't get to kathy at all. How can I overcome this? It this beyond the scope of procmail? :0 * ^TOhenry@domain.org ! henry@oldaddress.com :0 * ^TOkathy@domain.org ! kathy@oldaddress.com \_ this can be solved with procmail but you need to learn how to use its branching structures, like { } blocks and the 'c' and 'a' tags. it's not hard to do but you need to carefully read the 'procmailrc' and 'procmailex' man pages. --aaron \_ Specifically, you need to replace ":0" with ":0 c" on every recipe. Right now your recipes are telling procmail to deliver to henry, and then it's done. "c" tells it to generate a carbon-copy to test with other recipes. \_ Rather, c tells procmail to pass a carbon copy to a fork handling the current rule and continue. Slight difference, but good to be aware of. --scotsman \_ just adding c is going to cause henry to get two copies of messages addressed to both; i think you need more. this is one reason i love qmail -- administering an email namespace is really easy and you don't need procmail. \_ it's easy to maintain an email namespace in sendmail also. -tom \_ for admins maybe. qmail makes it easy to grant virtual domains to indiv users with no add'l setup. \_ whereas in sendmail you might have to write a \_ If a message is "To: henry@domain.org, kathy@domain.org" will two messages get processed by this .procmailrc? \_ Great I'll incorporate that, but: don't two duplicate messages get processed by this .procmailrc? without the "c" henry gets two messages, kathy gets zero. with the "c" henry gets two and kathy gets two. script that calls "cat"--how horrible! -tom \_ i understand your point but the qmail support has a pretty rich feature set for this. accept that qmail actually does some things well, i know why you don't like it and i think you have some valid points but not everyone has your criteria. \_ i don't understand and am curious. How do i grant control of a virtual domain to an upriveleged user if i'm running sendmail? \_ give them a file to write to, and write a script to combine it with virtusertable. -tom \_ Uuuuh, security??? \_ quit being reasonable on the motd. white power! death to arabs! \_ The above rules are a recipe for disaster since they create a potential for a mail loop that's undetectable by sendmail and possibly other MTAs. A better recipe for forwarding mail to some other address would be: :0 * ^TOkathy@domain.org * !^X-Loop: kathy@oldaddress.com | formail -A"X-Loop: kathy@oldaddress.com" | \ $SENDMAIL -oi kathy@oldaddress.com \_ Thanks \_ Actually, I just found out that administering a domain's worth of email can't really be done correctly with a user's procmailrc. There needs to be an interface with the MTA in order to properly deal with multiple recipients, multiple messages, etc. Sorry to rack all yer brains. -OP \_ qmail is the *only* answer! must...use.... qmail....argh! thump! --qmail fanatic \_ Do you have any recommendations for a excellent and affordable web& email hosting company that uses qmail? |
2003/4/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28124 Activity:kinda low |
4/14 <DEAD>www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pshyu/hotornot<DEAD> \_ What a surprise. Another CSBA knockoff of a trivially easy to do site. \_ What a surprise. Another cynical content-free motd comment. \_ And another! \_ touche |
3/15 |