2003/3/22 [Uncategorized] UID:27798 Activity:moderate |
3/21 [A liberal censored your msg / cleaned it off.] \_ Take that libruls! \_ What's the point? |
2003/3/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27799 Activity:high |
3/21 So I figure you lefties got tired of being smushed and seeing the facts showing you were wrong about the whole Iraq thing thus far. Feel free to censor at will. You have my permission. ;-) [censor does not mean 'edit'. add your own comments. don't be infantile] \_ Where are the oilfield fires Rumsfield claimed? What about those gas and nerve agents? Is anything Bush claimed going to end up as true? You are the one that should be embarrassed for yourself. |
2003/3/22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27800 Activity:nil |
3/21 Regarding Saddam's TV appearances of late, a rhetorical question: why would Saddam bother looking like Saddam? If I were in his place I'd use the same body double for every public appearance and have surgery to look like just another Tom, Dick, or Abdul. \_ Then the body double would have you executed and just be you maybe? \_ Presense. Looking like someone doesn't give that person the same sort of charisma. And it feeds into the dictator ego. |
2003/3/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:27801 Activity:insanely high |
3/21 Seriously guys, can you please start using motdedit? It's pretty rude not to. \_ The motd is a commons, while most people respect the rights of others to use a commons some people do not. And those few spoil the commons for everyone. Its a tragedy that we must all live with. \_ Uhm, no. Let's get this straight -- clobbering content is rude. Using motdedit is just ONE way to avoid doing that. Equating motdedit with common courtesy is just stupid. -mice \_ Apologies to the authors, but fuck motdedit in the ear. \_ because? \_ Because it's a solution to a problem I don't have, and \_ Why should I show any respect for you since you obviously don't care about anyone but yourself? because I'm irritated by the holier than thou preachy assholes that insist I'm rude/stupid/selfish if I don't use it. I don't overwrite other people's entries, and I can't seem to recall getting mine overwritten either. I use vi. \_ Um.. case in point. My reply to your eloquently stated "fuck motdedit..." was overwritten. --scotsman \_ Uhm, yeah and...? You say this as though it's my fault. I find it highly unlikely that I was responsible as you seem to be implying. cf "vi", "respecting locks", etc \_ society's to blame. But your insecurities are in \_ you rude shit. you motdedited out stuff that's been sitting here for 20 minutes. using motdedit doesn't excuse smashing other's content. \_ path? \_ /csua/bin/me the way of getting the point. \_ So, lacking anything relevant to say, you trot out personal insults. Uhm, yeah, whatever. \_ this is someone else talking, but vi guy: have you tried "me"? It's the same as motdedit, requires less typing than "vi /etc/motd.public" and uses an editor agnostic locking scheme. I don't know about preachiness, but it seems like a simple compromise. Is there anything that vi offers that "me" doesn't? \_ Dude, motdedit is a technical solution to a difficult usage problem. If you don't like someone overwriting your entries, you should start using it. I would bet that most of the overwritten entries are caused when someone using emacs or jove makes an entry while someone is using motdedit. The person not using motdedit loses out. Use it or don't, but quit the complaining. --scotsman \_ I use motdedit w/ vi and my entries are routinely overwritten. \_ I don't use it. I also don't over write other's entries and don't complain when other's over write mine. And btw, what do you have against vi users? Can't they get their edits smushed too? Or pine? Don't pine users count? How to edit motd in pine?? \_ If you have to ask, you don't know. The problem is that editors such as emacs and pico don't tell you that there's a lock on the file (at least by default), so you very well could be overwriting someone else's entry without knowing it. And I use vi myself, so I have no idea what you're talking about. If you use vi, it respects those locks anyway, so motdedit becomes a convenience in terms of getting your own lock. motdedit isn't a replacement for common courtesy. Using it, however, _is_ common courtesy. --scotsman \_ I don't know about pico, but emacs always warns me that I'm about to change a file that has changed on disk. When it does that, I copy my changes to *scratch* and merge them back. \_ Not the issue. --scotsman \_ huh? you can use whatever editor you want. just set EDITOR. \_ And ED! What about the ED! users? \_ Stick you head in a pig. \_ how about root just makes /etc/motd.public writeable by motdedit only? |
2003/3/22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27802 Activity:nil |
3/21 http://www.opinionjournal.com/best/?id=110003234 "Jacques Chirac says France will not authorize a U.N. resolution allowing the United States and Britain to administer postwar Iraq." \_ France also threatned to veto a resolution that authorized the use of force against Iraq. \_ "Authorize" a UN resolution? How arrogant. \_ The U.S. has to come back showing respect to the UN after having defied it. \_ Too late. Another international institution ruined by Bush. \_ Let's return the Statue of Liberty. She's an ugly biotch anyways. |
2003/3/22-23 [Politics/Domestic] UID:27803 Activity:very high |
3/22 I've decided to boycott American products as a protest against the war. \_ If you are serious about this how about suicide? \_ Immolating yourself in public is said to make quite an impression. \_ not since they started using flame-retardent asphalt. \_ Don't forget to turn in your citizenship! \_ I'm a little on the spineless side and just decided to stop voting \_ you are also on the stupid side if you're trying to prevent shit like this to happen by not voicing your opinion constructively. \_ Move to Iraq and volunteer in Saddam's army. \_ Definitely renounce your citizenship and go somewhere else. You won't be able to boycott American products living here. It just isn't possible. I'm with you brother! \_ I think boycotting American products is the best means for me to protest against the war. Will I boycott every single American product. Nah, but enough to make a difference. I think people all over the world should do the same, and I think many are. It won't make a big impression, it's only minorly inconvenient, but it hits where it hurts. \_ There're American products again? Did I miss something? When did that happen? I thought everything was made in China these days. \_ Jokes, aside, yes. eg. United Airlines, GE, Coca Cola, etc. and many many others. |
2003/3/22 [Science/Space, Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27804 Activity:high |
3/21 Let's say we dig through the rubble and find Saddam's body. How can we tell it's him and not one of his dozen body doubles? It's not like we have his DNA. \_ meanwhile the real saddam is doing what? shaves off his moustache and goes to work as a waiter in a paris bistro ... who spits in the food of americans? if he has no public face or power, in a sense it is still mission accomplished. --psb \_ it'd still be fairly easy to recognize him then, too. \_ We get Mossad on his ass. hunt him to the end of the earth. \_ Except that we DO have his DNA. \_ From where? \_ From examining his relatives |
2003/3/22-23 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27805 Activity:very high |
3/22 American kid/human shield 'shocked back to reality'. http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20030321-023627-5923r A group of American anti-war demonstrators who came to Iraq with Japanese human shield volunteers made it across the border today with 14 hours of uncensored video, all shot without Iraqi government minders present. Kenneth Joseph, a young American pastor with the Assyrian Church of the East, told UPI the trip "had shocked me back to reality." Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera "told me they would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from Saddam's bloody tyranny. They convinced me that Saddam was a monster the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He and his sons are sick sadists. Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as people put in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so they could hear their screams as bodies got chewed up from foot to head." A few of you might also like to check out the history of the Baathists in Iraq. They're not just "Nazi-like" but are actually Arab Nazis. The truth is out there for those who are interested in knowing it. \_ I've posted this before, only to be deleted. People didn't seem to like the source. "It is Michel Aflaq who created the party and not I," Saddam told an interviewer in 1980. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/837uvzrs.asp \_ Saddam was a bloody tyrant right from the start, yet we supported him all those years, giving him weapons and technical help when he used his nerve gas against Kurds and Iranians. him all those years, giving him weapons and technical help while he was using nerve gas against Kurds and Iranians. Note that Iran- Iraq War was started by Saddam when he invaded Iran. \_ Just because we've done evil in the past doesn't mean we're not allowed to correct it later. If the standard for who is allowed to fight evil is only people who have never done anything evil then no one would be left to do so. \_ Except that it calls into question as to whether our stated reason for the war is the real reason for it. \_ Why is this any more believable than the stories about babies being pulled from incubators in the last war? Don't be so quick to swallow the propaganda. \_ ie, believe the news stories that support your stance on war. \_ babies? incubators? What are you talking about? Ok, ok, you're right. Anything that supports a point of view different from yours must be lies. Afterall the UPI has such a long history of supporting right wing conservative christian anti-arab, pro- israel, anti-minority racist lies. Did I miss anything in my list? Do we still hate rich white people too? Why don't you just post a list of the things we're allowed to believe and the ultra left wing 'media' resources you use to 'learn' of those events? \_ Your historical memory is weak, child. Bush I sold the war against Iraq with such a story: http://www.counterpunch.org/cohen1228.html \_ Why do you think his arab neighbors aren't jumping to support him? |