Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:March:17 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/3/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27718 Activity:nil
3/16    When people say "format your drive, install Linux", do they mean
        RedHat Linux, Debian, or something else? When people say "Ride Bike"
        do they mean ride motorcycle or ride bicycle? -motd wisdom seeker
        \_ the "learn something" is implicit.
        \_ Debian
           \_ ...and bicycle, respectively.
2003/3/17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27719 Activity:high
3/16    the History Channel special about Saddam's French nuclear reactor
        getting distroyed by the Israeli air force is on tonight at 7pm.
        \_ ohh give me a break, *WE* provided Iraq with the atomic
           bomb's know-how right after War War 2.
           \_ "after WW2".  Uhm, yeah.  whatever.
        \_ And the USS Stark hit with two (French) exocet missiles launched
        \_ You mean the reactor provided by Chirac.
            \_ No, Miterrand.  This was the reactor in Osirak which they
               were about a week away from taking into operation.  -John
            \_ Yes. Curiously, the only person killed in the attack was
               a french scientist that was working late that sunday evening.
               \_ Huh.  I wasn't aware France *had* scientists.
                  \_ Are you really this ignorant, or are you just jumping on
                     the France-bashing bandwagon?
                     \_ let me guess.. when someone says "it's raining cats
                        and dogs", you're outside looking for falling animals.
                  \_ They do but they're on strike all the time in support of
                     the Parisian trash haulers and long haul truckers.
        \_ And the USS Stark hit with two (French) Exocet missiles launched
           from a (French) Mirage fighter.
        \_ Did you know that the reacter was named the Ochirac Reactor?
           \_ Did you know you need to re-read your source?
                \_ It was a joke. I know it was named oshirak.
2003/3/17 [Transportation/Bicycle, Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:27720 Activity:nil
3/16    Is stuff cooked over an open flame - i.e. skewers/kebobs really more
        healthy than fried or other regular foods?
        \_ less fat thatn frying (it all drips away)  OTOH, the yummy
           chemicals created by searing the fat on the food is mildly
           carcinogenic.  Its a trade-off
           \_ ride bike!
                \_ ride motorcycle or bicycle?
2003/3/17 [Computer/Companies/Google, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27721 Activity:high
3/16    Is there a reason why:
        comes up with motd as the FIRST LINK???
        \_ Maybe because the search terms are unusual and don't often appear
           together?  You know, sort of artifically inflating the relevance?
        \_ search for 'puerile googlisms'.  Google comes
           up with strange shit sometimes.  Plus, we should all know by now
           that the MOTD is the ultimate authoritative source of Truth.  -John
           \_ amen, father
        \_ it's aaron's new Infinite Loop RTFM project; you ask on the MOTD
           and you get directed to Google, you ask on Google and get directed
           to the MOTD.  Brilliant!  -tom
           \_ How to countersteer vs lean on ride biking?
2003/3/17 [Computer/SW/Mail, Recreation/Woodworking] UID:27722 Activity:moderate
3/16    Pine trees may help create smog, acid rain
        Death to trees!
        \_ ObDon'tUsePine
        \_ ObUseMutt
2003/3/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:27723 Activity:very high
        Israeli Army Bulldozer Kills American Protester in Gaza.  Now, you can
        call me a bastard, but when one lies down in front of a
        tank/bulldozer/truck, etc., one must understand that the risk is that
        the driver will just take a hit off the sterno, make another mark in
        the dash, and hit the gas.  Though I feel bad for the woman, another
        part of me can't help but feel warm and fuzzy at seeing self-righteous
        protestors with stupid tactics getting what's coming to them.  My
        favorite quote:
        The Israeli troops "have shot over our heads, and shot near our feet
        --they have fired tear gas at us," said Michael Shaik,
        media coordinator for the group. "But we thought we had an
        understanding. We didn't think they would kill us."
        \_ My favorite was them going on and on in the newspaper about how they
           were *certain* the bulldozer would stop.  It just *had* to, right?
        \_ It's just the way of that sort of people.  The meaning "compassion"
           means nothing to them.  Sharon the Butcher encourages this with
           his rhetoric, and the pro zionists here love it so that they can
           increase their wealth with war profiteering.
           \_ Bullshit.  It's all about killing American students.  Jews
              reall hate American students (and a woman!) so they killed her!
        \_ The article also mentions a 13 year old boy and an unarmed man
           who were killed.  Were they being self-righteous for being in the
           "combat zone?"  A "combat zone" that happens to be where they
           live?  Maybe you should do a little thought experiment where you
           imagine your response to some soldiers showing up to your
           neighborhood who then decide to knock down your house without
           warning.  Then perhaps they shoot at you, kill a few neighbors,
           maybe your wife or child.  If you can't symphathize with that
           then you're worse than a bastard.  Maybe that self-righteous
           American just couldn't stand by and watch it all go down on
           CNN anymore.  At least she tried to change something, what
           have you done?
           \_ Ever wonder how their front yard got to be a combat zone?
              And what have YOU done?  Posted to the motd about it?  I've come
              \_ how about running away?  or joining a suicide bombing squad?
              to the realization that giving "A's for effort" reinforces some
              pretty awful behavior, for instance, suicide bombing.  At least
              they tried, indeed.  And in your thought experiment, I pick up
              a gun and shoot back.  I sure as hell don't count on anyone to
              to take pity on me and bail me out.  If it happens, I'd be
              grateful, but I don't count on it. -op
              \_ how about running away?  or joining a suicide bombing squad?
                \_ every time they "shoot back" the israeli army fires
                   a tank missile or knocks someone ELSE's house down,
                   and then the cycle begins all over again, i am so glad
                   i don't live there.
                   \_ You mean every time the palestinian children throw
                      a stone, Sharon's Butcher SS shoots US missles at their
                      village? Yeah.  Well you can thank the pro-zion
                      influence in congress for that.  Might I add, that
                      missile was from YOUR and MY taxdollars.
                      \_ Stones for the cameras, rockets at night when naive
                         kids like you aren't watching TV and the reporters
                         are out getting laid.
                   \_ I always find it odd how the Palestinians don't go
                      and throw rocks at the Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians
                      or Egyptians, all of which at some point perpetrated
                      fairly egregious acts against the Palestinians.  Not
                      to excuse what the Israelis (and their settlers) do, but
                      one does get the impression that a bit of anti-semitism
                      (let's be honest, a lot of the 'let's-drive-the-fucking-
                      Jew-bastards-into-the-sea' rhetoric thrown around by
                      various Arab groups doesn't get very conscientiously
                      reported by Western media) is a lot easier than any sort
                      of even-handed assessment of who's to blame for one's
                      predicament.  And frankly, although they're reacting in
                      a brutish, uncivilized manner, this time it wasn't the
                      Israelis who started provoking everyone in sight by
                      completely disregarding an agreed-upon peace agreement.
                      \_ Gandhi did little for India other than ruin it and
                         condemn it to fifty plus years of poverty and
                         financial ruin and communal violence. Instead of
                         going around fasting and talking non-sense he should
                         have supported Bose and the others who wanted to
                         liberate India in the same way that the founding
                         fathers liberated America from the British.
                      \_ John, you're right that the other Arab states have
                         done (and continue to do) their fair share of
                         Palestinian oppression.  It's just that the Israelis
                         are a much more present target (i.e., in Palestine)
                         and the other Arab nations are much more vicious
                         in suppressing protest in their own countries (i.e.,
                         they'll deport agitators to Palestine so quick it'll
                         make your head spin).  If the other Arab states
                         wanted to do something about the Palestinian issue,
                         they could offer to make a homeland within their
                         own territory... but that's not a popular idea.
                         \_ Or like Jordan they can surrender a huge chunk of
                            land, cut it off and say it isn't their problem
                            anymore.  I think Israel should do the same.
                         \_ Or they can just kill themselves with fear...
                         \_ 40% of the Palestinians already live in Jordan.
                            And creating a "homeland" for Palestinians
                            outside of Palestine would simply legitimize
                            Isreal's ethnic cleansing.
                            \_ Sure, and creating a Palestinian state in
                               Palestine will legitimize suicide bombings.
                               Look, we can argue the semantics all day, but
                               if you're looking for practical solutions,
                               carving a homeland out of Jordan is not an
                               unreasonable solution.  --erikred
                               \_ It's very unreasonable to the Jordanians.
                               \_ It is unreasonable to everyone but Isreal.
                                  \_ Wow, that's pretty damned clueless.
                            \_ You don't know what ethnic cleansing means. If
                               you take the meanest word in your vocabulary,
                               (racism, murder, nazi, rapist, etc) and apply
                               it universally the word loses meaning.
                               \_ What do *you* call it then? Sharon
                                  calls it "involuntary population
                                  \_ When exactly has Sharon tried pushing
                                     Arabs out of the WB or Gaza?  When has
                                     Sharon done such a thing?  You can't name
                                     the year because it has never happened.
                                     *I* call it, "you're a lying POS racist".
                                     \_ I notice you don't answer the
                                        question. Sharon has forcably
                                        moved thousands to build
                                        settlements and plans to move
                                        thousands more when the fence
                                        is built. And where did all the
                                        land in 1948 come from? Go ahead and
                                        delete this, your kind cannot stand
                                        the light of the truth.
                                        \_ it's called tit for tat
                   \_ Bingo.  Which would suggest that someone is employing
                      the wrong tactics.  I should note that Ghandi managed
                      to free all of India through a campaign of hunger
                      strikes and non-violent struggle.  Though as a
                              \- well that is a little simple. --psb
                      counter-point, similar campaigns have done precious
                      little to free Tibet from China's oppressive rule. -op
                      \- and the chinese didnt run over the stand in front of
                         a tank fellow at tianamen sq. states should be held
                         to a higher standard. --psb
                         \_ "fellow"?  You know why you don't know his name?
                            Because they grabbed him and executed him in some
                            dark alley.  His name will never be known.
                            \_ Google for this, you will find an article
                               which mentions him being at large.
                      \_ lying down in front of a bulldozer isn't perpetuating
                         a cycle of violence, unless you only count violence
                         by Isreal.  -tom
                         \_ Actually she didn't lie down.  She tripped and
                            fell and then got run over.  It was nothing so
                            noble, just simple clumsiness.
              \_ will the non-pedophiles please think of the children??
                            \_ Not according to all the news reports.
                               What is your source?
                \_ I don't think the Israelis will "cave in" to
                   Palestinian demands if the Palestinians all
                   simultaneously bombard Israel with a huge campaign
                   of pacifism and non violence.  but their current
                   strategy isn't working too well either, i guess
                   they're screwed.
                   \_ Demands?  Which ones?  The ones where the Israelis all
                      go jump in the sea?
        \_ US seems to be the opposite extreme of this. If in the US, some
           bulldozing company were to accidentally bulldoze over an "innocent"
           deer or dog, there would be protests all over and it would become
           a front page human interest story... both the US extreme and
           Israeli extreme seem fucked up to me. ~apolitical.
           \_ if there were weekly suicide bombings, your thinking might be
           \_ ruby ridge.  waco.  it's ok to whack fringe right-wing types.
              \_ No, wackos with guns. You're forgetting the 60's and 70's
                 when the FBI took out left-wing fringe groups.
                 \_ No one at Waco had guns.  Except the ATF.
                    \_ LOL! Ah, that's why agents died storming them. It was
                       the cows who shot them...
        \_ hey, that dead chick is pretty cute!
           \_ was.  but that's ok.  stupid chicks are all over campus.  you'll
              find another one.
        \_ >z
           Time passes...

           The bulldozer thunders toward you.  The ground is shaking beneath
           you as you lie in the mud.
           \_ You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
           \_ > enjoy mud
2003/3/17-18 [Health] UID:27724 Activity:very high
3/17    Anybody ever applied for a government security clearance?  Is it ok to
        admit to experimenting with Berkeley's favorite mellow pasttime?
        \_ I think it's fine to admit to experimenting with math.  in fact
           for an NSA job, it will probably help.
        \_ I have a security clearance, but I really haven't ever used any
           illegal substances.  I tend to think that any lawbreaking could
           lead to you not getting a clearance though.
           \_ or in dubya's case, it could lead to the White House
        \_ Which level? I knew a guy who filled out two pages of incidents
           over the last seven years and still got in. Of course that was
           \_ secret.
              \_ Admit it. They're going to do interviews. If it's social and
                 not an addiction, you might be okay. For the FBI, SS, some
                 military, and NSA, you're probably gonna get rejected.
                 \_ Both FBI and SS have strict policies about using -- it's
                    not an immediate disqualification unless you are a
                    habitual user or have used within the last year (or
                    three).  Of course, cocaine, heroin, etc are substances
                    that will guarantee you an immediate disqualification.
         \_ OK to admit having done it.  Not ok to do it once you are
            applying for, or already have the clearance.
            \_ Yes.  I'm told that I can be randomly drug-tested.  I have
                no fear of this, though.
                \_ They're more interested in a clean drug test than your
                   your way-back past.  Remember that the drug tests can
                   reach back a year or so, though.
        \_ Why would you admit it if there's no evidence you'd done it?
           \_ Because in most cases, as long as you've demonstrated you've
              stopped, the government can be okay with it. If you've lied and
              they find out, it's a federal offense and they will get blood
             from a stone.
        \_ My $0.02 is that you should tell the truth. They can't really
           fault you for youthful indiscretions (hey, Clinton inhaled), and
           you will score more points for being truthful. One's past has a
           way of catching up to you. Of course, this is all in your past,
           right? ;-)
           \_ Well, yes, but not the distant past (2002) -- op
              \_ MJ flushes out in 30 days. If it's a piss test you're okay.
                 Part of what they are looking for is addicts. If it's a hair
                 or fat test, that's gonna show. Figure for classified and
                 below you're gonna be okay (no interviews). Secret and higher
                 means you're risking it. YMMV.
                 \_ The FBI and CIA claim they can detect use from up to
                    a year.  Get detox tea from a health store, and that
                    should help.
                    \_ lol hahahahhahah
                 \_ For a piss test, yes, but they can take hair samples
                    for > 30 days.
                    \_ Yeah, I should have noted that was piss test only.
        \_ The fact you went to Berkeley already makes you suspicious.
           Damn commie.
           \_ Apparently that's nonsense, though I'd have thought you were
              right.  My clearance went through in 4 months, absolutely
              record time.  I'm pretty much a straight arrow though.
           \- a distant associate of mine was interviewing for MI5 and
              the basically said 1. we know about the cocaine 2. if you are
              homosexual that is ok too, but we want you to tell us. i have
              been listed as a reference by people looking for security
              clearances and the sense i got was their concern was about
              people with drug problems, not past social users ... same
              applies for alcohol. --psb
              \_ MI5 isn't the US who are VERY touchy on homosexuality and
                 even casual drug use for internal and external security forces.
                 \- well part of the point was it's just kind of funny when
                    they say all of a sudden "we know about the cocaine".
                    i think the concern is also in part are you in the closet
                    and subject to blackmail. --psb
                    \_ The British understand that, but the US gets very
                       puritan at times. Then they go with the winner of the
                       "Que es mas macho" competition.
                       \_ "Cual es"?
                          \_ "Siempre tu mama, por supuesto"
                             \_ yo quiero chingar tu culo, pendejo.  Y tu
                                mama tambien.
                                \_ "¿Con los huevos minusculos?"
2003/3/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:27725 Activity:nil
3/17    'For whose benefit these endless wars in a region that holds
         nothing vital to America save oil, which the Arabs must sell
         us to survive? Who would benefit from a war of civilizations
         between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader,
         one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud.' -Pat Buchanan
         \_ Someone besides me quotes Pat?  Cool!!!  -ax
            \_ No, lots of isolationists and racists quote Pat.  GO PAT! GO!
2003/3/17-18 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:27726 Activity:moderate
3/17    Any recomendations on a DVI video card that doesn't need a fan?
        Any experience with a Compaq TFT 8000 or 8020 monitors?
        \_ Water-cooled GeForce 4 4600 Ti
           \_ But then the pump/compressor make noise.  Better off with a 4200.
2003/3/17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27727 Activity:nil 50%like:27711
3/17    Vive La France!
2003/3/17-18 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:27728 Activity:moderate
3/17    How do I use spamassassin?  Do I run /usr/local/bin/spamassassin in
        the background and leave it running all the time, so that spam won't
        even be added to /var/mail/<login>?  Or do I run it once everytime
        before I run my mail program, so that all spam in /var/mail/<login>
        will be removed?  The man page doesn't seem to describe this.  Thanks.
        \_ There is plenty of help available for this. The documentation
           for spamassassin answers this in a few places. Try harder.
        \_ Create a file ~/.procmailrc and put the following in there:
        | /usr/local/bin/spamc

        :0 hw:
        * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
          \_ see, you told him. now he'll never learn how not to be clueless.
                \_ ya but if he stays clueless, he'll lose some email bc
                   it is going to devnull.
                   \_ yeah, well, doesn't help if you keep changing [filename]
                      to /dev/null
2003/3/17 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Skin] UID:27729 Activity:nil
3/17    An update on my skin.  :-)  Besides using my wife's skin care products,
        eating well and excercise has really helped also. I have this healthy
        pinkish glow to my cheeks and my lips are getting redder.  My skin
        SHINES!  Women at work at noticing me and striking up conversations
        with me.  Even the gay men are checking me out.  It's quite flattering.
        My wife thinks I'm the ultimate pretty boy now.  -guy with good skin
        \_ how's the sex with UCLA EE guy?
        \_ how's the sex with your gay coworkers?  Made any money in
           the Castro?  Enough to quit your day job and pay for AIDS drugs?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:March:17 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>