2003/3/13 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:27676 Activity:nil |
3/12 Any recommendations in a Flat Screen LCD monitor with an adjustable brightness lamp? Are any of them digital-in (i.e. non-VGA) and work with linux/XFree86. |
2003/3/13 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:27677 Activity:moderate |
3/12 Anyone using a wireless keyboard and mouse under Linux? What are some good ones? --dim \_ why would OS matter? don't go reaching and making up shit either. \_ most wireless stuff doesn't work with BSD. |
2003/3/13 [Uncategorized] UID:27678 Activity:nil |
3/12 What is a good starting pay rate for a recent graduate now in CS? Any comment... Or are they able to find jobs at all? \_ Mid 70s. |
2003/3/13 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:27679 Activity:low |
3/12 Anyone have any idea of how to open a lot of tabs in mozilla automatically? (I have a javascript function that calls lots of window.open calls for my "morning news read" that I would like to have in mozilla as tabs instead of separate windows). Thanks! \_ phoenix does somethijng like this \_ "Bookmark this group of tabs" under the Bookmark menu. |
2003/3/13 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27680 Activity:moderate |
3/12 What is the best method for securely updating the contents of file (unix/c)? What I've got right now is open() then mkstemp() and copy the bits from the old fd to the fd from mkstemp() and finally call rename(). I've specified O_RDONLY|O_EXLOCK, which should prevent two instances of the process from colliding, but I'm concerned that the call to rename() may not be "safe". TIA. \_ what is your definition of "secure"? What's wrong with more obvious methods? \_ race conditions. \_ rename is atomic. what you describe should work fine. --aaron |
2003/3/13 [Uncategorized] UID:27681 Activity:nil |
3/12 Lech Walesa supports the war: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030312/ap_wo_en_po/eu_gen_poland_walesa_iraq_1 |
2003/3/13 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo, Recreation/Media] UID:27682 Activity:high |
3/13 SETI@home made Yahoo Headlines! http://story.news.yahoo.com/fc?cid=34&tmpl=fc&in=Science&cat=SETI \_ Yahoo? When it makes ABC/CBS/NBC during prime time lemme know. \_ Expect this to be deleted. \_ Still waiting. \_ Here, I'm deleting it: kkkkkkk8ddZZ \_ It will be as soon as one of three people logs in. The typical deleters aren't awake yet... slackers! \_ Actually the thread was deleted. It was some political nonsense. -waiter |
2003/3/13 [Politics/Domestic] UID:27683 Activity:nil |
3/13 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18071-2003Mar12.html for the UN lovers among us \_ It's too bad that the UN and its legitimacy seem bound to the notion of liberal or convservative; republican or democrat. The UN is a terrible holdover from the previous century -- with no checks, balances or accountability. \_ Expect this to be deleted. \_ Still waiting. |
2003/3/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27684 Activity:moderate |
3/12 http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/03/12_uclink.shtml Not that we have any students in the csUa, but what's up w/ uclink? \_ The system was down, yo! Seriously though, unlink fucked up. Unlink go boom, mail lost, etc., etc. \_ No shit. It's run by university know-nothings. What'd everyone expect? Professionally run systems? \_ Right, did you have a question there, or were you just trying to restate the comment you are commenting on? \_ It's called a comment. Last I checked people are allowed to add their own comments to the motd. Also, a quick check with your English P teacher will help you to see I wasn't restating the previous comment, but was adding my opinion stating for the first time that the problem is moronic and unprofessional government admins. \_ Yes, you are allowed to add comments to the motd. And I am allowed to add comments of my own lambasting you for your comments' lack of content. And check with your English teacher, you have a dangling participle in your most recent comment. \_ My comment has content. You're allowed to disagree with my comment but you'd be wrong to state that there isn't content. Thanks. \_ Content free comment. \_ "Students who are concerned that they may have missed deadlines or lost academic material because of the system failure are urged to talk to their instructors to make alternative arrangements." (uclink ate my homework) \_ Because they don't do backups. |
2003/3/13 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:27685 Activity:nil |
3/12 Beijing plans to use North Korea to help drive the US out of the Pacific - courtesy of FR http://www.brookesnews.com/031303zhang.html \_ The author is truly a man ahead of his time. |
2003/3/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/SW/Security] UID:27686 Activity:very high |
3/13 http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20030313/4942670s.htm "Much of the information on Mohammed's laptop computer was protected by an encryption code that CIA analysts cracked easily, U.S. intelligence officials said." It was probably RSA or PGP. What else is he likely to have used? Something from MS? \_ They threated to kill his preteen kids if he didn't give them the password. \_ Damn those unsecure end nodes. \_ Microsoft Visual ROT13++ \_ Microsoft Active Visual 2ROT13#. \_ Be sure to download the first three patches and upgrade before using. The fourth patch allows you to encrypt, but won't decrypt non-MS ROT13 encryptions. They are still working on it... \_ This stuff is getting so old it's not even funny anymore. \_ This stuff is still funny, because it is still the case, despite how long it has been the case. \_ Any system in which the key is shorter than the message is an inherently weak system. The only one "safe" encryption system is OTP (and even that is not safe if you have your own Guardian of Forever) \_ Guardian of Forever? Is this some nerdy book/tv/movie reference? \_ Here's a cookie for you. \_ I'm serious. What is it? \_ Watch TOS Ep. 28. \_ so what the fuck is TOS? \_ You do realize that no one is obligated to answer your question, yes? \_ Your geekdom passport has been revoked. \_ 'cause we all know jocks r00l. \_ oh no! What WILL I do? Oh that's right, have a life. Never mind. \_ Sorry, but we don't buy it. You've already proven you have no life by posting here. |
2003/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:27687 Activity:moderate |
3/13 This is a bit obscure and I've obGoogled to no avail: I'm trying to get opengl SGI apps to display on my cygwin box but the sgi side complains that it can't find libgl.so in any paths. Any ideas? Thanks! \_ Does it work on the local SGI machine? Sometimes openGL stuff is installed in its own subdirectory which isn't searched by default. Try man ldconfig (might not work for SGI though). \_ works perfectly on the sgi. I can redirect the DISPLAY and get non-opengl stuff working easily. I can't get anything that uses opengl on the sgi to work on a remote display. Won't show up on my Solaris box either for the same reason. \_ Don't you need OpenGL installed on your cygwin box? The X server isn't going to know what to do with those OpenGL function calls. I know that an app that we developed requires OpenGL installed even when it is run remotely. \_ yes this is correct. in fact it is often nice to run opengl programs from a fast computer on a display with fast opengl. sgi offers a program called vizserver, however, that will let you send the actual frames over a remote connection. you need it installed on both ends. \_ Ok I figured it was something like this and my cygwin is a complete install of everything and seems to already have a bunch of opengl files but not the one the sgi wants. I tried copying&renaming opengl.* to libgl.* into the path the sgi wanted and no-go. Maybe I really don't have opengl installed or I need some option to XWin.exe to get it to load. Any more hints in this direction? Thanks! |
2003/3/13 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:27688 Activity:high |
3/13 Republican legislator proves Holocaust caused by Gay Nazi's: http://csua.org/u/abf \_ mmm, gay nazis \_ wow |
2003/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:27689 Activity:high |
3/13 Can anyone think of any benefits of IE6 over Mozilla other than the more-easily-customizable toolbars in IE6? \_ javascript stuff doesn't always work in mozilla \_ wrong jscript stuff doesn't always work. javascript works. \_ whatever. \_ If you are one of those people who belive that tabbed-browsing-is-the-spawn-of-the-pits-of-shoggoths the fact that IE6 doesn't have tabs is a benefit. \_ Those can be turned off \_ What complaints do people have with tabbed browsing? \_ It violates some bs hci rules or something. Some usability drone at work was telling me how tabbed browsing just ruins "workflows". \_ He's an idiot. It's much better than opening a whole new window for each of 20 links on a page I'd like to see. Shoot that stupid bastard. He's some dotcom \_ He's an idiot. It's much better than opening a whole new window for each of 20 links on a page I'd like to see. Shoot that stupid bastard. He's some dotcom leftover. \_ Worse. He's an academic fossil with a CS PhD in HCI and a whole list of worthless papers and standards that he is the author/co-author of. \_ Oh God... save us all! Kill him now! \_ tabbed browsing is a god send. \_ I never used it. Why is it so great? Isn't it just that you several open pages as "tabs"? Why is that better than just having several open browser windows? \_ Just try it. It's much easier than chasing windows all over the place. \_ It's kind of like virtual desktops. You can "group" certain topics. Like I have one browser full of tabs that is work-related stuff, and one that isn't. --aaron \_ I thought exactly the same until I used it. It's hard to describe but here's an example: I go to a site that has a lot of links from one page such as google, slashdot, cnn, or other news sites. I can single click open 20+ tabs and they load in the background while I continue looking for other things on the same page I want to read. When I'm done I can then start reading through those tabs. The non-tabbed way would have 20+ windows fucking up my screen and on some/most platforms force me to reclick the first page to bring it back to the top each time. Also, one click and the whole browser goes to the taskbar. Non-tabs means 20+ clicks. It's better. Try it. You'll like it. \_ just discovered that the toolbars are even nicer/easier to customize in mozilla with phoenix installed... -OP \_ but phoenix also breaks lots of other nice features :( \_ like? \_ phoenix 0.5 doesn't support the google search in the address bar, nor the group bookmark open in tabs that I was originally seeking... Maybe .6 will. I can't believe they have to change the name b/c someone else trademarked phoenix?!?!? seems bizarre... -OP \_ the nightly build has working google search, even better because if you just type a phrase in the URL bar it does a feeling lucky search. --aaron \_ better support for plugins. maybe it is insecure for morons but I like being able to just say "yes, dl the plugin" in a dialog box that pops up (or never bother me aboutthis plugin again) and just have it work. And since I'm not a moron it isn't a big deal. \_ is there a test of some sort to determine one's moron status? \_ yes. the motd. you've failed. \_ Am I a moron? |
2003/3/13-14 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27690 Activity:low |
3/13 In all these pictures of military guys lately, the soldiers have have a backwards American flag patch on their arm. What's that all about? Symbolize anything? \_ http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html#3 The last question. \_ Someone ought to tell Old Navy that it has been violating Section 8d for the last 5 or so years. \_ It's so the Iraqi's can see it facing the right way in their rear view mirrors as they flee. \_ omg! you're right! someone notify the pentagon. \_ It's a secret message from the skull and bones crowd to the novus ordo seculorum people. \_ you got it. this is why the bank of England flys their flag backwards also. \_ especially when the wind is in the wrong direction. |
3/15 |