2003/3/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27638 Activity:high |
3/9 Look at these desperate losers trying to call a crop duster a 'smoking gun'. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-605557,00.html \_ A remote-controlled crop duster with a 25-ft wingspan? In combination with the anthrax that Iraq has? Note also that it wasn't declared by Iraq. \_ You don't have to declare farm equipment! And they don't have any anthrax. The inspectors haven't found any because there isn't any. \_ I didn't know Iraq was remotely dusting their crops, why don't we do that here in the U.S.? Thanks for the insight. \_ Well, I guess we haven't wanted to dust israel with aerosolized anthrax or botulin toxin lately. |
2003/3/10-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:27639 Activity:high |
3/9 Interested in coding games for a living? Check out Three Rings Design. They are working on a game called Puzzle Pirates. It's a massively multiplayer game that's not 'just another treadmill' (TM), and may appeal to a wider demographic than the traditional hard core gamer set. They are looking for a kickass Java hacker. Job details at: http://threerings.net/jobs I met Daniel James, Three Rings' CEO and one of their game designers at the annual MUD-DEV dinner held during GDC. He seems like a pretty cool guy, and I have it on good advice that he is a standup guy when it comes to business stuff. Mention you heard about this from me, by way of the Berkeley Computer Science Undergraduate Association. If you have further questions, feel free to drop me an email. -dans \_ Other random info... their head art guy is Rick Keagy. Cal grad, and cool fellow that worked with blojo and me in the Bolt-Action days. -bz \_ I'll check it out right after I kill just one more mob. I think he'll drop the stone shield of karthas for sure this time! \_ Oh, yeah, as an added bonus, you get to make piratey noises as part of your job, without having to be a warez kiddie. -dans \_ Is that part of the interview? "AAARRRRR! AVAST YE MATEY! SHIVER ME TIMBERS IF IT ISN'T EDONKEY SCUM!" Like that? Do I win? \_ I dunno. I don't work there. I just got a very good vibe from Mr. James, and heard good buzz about the game. Of course, this begs the quest, why am I not trying to get this job? Main reason is that I'm a little busy with trying to finally graduate, and, apparently, they want someone NOW. \_ A general observation on game developers. I'm not one and I have this image of game developers being a bunch of slackers who slap something together that sort of works and never fix bugs. Seems like the nature of the industry. It's not critical and there's never a version 1.1. Another thing is commitment to the job. Turnover seems high. Can't get their ass in gear and do maintainance work or write specs. That's why I haven't hired anyone with a background in gaming industry and is looking to switch. Am I being too harsh? \_ I'm inclined to disagree with you entirely. I work for a MUD company, and everyone here works his/her ASS off. We have limited resources and often need to choose between maintenance and feeping creaturism. This is an engineering tradeoff like any other with costs and benefits associated with each option. Unlike business/productivity software, when it comes to games, one can make pretty strong arguments for features over bugfixes. Basically, new features in games often make all users happier, while new features in a word processor will probably only appeal to a small portion of existing users. Bugfixes in games only please the people affected by the bug. That said, when a game crashes, what have you lost? Some play time. When your word processor crashes and you lose your PhD thesis, you're going to be pissed. Like many things, ymmv. -dans \_ dans, you're confirming my views on game developers as far as fixing bugs go. Nothing personal, but it's the nature of the industry not to fix bugs but put out features. Fine. If I need a guy to sit down and fix bugs and write specs, game developers aren't a good fit. Writing design specs and test plans is more important than actually doing the work for nearly all non-gaming businesses. Are game programmers cut out to do this? \_ I think you misunderstand what I said. I'm not saying that game programmers choose features over bugfixes because that's what they like to do (though that may be true for some), I'm saying they make this choice because it is often the correct engineering decision for the situation. The same can be said for folks who chose to use two digits to represent the year in systems that were never meant to last until Y2K. I have seen people that program games, and are capable of writing a solid spec, testing plans, and following up on the project. For example, our very own appel holds the distinction of being the most frighteningly good documentation writer I have ever met. He also happens to be the guy who hired me at Skotos. :) -dans \_ sounds like you don't know what an SDLC consists of \_ Considering many game engines are used by multiple teams at once over a lifespan of several games and possibly even for several generations of consoles, I think good game programmers need to be able to document code, fix bugs in a timely manner, all the while adding features to keep the engine cutting edge. Oh and as far as bugs go, console games don't get to be patched and so the console company tends to be pretty anal at making sure there are no bugs in there. (Not to mention a computer game's complexity is insane compared to something like a word processor.) \_ Game development is so much more difficult in every way than the puny "software development" you're familiar with, that this discussion is pointless. Go try and make a modern game before you go slagging game developers. -blojo PS: Not to say that a lot of game developers aren't lame. Just like any industry, there are plenty of dumbasses. Yet most other "software developers" don't even measure up to those dumbasses. Sad but true. \_ I see blojo has done some empirical studies of the software development industry and has come forward to present his results. Hear hear! \_ I'd agree with him... game dev salaries are lower than elsewhere in CS because the supply of geeks who want to do games is high. Companies can afford to be picky, and their interview processes are usually tougher. You can argue that perhaps game developers are more willing to use hacks to squeeze some more performance out of the engine, but to question their overall professionalism and engineering quality is probably misguided. \_ Game development is all he knows. He may be right, in some limited sense (I am still not convinced) but more likely he is just shooting his mouth off. |
2003/3/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27640 Activity:insanely high |
3/9 Does anybody here really support going to war? I saw Blix giving his report on Friday and it seemed like he was making progress. If you do support the war, why? \_ You don't seem to understand that the inspectors are there only to confirm that voluntary disarming has taken place. They are not detectives. They do not have the capability of finding anything that the Iraqis might be trying to hide. Once you understand and accept that fact you'll understand why the anti-Saddam folks want to see this happen and get his ass dead or in prison along with the rest of the bastards in the Baath party. but sometimes it is less bad that "containment". Also Sadaam is \_ you don't seem to understand that the OP was asking a question, not making a statement. \_ The real issue for anti-war has nothing to do with Saddam, at least for me personally. United Nation was founded on the base of national soverignty. Whatever we think we are doing the right thing, fundamentally, what we are doing is no differ from Japan's invasion of Manchuria / Soviet invasion of Czech, and yes, Nazi's invasion of Poland. War, idealogically, should be last resort. If there are more than one country who adopted preemptive strike policy, then the world will be in a much \_ terrible place to live. \_ So you believe that anything going on inside the borders of another nation is a-ok and no one on the outside should do anything about it because of national soverignty? You think if we knew for real what was going on in the concentration camps we should have left the Nazis be so long as they didn't stomp on their neighbors? Would you agree that Milosevic was ok with all the ethnic cleansing going on? It was inside his country, after all. What if Israel forced all the Arabs out of policy transformation the likes of which has not seen since the 1940s. This was expected at the end of the Cold War, but was delayed pre-1967 Israel by force? Or executed them all just because they policy. That aside I think his domestic agenda has been a disaster, namely spending like a liberal. can because it's their country, right? \_ Well we are supporting Pakistan. Angola seems to always be below the "killing our own citizens" limit as is Indonesia and North Korea. The US still refuses to sign many international treaties against things like bioweapons, chemical weapson, land mines, war crimes, etc. Too bad about all of that. have had to argue against the hawk's strident remarks. \_ Too many people on Earth. War = death. Death = good, as long as it's not my death. \_ Ah, techno-libertarian-geek politics in a nutshell. \_ then, US should unleash all its nukes on China and India first. Take out those 2 countries will elimate almost 1/3 of world's population. \_ Yes, because the people in Iraq deserve to be freed from a tyrant dicator and get a try at "democracy". Tyrants like Saddam only respond to force and violence. The only reason Blix is in Iraq is because of the threat of war. I do not like violence, but sometimes it is less bad than "containment". Also Sadaam is but sometimes it is less bad that "containment". Also Sadaam is aparently manufacturing more al Samoud 2 missles to replace the ones he's had to destroy. If you lived in Iraq, what would \_ I say we overthrown Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Jordan government first. Saddam may be a dictator, at least its a republic. I would think absolute Monarch should go first. \_ A republic? It's a dictatorship. You can't have both. Sheesh. Anyway the other Arab states you mention are mostly heading in the right direction, albeit slowly or at least have a chance of doing so. The Baath party in Iraq will never give up power. Force is a last resort. Saddam is beyond that point. The others are no where near it. you want, freedom or more inspections? \_ You're in the minority on this one. Pretty much everyone cares one way or the other. Go back to hacking Java. We'll wake you when it's over. \_ A better question might be does anyone here really care? \_ "Those who are good at getting rid of trouble are those who take care of it before it arises" - Master Sun \_ unfortunately the Supreme Court kept that from happening. \_ That gosh darned electoral college - what were the founding fathers thinking. Oh thats right, you have absolutely no idea. \_ "If your forces [votes] are not equal to those of the enemy, avoid their edge for the time being, waiting for a gap; then make a determined bid for victory." - Master Sun \_ Unless you're Al Gore. \_ "When you know neither the arts of defense nor the arts of offense, you will \_ You're way off topic, trollboy. Move on, nut head. lose the battle" \_ Yes, I think Bush has handled the war on terror impeccably, policy transformation the likes of which has not seen since the 1940s. This was expected at the end of the Cold War, but was delayed above reproach. We are in the midst of an overarching foreign policy. Nato is dead (has been dead), so is the U.N. The geopolitical alignment is shifting, regardless of the who the US president is. That aside I think his domestic agenda has been a disaster, namely spending like a liberal. \_ Hey! Clinton didn't do-nothing, know-nothing! He did a lot! He started the current shitfest in Israel/Palestine. He blew up an aspirin factory. He blew up some camels. He chicken shitted out when the going got tough in Somalia. He did a lot! \_ The New Pax Americana? The world's policemen? I thought the Republicans were against that. policy transformation the likes of which has not seen since the 1940s. This was expected at the end of the Cold War, but was delayed for eight years by Clinton's do nothing know nothing foreign policy. That aside I think his domestic agenda has been a disaster, namely spending like a liberal. \_ You can't beat the locals at their own game in their own country. Stronger or more inspectors won't work. Inspectors are meant to \_ The Soviets never honored the ABM or SALT treaties either, they were a joke. \_ Neither did we. What's your point? So they spent their country into the ground and are now quite happy to dump their nukes. Sounds like Reagan's Soviet policy worked pretty damned well. "The bombs will drop in 5 minutes". \_ The Soviets did honor the ABM treaty. They were allowed to build a test facility (which they tricked the US into thinking was real) near Moscow. It was covered. The US never signed SALT or SALT II. \_ To paraphrase Harry Belafonte, Powell's a house servant. You know that the smartest and scariest guy in the fray is Rumsfeld. \_ Riiight... I suppose Condi is too. Modern liberal philosophy is implicitly racist, and you are a disgusting wretch. \_ If you're going to base your political philosophy on what an aged song writer/singer of little ditties has to say, you have no business having an opinion. Perhaps you should see what Streisand or Garafalo or a number of other hollywood knuckleheads are saying? At least they were born in the last century so senility isn't an issue yet. \_ Here's the end deal with me. The reason for war can be stated for humanitarian reasons. But not getting our traditional allies to join us is just plain stupid. There is no rush for war. Iraq has been slowly toturing and killing it's own people for decades, in no small part thanks to the US and it's allies. Hussain will make an error and then war can be had. The US needs to PROVE to the world that it is right. And it really hasn't. verify when a state truly wants to disarm (like former Soviet states). Saddam will only be disarmed by force, and disarming by force de facto equals "regime change". We'll end up where we would have ended up anyway, but Rummy and Wolfy should have watched their words and followed Powell's advice. Then France, et al. may not have had to argue against our dig in, for whatever reasons. |
2003/3/10-11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:27641 Activity:moderate |
3/10 Has any of you win98 users with dial-up experienced this? Clicking Explorer (folder explorer) will bring up dial-up networking. \_ this happens usually if you are using a yahoo or google toolbar and you have a dial-up adapter to dial-on-demand. \_ I'm not sure about the toolbar bit, but go to the internet options, connection, set to directly connected, and uncheck the 'autodial' and pick nothing in 'use this dialup connection' -dwc \_ You registry is mushed. |
2003/3/10 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:27642 Activity:moderate |
3/9 More on the belligerent lawyer at the mall. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/crossgates1.html \_ He was just looking for a lawsuit. |
2003/3/10 [Uncategorized] UID:27643 Activity:nil |
3/9 Unlink loses email. Film at... ah, fuck it. We saw this coming. |
2003/3/10 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:27644 Activity:high |
3/9 What's peoples' general view of the economic situation in California right now, specifically regarding the technology/job market? This seems like an interesting place to ask (lots of people with academic backgrounds working in the industry). I'm curious because we're generally considered to be about 6 months behind the US cyclically, and I'm interested in getting an idea of how people feel about the economy right now. Bottomed out? Getting worse/better? -John \_ If we start dropping bombs, we'll head for a bottom. within a quarter or so, we'll reach that bottom. \_ nonsense. the economy is waiting for the war to be over before anyone is willing to spend money on anything. business hates uncertainty. \_ I started job search maybe 3 weeks ago. Things are still 'bad', but nowhere near as bad as they were 6-9 months ago when other friends of mine were looking. -dans \_ ditto here \_ California economy will be in the toilet until Bush is out of office. \_ California economy is in the toilet as long as Davis is in office. \_ 1998-2000? Seemed pretty good to me. \_ Hello? It was based on VC money and lies. \_ I think the Bay Area is still in aweful shape. Of the unsolicited resumes that I sent out, they all got suck into the blackholes; no responses. \_ maybe your resume sucks? \_ There's still room to drop before going back up. Lots of problems still with housing costs and lower wage nonprofessionals plus the VCs aren't gonna get over their bubble anxiety attack. If the war goes as predicted, the Bay Area won't see a return to 1996 levels for at least five years. That would get us back to a hopeful, preboom happiness. Good jobs, but no widespread boom. |
2003/3/10 [Uncategorized] UID:27645 Activity:nil |
3/10 http://www.kuro5hin.org/prime-intellect Read now. Pretty decent speculative sci-fi on the Singularity, especially for someone's first novel. Paypal the author a couple bucks if you like it. Please don't bitch if you already knew about this from Slashdot or K5. \_ No it isn't. |
2003/3/10-11 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/Networking] UID:27646 Activity:nil |
3/10 Just set up a new wireless network, but my ssh sessions all time out if i'm idle for over 5 minutes or so. This has happened with three different laptops on two different networks. Anyway to stop it? \_ if you're lucky, your router will have a way to adjust the idle timeout. Unfortunately, the open access point above westside bongo burger (netgear MRsomething) does not. The rest of the AP's I've been on have saner timeouts. |