2003/2/26 [Transportation/Bicycle, Industry/Jobs] UID:27528 Activity:high |
2/25 I'm a lazy 5'8" sysadm, is a kawa ninja 500 big enough for me? \_ almost related - I'll be selling my bmw 850R soon, and cheap. Showing age (72k), but motor is solid. Reasonable first bike, good commuter. was 130 this year for 100/300 liability. -jor \_ yes \_ on a related note, how much do you bikers pay for insurance? - biker-wannabe \_ depends entirely on cost/year of the bike, displacement, and your driving record/experience/training. anywhere from $150 per year to $3000 per year. -- caliban \_ I have a 2001 Ninja 500 (aka EX500) for sale. Mail me if you're interested. Was my first bike too, glad I didn't go get anything more. -nevman \_ are you a sysadm? how much you weigh? i am very comfortable on it. -- caliban \_ sysadm, hmm, let me fire up the old abacus. First question is how many tubs of butter do you eat per day? \_ that depends on what you are looking for in a bike. the ninja/ex 500 is a perfect starter bike for a new rider who is interested in sport bikes. you'll want to replace it, most likely, in a year or two max. i'm 5'8" and can fit just fine on any sport bike, though something shorter like the ex 500 (or250) makes for more confident learning. i currently ride a BMW R1150GS, a huge bike, and though 5'8" is about the limit for that bike, i am very comfortable on it. -- caliban \_ are you a sysadm? how much you weigh? \_ sysadm, eh? Hmm, let me fire up the old abacus. First question is how many tubs of butter do you eat per day? \_ my roomate's 5'7" and he when he rides a 500EX he could barely touch the ground with his toes (30.5" height on the 500). Does that mean he can't ride taller bikes like the ZX-6R (32.5" height)? |
2003/2/26 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27529 Activity:nil |
2/25 At a party attended by Congressman Tom Delay to a French diplomat, after discussing Iraq: Delay: "Do you speak German?" Diplomat: "No" Delay: "You're welcome" Delay walks away. \_ Boy, that'll show em! Those Frog Eaters!!! How dare they disagree with us about anything after all we did for them 55 years ago! \_ Not to mention trying to draw a parellel between Iraq and Nazi germany is just plain silly. |
2003/2/26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27530 Activity:low |
2/25 what is the most efficient way in shell (pref) or perl to get the IDLE value for a given user. I'm thinking there's probably a better way than "w | grep $user | awk '{print $5}'" \_ perl, User::Utmp \_ you don't need the grep command; in FreeBSD at least you can do a "w $user" which speeds things up slightly. \_ You don't need grep, just awk: w | awk '$1 == user { print $5 ; }' user=$user You can make this shorter with fancy quoting... |
2003/2/26 [Uncategorized] UID:27531 Activity:nil |
2/25 Can someone tell me where to find the 2 hooka places near Didi Reese near Gayley? Thanks. -ucla ee guy \_ There are some on Westwood Blvd. Is that what you mean? --dim |
2003/2/26 [Transportation/Car, Reference/RealEstate] UID:27532 Activity:nil |
2/25 Ok this car alarm has been going on for 10 hours straight and it's parked on the street by my apartment. What can I do about it LEGALLY? \_ steal the car. Clearly no one will notice. |
2003/2/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27533 Activity:very high |
2/25 What day do you think we officially begin the attack on Iraq (not counting the constant low level bombing of radar and SA that's been going on since 91)? I put 5 bucks on march 16th, Iraqi time. I don't understand why this was deleted. Restored. \_ Beware the Ides of March. \_ Bad choice. Two days before the full moon? A lot depends on what level of intensity the US wants to start with. Probably a week or two of airstrikes to be followed up by invasion, airborne to get the airport with full assault through Turkey and Kuwait. Still need a couple of weeks to get the troops set in Turkey. Push it to bombing around March 21 and invasion a week later. \_ Pave. -John \_ We already have Special Forces on the ground in Iraq. How does this not count as officially beginning the attack? \_ They are spying. They have not actively disrupted Iraqi operations. Guiding missles and bombs to targets doesn't qualify. \_ Because by that standard, the 1991 war never ended. If you want to go by your definition, there's no need for any new resolutions, congress, the UN or anything. \_ APRIL NEVER ENDED! \_ So if Iraq sent infiltrators into the United States to blow up selected military targets, that would not be considered warfare by you? Just making sure you are willing to consistent here. \_ It is warfare. It isn't a mass invasion. That would be Mexico, currently. |
2003/2/26 [Computer/HW/Soundcard] UID:27534 Activity:nil |
2/25 What are the major milestones in soundcards of the last 10 years? Soundblaster: 8 bit, mono Soundblaster 16: 16 bit, stereo SB AWE32: ??? Roland ???: high end midi SB Live: ??? ???: \_ Gravis Ultrasound. |
2003/2/26 [Transportation/Car] UID:27535 Activity:high |
2/25 Any recommendations for a good car alarm? \_ here's a recommendation: fuck off and die. \_ I've had minimal problems with Clifford. Very customizable (sensitivity, inner/outer sensor, tones, alarm duration, etc) \_ I got a car alarm thinking that I would use it all the time in Berkeley. I never bother arming it because if it goes off, I have to run out to the front of the building to disarm it. Just get a lo-jack system. You don't have to worry about pissing off your neighbors and tripping it yourself. A car alarm is money wasted. How many people hear one and think to call the cops these days? \_ if you're enough of a motherfucker to own a car alarm you deserve to have your car stolen. \_ idiot child, many cars for the last several years come with car alarms from the factory. not the shitbox you might own but most real cars have one as standard equipment. \_ For what little they do, you can leave it off when parked in the burbs. \_ the point stands. \_ what point? that you own a shitbox? ok, point made! \_ and those alarms tend to play nice. That is they only go off if someone forces open the door or the like. Car alarms like that aren't really a problem. The ones that are always going off are the vibration sensative or worse proximity sensative pieces of crap that go off when someone drives by or shakes the car. \_ My alarm lets me choose between vibration-and-open and open-only when I activate it. Pressing 1 alone chooses the first one while pressing 2 then 1 chooses the second. \_ At 2am I sure do, but probably not for the same reason you're thinking of. (Ok, I've never Actually Called them...) \_ You know, considering how much keying there is here, I see remarkably few cars with alarms going off and long scratches on the doors, or prawn tails in the airco intake vents or 'FOAD' \_ how do you get at them? written in brake fluid on the hood... -John \_ Good suggestions. I'll keep them in mind. \_ When I lived in Southside I used to keep a slingshot beside to bed to nail those bastards who liked to wake the neighborhood at 4AM and then leave their alarm going off. |
2003/2/26 [Science/Biology] UID:27536 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 Darwin/MacOS X questions: What is the equivalent of ldd on darwin? And what is the equivalent of LD_LIBRARY_PATH on darwin? I have a pgm that uses shared libraries and I want to make sure that the right libs are being picked up. \_ man ld and dyld \_ thanks dyld(1) had the info I was looking for. In case anyone else is interested otool -L ~ ldd and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ~ LD_LIBRARY_PATH. \_ "Given enough time a pixie will get you so confused that you'll start looking for happiness in all the wrong places." \_ Wookin pa nub... |
2003/2/26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:27537 Activity:high |
2/25 Looking for songs that sound like Love to Love You Baby or the music in Charlie's Angels, suggestions? \_ Cliff Richard, "Devil Woman." \_ Does BeeGees & KC&The Sunshine Band fall into this category? \_ ObGoogle |
2003/2/26 [Uncategorized] UID:27538 Activity:moderate |
2/25 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030226/ap_on_en_mu/people_dionne_warwick_2 They're just trying to punish her for being a strong black woman and a role model for black youth. \_ Sorry, remind me again, why are they arresting someone for a joint's worth of weed? -John \_ Because this is the Land of The Free. \_ Because if that's what she's carrying through an airport, what else does she have at home? They need to search her homes and find the real stash. \_ racist biggot! \_ No, no, no, no, no! If you want to go there, the right way is to just scream, "RACIST!". The word "bigot" is so passe, and you're not putting your heart into it. |
2003/2/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27539 Activity:high |
2/26 Voice of Iraqis- Why dont antiwar types want to hear them? http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-taheri022603.asp \_ do you think the iraqi people think the US will invade, knock over hussein, and leave? or do they think the US will install a military led government that will exist until the end of time? \_ What do *you* think the Iraqi think? That is clearly more important than what they really think. \_ You know it's all about the oil! As if the Iraqis wouldn't love to sell us all the cheap oil as fast as they could pump it. \_ You know I bet if you went to an anti-abortion rally and tried to get the microphone to speak against them you would get a far less polite response. \_ The Iraqis are misled and misinformed brown people. We white people know what's best for them better than they do. \_ You didn't read the article, did you? \_ Actually I did. You had to retake Subject A, didn't you? \_ I guess meant "we white people" as the anti-war crowd. He thought "we white people" was the pro-war crowd. Is that your meaning? \_ Given the context, I meant the former. However, you can just as well say the latter. What does the fabled Arab street want? Ref Melian Dialogue. \_ Many Iraqi-Americans are opposed to the war. They almost all hate Hussein but many (most?) do not support a US dominated effort to overthrow him. Such complexities are probably too much for your binary brain to handle, though. \_ There are lies, damned lies, and equivocations. \_ OBTW, learn how to indent correctly. \_ The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. |
2003/2/26-3/3 [Industry/Jobs] UID:27540 Activity:nil |
2/26 FactSet... hiring... full-time and interns... San Mateo and NYC mail for details - rory \_ Anger... rising... rage... taking over... \_ I don't get it \_ Some weirdos get upset when people post job ops on the motd. \_ Watch the movie 'Mystery Men' \_ Pull my finger. |
2003/2/26-27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:27541 Activity:high |
2/26 Another procmailrc/spamassassin question: do I need to put the full path name of the spam folder? Or is there some environment variable to tell it where a folder should be located? \_ This is totally well documented. Have you tried "reading"? \_ ObGoogle \_ Only reason I ask is, I've seen several procmailrc examples that don't seem to mesh. For example, some have environment variables (like MAILDIR), some don't. Some have full path names for folders, some don't. When I had just the folder, it put spam in my home directory. But when I put full path name, for some reason, it left new spam in my Inbox. Oh well, I guess I'll google again. \_ You can set your path like so: PATH=/ob/google. you can also set your maildir, but you probably dont need to. get it up and running and if you have problems ask. if you are asking theoretical "i was just wondering" type questions, then RTFM/obgoogle. \_ My questions weren't theoretical, as I explained above. |
2003/2/26-28 [Health/Eyes] UID:27542 Activity:very high |
2/26 Is Lasik suppose to correct astigmatism? \_ Lasik is one of the worst things you could do to your eyes. investigate the Bates method, a method of training one's eye muscles that addresses the cause of poor eyesight, not the symptoms. Lasik is like giving youreslf permanent crutches. very poor choice. \_ Quack Quack Quack \_ Some people are beyond "eye muscle exercise" quackery. \_ Based on my own mother's experience (she now sees double) lasik is still a technology in development and should be treated as such - particularly if your existing prescription is strong and/or you have more than a diopter of astigmatism. -- ulysses \_ When is this done and who (surgeon) did it? Thanks. \_ Based on my own wife's experience (she now sees perfectly) lasik is the most incredible medical advancement since the knife. I'm guessing yermom went to the cheapest she could find. My wife went to the guy who trained all the others in the BA and paid top dollar. Worth every penny and more. \_ in theory, yes. but Lasik has other side effect. I recommend you go to melvyl and read some of the articles in the medical community. experience in these areas is important. Ask around. \_ ObGoogle \_ Not a good application for google. Most of the hits will be Lasik clinics. For my experience, the astigmatism increased slightly in one eye. Other was made nill. \_ My astigmatism was corrected after lasik. It was a custom job though and cost more. \_ Yes, if done right, it will correct astigmatism. For astigmatism and high prescription, having a good surgeon who has successful experience in these areas is important (and yes, it will cost more). Ask around. |
2003/2/26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:27543 Activity:nil |
2/26 http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/stz_lion.htm For that guy who wanted pictures of the shaved kitty. \_ the story was almost certainly made up to go with the picture. \_ Hilarious! Looks kind of like a poodle. |
2003/2/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:27544 Activity:high |
2/26 Anyone have extra Guitar Wolf tickets for this Thursday? -sax \_ first time i read this, i thought it said "Great White" --aaron \_ Baaa. Baaa. \_ Get some sleep, aaron. \_ me too: . wtf? : \_ where's that sheep guy? i want to beat him. - danh \_ Baaa. Baaa. \_ up or off? \_ Doo-moooo! |
2003/2/26-27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27545 Activity:nil |
2/26 I have a file with all the mail I've got in the past few months (single file). I would like to run that file through procmail to produce several sorted files (in particular, I'm interested in the spam folder, but also want the other folders). Presumably there's a straightforward way to do this? \_ Answering my own question: http://mirror.ncsa.uiuc.edu/procmail-faq/mini-faq.html#split |
2003/2/26 [Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/Religion] UID:27546 Activity:nil |
2/26 What have the Muslim countries contributed to the world in the past 500 years? In art, science, music or any other field. I can't think of anything. So what exactly are these extremists embracing? \_ Religion? Getting the west to butt out of their region and stop telling them how to run their countries? \_ the exact same thing christian or jewish countries have contributed (either a lot, or nothing, depending on what your bias). \_ We landed a man on the moon in the year 1755. The west had to wait 200 years to do the same. Of course, our glorious achievement was brutally suppressed by the white man's press and was therefore never fully recognized. |
3/15 |