Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:24 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/2/24 [Transportation/Car] UID:27505 Activity:high
2/23    Looking for car commercial songs. I'll begin:
        Jaguar-- London Calling
        BMW--has James Brown's Sex Machine in one of its three short films
        \_ Many.  Falling in Love Again -- Marlene Dietrich.
        Renault -- Cliff Richard "Summer Holiday."
        Saab -- Cliff Richard "Living Doll"
        Saab -- Rush "Tom Sawyer Extended Remix"
                \_ Hi tmonroe!
        Audi -- Cliff Richard "Living Doll"
        FIAT -- Cliff Richard "Bachelor Boys"
        \_ That cadillac commercial uses led zepplin's
           song "it's been a long time since  I rock and rolled"
           which is a song about a guy lamenting how long it's
           been since he's had sex.
           \_ and your point is...? nissan's whole ad campaign is built
              around a song about how stupid it is that people "live"
              in their cars.
        \_ Zoom Zoom Zoom
        \_ BNL - One Week
        \_ Kylie Minogue
        \_ Dirty Vegas
        \_ Master Cylinder - Jung at Heart
           J. Ralph - One Million Miles
           Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
           "II B.S.," Charles Mingus. "Pink Moon," Nick Drake.
        \_ Fatboy Slim - Right Now was in some commercial, dunno which brand.
        \_ There's a CD with just commercial music, such as Pink Moon
           by Nick Drake.
        \_ "Vehicle," the Ides of March in a recent Ford(?) ad.
2003/2/24 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27506 Activity:high
2/24 -finally they arrest the strike leaders.
        I wonder if that means oil will finally drop; the strike is 30%
        of the reason oil's been going up.
        \_ Yeah, I guess if getting rid of a corrupt political leader
           interferes with your getting a cheap tankful of gas by
           jailing a few brave souls, then god speed to ya'.
           \_ Gosh, in that case, would you like to join the general
              strike to remove a corrupt politician who gained his
              position through unconstitutional manipulation of a
              a corrupt electoral system?  At the least, you wouldn't
              mind if we shut down the economy for a few days to do so,
                \_ if the people of the United States had enough savvy and
                   guts to do just that I'd help in any way I could.
                \_ Yawn.  Your own media spent months trying to prove your
                   assertion and failed.  Go back to alt.conspiracy.
2003/2/24 [Transportation/Car] UID:27507 Activity:very high
2/23    Looking for car commercial songs. I'll begin:
        \_ "RIDE BIKE!!!!!" by Linus and the Hax0rzz
            \_ why is this funny?  fucking nerd.
        BMW--has James Brown's Sex Machine in one of its three short films
        Jaguar-- London Calling
        "Once Bitten Twice Shy" - Fiero
        BMW--has James Brown's Sex Machine in one of its three short
        \_ Many.  Falling in Love Again -- Marlene Dietrich.
        \_ they actually had Janis Joplin sing, yes, you guessed it "Oh lord
           won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz".   Thank god someone with clue
           made them kill that ad campaign QUICK.
        Renault -- Cliff Richard "Summer Holiday."
        Saab -- Rush "Tom Sawyer Extended Remix"
                \_ Hi tmonroe!
        Audi -- Cliff Richard "Living Doll"
        FIAT -- Cliff Richard "Bachelor Boys"
        \_ That cadillac commercial uses led zepplin's
           song "it's been a long time since  I rock and rolled"
           which is a song about a guy lamenting how long it's
           been since he's had sex.
                \_ Its vaguely appropriate don't you think?
           \_ and your point is...? nissan's whole ad campaign is built
              around a song about how stupid it is that people "live"
              in their cars.
              \_ point is, ain't it ironic? yr post proved.
        \_ Zoom Zoom Zoom
           \_ This one makes me want to throw up.  I hit mute and sometimes
              leave the room.
              \_ Yea, I feel like kicking the stupid kid in the face.
        \_ BNL - One Week
        \_ Kylie Minogue
        \_ Dirty Vegas
        \_ Telepopmusik - Breathe
        \_ Master Cylinder - Jung at Heart
           J. Ralph - One Million Miles
           Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
           "II B.S.," Charles Mingus. "Pink Moon," Nick Drake.
           \_ Da Da Da, Trio
        \_ Fatboy Slim - Right Now was in some commercial, dunno which brand.
        \_ There's a CD with just commercial music, such as Pink Moon
           by Nick Drake.
        \_ "Vehicle," the Ides of March in a recent Ford(?) ad.
        \_ "She Sells Sanctuary" - The Cult
           \_ Great song. The Cult is actually still performing and
              releasing new albums.  At least, they toured in support of
              a new album about three years ago. -dans
        \_ Which manufacturer had Suzanne Vega "Tom's Diner"?
        \_ Every song from Moby's Play album.
2003/2/24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27508 Activity:high
2/24    Iraq War Humor:

        US secretary of state Colin Powell was recently approached by
        an Iraqi newspaper reporter and was accusingly asked, "Isn't
        it true that only 13 percent of young American citizens can
        locate Iraq on a map?"

        Secretary Powell stopped, turned, and stated "Yes, this fact
        cannot be denied....but, unfortunately for you, all 13 percent
        are United States Marines.
        \_ not sure if the following is a joke or not,
           from the New Yorker:
           The other day, Secretary of State Colin Powell was reminded
           that his boss [the President] is in bed by ten and
           sleeps like a baby. Powell reportedly replied,
           "I sleep like a baby, too -- every two hours I wake up screaming."
        \_ Not sure if the following is a joke or not,
           From the New Yorker:

                The other day, Secretary of State Colin Powell was
                reminded that his boss [the President] is in bed by
                ten and sleeps like a baby. Powell reportedly replied,
                "I sleep like a baby, too -- every two hours I wake up
2003/2/24-25 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW/Security] UID:27509 Activity:very high
2/24    Okay, I know this type of question has been asked before, but
        here goes. I'm currently using for my
        registrar--they also handle my email (1 pop account + 5
        forwarding addresses + catch-all).  The problem is that they
        only provide www forwarding (with perhaps "url keeper" which
        wraps the page in a frame and it still looks like the domain,
        but is a pretty cheesy technique). Anyway, I'd like to move to
        a hosting service that allows me to keep the same (or better)
        email services, and do either web hosting or aliasing to (say)
        a site.  domaindirect costs about $35/yr. and I'd
        like it to be cheap, but I'm willing to pay more for better
        service if necessary.  Suggestions?
        \_ DynDNS
           \_ Um, did you notice that I mentioned dyndns?  Do they handle
              hosting?  Do they handle email redirects?  Do I have to run my own
              mail server?  Everything I checked about dyndns shows that it's a
              partial solution, not a complete one.
           \_ Um, did you notice that I mentioned dyndns?  Do they
              handle hosting?  Do they handle email redirects?  Do I
              have to run my own mail server?  Everything I checked
              about dyndns shows that it's a partial solution, not a
              complete one.
        \_ is cheap. They won't do hosting but they'll handle
           mail forwarding and aliasing. the downside is they are in
           Europe and you'll get all your e-mail in French (and English).
           \_ I have had 5 domains with gandi for > 3 years now.  They are
              great, their service is fast, their TOS are unambiguous.
              Regarding the DNS, you can do it with the public DNS service.
              Look at -- I found it very
              difficult to get working, though, but it does work.  And it's
              free.  -John
2003/2/24-25 [Computer/SW] UID:27510 Activity:kinda low
2/24    Hi, I have a cookie question.  My bank requires that the browser
        enables cookies in order to log into the web site.  And so I do
        enabled it just for that web site.  My question is, can the contents
        of that cookie be seen by another web site that I visit?  Thanks.
        \_ No.
        \_ Short answer, No.  Long answer: No, but there have been browser
           bugs in the past that made it possible to do this.
2003/2/24-25 [Recreation/Food] UID:27511 Activity:insanely high
2/24    Help! I have a blind date and no idea where to take her.
        Any suggestions? Thanks!
        \_ Into my pants
           \_ No need to take her to a smelly, overhyped place that no one's
              actually been to.
              \_ What're you calling overhyped?
        \_ why is my penis so huge?
           \_ Don't ask questions, son.  Now get back on my lap.
        \_ The Alley Cat on Grand in Oakland.  After 9pm
           \_ is this a joke? I used to like this place when I lived in
        \_ take her to that retarded new upcoming movie with
           steve martin and queen latifah
        \_ obStripClub
        \_ No-Name Sushi (aka Yokoso Nippon) 314 Church St. in SF.
           Medium quality sushi.  Impressively low prices, hole-in-the-wall
           atmosphere.  You'll usually spend 10-15 minutes in line outside,
           but that's sort of part of the experience.
           \_ I think they must fill the sushi w/ starch or something, because
              everytime I go there I come out feeling like I ate a steak and
              potato dinner, as opposed to sushi. But the place is cool...
              \_ you have a weird idea of cool.
                 \_ Move to texas then.
                    \_ can I get good sushi in texas without waiting in line
                       outside for 15 minutes and not feeling like I need
                       to throwup?  Does living in the bay area automatically
                       mean bad sushi at crowded dives?  Does Texas mean
                       good sushi in a nice place?  If so, I'm there, buddy!
              \_ Sushi is mostly starch.
                 \_ ??? Explain yourself.  Or are you thinking of tempura?
                  \_ hello?  rice?
                     \_ Just the raw fish, baby, no rice here.
                        \_ Sashimi is the proper term.
                           \_ its all about the mercury, kids!
        \_ Yeah, find out from the person who set you up what she likes and
           go from there. Damn you need to get smacked by the Clue Club.
           \_ Good idea, but don't go somewhere you're not interested in
              just to impress her, or she's going to think you're into
              that sort of thing.
              \_ spoken like a true soda geek.  figure out what she likes.
                 do that, even if setting yourself on fire would be preferable.
                 repeat 3 times.  bang her.  discard.  start over.
                 \_ And you're speaking like the stereotypical male asshole?
                 \_ whats wrong with putting in some minor effort to make your
                    date happy?  you might as well just go bang some oakland
                    hooker if you dont care.
                 \_ what's the point in making your date think you like some
                    thing you don't?  That's hardly a good start to a
                    \_ he's just a tough guy with 20 bucks burning a hole and
                       a thing for hookers.
                       \_ thought that guy moved to japan and has a striking
                          resemblance to Kim Il Jong
                          \_ like i said, spoken like true soda geeks.  and
                             how well did all that collective sodan wisdom
                             \_ not really sure what you said but not being an
                                asshole got me a beautiful, intelligent, very
                                well educated, loving wife.  whats being an
                                asshole gotten you?  aids? herpes?  syph?
                                \_ Popeye sized arms. I like to switch.
                                \_ Yo' I got half-a-dozen kids in half-a-dozen
                                   states. I am biologically successful, unlike
                                   your pansy ass. How many kids do you have?
                                   \_ It only means that you can't last long
                                      enough for her to cum, so you can't
                                   \_ Your simplistic views on biological
                                      success will purge you from the race.
                                      You're better off having a smaller number
                                      of successful children than a larger #
                                      that won't breed (but will have sex) in
                                      prisons across 6 states.
                                \_ BDG, can you explain this guys folly?
        \_ Tourrettes Without Regrets.  Part poetry slam, part variety show,
           part shock theater.  Always fun.  Sometimes gross and juvenile.
           She might be offended or upset, but I wouldn't want to date
           someone that would be offended after checking it out once.
           Alternate Tuesdays at the Oakland Metro.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:24 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>