Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:22 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/2/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:27490 Activity:high
2/22    Is The New Republic supposed to be conservative or liberal? Someone
        told me it was very conservative, but I just read a very anti-Bush
        article by their editor in the LA Times...
        \_ Bush isn't a conservative.  He's a raving liberal, and an idiot
          to boot.  "Compassionate conservatism" my ass.  He's just another
          poll-swinging kiss-ass spineless political monkey, and given the
          current electorate, that means a liberal.
        \_ I don't read TNR.  However, I consider myself a real conservative.
           Bush isn't a real conservative.  I'm pretty unhappy with a lot of
           his (over)spending policies, his no-border policy with Mexico and
           a few lesser issues.  He's a better choice than that wooden block
           head Gore, but not by much.  Hope that helps.
        \_ Bush isn't a conservative.  "Compassionate conservatism" my ass.
           He's just another poll-swinging kiss-ass spineless political monkey,
           and given the current electorate, that means a liberal.
           --Real Conservative
           \_ I thought Real Conservatives were isolationists.  Bush is
              trying to be Emperor of the World.
            \_ I agree... but to address the question, the New Republic
               is liberal, very liberal sometimes, moderately liberal
               others.  I believe the NR editor is gay so he is scared of
               Islam.  Actually, all mainstream news and entertainment
                 \_ I believe you are an idiot so you are scared of people
                    who think.
               organization are liberal except fox, washington times, few
               others.  If you want conservative thought read Jewish
               World Review, Worldnetdaily, Weekly Standard, National
                \_ oh yes, AOL, GE, Microsoft, Viacom--these are the bastions
                   of liberal thought in our age.  (Exactly who do you think
                   owns "mainstream news"?)  -tom
                   \_ When 90% of the people who report the news (in the major
                      networks) vote Democrat, it's pretty hard to deny a bias.
                      \_ Don't bring facts into it.  You'll just hurt tom's
                         feelings and get the whole thread deleted.
                        \_ oh, "facts," right.  Here's a "fact"; 90% of the
                           people who report the news in the major networks
                           vote Republican.  So there!  -tom
                      \_ Your 90% figure is crap. Here are the real numbers:
                         most journalists are centrist and independent.
                   \_ thats such hogwash.  As if Bill Gates tells some random
                      low life journalist or bottom feeding editor what to
                      write.  You're such a clown.  You're drowning in your
                      own freaky ultra leftism.
        \_ To answer your question, The New Republic considers itself liberal,
           but publishes stories from all sides of the poliical spectrum. For
           some reason they really hated Clinton. Perhaps they just like
           being the voice of the opposition.
2003/2/22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27491 Activity:nil
        I think Suhr can eyeball it a hell of a lot better than some faked
        commission bullshit.  It's a fact.
2003/2/22 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:27492 Activity:high
        All you academicians watch out!  Suspected Terrorism >>> Tenure.
        \_ Who is this Bubba guy (Name sounds familiar)?
           \_ Ok, this ASSHOLE DJ used to be on live 105, and he did the
              "Charlies Pizza" sketch where he like basically makes fun of
              chinese accents.  So he goes to florida, and tries the sketch
              there, and of course ppl there don't get it because they've never
              really seen a chinese person before.  So now he's being mr.
              howard stern wannabee.
        \_ Googling for Sami Al-Arian brings up more info.
           \_ Computer Engineering Prof.
        \_ No shit sherlock.  Would you whine if "Suspected Murderer >>>
           Tenure", too?  Yeah, let him keep poisoning campus because ya know
           hey, he's got tenure so he can do anything!  Just because he's
           helped known terrorist orgs, its ok, he's got tenure!  Get out of
           the ivory tower before it's too late!
           \_ I would whine if "Suspected * >> Tenure". Why should suspician
              of anything get someone fired from their job? <insert comment
              about McCarythism here>
              \_ News says they got really good stuff on Al-Arian off phone
                 taps using the Patriot Act.  Racketeering/conspiring to
                 murder/providing material support for terrorists.  Not
                 looking good for ACLU when you can bust a Real Kriminal
                 with an Ashcroft/Republican measure.
                 \_ noone in the ACLU ever said those tactics were
                    *inneffective*!! The point is that they violate privacy
                    and civil liberties of every citizen, including people
                    "suspected" of anything. If sufficient evidence was
                    gathered about this guy in legal ways (read: in a manner
                    consistent w/ the Bill of Rights, etc) then of course
                    he should fired, convicted, jailed, whatever.
              \_ Since I distrust the *liberal* news media, I would wait
                 until I learn more about these evidence.  There are 2 issues
                 here.  1)  Is a person sympathetic to a cause that is linked
                 to violent struggles automatically guilty of a crime?  Even
                 though the U.S. criticizes other countries for doing that,
                 it itself resorted to this whenever it perceives a threat,
                 even though such threats had been rather minor compared to
              \_ Since I distrust the *liberal* news media, I would wait until
                 I learn more about these evidence.  There are 2 issues here.
                 government.  For some mysterious reason, the U.S. has almost
                 unconditional and unrequited devotion to that government.
                 1)  Is a person sympathetic to a cause that is linked to
                 violent struggles automatically guilty of a crime?  Although
                 are many countries out there very willing to suck up to the
                 the U.S. criticizes other countries for doing that, it itself
                 resorted to this whenever it perceived a mortal threat, even
                 though such threats had been rather minor compared to
                 those facing other governments.  2)  In this particular case,
                 the cause and the struggle was directed against a foreign
                 government.  For some mysterious reason, the U.S. has an
                 almost unconditional and unrequited a devotion to that it.
                 There is nothing wrong with this necessarily, but it is so
                 taken for granted yet both unspoken and unspeakable.  There
                 are many countries out there eager to ally themselves with the
                 U.S. and this country is not even one of them.
2003/2/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27493 Activity:moderate
2/22    Hey, look someone deleted the motd entry about Sami Al-Arian
        Gee, could it have been because it was making sense?
        Oh they replaced it with a thread on Great White. How cool!
        \_ More likely because someone couldn't be arsed to learn how
           to edit the motd without erasing what other people are writing.
           Lazy bastards.
           \_ yeah, yeah  motdedit blah blah blah.  stuff it and your wannabe
              soapbox up yer butt.
           \_ Not likely.  A long thread spanning several hours got removed
              cleanly or replaced.  Possible but not plausible.  However
              anyone is free to restore it from the archived copy.
        \_ so who is it?
2003/2/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:27494 Activity:nil
2/22    Lets not add the motd to the victims of a stupid band thx.
2003/2/22-23 [Health/Disease/General] UID:27495 Activity:high
2/22    Looks like I may have spoken too soon when I said junk food wasn't
        \_ if most overweight ppl followed a low-carbo diet, we would
           dramatically decrease heart disease and diabetes.
           \_ There is some speculatin that herat disease may be infectious.
                \_ racist bigot!
2003/2/22 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:27496 Activity:nil
2/22    Help me understand something. Let's say if the owner OKed the
        user of firework, then the band is free of any responsibility?
        wtf?  If someone comes to my house to cook and burns down my
        house, am I going to be held responsible because I OKed the
        person to cook?  I say the fucking band should be sued, or
        better yet, a bullet in each one of their head is the only way
        to justice.
        \_ Did you watch the band leader's interview on the telly? He
           is one fucked up dude, and said that the band had permission,
           although, he personally didn't check with the owner, he said
           the band mgr did. However, another night club owner said this
           band pulled the same stunt with his club and used pyro even
           though the band didn't have permission. this particular last
           time was this past valentine's day. although, prob not the
           club's fault, they will prob have to have somebody check out
           a band's setup from now on to check for pyro.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:22 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>