2003/2/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27472 Activity:nil |
2/20 Another emacs question if you will. How can I get it to color code different syntax words if I'm editing a C file? Thanks. \_ Put "(global-font-lock-mode t)" in your ~/.emacs. -- yuen \_ awesome. thanks. |
2003/2/21 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27473 Activity:nil |
2/20 Any suggestions for premium dedicated web server hosting? Our current setup is with a small hosting company, but we're not satisfied with uptime, and they don't allocate us guaranteed bandwidth. Thanks. \_ earthlink! |
2003/2/21 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:27474 Activity:nil |
2/20 I'm gonna install spim on my Linux box. How do I generate MIPS code when I don't have access to any old DEC/MIPS based machines? \_ Build a cross compiler. Check out the cs 162 web page, they may have a gcc binary that is capable of cross-compiling to mips |
2003/2/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27475 Activity:high |
2/21 http://yahoo.businessweek.com/magazine/content/03_09/b3822601_tc102.htm "Frustrations, though, run high. One Microsoft executive, chief strategist Craig Mundie, even calls Linux unhealthy for the technology industry. "It ultimately is a question about whether societies are going to value intellectual property or not," he says." \_ In a sense he's right but not for the reasons he says. If all the tech stuff was given away, who would be making new tech? Remember most of this stuff is made by tech people with regular tech jobs who do open source as a hobby. Hard to support your hobby when you're hungry and bills are due. The IP thing is bullshit though. |
2003/2/21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27476 Activity:high |
2/21 You heard it here first: The U.S. will not invade Iraq unless it has shown convincing evidence (what it's presented so far, isn't). We will not get the votes for a serious resolution next week. Crazy people do want to detonate a nuke in Los Angeles / New York / D.C. \_ Haha.. Stupid commie beatnicks will not alter the course of history And just as well, cuz either way, the religious war will continue \_ Jewish ppl were very stout protesters of vietnam. Funny how they're conspiciously quiet when it comes tho iraq. \_ Hope that wasn't a serious thought. The vietnamese wanted Whitey out. Iraq wants the Jews dead. Big difference. \_ Maybe they figure Sharon and Bush make a good team. Hey, Genocides' good as long it happens to the right ppl, oi vey? \_ If you're going to get Yiddish on us at least use the words properly. "oi vey" does not even come close to fitting in this context. Maybe Sharon and Bush are hip to any old genocide, maybe not, but for certain you're an idiot. \_ URL? Anyway, doesn't matter. I know President Sheen will lead us to the promised land of pure utopain liberal secular pacifist (unless the left feels a need to bomb) humanism! Thank you for saving us President Sheen! \_ You know, Martin Sheen is a very strong Roman Catholic as is the character he plays on WW. \_ So what? I'm a very strong atheist. I work out all the time and keep very fit. What of it? \_ Pick up a history book. \_ I'm waiting for Pres Stupid Fuck to declare war on germany/france. \_ President Sheen would never do that! They're our key allies! \_ Seems to me this is more of a war of Texas vs. Iraq. Why not just send the texans to fight it? \_ Yeah! No blood for big oil! Excuse me while I change the oil based tires on my imported bike! \_ don't tell people that there are petroleum products that you don't pay for by the gallon |
2003/2/21 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:27477 Activity:high |
2/20 Campus homosexuals will be purged in the cleansing flame of God's fury! http://www.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/mm20030219.shtml - danh \_ So just because she's a religious right wing nut fascist means she's wrong? -John \_ she ripped almost her entire article from an inflammatory article from the cal patriot people. the uc police read the message boards and hunt down the "gloryholes", so her basic premise of the administration doing nothing is wrong. ok fine maybe she's right in the end where she hints that campus gays will suffer the full righteous wrath of God. - danh \_ Do they really? On at least 2 occasions, I've randomly ended up in a stall featuring one of these. Fucking disgusting. \_ Yeah, me too. I accidentally ended up in one in Wheeler. And then my penis accidentally fell into this guys mouth. I accidentally came all over his face. Disgusting. Even worse, it keeps happening to me! \_ Oh, _gays_. I misread _guys_. Berkeley campus guys have mostly already suffered the full righteous (debatable, but it builds character) wrath of god. -John \_ Maybe she stole the article content but she's still hot. \_ Please explain to me how anonymous sex in public places such as bathrooms and parks benefits society. The consequences of this kind of behavoir are obvious, ie. STD statistics. And yet the liberals want to not only enshrine this behavoir in statute but subsidize it. Please, use common sense when it comes to politics. \_ uh, could you provide a reference for liberals wanting to "enshrine this behavior in statute [and] subsidize it"? -tom \_ Move to houston. I hear your kind is welcome there. \_ You "love it my way or leave it types" are so funny. I love it from the right and I love it from the left. It's so amusing and hypocritical. Thanks for that morning laugh! \_ what i don't understand is how this can persist in a community where homosexuality is totally accepted and where the gay scene has a reputation of being outstanding. why not just go to a bar? \_ What I gathered from that article: 1) She's hot, so she must have a point. 2) What the hell is intersex anyways? That wasn't part of their name while I was a student. 220 does anyone have a copy of Clinton's Final Days handy? it was on adcrtc |
2003/2/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27478 Activity:nil |
2/20 Do BNO passport holders need a visa to visit Japan for short-term? The web site only says British passport holders are exempted. I tried called the Consulate but it's closed. Thanks. (Yeah I can wait till tomorrow.) \_ yes. \_ BNO officially means second class. It is all insult no benefit. \_ Just curious, what is "BNO"? \_ British National Overseas \_ Thanks. \_ I called the consulate: (415) 777-3533. The answer is yes. |
2003/2/21-22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:27479 Activity:kinda low |
2/20 Our company trying to do some streaming video over the net. While that by itself is not a big deal, we want streaming video with seperate channel for subtitles and/or other contents that will appear in seperate frame on the browser. Is there any streaming video format that can easily seperate subtitle in a seperate channel? If not, how can we implement this? \_ I suggest talking to realplayer, MS, and whoever else you can find in the market that is doing commercial streaming and see what they've got going. If you can't find a commercial vendor, your odds of finding an open source ware are about zero. \_ with asf, you can set it up so that it will display an html file at certain intervals. you can have it display subtitles every few seconds. you will need to create separate asf files for each language though since the html page that it calls will be different. i've done this before so send me email if you have more questions -uctt \_ Virage will sell you something to do this. -ausman |
2003/2/21-22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:27480 Activity:very high |
2/21 What are some fun activities to do that require NO money? (They don't need to be limitd to Berkeley). Thanks. \_ Programming, playing chess or go. \_ Just because going for a bike ride doesn't cost me any additional money doesn't mean that it'll be the same for you since you may not have a bike. Long story short: nothing. \_ I know, but I'm thinking along the lines of activities like hiking or going to a Barnes & Nobles. \_ If NO money meants virtually none, lots of places to walk about in SF via a BART/bus ride. Is sake tasting free at that brewery in Berkeley? \_ Yup: Takara Sake USA, 708 Addison St., (510)540-8250 \_ I hear there are some great gloryholes in Wheeler. \_ Sex? \_ Sex! Sex is far from free for the average man. First she uses it to get you to like her, then she stops giving it to you since you won't marry her. Then when she breaks you down and gets to the sacrificial altar it is all over. It will cost you every cent you have and some you don't just to be free of her. \_ BDG!!!! Missed you a lot, man! Welcome back! \_ nah i don't think it's bitter divorce guy. how about me, normal-non-mutant-who-hasn't- had-a-date-in-2-years-guy take up the slack? \_ Not free. Condoms and birth control cost money. \_ so do her in the ass. \_ You still need condoms, plus extra for lube. And getting an STD is expensive. and ass-sex isn't real sex. \_ i'm going to use the above in court next time. \_ There speaks the voice of experience. \_ Agreed. My wife's anus is too tight to be comfortable. Only once in a long while is okay. \_ I find your wife's anus to be a perfect fit. \_ It has to be said... "Pencil Dick" \_ Does masturbation count as sex? \_ it does on soda. \_ Hike up the fire trail behind Clark Kerr to Tilden Part - it's a great workout, and has great views as well \_ Sleep. \_ I read an article on this a while back. Things included: * sneaking into movie theaters * going to bars and then drinking other people's leftover drinks (there should be a word for this) \_ How about 'disgusting'. -mice \_ And don't forget the sharables you can get from someone else's drink. * going to 5 star hotels and reaping all the benefits like you are staying there. the better the hotel, the less likely they are to question you. * GG Park, Shakespeare in the Park, Movies in Marin, stargazing, hiking, all that bullshit. \_ Looking at cute chicks at Sproul Plaza around noon. Only works on school days though. \_ You go to the same school? UC Berkeley? Near San Francisco? \_ You probably only hang out near soda. there are relativley cute girls around spourl. \_ "SWM, 21, no social skills, pasty skin from long hours playing Everquest [Bazoomba, L60 female elf mage], seeks Victoria's Secret lingere model for gawking and wanking over. Must be willing to parade around Soda Hall in skimpy outfits. Real females need not apply." \_ relatively. \_ sproul. \_ Yes I went to the same school. It's just that I've also been to other schools so I know to appreciate the quality of chicks at Sproul. \_ I didn't so I'll take your word on it. Sad if true. \_ Which other schools were these? \_ SJSU, SFSU, some JCs. I've also been to Stanfurd and Davis several times but never on school days, so I can't tell. \_ But you haven't been to UCLA. :P \_ Well, no. Maybe that's why. |
2003/2/21 [Uncategorized] UID:27481 Activity:nil |
2/21 Given a choice, I think crowd counting is more interesting than what some girl is putting up your ass. |
2003/2/21-22 [Politics/Domestic, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:27482 Activity:very high |
2/21 The Mythical Crowd Count: When told of The Chronicle's survey, Alex S. Jones, the director of Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, said, "The number of people (in a crowd) is a mythical number, and now you're going to turn it into a fact, and that won't be welcomed." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2003/02/21/MN240732.DTL God fucking forbid we should really know how many people showed up at a protest anywhere. It's much better to feel good about a made up number. Facts aren't welcomed. \_ none of this will ever make both sides very happy, it's all a guessing game. There wasn't a single hour period where everybody who went was there at the same time, it was over several hours. Some people arrived late, some early, some (like me) bailed on the actual rally. Even if you put up turnstiles to count people you're not going to get an accurate count. I do think it's interesting that the chronicle devoted a few column inches to sunday's events, but published over 2 and a half pages on their big "overcounting" story. Maybe the ChronWatch guy has their children hostage? - danh \_ Oh man, please don't tell me you're a column inches counter like Mr. "Manufacturing Consent"? \_ gee, a counting method that apparently has never been used before, and is based on eyeball estimates of the number of people in photos taken at one specific point in a 4-hour event. Great "facts," for sure. -tom \_ Read the article. Your description of the method is simply wrong. Is that intentional? \_ they divide the photo into boxes, estimate (eyeball) how "full" the box is, and estimate how many people would fit in the box if it was full. This will not give you a "factual" count. It's just another method of estimation. -tom \_ No. They count how many are in a box. The Chronicle did their own count using the same photos and came up with similar numbers. They also reported BART, bridge and ferry traffic as compared to the week before. It sounds a hell of a lot more accurate than "200k makes us feel good so don't mess with us!" \_ what was that about "Read the article"? "Overlaying the photographs with a grid, surveyors from Air Flight Service estimated crowd density in the plaza and along the route. Each grid was evaluated and assigned a density of people, from 10 percent to 100 percent full. Most were judged at 25 percent or 50 percent full. This is the first time the firm has used its equipment for crowd estimation." -tom \_ Nice way to extract just what you wanted out of context. Those who read it will get it. Those who don't aren't reading this thread anyway. \_ no, you're wrong. it's inconceivable that 200k people did not attend the demonstration. \_ no, you're wrong. it's inconceivable that 200k people attended the demonstration. (see how your grade school quality 'logic' works?) \_ see, i'm a well-meaning idealistic lover of peace who gets lots of high-quality liberal pussy, and you're a fascist pig. of course i am right and you're wrong. \_ I get fascist pussy. Fascists shower. \_ It's so cute when two conservatives pretend to argue with each other. Get a room you two! \_ So tom, you've never heard of polls? Statistical sampling? This has never been tried before? \_ Jebus. It's the Chron, and what interest do they have in publishing an article which repeatedly asserts an accurate low count? What, they want to cash in on the new Republican wave overtaking the country? \_ Dude, repeat after me. The press is an unbiased reporter of events. It has no political agenda, and it does not bias its reporting to favor one political ideology over another. |
2003/2/21 [Uncategorized] UID:27483 Activity:nil |
2/21 http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews&storyID=2267218 "British Teens Told to Experiment with Oral Sex" |
2003/2/21-22 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:27484 Activity:kinda low |
2/21 Which laptop sleeve do you recommend? This is for a small and relatively light one (12", 4.6 lb). I saw review for Eagle Creek's Computer Safe but haven't made up my mind. \_ My Arkel Briefcase bike bag came with a nice sleeve. The Wetsuit always seemed pretty cool too. \_ I've owned two Wetsuits, and was very happy with both. The pull tabs on the zippers eventually fall off (after ~1.5 years of use), but the zippers themselves are sound. Both wetsuits I own are very well constructed. Are these still available? I recall Kensington bought Silicon Sports (the original manufacturer of the Wetsuit), and then stopped making them. I bought my second Wetsuit on ebay because I couldn't find them for sale in stores anymore. These days I carry my laptop in an incase Moya-Delux pack: http://stores.yahoo.com/goincase/moyadeluxe.html A little bit overpriced for what it is, but a nice bag. -dans \_ what laptop do you have that requires a wetsuit/sleeve? \_ I had a dream that my laptop was waterproof and I was using it in the pool... man that would be cool. \_ get a life. \_ the military prob has that already. although, they might not be lounging in pools. |
2003/2/21 [Computer/SW/Security, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:27485 Activity:nil |
2/21 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2003/02/21/MN240732.DTL Crowd counting article restored, you censoring bastard. |
2003/2/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:27486 Activity:low |
2/21 Microsoft bought Connectix. This is the ONLY thing that they should be forbid from doing: buying their competition. Bye, Bye Virtual PC. Maybe the open source folks will replace it. \_ Well there is Boochs. And the MacBU has promised to continue developing it. M$ might be many things but it isn't stupid, when people are willing to fork over $s M$ is smart enough to keep selling (ex. Office X). \_ Office X doesn't threaten the MS desktop monopoly. These os "emulators" like VirtualPC, VMWare, wine, etc all do. \_ Microsoft bought apple too. \_ I believe you misspelled "bought shares of apple." \_ If MS wasn't allowed to buy their competition they wouldn't have any products. You'd be hard pressed to think of something MS wrote in house which wasn't based on something they bought or outright stole from some small company. \_ Bob \_ I'm torn between saying, "you got me there" and "Bob isn't a product". Then again, maybe they stole that too. There were a lot of dotcoms with shitty product ideas. |
2003/2/21-23 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:27487 Activity:high |
2/21 How to send personalized ringtone to Nokia GSM phone like 8390? What ringtone format does 8390 accept? \_ I think it's still a monophonic phone, just get Nokia Logomanager crack it, and beam converted MIDI files via the IrDA port. \_ Just FYI, in case this was accidental, correct English would be "How would I send a personalized ringtone..." \_ Racist! \_ Yup. I hate whites, blacks, jews, austrailian aborigines, Just FYI, in case this was accidental, _/ it's spelled "Australian." \_ he(she) particulary hates all people that correct him(her). japanese and chinese and all related asians, American and Indian Indians, Eskimos, and, by God, pretty much every creature that goes on two legs except birds. I also hate Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, athiests, agnostics, animists, Buddhists, and pretty much every person with any religious pretentions whatever. And in particular, I hate you. \_ Racist! \_ Yep poster is bigotted KKK \_ That's something I'd like to figure out, too. Certainly one thing that didn't work was the old Nokia format (messages that started with //SCKL...). -geordan \_ dial 1800 NERDS R US \_ All you fucking idiots with your stupid ring tones need to die. One of the most annoying things about public transit is the endless crap noise cluttering the air from every asshole who thinks he's got such a kewl ringt0ne that we all need to hear it on high for the entire 90 second play time. Death to ringtone idiots! \_ Ditto. And turn the fuckin things off in restaurants, or learn not to chatter on them. And at least please keep your voice down in public. I know the US has crappy mobile networks, but that doesn't mean you have to scream for 10 minutes. -John \_ If you have a Nokia, select "quiet" ring - you know the one that sounds like a normal phone. Please. Do it for the children. It's not good to expose the children to visceral manslaughter. \_ No why can't the Mossad do something useful and kill non-standard ringtone users? \_ I think they have been but there's only just so much even Mossad can do. \_ a gift to you from the Mossad: a brand new Nokia 8390! \_ "Hello, is dis Ali al-Akhbar?" "Yes, hello" "Are you sure dis is Ali al-Akhbar?" "Yes, it is." "Are you really really sure?" "YES WHY?" *BOOM* \_ Is it the new exploding model? |
2003/2/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:27488 Activity:insanely high |
2/21 Poll: Everyone I know is against war with Iraq. Yes: .... No: ..... \_ but none of you count. \_ "everyone" is a big word. \_ Let me guess... you took Subject A, didn't you? |
2003/2/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27489 Activity:very high |
2/21 Whether you are for or against an Iraq War: What do you think is going to happen militarily? Lots of Iraqi casualties, very little for the Americans? A cakewalk for the Americans? A political victory for the Iraqis? \_ If we go in with a UN mandate, everyone will surrender. \_ war in iraq will mean the end of america. the jihad is already primed after the unjust war in afghanistan, and a war in iraq will just unleash the rage of muslims everywhere. it will mean military defeat in iraq without, and uprising and reprisals in america within. american streets will run red with blood as we once and for all cleanse the world of these infidels. this is the will of allah. \_ I've seen the Will of Allah. All I get the Original Star Trek Commemorative plate and a free wings coupon from Hooters. \_ Hey, where's the nearest Hooters? I feel like a road trip. \_ Militarily, Iraq will be defeated. They can't defend themselves effectively in the desert environment against the well trained, well equiped coalition ground forces that are supported by the unchallenged air forces dropping precision munitions on the Iraqis. Remember the "Desert Storm". Iraqis' only hope of slightly changing the odds in their favor is to entrench themselves in the large sites. Baghdad is a large city with a population of over 4 mln people. It will sure be somewhat hard to take it and the US troops might suffer heavier than usual casualties there. But, IMHO, if it gets to the point that Baghdad is under a siege, surrounded by a couple of hundred thousand coalition troops, I am sure the US won't stop there and try to take over it at any cost (be it time or human lives). Eventually, the game will be over. Saddam knows that. I suspect that his strategy of moving the warfare into the cities is nothing more but a PR move to persuade the US and UK that this war will be longer and bloodier than they expect. If the war really gets to that stage, either Saddam will likely try to flee to a third country or he'll be removed from power by an internal coup/unrest. \_ I agree that there won't be some big final street to bloody street battle. SH isn't going to stick around to get his ass shot off. If he does, it's over. If he doesn't there'll be mass surrender in the first 48 hours and the rest will surrender within a week to ten days. \_ I think the US will crush Iraq with less than 1000 casualties. Then we will have to occupy the country for the next 10 years with 2 divisions of troops. Whether this is a good thing or not depends on your feelings about empire. \_ Saddam can drag the diplomatic game on and on until warm weather comes. Then the US soldiers will faint of the intense heat inside their anti-chemical-biological protective suits. Also, if the battle goes into the cities, is it going to be another Somalia? |
3/15 |