Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/2/20-21 [Reference/Tax] UID:27463 Activity:insanely high
2/20    I've been looking at Washington state's tax laws.  Man, this is a
        scam.  I thought that because they have no state income tax, the
        tax would be lower. But no.  They have all sorts of hidden fees and
        charges.  Use tax, personal property tax, forest tax.  Moving to
        alaska is becoming an attractive option to me.
        \_ Move to israel, i hear they have a good progressive tax policy
           for your kind.
        \_ alaska is by far the most beutiful state.  the tax thing is
           not a scam.  i've worked there and they really don't tax anything.
           besides, where else can you go into k-mart and buy a .500 caliber
           *pistol*?  and as far as the oil problems in the mideast goes, they
           have a saying up there "let the bastards freeze in the dark."
        \_ Move to israel, i hear they have a good progressive tax policy
           for your kind.
        \_ tax rates are really low in Alaska's Kenai peninsula,
           have a great time! - danh
                \_ Zero tax in Nevada and Delaware.
                   Incorporate yourself for an even better deal.  -brain
        \_ goodbye, nice knowing you.  don't let the door hit your ass
           on the way out.
           \_ I'm sure CA will be the perfect utopia after all the people
        \_ You should move to Honduras. I hear they have one of the
           lowest overall tax rates in the world.
              in the middle and upper middle classes have left.  Then the
              rich and ultra rich can hire the poor to raise their kids, do
              the dishes and wash the car and everyone will get what they
              asked for.
           \_ I've lived in CA for 20 years.  The typical cycle is:
              economy good, gov't programs expand.
              economy goes sour, gov't cut education and raise taxes
              economy rebounds, gov't expands again.
                         \_ Oi Vey, I only came here for the good money
                            I don't want to stick for the bad, Nietsky.
              repeat ad infinitum.
        \_ You should move to Honduras or Gutamala. I hear they have one
              I'm tired of this never ending cycle.
                \_ so get the fuck out
        \_ Go back to Moscow and take your Menorah with you.
                \_ ohh 20 whole years!  carpetfuckingbagger!
                   \_ dumbshit, no one is really *from* california except the
                      very rare few of us who are native american.  are you?
        \_ You should move to Honduras or Guatemala. I hear they have one
                      \_ Don't be stupid.
                         \_ Oi Vey, I only came here for the good money
                            I don't want to stick for the bad, Nietsky.
              \_ What other possible cycles are there?
        \_ You should move to Honduras or Gutamala. I hear they have one
           of the lowest overall tax rates in the world. If you must
           stay in the US, go someplace like Mississippi or Tennessee.
        \_ Go back to Moscow and take your Menorah with you.
        \_ You should move to Honduras or Guatemala. I hear they have one
           of the lowest overall tax rates in the world. Guatemala is
           a libertarian paradise, with practically no roads, schools,
           public health care, or any of that other big government crapola.
        \_ Hong Kong has a top personal tax rate of 15%.
           \_ Plus there's neither sales tax nor capital gain tax.
              \_ and as an extra bonus, you get to live in the world's largest
2003/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27464 Activity:low
2/20    when I use emacs, the "delete" key does what I want my
        "backspace" key to do, and the "backspace" key doesn't do
        anything. how can I fix this? thanks.
        \_ Put the following in your $HOME/.emacs:
           (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)
        \_ anyone agree that this is probably the most asked question
           on this and similar forums?
           \_ No. This question is.
              \_ No, it isn't.
2003/2/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27465 Activity:kinda low
2/19    Peace Movements: Then and Now
        \_ wow, fear the commies!  Commies everywhere!  Damn reds!
        \_ Completely unfounded drivel!  Congratulations and welcome to
           the motd!
        \_ that was particularly content free, thanks!
        \_ Oh so THIS is what David Horowitz's fearsome magazine and foundation
           are about. God, I can't tell you how relieved I am.
2003/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27466 Activity:low
2/19    Debian question: How can I get the installation to fully work with an
        MDA (monochrome display adapter). I have used : "bf24 video=vc:8"
        at the boot prompt to not display the penguin, but now the screen
        goes blank when the install menu should load.  It works fine with
        the "vanilla" boot argument, but I want to use the bf24 kernel for
        many reasons.  I can't find any more info anywhere.  no "bf24
        video=vc:8 mono" or "bf24 mono video=vc:8" doesn't do it.
        Also, do I pass arguments to "dbootstrap" at the boot: prompt?
        \_ use lilo?
            \_ No, I mean the boot prompt from the debian install CD.
2003/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27467 Activity:low
2/19    how comes rbash  (a symlink to bash) allows me to use vi, but bash -r
        does not?  (Redhat Linux 7.3) rbash does disallow cd and otherwise
        restrict things that it is supposed to.
        \_ Look at what they did with redhat xmms - it doesnt play mp3s fmt
        \_ yes.
2003/2/20 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:27468 Activity:high
2/19    Are there any male celebrities or public figures whom you would
        describe as "pretty rather than handsome"?  I'm trying to figure out
        what exactly that means.  Thanks.
        \_ leonardo di caprio is pretty
           \_ He's got a pretty mouth
           \_ pretty annoying
        \_ Someone who looks like he might be gay is pretty. Someone
           more manly looking is handsome. Note that this has nothing to
           do with the actual sexual orientation, just your perception of it.
           \_ Instead of "might be gay" try an appropriate word like
              "effeminate." There are lots of men who look like they might be
              gay, but hardly any of them are "pretty," or have an high level
              of effeminate beauty.
        \_ I think Legolas from LOTR is pretty.                 - girl
           \_ I did too.  Which made me feel geeky AND gay.
              \_ You're geeky and gay.  I just thought he was an ok depiction
                 of what an elf might be like.
           \_ I thought Legolas looked like sowings.
              \_ !??!? -- u
              \_ Riiiight.  Nice try, sandy.         -mice
              \_ Uh... uhhh.
        \_ Brad Pitt pretty.  Harrison Ford handsome.  Sean Connery handsome.
           Russell Crowe handsome.  Denzel Washington handsome.
           Horman  Goehrring handsome.  Benito Mussolini handsome.
           Tom Cruise pretty.  Rick Schroeder used to be pretty, now almost
           handsome.  Jason Priestley pretty.  Topher Grace pretty.
           Ashton Kucher pretty.
           \_ you have a strange def of pretty.
           \_ Tom Cruise evil. death to scientologists. evil evil evil.
              \_ He can be a scientologist and pretty.  The list of hollywood
                 scientologists is pretty long.  Scary.  I'm glad hollywood
                 is there to speak out for me against the war and the bushes.
                 \_ How many people has your beloved Sharon killed?
           \_ more prettys: the white guy on Scrubs, and the guy in some
              upcoming movie with Robert DeNiro
        \_ So what is Richard Gere considered? Tommy Lee?
           \_ RG: old.  TLJ: ugly.
              \_ RG in American Gigalo: pretty
        \_ I think people are starting to get pretty/handsome confused with
           cute vs handsome vs hot.
2003/2/20 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27469 Activity:nil
2/20    I saw President Sheen on tv last night saying how invading Iraq
        is bad.  I hope Congress listens and doesn't declare war.  Think
        of the children!
2003/2/20-21 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:27470 Activity:high
        Do any of you have one of these?
        \_ They're not being sold yet you idiot.
              \_ They should really put the Fujitsu S series in the comparison.
        \_ looks kinda cool, I'd be worried about the display though, and
           does anyone know how the processor is?
2003/2/20-21 [Finance/Investment] UID:27471 Activity:high
12/20   Anyone on this board working at
        \_ This _board_?
        \_ prophetFinance looks pretty lame, from the website.  Are you
           trying to get a job there?
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>