Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:17 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/2/17 [Computer/SW/OS] UID:27436 Activity:nil
?dab ti si ,msa_ htiw gnorw si tahW _\
neuy --  .sknahT  .gnihtyna dnif t'ndluoc tub moc.tfosorcim.ndsm
deirt I  )."XA_" esu nac I ,elpmaxe rof ,SOD rof ++CB eht nI(
?31 ro 21 noisrev relipmoC ++C SM htiw delipmoc edoc C ni selbairav
sa sretsiger 68x ssecca ot "msa_" gnisu naht rehto yaw yna ereht sI     41/2

...htrof os dna aazak
gninnur s'ohw ees ot ffuts eerf emos tnaw tsuj ...parc sdin ycnaf
 yna yub ot yenom evah tnod i dna .evisnetni oot gnihton ,tniop
ssergni niam ym no ciffart rotinom ot tnaw tsuj i ...oy oy oy _\
.sehctiws desab soi eht no hcum yrev gninnaps htiw dekrow
evuoy kniht tnod i "yug ocsic" a rof .sehctiws tsylatac )dne
wol( yttihs no gninnaps deniatsus yb derreggirt era taht
sgub ynam neeb osla evah ereht .SDI eht daolrevo ro trop
naps sti daolrevo ot si SDI na taefed ot yaw tseisae eht
.trop / nalv 1 rorrim dna nwod ecilps uoy neht nalv elohw eht
hctaw rehtar uoy fi .hctiws elohw eht naht rehtar trop
dnuobtuo/dnuobni eht tsniaga naps ylno ot si SDI na htiw od
ot gniht trams eht ..0056 a ,elpmaxe rof ..trop 1 yna naht
ciffart erom eldnah ylisae nac taht sehctiws egral /w aedi
suolucidir a si trop elgnis a ot hctiws elohw a gninnaps
no gniyler ..gninnaps nehw emas eht evaheb sehctiws lla ton _\
 yug ocsic-  .seirtne
wolften esoht tropxe ot hctiws/retuor eht putes osla nac
uoY  .hguoht selbat wolften sezylana taht erawtfos laiciremmoc
erom s'erehT .ciffart taht ezylana dna NALV a fo tuo/ni
ciffart lla etacilper ot sLCA NALV esu ekil ffuts reicnaf
od osla nac uoY  .noitadarged ecnamrofrep on s'ereht os WH yb
enod si noitacilper tekcaP .ylimaf tsylatac eht no erutaef
deepseriw a si NAPS  .emit eht fo %001 rotinom ciffart no
dneped smetsys noitceted noisurtni  ?aedi doog a ti t'nsi yhw _\
.nalv nevig a ro trop a
gnirorrim tsuj ton ,trop eno ot hctiws elohw eht gninnaps era
uoy fi pse ,aedi taerg a tnsi emit eht lla delbane naps gnivael _\
.ypparc adnik si hcihw ,TTT desu ev'I raf oS
.sulp rojam a era shparg ytterP ?llew siht od taht
 sppa ekil-laerehtE yna ereht erA .ciffart ym fo tsom gnisu era stsoh
hcihw tuo gnidnif ni detseretni yltsom m'I ,oslA .shparg ytterp tnirp
 t'nseod tub ,htdiwdnab ym fo tsom gnisu era slocotorp hcihw swohs
fo dnik laerehtE .ciffart ym rotinom nac I taht os )buh a ekil tca fo
tros hctiws ocsiC ruoy sekam( NAPS pu gnittes ot dnuora tog yllanif I   41/2

.sknahT ?DSBeerF no secneuqes FICQ yalp ot noitacilppa yna ereht sI     51/2

.selif ehtnaht erom osla dna
selif eht tuoba knihT .skrow SFN rehtehw ton ,eussi
na si troffe dna troppus mret-gnoL .devlovni erom
hcum si erehT .tniop eht ssim tub tcerroc era uoY _\
.xuniL dna X SO no
selif emas eht teg dluoc uoy oS .llew ytterp
skrow X SO no seirotcerid emoh fo stnuom SFN _\
.emit ruoy fo hcum os etsaw t'noD .XSO/xuniL neewteb
drowssap/nigol lacol emas eht dnoyeb gnihtyna evah ot gniyrt tegrof
tub caM eht rof ti od nac uoy ebyaM .siht od ot gniyrt no emit
eromyna dneps ot tnaw t'nod uoy neht ,eurt si yas uoy tahw fi _\
:SFN dna X SOcaM tuoba ofni emos si ereH
.stneilc SFN sa sexob rehto eht erugifnoC .3
.revres SFN a sa erugifnoc ot tseisae eht eb ot gniog
ylbaborp si enihcam xuniL ehT .SFN aiv seirotcerid
emoh eht evres ot gniog si enihcam hcihw tuo erugiF .2
.X SOcaM morf ofni eht htiw xob
xunil ruoy no resudda nur yllaniF .)dig/diu emas eht
htiw pu dne lla dluohs yeht( enihcam X SOcaM rehto
eht no redro emas eht ni sresu eht etaerc neht dna
senihcam X SOcaM eht fo eno no trats ,ysae yllaer
 siht ekam oT .senihcam eht fo lla no dig dna diu
,drowssap ,emanresu emas eht htiw sresu lacol etaerC .1
:gniwollof eht
od ot si teb tseb ruoy ,os ro dnekeew a rof ffuts
siht htiw dnuora yalp ot gnilliwnu era uoy fi etoN
:X SO dna sorebreK
:X SO dna PADL
:X SO dna SIN
 :htuA X SO lareneG
:sLRU lufpleh/tnaveler )ylbissop( emos
emos era ereH .PADL ro sorebreK esu dluoc uoy
2003/2/17 [Science/Biology] UID:27437 Activity:nil
 2.01 roF .ffuts siht fo emos nekorb/devomer
evah ot smees 2.01 .gninnur ffuts cisab emos
ot esu dluoc uoy taht ffuts SIN emos dedulcni
reilrae dna 1.01 .X SO fo noisrev eht no sdnepeD _\
.si ti mialc yeht tub nevam elppa na ton m'I _\
?X SO ni ffuts ofniten eht htiw elbaitapmoc sin sI _\
sin _\
 artxe gniyub ro tros fo nimda sys emoh a emoceb ot sgniht gniod
 ro gninrael emit hcum oot dneps ot tnaw od dna resu emoh a tsuj ma I
 tub boj nimda sys cisab yrev a si siht wonk I  ?siht etamotua I od
 woH  .sdneirf dna ylimaf ym fo srebmem rof stnuocca resu dna .gifnoc
 metsys cisab emas eht evah ot meht ekil dluow I  .)srettam siht fi
 xunil + X SO 2( xin* emos gninnur lla ,emoh ta sretupmoc eerht evah I  51/2

)borp eht s'tahT .lles ot ytiliba tsuJ .deriuqer ton eerged ecnaniF(
rosivdA laicnaniF remroF - .erutluc "yletal enil mottob
eht rof enod uoy evah tahw" eht morf noitcafsitas naelg nac uoy fi
I naht nam reggib a er'uoy tub ,elpoep gnipleh tuoba stnemitnes
ruoy derahs I .rotces laicnanif eht ni tuoba serac enoyna
lla s'ti ,dne eht nI .yenom yb derusaem si ecnamrofrep ruoY _\
koocc- .ti tuoba klat ot ekil d'uoy
fi liam em dneS .ysae eb thgim gnihctiws ,rof gnikool er'uoy boj fo
epyt tahw no gnidnepeD .boj laicnanif a dna eerged SC a evah I_\
.otni og ot ediced uoy aera revehcihw
otni hctiws a rof emuser ruoy pu dliub dna tseretni ruoy mrifnoc
ll'tI  .detseretni er'uoy saera eht ni krow reetnulov emos yrT_\
?sreenigne WS gnirih spuorg latnemnorivne yna
 era tub dleif wen eht ni reenigne WS a sa gnikrow fo aedi eht
 ekil I ?taht ekil gnihtemos ot gnihctiws tuoba og dluow I woh no
 sretniop ynA  .)snamuh su spleh nrut ni hcihw( tnemnorivne eht
 gnipleh s'taht gnihtemos gniod ma I taht wonk ot tnaw I  ?puorg
 noitavresnoc/latnemnorivne emos tuoba tahW  .dleif taht ot hcitws
 ot eerged laicnanif a deen ylbaborp I wonk I tub tuo gnipleh
 ma I taht gniwonk sdneirf ym ot ecivda laicnanif tuo gnivig yojne
 I  .puorg noitavresnoc/latnemnorivne fo tros emos dna ecivres
 laicnanif :otni og ot ekil dluow I saera cificeps owt yllautca
 era ereht...woleb detsop I daerht dleif wen a ot gnihctiws no eroM     61/2

noitca evitamriffa setah bwg hcum woh wonk ew ecnis tirem reh
 no yletelpmoc derih saw ehs taht derussa tser nac ew tsael ta _\
?hsuB .W.G dna ,yenehC ,dlefsmuR ta
kool a nekat uoy evah ,rettam taht roF  ?qarI htiw raw ot og ot deen
eht tuoba su llet tsovorp/forp icSiloP drofnatS a gnittel ew era yhW    71/2
2003/2/17-18 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:27438 Activity:very high
2/17    Still want to know what is up with all the SUV drivers on their way
        to SF with "no blood for oil signs" who don't know how to use BART.
        \_ Uhm, maybe they're people that are willing to deal with the
           consequences of their politics and pay the higher cost of
           gasoline & etc?
        \_ Maybe they don't drive very often.  What's the difference between
           an SUV driver who bikes to work and only drives on the weekends
              their cars on my way home with signs and all.
           and a hybrid owner who does 40+ miles each way every day?
           \_ Given who I was looking at, I strongly doubt they owned bikes.
              Also, the BART parking lot was full and I saw folks getting into
              their cars on my way home with signs and all.  And I said they
              "don't know how to use BART".  At all.  They bike to the city?
              Or maybe it was their first time there, ever?  Yeah.  Sure.
              \_ I know cyclists who own SUVs.
                 \_ And?
                    \_ And they can bike to the city.
                       \_ From the East bay?
                          \_ Bay Bridge Bicycle Commuter Shuttle
              \_ Maybe they work in the South Bay where there's no BART and
                 they commute on Light Rail?
                 \_ Getting really desperate huh?  See below about the moon,
                    cheese, and clouds with silver linings.
                 \_ And they only travel for work and live in the bay area and
                    never go to SF and never go anywhere BART might go.  Right.
                    \_ So are you saying you know by heart how to ride the
                       Light Rail and the Caltrain and the Amtrak, because you
                       living in the Bay Area must imply that you must have at
                       least once been to one of the places that each of these
                       transit systems serve, right?  BTW, even for people
                       working in SF, AC Transit and Alameda/Oakland Ferry run
                       many transbay routes during commute hours, which you
                       absolutely already know how to ride too, right?
                       \_ Really, it's a nice effort, but no points on this
                          one.  You're just flailing and thrashing now.
                          \_ Whatever you say.  BART is not the only public
                             transit option in the Bay Area.
                             \_ I say you continue to blatantly ignore what
                                I've said when it doesn't fit your world view
                                and make up random "maybes" that have nothing
                                to do with anything in a bizarre attempt to
                                justify something to yourself.
        \_ My so-called "gas guzzler" SUV does 25MPG freeway and I take the
           extra time and effort to park-and-ride to work, while a friend's
           Mercedes mid-size *sedan* does 19MPG freeway and he drives to work.
           Yet nobody picks on such sedan drivers.
           \_ What do you expect from those replete with cognitive dissonance.
              \_ I don't think that phrase means what you think it means.
           \_ 25mpg?  What year/model?  This'll be good.
              \_ '96 Jeep Cherokee 5-sp manual, and I don't speed cuz speeding
                 wastes a lot of gas.
                 \_ That's not an SUV.  Yermom would be proud of you though.
        \_ this whole thing is a pathetic strawman.  -tom
           \_ Is not!  (like how I backed my point as well as you did yours?)
                \_ the point of a strawman argument is to get people to
                   argue about irrelevancies, which is why I won't.  -tom
2003/2/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27439 Activity:high
2/17    It was only 1 line of perl to reverse the motd back.  Isn't it a
        squishable offense to run scripts over the motd?
        \_ not since paolo (then CSUA president) did it.  -tom
           \_ Was he impeached?
                \_ no, the politburo totally ignored it.
        \_ if it were, then you wouldn't be allowed to use 1 line of perl to
           change it back.  what if the original offender didn't use a script?
           what if he used a text editor that had some "reverse everything"
           command?  where do you draw the line?  what if he changed it all
           \_ I think both you and the OP need to reread the csua FAQ.
              \_ I just read it.  Does this mean that if my political motd
                 rant keeps disappearing, I can mail root and ask them
                 to squish the remover if they've done it three times?
                 \_ no because we don't agree with your politics so you have
                    no right to any form of free expression.  only people who
                    agree with us have that right.
                    \_ My mistake.  That user policy rule seems to imply
                       that you need to nuke the whole motd, not just portions.
                       Selective deletion, by script or manually, should be
           \_ what if the moon were made of cheese?  what if it rains kittens
              and puppies instead of water?  what if god got hir position
              through affirmative action and the peter principle?  what if
              the silver lining around clouds was really made of silver?
        \_ One line of csh command:
           co -p ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v | comm -13 /etc/motd.official - >
           \_ It's not the same.  Not nearly as fun.  And certainly not
              portable to other motd based systems.
        \_ It's a squishable offense to have a script automatically run
           on the motd.  Well, it was, back in the Second Age, when I was
           young. -geordan
           \_ geordan, you're still young.  --erikred
2003/2/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:27440 Activity:high
2/17    Why are we letting a Stanford PoliSci prof/provost tell us about the
        need to go to war with Iraq?  For that matter, have you taken a look
        at Rumsfeld, Cheney, and G.W. Bush?
        \_ at least we can rest assured that she was hired completely on
           her merit since we know how much gwb hates affirmative action
        \_ You'd prefer a Hayward BA in sociology, maybe?  Weak troll.
        \_ If you are so intelligent what is your solution?  You are
           a sanctimonious pacifist when you simply stand for
           the do-nothing alternative.
           We saw where this got us the past administration.  Its the
           reason we are this situation today.
           \_ Seriously, please don't feed the trolls.
           \_ I'd be happier if I didn't feel like I were trolling.
2003/2/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:27441 Activity:kinda low
2/17    A decade of stupor breeds anxious times
        \_ An Op-Ed piece from the Seattle Times blaming the Clinton
           Administration for the current state of the world.  (If you're
           going to use a URL-shortener, tell us something about your link.)
2003/2/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:27442 Activity:nil
2/17    I've been doing some research on a decent digital mic.
        Requirements: >=1 hr (>2 preferred) recording, usb or serial hookup,
        under $100, preferably closer to $60. Any recommendations?
        The MiVoice is $80, RCA has a DVR for $60.
2003/2/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/HW/Display] UID:27443 Activity:low
2/17    Is there a way to tell if my display in FreeBSD is true color or
        pseudocolor? A binary I'm trying to run depends on it.
        \_ /usr/X11/bin/xdpyinfo, then look for your screen #.
        \_ xwininfo used to give the info too but i dont use X anymore so hey
2003/2/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:27444 Activity:very high
2/17    Does WinME or Win2K Home Ed require less CPU power and memory?  Thanks.
        \_ cpu/memory?  That's the basis of your OS decision?  ME is a flaming
           pile of goose dung.  Use 2k.  There was never a reason for ME to
           ship except maybe MS's bottom line.
           \_ Yeah.  I'm setting up a PC for my wife, and all she does is
              running Excel and checking her Outlook mail in a browser over a
              modem.  Any non-Windoze OS is out of the question.  So it all
              comes down to which Windoze launches Excel faster and which one
              opens a huge .xls file faster, which I think translates to which
              Windoze leaves more free memory and CPU cycles behind.  The only
              other requirement is USB support because I need it to talk to a
              digicam, otherwise I'll just go 95.  Come to think of it, maybe
              98 is my best bet.
              \_ Except that opening excel really fast, and then crashing five
                 minutes before your wife goes to whack the Save button
                 probably would be suboptimal.  Go with 2K.  Any PC made in
                 the last TWO YEARS is fast enough (TM).  RAM is dirt cheap.
                 Drop a gig of RAM in and never worry about it again. -dans
        \_ The go with win2k people are right. but if you really want to debate
           two OS's, you should debate Win98SE vs. Win2k. WinME really was a
           total piece of shit. Some people still prefer Win98 to Win2k for
           some odd reason. Maybe they just never needed to upgrade because 98
           runs just fine.

           DO NOT RUN Windows Millenium!!!

           \_ I had dual boot w2k/w98 for more than 2 years when I realised
              I hadn't booted 98 in a year.  Poof!  Single boot 2k.
           \_ Thanks for the info!  I didn't know ME is a worse POS than the
              other Win's.
           \_ Agreed.  I have WinME on my HP Pavilion, and it blows (but the
              geniuses at HP haven't gotten around to building drivers for
              Win2k).  I run Win98 at my labs because it's cheaper and a
              lot more stable.  --erikred
        \_ I just ran NT for the 1st time since 2000.  Wow.  It is faster on
           an old K6-2-300 than W2K on a P1000.  NT was designed to run WELL
           in 32MB Ram.  Win98 seems to like things starting 128MB.
        \_ there is no such thing as Win2K Home Edition.  Are you thinking
           of Win2K Professional or WinXP Home?
           \_ W2k only means W2k Pro.  No one ever said anything about the
              bogus "home" edition of that jonny-come-lately slower version of
              W2k with the toyish GUI.
              \_There are at least four versions of Win2k. For whatever reason,
              my experience has been that Win2K Server runs a bit better than
              Pro if you don't install all the server crap. Very strange, but
              I attribute it to MS weirdness.
        \_ Yea, last time my friend bought Windows ME to play some PC games,
           it crashes a few minutes after it comes up, everytime, even with a
           clean install.  His computer runs linux and older versions of windows
           just fine.  He got so mad he threw his copy down the dumpster.
2003/2/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:27445 Activity:moderate
2/17    social security -> wall street
        \_ 5 pages of op/ed with minimal fact or backing going on and on about
           the evils of the current administration.
           \_ Crappy writing too.  Nose in the air.
              \_ I expect crappy writing in op/eds.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:February:17 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>