2003/2/14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27406 Activity:nil |
2/13 How can I find out the overall progress jigdo has made in getting a debian CD. The iso.tmp file starts out big, and does not grow. \_ watch for "Found 10 of the 1423 files required by the template" The second number decreases as time goes by - when it reaches 0, the download is finished. |
2003/2/14 [Computer/Domains] UID:27407 Activity:moderate |
2/13 What would be the most economical / recommended way to do the following: I'd like to make my own domain only so all email to that domain gets forwarded to me; i.e. email to someword@mydomain.com is always forwarded to myemail+someword@myrealemailaddress.com. (My mail delivery agent at <DEAD>myrealemailaddress.com<DEAD> will deliver that.) I don't care about any other uses of the domain, just the email fwding. \_ http://gandi.net - you can redirect everything, 12 euros/year \_ That's cheap, granted, but it only gives you 5 redirections. I want unlimited redirections. Other suggestions? \_ they give you a sixth blanket redirection so that you can redirect all other email to a 6th email address. that plus procmail at the receiving email should do the trick? \_ I'd hoped to do procmail filtering based on the myemail+someword - would that work with the blanket redirect? \_ depends on whether someword is static or if you mean for it to be dynamic? email me if you're interested in trying it with my gandi domain. When I tested it at one point, the forwarding forwarded the +* info fine, and procmail was fine with it. - mds |
2003/2/14 [Computer/Rants] UID:27408 Activity:nil |
2/13 Where can I buy a $10,000 bill? I searched all over the web and can't find any stores that sell it. \_ how about that trillion dollar bill shown in the simpsons? :-) \_ EBay \_ Can't find it on eBay. url? \_ http://csua.org/u/947 |
2003/2/14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27409 Activity:low |
2/13 People who intentionally write obfuscated code for contests use formatting to confuse you. What tools/programs takes obfuscated code, and at least makes it readable in terms of lining up parens and so forth. \_ Apparently, duct tape and plastic bags work wonders for chemical weapons. Maybe you should try that. \_ indent \_ to be more precise, GNU indent, which has a bazillion options and is surely exactly what you want to make the best sense of obfuscated code. \_ is this a default part of emacs? \_ No. Separate gnu package. \_ tab \_ I'd think the same tools would easily unobfuscate the formatting. |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:27410 Activity:kinda low |
2/14 Regarding the US soldiers raping a korean soldier news. During the first gulf war there were women POWs and they were raped by the Iraqis. I remember some media pundit saying that the men get raped too. I always thought it's third world lowlifes that rape POWs. But after reading that korean news, I'm convinced that our soldiers do the same in the battlefields. It's like prison guards, they rape inmates not for the sex but for the violence and the power. \_ Soldiers are soldiers - all day with a male squad and no fun makes those killers hot and randy. If you can brainwash them into killing all of 'them,' then raping 'them' is no problem. \_ and you know this because? \_ and you share your incoherent ramblings why? \_ The Japanese soldires did that to civilians in China during WWII, and they were no third world soldires. \_ and Korean civilians and Dutch civilians \_ Dutch civilians? Where? \_ Dutch East Indies (a.k.a. Indonesia). \_ The vikings, Mongols, Romans, and probably everyone else did this to POWs and conquered peoples throughout history to establish dominance and de-humanize their caoptives. It wasn't right then, and it's not right now. And now that we can stop it, we need to do so. \_ American soldiers raped a lot of Vietnamese during that war. \_ Tell me the general public can now post to the motd. Can people at this school really be this stupid? \_ no and yes |
2003/2/14-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:27411 Activity:nil |
2/14 I wrote a simple Expect script that telnets to another system, runs a program called dbapi that changes the debug level of various application processes, logs out and exit. Even though everything seems to go fine with correct responses, if I check the debug levels again manually, they were not changed. If I use dbapi to change the debug levels manually (without using Expect), they change fine. Any ideas what could be the problem? - Expect rookie \_ does your expect script login as a user that has the rights to change the debug level? \_ Yes. If I do the exact same thing as the Expect script does, but do it manually (which is how I usually do it), then it works. \_ As an alternative, take a look at Perl's Net::Telnet (or the equivalent lib for Python, Ruby, ocaml, or whatever language you happen to be using). |
2003/2/14 [Recreation/Dating] UID:27412 Activity:kinda low 50%like:26035 |
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day \_ Fuck you. -geordan \_ Can't help displaying your passion publicly? \_ Is there any other way? -geordan \_ hey he signed his name. he must be cool. \_ sign your name, twink \_ Ah, the iron-y. -geordan \_ And your signature is at ...? \_ i always sign my name! -twink |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27413 Activity:high |
2/14 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7396-2003Feb14.html Saddam passed a law outlawing ministries from producing WMD. Maybe all the anti-war people were right. Powell also got dissed by Blix. :P \_ This _is_ sarcasm, right? \_ nope. the idea is if expanded inspections turn up something, france would feel more comfortable backing punishment. \_ Spoken like a historical halfwit. France can be blamed or partially blamed for every major conflict in the past 120 years, starting with Franco-Prussian war. \_ Yeah right, like anyone in the Iraq govt is going to arrest Saddam for breaking this law. |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27414 Activity:insanely high |
2/13 The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq: A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/RRiraqWar.html \_ We Should Go to War With France for Fucking up Capitalization in the English Language After 1066. \_ interesting. this whole war thing stinks of Henry Kissinger. \_ his writing style gives him away as an alarmist. take this with several grains of salt. \_ Interesting article. Not long ago, the WSJ has an article saying that the US dollars used to be propped up by both european and east asian buyers, but the european buyers had pretty much dried up, so the US dollars is now all propped up by asians. They are the only ones left supporting the US budget deficit and trade deficit. Once that stop, what will US government do? Increase interest rate? Nah. Probably start printing money. Need to keep the economy going even if it makes us poorer. \_ Except there is no substitute for the dollar. European countries are far worse off then the U.S. and Japan is not large enough. All other oil transactions are denominated in dollars, so until that changes... \_ Nah, many well respected economists, fund managers, etc. are betting on Europe. The fruits of economic integration is yet to be realized and profited from. \_ You have to be kidding me. Both Germany's and Frances pension liabilities exceed 110% of their GDP, unemployment 15%+, they created zero jobs during 90's. their own citizens not foreigners so it won't affect currency. Bad 90s doesn't mean bad 00s. Remember 80s and 90s for Japan and US. \_ Pension liabilities will not by itself affect currency. We are in 00s not 90s. Remember 80s and 90s and Japan and US. Rewards of EU integration are just waiting to be reaped. Eastern Europe is up and coming. Euro has already appreciated quite a bit. I am gonna buy some european or far east mutual funds, ones without dollar hedging. \_ So government debt has no effect on exchange rates... in your dreams. Its not even worth debating if you believe this. \_ If the financing is within the euro area, then it won't. Foreigners don't own massive amounts of the euro. They do own massive amounts of the dollar. About 1 trillion in east asia alone. And that's just forex owned by the asian governments. \_ 15%??? Where did you get this figure. The real statistic is more like half that. Remember that the US figure is kept artificially low by the 2M in prison and out of the labor pool. If you add them back in, the rates are about the same. US social security has the same underfunded problems as European pensions. Europe doesn't need to create jobs, since their employment pools are not growing. Europe has been focusing on productivity growth, and it is paying off. German workers are the most productive on the planet. The US is in trouble with its huge imbalance of trade and growing deficits. The dollar is going to deflate much more before long. |
2003/2/14-15 [Computer/Rants, Computer/SW/Security] UID:27415 Activity:moderate |
2/14 What is a good internet phone card for calling China? Thanks. \_ I usually use http://www.cybercalling.com I don't know how it compares to others. Is 3.3 cent good price for calling compares to others. I thought it has good prices for China, Taiwan, and even US. Is 3.3 cent good price for calling within the US? \_ http://www.pincity.com : 4.9 cents (using local access #) http://www.onesuite.com : 3.9 cents (using local acesss #) |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27416 Activity:high |
2/14 the u.s. is at its moment of truth (no troll). we hoped to find a smoking gun, but we haven't produced it. we sent powell in to convince the world, but blix threw cold water on his "evidence" a week later. france, russia, and china want expanded inspections, not war. ironically, the u.s. is telling everyone else it's their "moment of truth". all spin, I guess. we appear poised to strike in march. what will the u.s. do if it can't put forward any proof before then? \_ Bush will go to war with Iraq no matter what happens. The only way out is for Hussein to abdicate. This war was decided upon before 9/11. before 9/11. -ausman \_ Blix did not moisturize Powell's evidence. The question \_ you sure about that? is who has more credibility. A U.N. that just appointed Iraq to lead the disarmament council and Libya to preside \_ Those appointments are based on a rotating schedule. It is at best an amusing coincidence. over the Human Rights Council, and which receives 30-40% of Iraq's oil revenues, or the Bush and Blair administrations. The only antogonists to this war are engaging in a blatant economic power play. This is proxy war on the Saudis and Islam. \_ it seems more like the world is saying: you can't have a preemptive war \_ There is an alternative. There are operatives on the ground trying to start a guerrilla war. Hussein cannot use his military to fight such a war without US intervention. World opinion would be against him if he killed "his own people". I believe this is the route the US is now pursuing with spec ops already known to be in Iraq. --dim \_ The proponents of this war are engaging in a blatant economic power play, too. \_ The U.S. will be attacked, not Europe. The U.S. has been the de facto guarantor of international stability for the past 50 years, paid for with U.S. tax dollars and US blood. During this time the Europeans grew fat and lazy engorging at the trough of socialism and welfare. Simulataneously, France did everything in its power to subvert NATO solidarity - nearly crossing the line of treachery. |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27417 Activity:nil |
2/13 The Boomerang Effect http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson021403.asp Spot on commentary except that about Kosovo. |
2003/2/14 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27418 Activity:high |
2/14 http://csua.org/u/955 (Last letter on page) "There really are a lot of good men out there. They just happen to be yellow." \_ Hoyt Sze! \_ anybody have hoyt sze's writings archived somewhere? I searched on google and can't find anything. I keep hearing about his views on asian women/white men, but it's all second hand. Where is the source on this stuff? \_ Hoyt was an idiot. This guy is right. \_ he seems to think gay men aren't asian \_ I think the truth is that gay asians are not what he was writing about nor who he was writing for and he's a bit obtuse as a writer. This is not a crime outside of Berkeley, you may be surprised to learn. \_ San Francisco women are all Gold Diggers. |
2003/2/14-19 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:27419 Activity:low |
2/14 Is there any way other than using "_asm" to access x86 registers as variables in C code compiled with MS C++ Compiler version 12 or 13? (In the BC++ for DOS, for example, I can use "_AX".) I tried http://msdn.microsoft.com but couldn't find anything. Thanks. -- yuen \_ What is wrong with _asm, is it bad? \_ No, but I just want to do something like "if (_AX = 3) {...}". If I use "_asm" blocks I need multiple lines and a label. -- yuen \_Something seems fundamentally wrong with this kind of statement. Specifically, mixing C and assembly that way just doesn't work. I really think you must load the AX register into a short variable, then test the contents of that variable. Otherwise you may not get what you intend. \_ Okay, I'll do that. Thanks. -- yuen |
3/15 |