2003/2/12 [Uncategorized] UID:27372 Activity:high |
2/11 What's the hot Linux dist these days? \_ Red Hots |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Science/Space, ERROR, uid:27373, category id '18005#0.425' has no name! , ] UID:27373 Activity:kinda low |
2/11 http://www.gelatinous.com/pld/crabvspipe.html |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:27374 Activity:insanely high |
2/11 My company is trying to boost our position in search engine results. Besides working more keywords into the text of the page, what can we do? \_ Just properly index your page, let google do the rest. For certain search engine (altavista), you can buy keywords, so, just shout out the cash. \_ Are you the same moron who asked a similar question a while ago? Besides the thing you mentioned, you can shoot yourself and your coworkers for being slime. \_ Not the same poster. What's wrong with trying to show up higher in search engine results? Our content is relevant to the searches where we want to show up. \_ If you are relevant, trust google to show you appropriately. Google tries to be fair, we _know_ you aren't, since you are interested only in your site. \_ Google isn't always right. I wouldn't trust google or the crazy cultish fuckers who would there to do anything "fair". They tweak results until what comes back is what the cultists think should come back. They aren't experts in every subject matter nor have they read every page on the web. Google also doesn't index the entire web. You need to put down the google bible and stop trusting the google cult. Anyway, it may not matter in a year or two since google is running out of steam. All that hardware is going to sell for 5 cents on the dollar. \_ when did the massage lady at Inktomi get a csua account? \_ wow, that's some strong anti-google sentiment. They are one of the few "brand names" in the valley that is hiring right now so I think maybe they have some more tricks up their sleeve. |
2003/2/12 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:27375 Activity:high |
2/11 Gnucleus has been less great lately. What are all the kids using to steal media these days? \_ the dorm nerds all use kazaa \_ so no one cares that it was (once?) loaded with spy ware? \_ they're all running Windows XP, which has all the spyware handily built into the operating system, how can you beat that? \_ It's all about Kazaa Lite. I have it on my system, and the recently released Ad-aware 6 didn't detect any spyware on my system. \_ Has anyone tried GiFT yet? \_ bittorrent for tv episodes, etc. \_ Why do you ask? Do you work for RIAA???? \_ <flame>Does Kazaa run on MacOS? If not, Macs suck.</flame> |
2003/2/12 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:27376 Activity:nil |
2/11 I need a codename for a new project relating to space starting with the letter C. Ideas? \_ "Project Codename". \_ "Project C-krit". \_ "Cassiopeia", "Cepheus", "Constellation" \_ "Columbia" \_ "Crash" "Catastrophe" \_ duh, "Cosmos". \_ he's fired, you're hired! \- "Butthead Astronomer" \_ Comet \_ cunt. oh wait, what kind of space... \_ "Cetec Astronomy" |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Media] UID:27377 Activity:nil |
2/11 I need a contractor for a few months. Can you help a brutha out? /csua/pub/jobs/pixar -=Aubie |
2003/2/12 [Uncategorized] UID:27378 Activity:nil |
2/12 I just saw the ad for Extenze (a natural male enhancement pill) on TV. The company's website is http://www.extenzepills.com I am an "average" guy who fantasize about being more than "average" and more excited during action times. Has anyone use this or any other supplements/excercises and care to comment? Yeah. I have heard of all these horrorible stories of deformities, etc. I am just wondering if there are any success stories out there. - average guy \_ My cock! my coooooooooooooooock! |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27379 Activity:insanely high |
2/12 A sober reminder: Which of these do you regard as the greatest threat to world peace? United States 32% N. Korea 26% Iraq 25% Israel 2% Commercial Radio 6% The scary part is that this poll is conducted by Britian, our closest ally. http://csua.org/u/938 \_ ...and in other news 30% of software engineers see Cowboy Neal as a major threat to world peace. polls are bullshit. \_ This isn't a sober reminder of anything. This is a cheap troll and I'm stunned several of you fell for it. A shitty cut n paste of an old poll. Jesus F. Christ! You people are such suckers. I'm going to leave all you "got trolled" fuckers up here so you can see yourselves and be ashamed even if your names are unknown. \_ Take yer meds and calm down. \_ If the UK were attacked, wouldn't you think the poll would be a little different? \_ Iraq never attacked the US \_ dodgin' da queshun eh \_ Al Qaeda is in Iraq, no one disputes this now. These fucking Euroweenies are dragging their feet as part of a power play. Except they are not in danger, it is the US who bears the brunt of terrorist animosity. Fucking bastards. France used to be a great country until the end of the 19th century. The slide began when they got their ass kicked by Mexico. Subsequently, they lost all of their able bodied men in the Franco-Prussian war, WWI, and WWII. The only men left to repopulate the country were the queers, Communists and other non-combatants who sipped coffee on the Champs d'elysee rather than defend the country. \_ last time I checked, this was a war against Iraqi and Sadam; not Al Qaeda, per se. I'm sure we would have alot more support if the goal was declared as "chasing these damn terrorists wherever they run... now into iraq." That is not the case. \_ It's not that they don't like the United States or that they like Iraq. It's simply that they can't answer "yes" to the question "Can you trust a very powerful United States to act out of fairness instead of for their own interest?". For the world, the answer is "No". Of course, they would hate an Iraq as powerful as the US, but it isn't. \_ that is my point. I just want to remind those who think US is the center of the universe (I am not in the US right now) that most people in the world see USA as a 800 pound guerrilla who never reluctant to throw her weight around for her self-interest. This continues act of unconstraint has an interesting effect of building anti-American setement world wide. -OP \_ Your critique of US foreign policy seems to be somewhat hindered by the fact that your post makes you seem like a complete moron. I suggest you check your spelling and grammar -- at least consult an english speaking friend. \_ This reminds me of the saying, "what does it mean when someone speaks English with an accent? that he speaks at least one more language than you." Have you ever been outside of the U.S.? what the OP said is nothing new, and it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of the world feels this way, whether admitted or not. Picking on his spelling and grammar may make you feel like a big man, but it's a pretty poor retort to what we all know the OP meant. \_ Read this: http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/wo_muller020702.asp \_ More on this. Saddam had a multibillion nuclear program with 20,000 workers. Had the Gulf War I \_ More on this. Saddam's multibillion nuclear program had 20,000+ workers. Had the Gulf War I It doesn't cover whether it's right or wrong, or how trustworthy the U.S. is, but it explains why the Bush administration is attacking Iraq. It's also a year old article. \_ More on this. Saddam's multibillion nuclear program had 20,000+ workers. Had the Gulf War I \_ You can stop terror by shifting the balance of power in the middle east. A bold initiative is required, perpetuating the current paradigm will only cause increasing instability. The question is not what the Socialists in France, Germany, and Belgium think of us, the question is what is right. None of these countries will be attacked until the US falls. Then its their turn. This is a war against Islam, and Iraq is a battle in this war. Changing the regime in Iraq will have profound geopolitical consequences. not taken place, the intelligence consensus is that he would have been nuclear by 1993. \_ Yes, but they still would have been US allies so the situation would be akin to India and Pakistan. Besides, Israel would have bombed a nuke site if they had found it. \_ You can't stop terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic, just like "stragetic bombing" is a tactic. You can't declare war on (nor winning against) tactics. \_ yeah, but can you stop terror? \_ By destroying everything that makes you afraid. \_ You can stop terror by shifting the balance of power in the middle east. A bold initiative is required, perpetuating the current paradigm will only cause increasing instability. The question is not what the Socialists in France, Germany, and Belgium think of us, the question is what is right. None of these countries will be attacked until the US falls. Then its their turn. This is a war against Islam, and Iraq is a battle in this war. Changing the regime in Iraq will have profound geopolitical consequences. \_ So it is a holy war. Ah, welcome back Crusaders 2k. \_ well duh \_ Do you recall who the fate of most Crusaders? \_ The Crusades were a defensive measure, doomed from the outset. Christendom was on its way out, the West was lucky to survive. How quickly we forget that almost all Islamic lands apart from Asia were once Christian. \_ How very European of you. Nice spin try. \_ Spin = historical facts? \_ Garbage! Our esteemed president Bush is a Christian warrior, and he is kicking Islamic arse! |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:27380 Activity:moderate |
2/11 At what point (in the course of my login) does DISPLAY get set, and what does it get set to? I'm able to open X windows locally (using Exceed) from soda, but not from another box I have access to. On this other box, DISPLAY is not set and I'm trying to figure how to set it. Thanks. \_ Depends on the OS & login method. \_ please expound or provide a link? the offending box is running red hat, and I'm logging in over ssh. \_ The remote system's sshd should be setting it. Make sure that X forwarding is enabled on the remote system and on your local system (try using ssh -v and looking for the "X11 forwarding" lines); you might also want to make sure your dotfiles aren't resetting your DISPLAY variable to something wrong. \_ Can you figure out your local machine's IP address and then manually do "setenv DISPLAY local-IP-addr:0.0" after logging in to the other box? \_ Try ssh -X \_ ssh -x |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27381 Activity:insanely high |
2/12 A sober reminder: Alqueda are SAUDIS, DUH. The ppl who were arrested for 9/11? Most were Saudis. Osama? Saudi. Opec led by.. Saudis? Oil at $35/barrel. \_ What better way to triangulate the Saudis and diminish their grip in OPEC by allowing Iraq to produce more oil. As it stands, the U.N. extracts 30-40% of Iraq's oil proceeds for administrative purposes. |
2003/2/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:27382 Activity:moderate |
2/12 anybody know what happened to <DEAD>jargon.org<DEAD>? \_ You're not cleared for that information- !TIA \_ esr went nuts. \_ is there any truth in this statement? \_ wait, related to this, something really weird is going on: each time I go to http://tuxedo.org/~esr I get sent to a different random linux-related website. wtf? \_ It wasn't a very far trip. |
2003/2/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27383 Activity:very high |
2/12 hey war nerds, who forced out the last UN weapons inspection team in Iraq? Was it the Iraqis, or was it the united states? no this is not a troll. thanks \_ Why would have the US forced out the weapons inspection team? \_ Er. They were pulled because the US was starting bombing. \_ Iraqis, sorta. Repeated refusals to allow inspections of palaces and limiting access to some facilities had the UN inspectors give up and go home. That caused the renewal of sactions. \_ If you don't know, just keep your mouth shut \_ Actually, the ignorance is telling. My impression is that most Americans have already forgotten that it was the UN that ordered the inspectors out in preparation for US bombing. I think a great many have revised history in their own heads and believe that Iraq ordered them out. \_ And why were they ordered to get out? Because the Iraqis weren't letting them do their jobs. So who's to blame? \_ Do you actually listen to yourself? \_ What the fuck do you expect them to do? Inspec the same site hundreds of times? I know maybe you think they should inspect shopping malls and grocery stores. The Iraqis agreed to cooperate at the end of Gulf War. Iraq violated the terms of cease fire, the US inspectors left out of frustration and disgust. \_ Wrong. \_ OK So everyone is wrong but you. Post a reference please? (Not the socialist club either) \_ Ooh. What's the socialist club? Can I join? \_ Tony Blair did an interview last week in which he was grilled for saying that the Iraqis forced us out. He said that because they were not allowed to do their work, they were "essentially forced out". So whether you say that the inspectors left because of the Iraqis or because of UN inspectors is entirely moot. \_ Even your favorite anti-war pedophile Scott Ritter testified before Congress to the effect that the inpsectors were hindered. Exactly how would you remedy such a situation. Allow to me guess - like the French, you would recommend Iraq pass a law outlawing WMD. In fact, the Democrats, such as Daschle, Berger, Gore, etc. engaged in vociferous sabre rattling over the issue. But in the end, like everything, they were all talk. |
2003/2/12-13 [Reference/BayArea, Recreation/Dating] UID:27384 Activity:low |
2/12 Any recommendations for local flower shops that in downtown SF that deliver? Looking for roses delivery for V-Day. \_ oh that's original \_ As original as expecting sex on VDay \_ Chase Flowers at one of the exits at the Embarcadero BART Station. I used it once four years ago, although not on Valentine's day. They even wrote a card for me over the phone. \_ http://frenchtulip.com. |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Industry/Jobs] UID:27385 Activity:low |
2/13 http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/sfc/sad/8608525.html Contract/part time/backup sysadmin for http://snapfish.com. I'm the full time guy. Send in your resume now if interested. You can email me with questions but I'm not the primary resume contact. Use the jobs@ address. -reiffin UPDATE: the resumes I've seen so far all suck. If you've got some experience with Solaris, Linux, 3ware, raid on linux, raid on anything else, Veritas volume manager, Netapp (any model), and want this contract, then send me your resume and I'll get your name in the post-HR hat. If you've already sent in a resume to jobs@, it didn't get to me. Please send resume via me this time. \_ Is that job still kickback - hide in the office and surf for porn all day? \_ still? It's never been like that. -reiffin \_ I was offered (briefly) your job in Aug, 2001. It was that kickback. Probably why they ended up getting acquired. \_ How were you "briefly" offered the job? I was hired Aug 2001, btw. It wasn't kickback then, it isn't now. The contracting thing may turn out to be easy money, though. -reiffin \_ obridicule \_ obstfu |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Computer/Domains] UID:27386 Activity:nil |
2/12 http://godaddy.com charges for URL masking. Does anyone else do hosting+masking for less (godaddy is $(9+6)/yr) |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27387 Activity:high |
2/12 Has anyone (in the CSUA) tried to make some sort of anonymous motd poll interface that lets users vote <=1 times? For about 5 minutes, I've been thinking about how you could do this, but haven't come up with a good solution that prevents root from knowing who has voted... \_ kchang's Happy Point system worked pretty well. It had a pretty cool voting GUI and authentication system. \_ If you can't trust root on the host then.... \_ Built some sort of database, with one entry per user. Make users log in with their unix account password to use the voting system. Use crypt to check them (assumes you are root and have access to shadow file). Keep all your transmissions and results encrypted, so that no one including root can peek. The developer has to be trusted but no one else. Would this work? \_ Yes, log in with their unix account password. That sounds \_ I would not give some program my unix password. Your results would be skewed away from security-conscions, untrusting folks. Wouldn't it be better to check the UID of the person running the vote program? safe. \_ What is unsafe about it? \_ I would not give said program my unix password. Your results would be skewed away from paraniod, untrusting folks. Wouldn't it be better to check the UID of the user when they run the program, and record one vote per UID? \_ Nah, just make it ask the user who logs in for the first time for a motd only password. That should probably assuade some worries of the paranoid. |
2003/2/12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:27388 Activity:moderate |
2/12 Is there any graphical browser on soda? I tried "locate netscape" but couldn't find the executable. Thanks. \_ why would you even want to do that? why not just run the browser on your local machine? \_ Say I want to surf porn but don't want to be recorded by my company's proxy server. \_ The last thing we need is a bunch of people trying to stream netscape over X11/ssh on soda. |
2003/2/12 [Uncategorized] UID:27389 Activity:nil |
2/12 chialea, will you be my valentine. your #1 fan on the east coast |
2003/2/12 [Recreation/Dating] UID:27390 Activity:moderate |
2/12 I fucking hate Valentine when I am single, but love it to death when I was not. Fuck! The closer it is to Valentine, the worse I feel. So, I want to give one of these online services a try. I am browsing them all one by one. Anyone has any recommendations for a good/decent service targeted for Asian guys searching for Asian gals ages 20-30? \_ I hate Valentine's Day on principle. I'm going to celebrate the true spirit of the Feast of St. Valentine by beating people and decapitating them. -geordan \_ you know I'm still willing to blow you -aspo \_ You're a good man, Mr. Polito. Keep up the good work! -mice \_ Dude, you're willing to blow most anyone. I never get that special feeling when I'm with you. Snif. -geordan \_ http://www.click2asia.com relaunched as an asian singles site. |
2003/2/12 [Uncategorized] UID:27391 Activity:nil |
2/12 http://www.nationalreview.com/images/pic_corner_google-french.jpg \_ how is this clever? \_ if you have to ask... !op \_ Maybe he meant 'Comment est-ceci malin?' \_ I think you meant to ask: how is this humorous? And if you consult the dictionary you'll see that it matches the definition. |
3/15 |