2003/2/6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Reference/History/WW2] UID:27317 Activity:very high |
2/5 Question for you freepers: what's with all the reference to "commies" and "pinkos" on the site? I thought communism was dead. \_ Communism was dead? What about Cuba and North Korea? \_ Don't forget China. \_ don't forget Berkeley \_ Real Communism hasn't yet been tried in Berkeley ;-) \_ They should. They'd fall out of love with it FAST ENOUGH. \_ Real Communism never been tried anywhere. \_ What is wrong with Communism? \_ and the freepers who call everyone who dissagrees with them "commies" are saying that they're all in league with north korea or cuba? are they really that dumb? controls their legislature. CHINA, Argentina, SOuth Africa, \_ Who cares about N. Korea. That country's about to collapse under its own weight. Just give it some time. Cuba couldn't hurt the U.S. if its life depended on it. It's like a football player saying that an emaciated homeless person is a threat to his life. \_ Ok, then what is the difference between Communist / Socialist beliefs and a large contigent of the Democratic party? Much of Europe is communist / socialist. The French Communist Party, CHINA, Venezuela, SOuth Africa, numerous other countries in Africa, Brazil, are all communist or heading that way. \_ Are you really that stupid? \_ Yeah, probably. \_ Start with http://csua.org/u/8e7 and see what Engels had to say about Socialism. \_ stop putting your mental diarrhea on the motd \_ Ok so I ask a question on the differences between the Democratic platform and socialism, and the answer is an insult. FDR, the prototypical commie/socialist, was jealous of Stalin because of he was much more effective at government control. FDR's administration was replete with communist spies or sympathisers. The ACLU, UN etc. were all founded by Socialists or Communists. Since I am so naive, I'll ask the question again. If you are not Socialist, what are you? 'Progressive'. And I guess I really am this stupid as the rulers of the countries I mentioned freely admit their intentions and political affiliations. So I guess Venezuela sending Cuba free oil is meaningless? |
2003/2/6 [Uncategorized] UID:27318 Activity:nil |
2/5 Once again, you all suck. |
2003/2/6-7 [Computer/Networking] UID:27319 Activity:high |
2/5 Does anyone know which RFC (if any) has a list of ip addr blocks that are considered invalid, (ex. 1918 only lists the private blocks. tia. \_ 169.254/16 is used by dhcp autoconfig... essentially if you have an ip network w/o a dhcp server and don't want to manually config you ip int. it's similar to how ipx and appletalk config w/o a seed router. -shac \_ Well first explain what you mean by 'considered invalid' and maybe we can find you your list. \_ By invalid I mean pkts with src/dest addrs that are in addr blocks which should never send traffic on the internet. I'm trying to filter pkts with invalid ip addr (spoofed pkts) and I wanted to know if there were addr blocks other than the RFC 1918 private blocks that I should be filtering. So far, I've just found the addr block which is used for dhcp client auto-conf. I wanted to know if there were others. \_ by 'should never' do you mean addr's that aren't registered, or just addressees that aren't routable,,,,,,, (These last two are contiguous.) --scotsman ( which changes regularly -- get a BGP feed from somewhere if you really want a list). \_ i don't remember the exact page, but it's somewhere on http://ietf.org and it goes like this:,,,,,,, (These last two are contiguous.) --scotsman \_ Thanks. I'll search on http://ietf.org to see if there are others. BTW, do you know what the block is used for? \_ It's used for examples (a la http://example.com, or the 555 telephone prefix) --scotsman |
2003/2/6 [Uncategorized] UID:27320 Activity:high |
2/5 This is pretty cool. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_747591.html I want to know what material that coat is made of. \_ the coat has very little to do with the optical effect. the shiny material just helps the illusion. \_ Oooooo....Shiny. \_ For more info, visit Professor Tachi's webpage: http://www.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/projects/MEDIA/xv/oc.html |
2003/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:27321 Activity:moderate |
2/6 Any recommendations for online business cards? I want to be able to send someone a very simple design and get back decent cards for a minimum of hassle and money. \_http://www.overnightprints.com just used them last week. You can even take a look at my cards if you want. I looked into other places as well. (some a little cheaper for a lot fewer cards) Email me for more info. -crebbs \_ that looks great, thanks! |
2003/2/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Security] UID:27322 Activity:low |
2/5 I picked up this year's Taxcut and it won't import last year's turbotax files. I'm gettign idiotic errors where it either wants to treat my TT file as a TC file and then reports a corrupt file or it looks for a TC named .T01 file when it's clearly a TT .tax file. I've played around with filenames and even looked at hex editing the binaries. Is anyone else trying to do the same thing? Is it working for you? \_ importing is highly over-rated. Name, address, soc security, etc can be easily typed in. The only other thing you need to worry about is carryover capital losses (stock). It's more complicated if you run a small business and need schedule C. But you probably don't run a business. \_ Hmm. Well that sucks. Thanks for the info. |
2003/2/6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27323 Activity:very high |
2/6 Yesterday at the UN: UN French Ambassador: "this whole issue could be solved if Iraq would pass a law banning the production of WMD." \_ HAHHAAHHAHA! I haven't had such a good laugh in a while. \_ No worse than the US's "let us invade and we'll show you the WMD after we find them. Really." \_ France has already acknowledged Iraq has WMD. \_ the u.s., uk, russia, china, france all believe iraq is hiding their wmd. russia, china, france think, for good reason, that a u.s. attack now would be destabilizing. the argument has been and will always be, 'why look like the world is submitting to u.s. hegemony? saddam can't do anything while inspectors are there. the longer the inspectors are there, the better chance they'll find something damning, which can be leveraged.' \_ They are hoping for a reach around. \_ Nonsense. While the inspectors waste time, he's doing shit in other parts of his very large country. And then what are you going to say when he kicks out the inspectors and announces he has a nuke in 6-9 months? More inspections? Sanctions? Or just welcome him to the nuclear club as the nice guy that he is? Join this world, please. \_ france is asking for more inspectors \_ Then Iraq joins like Pakistan, India, Israel, and South Korea did. So what? Saddam is a meglomaniac, not suicidal. Power is his kick. And the 6-9 month guess is crap. \_ Everytime the inspectors get close to something, Iraqis with guns tell them: "You can't go there." They had to get led to the empty warheads by their nose, otherwise they wouldn't have found those either. \_ I think you should check your facts about this ... \_ France and Russia have oil deals with Saddam, if the sanctions are ever lifted. They want Saddam to behave and stay in power. Unfortunately neither of those will happen. \_ And don't forget how much business France and Germany have there in non-oil deals and how much WMD related shit the Germans have been illegally selling them since '91. All that is going to come out and make the Germans look exceptionally bad after Saddam's Iraq is crushed. |
2003/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:27325 Activity:moderate |
2/6 http://adamconnelly.com \_ awesome! and work-safe! \_ Where do you work? Good Vibrations? \_ niiiiiice. \_ Bright idea! |
2003/2/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:27326 Activity:kinda low |
2/6 Can somebody tell me about installing/upgrading to WinXP? I deal with MS as little as possible but it's for a friend who refuses any alternative. There are 2 computers, both w/ Win98. I want to do a clean install on both-- will XP let me use any old Win98 product key to install, and will it let me reformat beforehand? I'm not sure he has his old keys. Thanks \_ If you wipe you cant do an upgrade. \_ You cannot use a Win98 product key to install XP. Go out and buy XP. Actually, buy one for each computer. Mr. Bill needs your love. On install, XP will give you an option for reformatting disk. \_ I plan to buy an upgrade version of XP-- will my win98 product key allow me to install that upgrade version of XP on a formatted disk? \_ I believe you need a Win98 CD to install on a formatted disk. (never asks you for a product key for an older MS product) \_ Actually if you have a blank HDD and a win98 CD, that's all you need to install an upgrade version of XP. I've installed several copies of XP upgrade using the same 98 CD. \_ my sysadmin at work gave me an unused copy of xp to install at home that came with a dell system (i think they are using that system with linux now). I want to install it on my home computer on a totally new hard drive. will this work or will the windows xp somehow figure out that it's not running on a dell? (the xp cd has dell logos all over it and says "only for distribution with a new dell system"). - !op \_ I'd also like to know how this works. If you could try it, please tell me your results. -mjm \_If you have a copy of XP you need a CD key. Each cd key can only be used once for each machine. If you change machines you will need to call up Microsoft to get a new key. If the version of XP that came with the Dell is a full version or upgrade then you can install it. If it is an OEM version then most likely it will not work unless you mess around with files on the CDs. The reason for this is that XP need to be activated. I've had instances where clients have bought XP, installed it, activated it, and then reinstalled on the same machine and the activation not reworking. It's a pain in the ass and all it does is annoy people who try to use the software in a legitimate fashion. People who are going to pirate it just stick in a corporate key they can get from the multitude of warez sites and bypass activation altogether... All in all it's a pretty stupid concept, but it does prevent the casual user from being a pirate and keeps MSFT's margins way up. And that's all MS is trying to do anyway. |
2003/2/6-7 [Industry/Jobs] UID:27327 Activity:high |
2/6 I know none of you grumpy, jaded dot-com free market Jew-bating hentai obsessed bitches care, but just in case, \_ You mean "baiting". \_ Acutally I meant "batting". They make such a nice crunchy sound when you smack them with a bat. KALX is having its Spring recruitment meeting today, even people on campus give me the cold shoulder, you know how it's almost common courtesy to at least take a flyer from someone if they offer it, as long as they're not obviously people the Moonies shipped over in bondage? Some people won't even take my flyers. Maybe I have a huge oozing sore on my lip that I am unaware of. As a joke I gave a few flyers to that crazy (or maybe he's not so crazy, he dropped the whole act and thanked me) guy with the laminated signs who shouts all day in a really annoying voice "LLAMA PACK MULE!!!", I'm hoping he shows up. Thursday, 7:30pm, 145 Dwinelle - danh \_In this day and age what the hell are you doing with paper flyers? Learn how to SPAM!!! \_ No it isn't common courtesy. It kills trees and fills the land fills with colored crap that will stay there forever. I think most people learn "the don't fuck me with, I'm not taking your stupid flier, you don't exist in my universe" stare by the end of their second year at the latest. \_ yep. sometime sophomore year sounds right. |