2003/1/30 [Industry/Jobs] UID:27240 Activity:high |
1/29 More about jobs: just had a very nice phone screen with HR at (don't need the competition, thanks) who said her perception of the job market is that things aren't as 'soft' as they have been and it isn't as easy to hire good people as it was only a few months ago. Cross your fingers and keep sending those resumes. Avoid recruiters. Good luck to all of us! \_ What specialty? \_ Unix Guru \_ are you the guy who needed to do a man nice? \_ No, I'm one of the guys who told him to stop asking to be spoon fed, stop logging in as root and go learn something. \_ oh you were a meannie. - man nice guy fan #1 \_ Who are you? \_ Tres cool. Let us know $$ after you score. |
2003/1/30 [Computer/Networking] UID:27241 Activity:high |
1/29 I want an IPv4 address block (/24 is good enough). ARIN charges $2,500 in addition to regular membership. Any other cheaper places? \_ many isp's will allocate you a decent size block if you give them a good reason, esp if you are a hicap customer. recently i had an isp route a /24 for an additional $100 on top of their normal monthly charges for a T1.. which was about $1500... of course the cost for that T1 varies HEAVILY by the provider (big guys like Internap charge much more than cut-rate ones) -shac \_ ask your upstream ISP \_ How much does this go for? \_ Varies dramatically by ISP based on the total service package. My company has 64 addresses and a 32 rack cage for about $25k/month. YMWV. \_ Also, your ISP might charge you to manage that /24, no? \_ i get 14 IPs on 1.1 SDSL for $179. supposedly they'll give me more IPs but i haven't quite needed them. \_ Do you want to own the block? This is necessary if you want to be portable (i.e. change upstream ISP without renumbering) or multihomed (multiple upstream ISPs). Most ISPs will offer at least a /24 along with real connectivity (T1 or greater) at little or no cost, shac's figure of $100 on top of transit sounds reasonable. In order to obtain a block from ARIN, you have to jump through a number of hoops which can be a pain. I strongly suggest you get someone who has successfully obtained IP space from ARIN in the past to assist you with this. Their is also a gray market for IP address space. You'll still have to obtain an AS, and the transfer will have to go through ARIN, RIPE or one of the other regional equivalents, but this is often cheaper and more expedient than going directly through ARIN. -dans \_ gray market? how so? is the transfer not legal? |
2003/1/30 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:27242 Activity:nil |
1/29 Has anyone tried searching in http://hk.yahoo.com? When I search something, the result page says "Found 40, this page showing 1-4", but then I can't find any "Next" link to click to get results 5-40. Any idea? Thanks. |
2003/1/30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:27243 Activity:nil 63%like:27239 |
1/29 What's de difference between edyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol? I went t'a drug sto'e and saw products labeled "70% edyl alcohol", "70% isopropyl alcohol" and "91% isopropyl alcohol". ah' plum wants' sump'n t'wipe da damn skin befo'e some needle injecshun. (No it be not drugs.) \_ use edyl. it be sump'n ya' kin actually drink. it be safer. \_ blindness be cool. \_ If ya' duzn't know Buckwheat shit, den, shut da damn fuck up. de one dat cause blindness be Medanol. CH3OH \_ isopropyl be used as some disinfectant. \_ Edyl=CH3-CH2-OH, Isopropyl alcohol=(CH3)3-C-OH \_ Use hyodrogen puh'oxide. What it is, Mama! Wo'ked on mah' fro. |
2003/1/30 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:27244 Activity:very high |
1/30 "Canada 'Inspectors' to Hunt for Deadly U.S. Weapons" http://csua.org/u/8a5 (news.yahoo.com) The Canadians don't realize they're also under our blanket of protection. \_ The 51st State needs a reminder here and there. So does Germany, France, and the rest of Europe that forgets they owe their very existence to the US. \_ Doing one good deed is not an excuse to commit a crime. Likewise, you could say that Bush owes his presidency to those that voted for him into office and he should honor their wishes. Of course, if the Supreme Court's wishes are to go to war, then he's certainly doing that. \_ Oh jesus f. christ. get over it already. your own leftist media went over the whole thing for months and came up with zippo. you're on the edge of rationality. \_ Why do France, Germany and the rest of Europe owe their very existence to the US? \_ Without US intervention in WW2, Europe would now be called Germany. Large parts of Africa and the Middle East would be German as well. Asia would be part of the Japanese Empire. \_ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH \_ Uhm yeah. Try a history book, son. Whatever. \_ that is total bullshit. only part of poland and maybe part of czech republic. \_ Do you really think that the French would have liberated themselves? How do you think that the UK survived the Battle of Britian? HINT: it was US naval support in the North Atlantic and US crypt-analysts working in the UK. In North Africa it was US troops that assisted Montgomery. In the Pacific, it was MacArthur and Nimitz that stopped the Japanese advance. \_ What do you think Germany would have done with its European conquests? As it was, it merely set up a puppet state. \_ Given time Germany would really have messed things up. \_ So you think the German controlled puppet France was a real country? And after 60+ more years there'd be anything left of the old France? They'd ever free themselves? Madness. It took *millions* of dead soldiers from the US, Britain, and Russia (more Russian dead by far, gotta give credit where it's due) to conquer Germany. You're insane or stupid or ignorant if you think any of the Conquered nations would ever see freedom again in 50 lifetimes. \_ Okay, truth time. UK survived because of US material support (merchant ships, not Navy), the UK broke Enigma (cypto), the US got it's ass kicked in Africa (it was nearly done by the time the US showed up). And Japan was fighting the US in the Pacific, not Austrailia. But the Aussies, Indians, and Chinese kept Japan from shifting full efforts vs. the US. \_ Nah, the cold war would have been between the US and Germany, instead of the US vs USSR. \_ You're right on Asia, but military historians credit the Soviets with preventing the German takeover of Europe, not us. E.g.,(search for "Russians"): http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/fallows/jf2003-01-08/vandergriff2.htm \_ but the Soviets took over Europe themselves, from east germany onwards. \_ Hitler would have beaten Stalin if not for the two other fronts opened by the US. \_ Oh yeah. D-day was totally a turning point for the Russians. Seeing as how it happened in 1944, AFTER Stalingrad and Kursk. Yeah. Go Yankies go! \_ The western front involves more than D-day. The battles of the north atlantic were far more critical. \_ Uh, no they weren't. How did the few U-boats the blundering anti-submarine program managed to sink before 1944 really help the russians? The north atlantic battle was won, to be sure, but too late to make a difference. Only trucks and spam really helped the russians, they did all the actual work themselves. \_ Look at it this way, without US involvement in WW2, who would have opened the Western and Southern fronts? Neither France nor the UK had sufficient resources. Even if they did, how would they have kept up their industrial production to sustain a prolonged conflict? Without the US Europe would have been lost. \_ Let's remember that France fell in an eye blink very early. There was *no* France for most of WW2. \_ Only part of France fell, some of it was still free from German occupation, but you are right. \_ The reason the US intervened in Europe was that Germany declared war and allied with Japan. It is doubtful the US public would have gone to war vs. Hitler if not for that. \_ Fortunately, the US public doesn't declare wars. |
2003/1/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:27245 Activity:very high |
1/30 http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20030129-100634-4288r This is the sort of thing that makes me want a smaller government that does the minimum necessary to keep things running. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. \_ Yes, it was much better when people stood in bread and soup lines so they would only eat healthy food and not enough to make them fat. \_ Nice try but that's strike one. A good emotional plea for keeping a program around in it's original incarnation long after it does more harm than good. Care to try again? \_ Did you read the article? "When asked to explain how increased consumption, a goal of the food stamp program, negatively affects recipients or contributes to increased obesity, Besharov, who appeared reluctant to comment on his report, said only, "of course it is negative," and said the impact of is explained in his analysis." This guy's a crackpot. \_ Sorry that he couldn't turn his entire study into a nice little brainless soundbite for you. \_ I tutor kids age 5-8 who are on the school breakfast program and they are as thin as string. The school lunches may be one of the few things keeping them going. With only one exception, none are in any danger of obesity any time soon. \_ if you do anything but spend your six figure sysadmin salary on useless electronic gadgets and donate to the libertarian party, you are not qualifited to discuss politics on the motd. prepare to be deleted. and NEVER bring facts fom real life and not a web page into an arguement. \_ The article isn't talking about children but I'm glad to see you putting something back into the community even if it is only to provide a sense of superiority and not genuine charity. \_ Why not sign this post? It's to your credit. --PeterM \_ The only thing that kept me fed when I was a child was the free lunch and food stamp programs. I was still very small (5' 3" 105 lbs at 16) and probably a bit undernourished. No one in my very large famliy was obese or overfed until many years later, when some of us started making more money. -ausman \_ Ho hum... another non-article reader. I was about the same weight/height/age but had plenty of food. Some people just aren't going to be fat teens. Be glad you weren't. You'll live longer. |
2003/1/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:27246 Activity:nil |
1/30 I have PDF files with nonembedded PS fonts (CM* etc.) and I do have the fonts installed but the acroread on my OS X cannot find and display them. They are installed in the classics font folder. I have tried to link them from osx's font folders and tried pfb formats also, all to no avail. What is the solution? Ok tnx. \_ apparently there isn't one. |
2003/1/30-31 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:27247 Activity:moderate |
1/30 I would appreciate tips on subnotebooks. I need something very portable to run XP on (yes I need it for work) that I can carry around in addition to my Thinkpad X20 (FreeBSD). I absolutely want something the size of a Vaio Picturebook, but would gladly avoid buying Sony (terrible experiences with customer service.) Any ideas are appreciated. -John \_ Fujitsu P-series Lifebook? http://webshop.fujitsupc.com/fpc/Ecommerce/buildseriesbean.do?series=P2 \_ Not sure if its small enough for you but look at the toshiba portege series. Roughly 2.5 lbs without the addon junk. \_ You might want to take a look at the handhelds, if it just for running Excel, Word, etc. You have the IBM for real work. \_ You can't make the IBM dual boot? Can the picturebook run freebsd? \_ Not sure if vmware supports freebsd, but it might be an option for carrying just one notebook. \_ Thanks for all the tips--I will look at the Fujitsu, since it's the right size. I've worked with Porteges, and found them to be poorly made. I could dual-boot the Thinkpad, but I am usually using it. VMWare is pig-slow, and handheld screens are too tiny. (Have tried most of these) :) -John \_ The Fujitsus are pretty neat, have yet to see about reliability though. \_ http://cnet.com User Comments on various laptops are useful |
2003/1/30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:27248 Activity:nil |
1/30 hola, i am no expert on indian politics but this seems an interesting development. --psb http://csua.org/u/8a3 \_ Another critical foreign policy issue for the Bush administration. I have a bad feeling about this. \_ Quite an enjoyer of global politics as spectator sport, aren't you? \_ This is very kewl. Thanks, Partha! -psb #3 fan \- you know, this brings a new meaning to: --psb ### guardians of the revolution in great white satan amerikkka komiteh-owner: hojjat-al-islam-psb komiteh: payam, ali, psb, allenp, abe revolutionary-guards: komiteh ayatollah-khomeini: ali ayatollah-montazeri: payam ayatollah-beheshti: allenp hojjat-al-islam-psb: psb \_ Maybe they'll finally nuke each other and get it over with. |
2003/1/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:27249 Activity:nil |
1/29 Makes you wonder about china: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2702123.stm \_ we have been eating breast-milk-fed pigs for eons, along with other thing which I don't dare to touch myself. Eating is a cutural thing, don't look at it in any other perverted way. \_ Really? That's news to me. By "breast-milk-fed" do you mean "human-breast-milk-fed"? \_ Yes, we Chinese eat (or used to eat) all kinds of weird things: pork/cow brains, pork/chicken blood, insects, monkey brains (without killing the monkey first!), cats, dogs, rats, penes and testes, and now human breast milk. \_ I vaguely remember a story about someone in China setting up a store to "sell fresh breast milk" by letting people drink directly from the breasts. And then the place got cracked down because it was in effect a brothel. |
2003/1/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:27250 Activity:high |
1/30 Can drinking lots of milk actually make a woman's breasts bigger? Seems like this is much safer than implants and hormone treatment. Thx. \_ Only in the sense that drinking lots of milk makes you fat. \_ No. She'll just balloon up and there's nothing saying her breasts will get significantly bigger as she gets fatter. My gf's mother is a cow with A/B size tits. \_ It's also genetic. Fat accumulates in certain areas for certain people. That said, fat may increase breast size a little, but not enough to really be useful/noticable. \_ you may be thinking about those news reports suggesting that hormones in milk and meat products might contribute to the earlier onset of puberty.. no definitive evidence, but what else might explain why 8 year olds are getting racks these days? \_ who's complaining? \_ I'd go with this theory. Hormones and steroids fed to cows are probably being passed via milk in microscopic amounts which slowly accumulate to stimulate the body's own system. \_this is also a theory put forth to explain japanese teenage girls busting out beyond previous norms as well, since milk is a relatively recent introduction to the japanese diet depending on whether it's non-fat milk or not. \_ Another factor is increased protein. More amino acids to build the body with and move it faster to puberty. \_ No, I was just thinking about the protein, and maybe the fat depending on whether it's non-fat milk or not. -- OP \_ increased body fat (breasts) correlates to breast cancer. It's no surprise that countries that has high consumptions of milk and animal fat in general have very high rates of cancer. One more reason to be a vegetarian. \_ Thanks for all the info. How about for a woman that's way past puberty, like a 30-year-old? -- OP \_ Are you asking if a 30yo woman drinking milk will get bigger breasts? Ugh... How about asking if that same 30yo woman talking calcium tablets will grow taller? What do you think? \_ No, the body already has a certain level of hormones and it's tough to fool it on a small level change (ie. milk). Being pregnant will start a change. Hormone treatments will too. \_ How about getting her pregnant and having her give milk? Won't that grow the breasts? And what about that "Bloussant" stuff, which is supposed to make your breasts grow? Does it really? \_ But wouldn't the breasts return to the original size one she stops lactating? Too big a price to pay for too short of a benefit. Besides, I see pregnant women in public, and quite often they don't have big breasts. So is that just a myth? BTW is the Bloussant stuff as safe as it claims? -- OP \_ Usually it does, but mammary glands don't always shrink back to pre-pregnancy size. It's not a myth, milk is being produced in nearly all cases. How much milk depends on the mother and if she breast feeds afterwards. Plus there's some increased fat accumalation in that region. I think the Bloussant stuff is basically hormone treatment to a certain degree... (you'll have to research that) |
2003/1/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:27251 Activity:moderate |
1/30 Is there a freebsd utility that given a public_html directory can create a sitemap, either as text or html or something similar? Thanks. \_ ls public_html/*html \_ won't actually follow the links and put them in a hiearchical fashion. try again? \_ write a 5 minute perl script? \_ Try http://catb.org/~esr/sitemap . -- misha. |
2003/1/30 [Politics] UID:27252 Activity:nil |
1/30 Move over SI, here comes National Geograpics Swimsuit Edition: http://asia.cnn.com/2003/US/01/25/swimsuit.issue.ap \_ SI >> cgs!!! \_ This news is sooooo old. \_ CNN is slow. \_ I guess subscription is down and they want to boost sales. |
3/15 |